Chapter 277, his abnormality

"I didn't kill you, and that's the greatest gift I've given you! " Chi Xue glared at Cui Hao, and the scene from that night instantly surfaced in her mind.

Her eyes were red, and she gnashed her teeth, causing Cui Hao to be terrified.

"Let's talk things out nicely, let's talk things out nicely, and don't mention the word 'kill' so easily. We... are all willing... willing... we're all adults... " Cui Hao's face was filled with smiles ...

"willing? You still dare to say that you're willing? " Chi Xue pulled on Cui Hao's collar.

Cui Hao was suffocated by her. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I'm worse than a beast. I'm attracted to women. I'm not a thing. "

Chi Xue then let go slightly. Cui Hao quickly said, "you're hungry from moving things, right? I'll bring you to eat. After eating, I'll accompany you to go shopping, soak in the hot spring, and have a beauty treatment? "

Chi Xue glanced at him from the corner of her eyes before letting go of his collar.

Ahuang had been running around in the car, causing Chi Xue to be upset. She grabbed Ahuang when it jumped onto the car window.

"You want to go to the Xin family so badly? Does anyone in the Xin family like you? I picked you up from the streets. Go back to where you came from! "

Chi Xue opened the car window and threw Ahuang out.

"You threw Ahuang out just like that? " Cui Hao looked out the window with his Eyes Wide Open.

Fortunately, the car was still. Ahuang was not injured after being thrown out of the window. It seemed to have turned back to look at Cui Hao, or at Chi Xue. It meowed twice and then ran away quickly.

In a short while, Cui Hao could not see Ahuang anymore. He felt sorry for the little cat.

However, it was not a good fate to have Chi Xue as its master. Since Chi Xue did not want it, why not leave it at the Xin family home.

Cui Hao could not understand. It was too difficult to guess a woman's thoughts.

"Send me to Jinshan hot spring. I want to soak in the milk bath. " Chi Xue looked straight ahead, expressionless.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll send you there. " Cui Hao quickly started the car. He had to serve this great aunt well. When she finally understood, everything would be fine.

When the car arrived at Jinshan hot spring, Chi Xue got out of the car and walked inside. Cui Hao followed closely behind.

"YOU GO BACK! I don't need you here! " Chi Xue shouted.

In her eyes, Cui Hao was an embarrassing existence. Although he was not bad-looking, his appearance made her feel disgusted no matter how she looked at him.

When she thought of the more disgusting things that she and he had done, the feeling of wanting to die came back.

"You don't need me to use my credit card to pay for it? " Cui Hao said leisurely and took out a credit card.

"How much money do you have for me to spend? " Chi Xue looked at him with a hint of sarcasm.

"You can use as much as you want. I, Cui Hao, will take care of everything. " Cui Hao didn't have anything else, but he didn't lack money.

"Is that so? Give it to me. " Chi Xue reached out her hand.

It was a bargain delivered to her door. If she didn't take it, it would be a waste. She didn't believe that Cui Hao couldn't be played to death. If he dared to do that to her, she would dare to play with him.

"Do you want me to tell director Zhou at Jinshan hot spring? This guy has a good relationship with me. I can give you a discount. " Cui Hao smiled.

"I only need you to go back now, " Chi Xue said rudely.

Without turning back, she walked straight into the hot spring.

Although Cui Hao had a good temper, he had never received such cold looks. He was also slightly unhappy. He could not help but curse a few words in his heart. However, because of the Xin family's face, he did not dare to make Chi Xue unhappy openly.

Moreover, he was in the wrong first. If his father found out about this, he would definitely break his legs.

No matter what, the Chi family was once prominent in City A. His father was promoted by Chi Xue's father.

However, they had already given him the order to leave. If he stayed here any longer, it would be very boring. Therefore, he drove out to have fun.

After soaking in the hot spring, Chi Xue enjoyed the comfort of the spring water and the gentle sunshine. There was also a faint fragrance at the end of her nose.

The place was quiet and secluded. There was a mountain surrounded on one side, so she could enjoy the quiet and pleasant feeling.

Chi Xue soaked herself in the hot spring. Her mood was finally a little better. She closed her eyes and quietly enjoyed the time that belonged to her. No one came to disturb her.

She really wanted to sleep for a long time, but every time at this time, she would think of Du Anran. She had lived so tiredly, but she still could not get what she wanted. And why could du Anran get everything without working hard.

WAS FATE SO unfair Did she deserve it?

At this time, she thought of Xie Chenjin. She thought of Mother Xie whom she met on the road that day. She only found out afterward that it was Xie Chenjin's mother, and Du Anran seemed to have tacitly accepted her relationship with Xie Chenjin.

Ah, so it turned out that Xie Chenjin had plotted such a devious scheme because he wanted to get du Anran. He said that he would help her marry Xin Zimo and let her become the young Madam of the Xin family. It was all for his own good.

Only when she married Xin Zimo would du Anran give up on Xin Zimo.

Xie Chenjin was really cunning. Yet, she still believed him. She even thought that Xie Chenjin was doing it for her own good.

Thinking of this, she called Xie Chenjin. "President Xie, what are you busy with? "

"Miss Chi? Why are you calling me when you have the time? " Xie Chenjin had not contacted Chi Xue for a long time. He had already used up Chi Xue. If Chi Xue did not look for him, he would not look for her anymore.

"Of course, it's to congratulate President Xie. This good thing is about to happen. Do you want to treat me to a drink? "

"where did you hear such gossip? Do you believe these things? "

"You've been planning for so long and tried every means to help me marry brother Zimo. Isn't this the day you've been waiting for? Unfortunately, what you've been waiting for is just the end of the flower. "

"You'd better be more polite, " Xie Chenjin said plainly, but his tone had a hint of warning. "Isn't it just what you want for me to help you? We each get what we want. You should have understood this from the very beginning. "

"Auntie has already chosen a better daughter-in-law for brother Zimo. Miss Tang, who am I? I'm nothing, " Chi Xue mocked herself.

"I've said that I'll definitely be able to let you marry Xin Zimo. If you give up on yourself, there's nothing I can do. "

"marry brother Zimo? Ha, I won't be able to marry him for the rest of my life... How am I worthy of him... " Chi Xue's voice became lower and lower as she spoke. In the end, there was actually a lump in her throat ...

Xie Chenjin did not know that Chi Xue, who had always been as proud as a little peacock, would say something like this. In the past, whenever she mentioned Xin Zimo, her eyes would sparkle. She looked like she was determined to get him. Her eyes were filled with confidence.

Now, why did she seem like a different person?

He had not cared about Chi Xue for a long time. Of course, he did not know what had happened. However, from her tone... ...

"Are you planning to give up? " Xie Chenjin probed.

"What else can I do... " Chi Xue's tone was sorrowful again. "will he still want me? Ha... "

"What's wrong with you? " Xie Chenjin asked.

Although Chi Xue had spoken rudely just now, Xie Chenjin could still tell that she seemed to have been provoked.

"It's none of your business. " Chi Xue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Oh, since it's none of my business, I'll hang up first. "

"Wait. " Chi Xue stopped him. "Xie Chenjin, are you really going to marry Du Anran? Do you really not mind that she slept with brother Zimo? "

Xie Chenjin frowned. "Chi Xue, you'd better wake up! "

Xie Chenjin immediately hung up. After listening to Chi Xue's words, he felt inexplicably frustrated.

He threw his phone away and unbuttoned his shirt to get some air. The more he wanted to be quiet, the more agitated he became. He leaned against the Swivel Chair, closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh.

There was not a sound in the entire office. He did not know how long he had been sitting quietly.

Xie Chenjin had never been affected by a person's words or events. However, Chi Xue's words today had stirred up layers of ripples in his heart.

Chi Xue might have had ulterior motives, but he admitted that her ulterior motives had not failed.

After a long time, he still pressed the familiar number and called Du Anran.

After the call was connected, Xie Chenjin did not know what to say. He was silent for a long time.

"Hello, is this Xie Chenjin? Why isn't he talking... " Du Anran was about to go out for a walk when she received Xie Chenjin's call. However, she could not hear his voice. She thought that he had dialed the wrong number.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... ...

Xie Chenjin still did not know what to say. He remained silent. Du Anran looked at the screen curiously. He did not hang up. How could there be no voice.

"Why aren't you talking? Is there something you want to talk to me about? " Du Anran asked again.

Xie Chenjin suppressed his voice and slowly said, "where are you? "

"I'm at home. " Du Anran did not hear anything. As she prepared her things, she said to Xie Chenjin.

"We... when did we get the certificate? " Xie Chenjin's tone was very indifferent. One could not tell his emotions, but if one listened carefully, they would definitely be able to hear the choking in his voice ...

However, Du Anran happened to be the one who did not pay attention. She tidied up her bag and asked, "what certificate? "

"marriage certificate. "

"Ah? We need to get the fake certificate so soon. Did auntie find out or did uncle rush us? " Du Anran asked.

"I can't get the fake certificate. We'll get the real one, " Xie Chenjin said calmly.

"Nowadays, the counterfeiting technology is so high that even eggs can be made. It won't be impossible to get the fake certificate... " Du Anran felt that Xie Chenjin was a little abnormal today. Why would he suddenly mention the issue of getting the certificate? Could it be that the Xie family was very anxious?

"Have you never planned to get the certificate with me? " Xie Chenjin's voice was sorrowful, like the sound of a glacier breaking in winter, sorrowful and frustrated.

"I... " Du Anran saw that Xie Chenjin was abnormal. Didn't they agree that if he helped her, she would also help him within her capabilities.

"Don't answer me. " Xie Chenjin did not wait for du Anran to speak and stopped her.

"Xie Chenjin, is your family... pressing you? If they really pressed you, it shouldn't be a problem to get a fake certificate... "

Xie Chenjin's hand that was holding the phone had already hung down. Du Anran's voice was still coming from the phone, just like before. However, his heart sank bit by bit until it sank into the ocean and was buried in the darkness.

"Hey, Xie Chenjin, why aren't you saying anything? Hey... "

Du Anran really felt that Xie Chenjin was very abnormal today. What was wrong with him... ...