Chapter 278, abort the child

However, Xie Chenjin did not speak again, nor did he hang up the phone. He just let du Anran call his name on the other end of the phone.

Du Anran could not hear his response, so she could only hang up the phone. She could not figure it out.

Forget it. It was said that women's thoughts were hard to guess, and men's thoughts were equally hard to guess. Xie Chenjin and Xin Zimo were the same. They insisted on pretending to be secretive. She did not know if they were tired of pretending every day.

Du Anran carried her bag and planned to go to the hospital. It had been a few days since she last went. She wanted to see the child.

The feeling of vomiting had improved a lot over the past few days. She tried her best to cover it up. Fortunately, no one discovered it. She did not know how much longer she could hide it. She did not know if she could keep it a secret anymore.

Should she make a decision as soon as possible? Should she take the child or not... ...

Her hand could not help but touch her abdomen. There was no sign of the child yet, but she seemed to be able to feel his temperature and heartbeat.

This little life had been with her for so long, and she liked it very much... ...

She wanted to know what this child looked like. Was it more like her or more like Xin Zimo?

Suddenly, her eyes welled up. No, she could not have this child... ...

If someone knew about this child's existence, they would definitely use it to blackmail Xin Zimo. Taking a step back, mother Xin would definitely not recognize this child. This child's identity could only be an illegitimate child... ...

Rather than let this child be born to suffer pain, then she would not let him come into this world.

She just could not bear to be ruthless. It was her first time being pregnant and the first time she felt the happiness of being a mother. While there was still time, she would let this child stay in her stomach for a few more days... ...

When she arrived at the hospital, it was still the same doctor from before. It was probably because Du Anran was very beautiful that the doctor remembered her and stared at her a few times.

"Did you come alone again? " Although the doctor felt that this woman might be a mistress, he still showed a smile on his face.

"Yes, you still remember me. " Du Anran also smiled.

"I remember, I remember. Miss Du, you are very beautiful. You can be remembered with just one look. " The female doctor smiled. "Why didn't you ask your husband to come with you? "

"Oh, he is busy. " Du Anran smiled.

"No matter how busy he is, he still has to find time to accompany you to see the baby. He is really an incompetent father. "

"Next time... next time, I will ask him to come again. "

The doctor asked Du Anran some simple questions and chatted with her for a while.

"What does your husband do? Why is he so busy How can a big event like his wife being pregnant be compared to a small thing like work? You have to teach him a lesson when you get home. A woman can only enjoy the feeling of being a queen when she's pregnant."

The female doctor saw the guilty look on du Anran's face and became even more determined.

"I will pass on your words to him, " Du Anran said with a smile.

"Go and do some routine examinations! " The female doctor wrote on the paper.

"Okay. " Du Anran left the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology with the test results.

Hospitals usually had a huge flow of people. Moreover, this was a city hospital. A project required a long queue. Du Anran looked at the few projects on the routine check-ups. She calculated that she would not be able to complete them in two hours.

"honey, take the test results. Take it well. Don't throw it away. GO AND QUEUE! " A pregnant woman with a big belly said as she held a man's arm.

"Yes, yes, yes. " The man smiled happily and took the test papers from the pregnant woman. "Let me help you to sit down. "

"okay, remember to take a good look. You can't be careless in such things, " the pregnant woman said.

"I know. Your husband is not such a careless person. You and the baby sit quietly. Do you want some water? Are you hungry? I brought snacks. "

"You can't just eat randomly, have you forgotten? Yesterday, didn't you check the books and say what pregnant women can and can't eat... "

"bread. I'll fill your stomach. I'm afraid that you'll be bored here, " the man said as he took out some food from his bag.

"Hurry up and queue up. Otherwise, you'll be late again. "

"okay, okay, okay. If you're bored, find someone to talk to. Don't play with your phone. It's not good for your eyes. It'll also affect your baby. "

"I know, I know, I know... "

The pregnant woman and the man waved their hands, and the man took a pile of lists and went to queue up.

If it was in the past, du Anran would have thought that this couple was too clingy. But today, it seemed that they had a different feeling.

Seeing that the pregnant women in the obstetrics and gynecology department were accompanied by their families, her eyes were filled with bitterness. She did not have anyone to accompany her. She did not even dare to tell anyone about her pregnancy, not even Liu Wanwan.

If the person she loved was not Xin Zimo, not the CEO of the Xin Group, then she would not have to be so tired... ...

Du Anran obediently went to line up. Looking at the long line and smelling the unpleasant smell of the medicine, du Anran frowned, but in the end, she swallowed her tears.

The line made du Anran lose all her thoughts. When she finally finished all the tests, her legs were already sore and painful.

"Doctor, help me take a look. Is this child very healthy? " Du Anran put everything on the female doctor's table.

"Yes, there's no problem. Your body is also very healthy. " The female doctor looked carefully.

"thank you, Doctor. I. . . Can I ask a question... " Du Anran felt a little guilty and lowered her voice ...

"Go ahead, ask whatever you want. Tell me everything you know, " the female doctor said.

"If... I mean if... I don't want this child... How long will it take to abort... it's more suitable... " Du Anran bit her lip and stuttered, not daring to look the doctor in the eye.

The female doctor probably expected that she would finally ask this question. She shook her head slightly and seemed to sigh. "The baby is very healthy. We don't recommend abort it. This is also a small life. "

"No, I'm just asking... If... " Du Anran lowered her head ...

"As doctors, of course, we hope that every mother can treat a small life seriously. We don't want to see this kind of irresponsible attitude. If you don't want it, don't do anything wrong in the first place. " The female doctor's words were a little fierce.

"I... I have my difficulties... " Du Anran bit her lip ...

"every mother who comes here to want to get rid of the child says so. In fact, they are just looking for excuses for themselves. What difficulties can be compared to a life? "

"Doctor... I just want to ask if you can tell me... "

"The best time is within seventy days, " the female doctor said lightly.

"thank you, Doctor. " Du Anran could not hide the pain in her heart.

"I advise you to think about it carefully. It's best to discuss it with your family. Don't make decisions on your own. After all, the child is not your own business. Especially your husband. It's best to listen to his opinion. "There's nothing wrong with this child. It's very healthy. From a doctor's point of view, I advise you to consider it carefully before making a decision. "

"I understand. Thank you, Doctor. I'll consider it seriously. "

"It's best if you can consider it seriously. " The female doctor glanced at her.

Du Anran bit her lip and nodded. If she did not care, she would not have considered it for so long. She really cared. Only she herself knew how much she liked this child and how much she could not bear to part with it.

"If you want to abort this child, not only do you have to be physically prepared, you also have to be mentally prepared. I hope that you won't regret it when you enter the operating theater. "I've seen too many cases like this. Some of them regret it before they even leave the operating theater. At that time, it's useless even if you cry. "

"I know. " Du Anran nodded, but she still did not dare to raise her head. It was as if she felt that she had let the child down the moment she saw the doctor.

"It's good that you know. Although the medical standards are advanced now, a miscarriage will definitely cause different degrees of damage to the body. You just have to think about it carefully. "

"Hmm... I'll think about it carefully. "

"Alright, do you have any other questions? " The female doctor asked.

Du Anran shook her head. "No more... "

She picked up the laboratory report, the medical records, and some medicines on the table and put them all into her handbag.

She had once fantasized about whether her first child would be very cute and beautiful, but she had never thought that she would want to abort her child.

This was a cruel choice, but time waited for no man. She had to think about it as soon as possible.

Du Anran walked up the hospital stairs in a daze, from the fifth floor to the first floor. Along the way, the smell of all kinds of medicine was still pungent.

She thought of Xin Zimo. He still did not know about the existence of this child. She thought of the first time he saw the birth control pills in her bag, and the look in his eyes was as if he wanted to kill her... ...

What about now? If she aborted this child, would he still have such a big reaction if he found out about it in the future?

He had already said that he would not marry her. Even if he was angry and said it, she knew that she would not marry him. The distance between them was not just thousands of miles... ...

He would not have such a big reaction, right? If he wanted to marry Tang Nuanyan or another girl as his wife, then her child would be a hindrance and would destroy his family... ...

She did not want her child to be born without any status, to be looked down upon, and to be unable to raise his head with the reputation of an illegitimate child for the rest of his life.

She had seen too many examples like this. How could such a child be happy. Just like Xiao Qingqing, there were more or less psychological problems.

Du Anran went down the stairs one step at a time. She could no longer hear the clamor of the people around her. The words of the doctor and the words of Xin Zimo kept repeating in her mind.

He liked children. During that period of time, he often joked with her to have a son for him so that he could inherit his family business.

However... ... If the name was not legitimate, it was better not to have this child ...

In the future, his wife would definitely give birth to a very cute child for him. It was only a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Du Anran seemed to have made up her mind. Her footsteps suddenly stopped.