Chapter 280, calling her name

"If you want to spend more time with Chenjin, I don't have any objections. However, I can tell that Chenjin likes you very much. As long as you don't have any other thoughts, Chenjin won't take the initiative to reject you. "

Mother Xie glanced at Du Anran, her eyes full of sincerity.

Du Anran was stunned again. Perhaps mother Xie had never been in a relationship Or was mother Xie too ignorant of her son?

How could Xie Chenjin like her? In Xie Chenjin's heart, there was no such word as "love. ".

However, in order not to hurt mother Xie, Du Anran still nodded. "I will get along well with Chenjin. It's just that... we probably haven't reached the stage of being engaged yet... "

"Our Xie family is patient. We can wait for you to be ready. I think Chenjin is also willing. "

The car drove past a few intersections. Du Anran recognized that this was the road to Xie Chenjin's small apartment.

Sure enough, when mother Xie brought Du Anran into the house, Xie Chenjin was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. It was quiet. His face was still red from the fever, and he looked exhausted.

"He's asleep. " Mother Xie sighed again.

Mother Xie closed the door of the room, and there was a doctor and a nanny in the living room.

"Madam, it's not a big deal. I just dropped a bottle of IV DRIP for young master. When he wakes up, his fever will go down, " the doctor said.

"thank you so much for making you come here in such a heavy rain, " mother Xie said.

"You're too kind, madam. This is my duty, " the doctor said.

"Auntie, I'll stay here and take care of Chenjin, " Du Anran took the initiative.

It was only natural for her to take care of Xie Chenjin. Xie Chenjin had helped her a lot. Although he and Xin Zimo were sworn enemies, he had never done anything excessive to her.

"I'm relieved to have you here. I think Chenjin really wants to see you the first time he wakes up. " Mother Xie held du Anran's hand.

"Well, don't worry, Auntie, " Du Anran said.

"I'll sit with you for a while. Later in the evening, I still have to go to commander Tang and his wife's wedding anniversary celebration. I can't turn it down. But today's Day is really good. The Rain Is... " Mother Xie said.

Upon hearing commander Tang's three words, du Anran became slightly sensitive. However, she immediately stopped her expression.

"Auntie, be careful on the road. It's raining and the road is slippery. "

"It's fine. I'm afraid that I'll be in caoying and my heart will be in the Han. Chenjin is so sick, I still have to go to some celebration. " Mother Xie was helpless.

"Chenjin will understand. Besides, Chenjin will be fine here. I can take good care of him. "

Mother Xie nodded. Obviously, with Du Anran here, she was much more at ease.

The heavy rain had been pouring for an entire day, but it did not stop in the evening. The rain could not stop, so mother Xie had no choice but to leave.

Du Anran sent mother Xie downstairs. She watched as Mother Xie's car drove out of the neighborhood before she turned around and went upstairs.

The nanny was cooking in the kitchen. The doctor sat for a while, then went to the room to see Xie Chenjin. When he saw that there were no problems, he left.

Du Anran did not know if Xie Chenjin had woken up. She was afraid of waking him up, so she helped the nanny cook dinner in the kitchen.

"Miss Du, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it, " the nanny said.

"No need, I'll just eat something. You can make something light and delicious for Mr. Xie. " Du Anran smiled slightly.

"I've already made Mr. Xie's dinner. He can't eat anything too oily and spicy, so it's very easy to make. But Miss Du, you definitely can't eat lotus seed Porridge. You'll be hungry at night. "

"It's good to eat less at night. Don't worry, I'll eat lotus seed porridge too! " Du Anran said.

Du Anran and the nanny chatted, cooked dinner, and helped Xie Chenjin clean up the house.

Du Anran saw that Xie Chenjin's life was quite messy. He was meticulous and elegant outside, but the house was in a mess.

It had been a long time since she last came to this small apartment. The last time she came was when Xie Chenjin celebrated his birthday. The scene of that night was still vivid in her mind. In the blink of an eye, it was already spring.

When it was about six or seven o'clock, Du Anran felt that it was time to wake Xie Chenjin up, so she took a bowl of red date and Lotus seed porridge to the room.

She did not know if Xie Chenjin had slept peacefully for a long time, but he was still sleeping soundly. He slept very soundly and did not move at all.

Du anran placed the porridge on the table and walked quietly to Xie Chenjin's bedside.

"Xie Chenjin, Xie Chenjin... " she called his name.

But there was no reaction. Du Anran sighed slightly.

After a while, when Du Anran lowered her head again to wake up Xie Chenjin, she heard Xie Chenjin mutter a few words in a low voice.

She could not hear what he was saying clearly. It seemed like he was talking in his sleep.

"ANRAN... ANRAN... "

But this time, du Anran heard him clearly. He was calling her name... ...

A look of surprise appeared on Du Anran's face. He... ... Rarely called her name like that ... perhaps she could not believe what she said in her dream. These inexplicable feelings lingered in her heart for a while before they dispersed like the wind ...

"Xie Chenjin, get up. Let's eat dinner... " Du Anran's voice was very gentle. She even touched Xie Chenjin's arm.

Xie Chenjin was woken up by her. He frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Why are you here? " He glanced at Du Anran and heard the sound of the rain outside the window.

"Auntie said that you were sick, so I came over, " Du Anran told him the truth.

"Oh... " Xie Chenjin did not have much expression on his face. He only frowned slightly, which was hard to notice.

"Are you feeling better? Eat something. I think you're starving too. " Du Anran got up and went to get the porridge.

Xie Chenjin did not refuse, but he did not extend his hand either. He just looked at her.

Du Anran was helpless and had to pick up a spoon to feed him.

"I didn't expect you to get sick too. You usually look like you're unyielding. In fact, when you get sick, you're no different from an ordinary person. You can't even withstand a single blow. " Du Anran laughed.

"I'm not Superman. Why can't I get sick? "

"Oh, that's right. You're still afraid of bugs. " Du Anran recalled the funny story about Xie Chenjin that Jin Shaonan had told her and could not help but laugh.

"Who told you that? " Xie Chenjin asked. However, he immediately remembered, "it must be that traitor Jin Shaonan... "

"It's not shameful to be afraid of bugs. However, I can't get in touch with you at all, young master Xie. " Du Anran could not help but laugh.

"It was a long time ago. I'm not afraid of bugs anymore. " Xie Chenjin also laughed.

"Xie Chenjin... I want to tell you something... " Du Anran hesitated for a long time before she finally spoke ...

"What is it? " Xie Chenjin asked directly.

"You were also urging me to get a certificate last time. How about we go to get a fake certificate in a few days, and then... can you send me abroad? I... Don't want to go back to city a, " Du Anran said slowly.

"Don't want to go back to city a? " Xie Chenjin was not a fool. He had noticed something from the moment du Anran broke up with Xin Zimo, and now it was clearer.

"Well... " Du Anran lowered her head and stirred the porridge in the bowl with a spoon.

"Then why don't you get a real marriage certificate? " Xie Chenjin looked at her.

"It will delay you. You will get married in the future... "

"I'm not afraid of delay. " Xie Chenjin blurted out without thinking.

Du Anran was stunned and looked up at him.

She never thought that this man called Xie chenjin would say such words. Did she never see through him, or did he hide it too well?

Why couldn't she see through everyone around her? Was She too stupid?

"We... said from the beginning that it was fake... " after a long silence, Du Anran still said ...

"I knew you wouldn't want to. " Xie Chenjin smiled bitterly as if he was mocking himself. What fake was just an excuse.

"The porridge is getting cold. " Du Anran lowered her head.

"If you really don't want to get married, then the wedding should be more realistic. You know, my parents have always wanted me to get married early. I'm too lazy to deal with it, so I'll leave it all to you. After dealing with it, we'll go our separate ways in the future. "

Xie Chenjin's tone was very calm, but there was an inexplicable piercing pain in his chest.

"HMM... I'll do my best. Can You promise me that after I help you deal with it, you'll send me overseas and don't let anyone know, " Du Anran said ...

She believed that with Xie Chenjin's ability, he would definitely be able to do it.

There was silence. There was only the sound of the rain outside the window. From time to time, it would knock on the window, splashing pearl-like water droplets.

"okay... " when Xie Chenjin finally said this word in a deep voice, du Anran finally relaxed.

They had known each other since the beginning, and it was along with the transaction. She did not expect that, along the way, although they still ended up with the transaction, more or less, they were still friends.

The rain at night was still very heavy. From the window, one could see a white mist.

Du Anran could not go back, so she had to stay in Xie Chenjin's apartment for the night. Fortunately, his apartment was not small and there were many rooms.

The nanny did not leave and helped to tidy up. Du Anran chatted with Xie Chenjin for a while and then went to help the nanny.

At the Tang family's villa.

Due to the heavy rain, the banquet that was supposed to be held outside the venue was changed to the venue. However, the heavy rain did not affect the enthusiasm of the crowd in the slightest. Under the colorful lights, it was a lively and harmonious scene.

Xin Zimo did not like this kind of banquet, but he had a lot of social engagements recently, so he could not turn it down.

When his mother came over, she pulled him over as well. His mother was still as graceful and generous as ever. In the past, she would bring Chi Xue to such banquets, but after the incident last time, Chi Xue moved out of the Xin family, and she no longer had any contact with Chi Xue.

Xin Zimo didn't see any guilt on his mother's face. Probably in his mother's words, she hadn't done anything wrong to Chi Xue. The Cui family was also a prestigious family, and Chi Xue's marriage to them was no worse than marrying into the Xin family.

Xin zimo sneered. His mother was always so stubborn, using her own ideas to figure out everyone's ideas.