Chapter 281, I don't want to

Xin Zimo could have chosen not to come to the banquet tonight, but he knew that if he could see commander Tang tonight, there were some things that he should consult commander Tang about.

Commander Tang rarely appeared in public. It seemed that meeting commander Tang was more difficult than ascending to the heavens.

Today's wedding anniversary celebration was no less grand than the wedding ceremony of the couple.

Madam Tang was a person who loved to be lively. She especially liked to make friends. She was also very popular in City A. This was a little different from her daughter, Tang Nuanyan. Compared to Mrs. Tang, Tang Nuanyan was much quieter.

Ever since Tang nuanyan returned from abroad, Mrs. Tang had been helping Tang nuanyan look for all sorts of boyfriends. However, the last time Tang Nuanyan saw Xin Zimo, she was completely unwilling to see anyone else.

Mrs. Tang was still very satisfied with Xin Zimo. However, she was a little displeased after hearing all sorts of gossip about Xin Zimo. She only had one precious daughter, and she was afraid that someone would mistreat Nuanyan in the future.

Therefore, it just so happened that commander Tang was free tonight. Madam Tang wanted to make use of this rare opportunity to let commander Tang interact with Xin Zimo more. After all, her husband knew many people, and his eyes were more accurate.

Just like that, Madam Tang took the initiative to let commander Tang and Xin Zimo interact more. Xin Zimo was also very willing to discuss some issues with Commander Tang.

"Commander Tang, I have a few issues that I want to discuss with Commander Tang. I wonder if commander Tang would be willing to oblige? " Xin zimo walked up to Commander Tang.

Commander Tang had already sat at the side with his eyes closed, listening to the piano music. He had left all the social matters to his wife. He was very happy and carefree.

"Zimo, sit. I was just about to look for you, " commander Tang said as he looked at Xin Zimo.

Commander Tang was very busy with his work. He was even away from home all year round. The orders from his superiors were that he had to leave city a at any moment. Today's wedding ceremony was still too busy for him to take a break. As soon as he returned, he heard from his wife that his daughter was getting along with Xin Zimo, the CEO of the Xin Corporation.

He only had one daughter, and she had always been raised like a pearl in his hands. As a father, he naturally had to pay attention to such a big matter of love and marriage.

Commander Tang and Xin Zimo's conversation could not avoid Tang Nuanyan. Every time, Xin Zimo cleverly avoided her every time.

Although he had already made up his mind to try it out with Tang Nuanyan, and if it was suitable, then he would just get married. But every time he thought of this, another figure would inevitably appear in his mind.

That woman did not want him anymore, but he was still thinking of her.

"Zimo, I will respect all of Nuanyan's decisions, but as a father, I only hope that she can be happy, " commander Tang said after chatting with Xin Zimo for a while.

"I understand what you mean, commander. If I get married, I will definitely take on the responsibility of being a husband, " Xin Zimo said lightly.

"I don't know anything about Your Business, and I'm not a businessman, but I understand one thing. Relationships can't be a business, and marriage can't be child's play, " commander Tang said with a serious face.

Xin zimo nodded. He understood commander Tang's meaning perfectly.

After chatting for a while, commander Tang stopped talking about Tang Nuanyan. Instead, he started talking to Xin Zimo about some changes that had happened in city a in recent years.

Xin Zimo knew that someone like commander Tang who could sit in the position of commander in the political world was definitely not someone to be trifled with. The seemingly ordinary conversation was actually filled with countless probing questions.

After understanding this, Xin Zimo was always able to avoid some traps and "happily" talk to commander Tang.

The Piano music that was like a gentle breeze sounded slowly. When the conversation reached a certain point, Xin Zimo also threw out his own question. "Commander Tang, I want to talk to you about our Mayor Jin... "

Commander Tang raised his head and saw Xin zimo's slightly smiling face.

The celebration went on very happily. Mother Xin and Madam Tang also chatted very happily.

Tang Nuanyan had just been discharged from the hospital due to a minor illness a few days ago, so she did not stay for long before she went back to rest.

The entanglement between men in the business and political worlds would not affect the interactions between women in the slightest.

Although the Xin and Xie families were arch-enemies, mother Xin and Mother Xie did not hold back when they talked about jade and jade when they got together.

"Madam Xie, the wax on your hand is so beautiful. It's perfect for your jade-colored evening gown, " said Mother Xin.

Madam Tang also praised repeatedly, "Madam Xie has a good eye. She's an expert in this area. I heard that the WAX Nourishes Qi. It's just that I don't know anything about these things. When I'm free, I'll ask Madam Xie to pick a bunch for me. "

Madam Xie raised her arm and smiled, "this bunch was picked by Chenjin's girlfriend. She likes this style. She wouldn't accept it even if I gave it to her. I'll buy it for myself. "

"Does Chenjin have a girlfriend? " A Madam asked.

"They're still discussing. It's up to them to decide if they can get along well or not. " Madam Xie smiled.

A few madam's expressions revealed their disappointment. Xie Chenjin and the others were also quite optimistic. Naturally, they had long been listed as candidates for a son-in-law. After hearing what Madam Xie said, they were afraid that there was no hope.

"We don't need to worry too much about matters between children. When we get married, we just need to prepare the red packets! " Madam Tang was quite open-minded and said with a smile.

"right. This kind of thing still depends on fate, " some madams immediately said.

"But we can't not worry about it. That daughter of mine is very stubborn. She's already twenty-six years old, and she still doesn't want to fall in love. What do you think? She's still young. Do you think I should worry about it? " One of the madams sighed.

"your daughter is like a fairy. Are you afraid that she won't be able to marry? " Immediately, someone laughed.

When all the ladies gathered together, other than clothes, jewelry, and skin care products, the ones that they talked about the most were all their children.

Birds of a feather flock together. The children that could gather together were all around the same age.

"Mrs. Tang, the media reported that Nuan Yan and Zimo attended a certain project auction last time. Are they talking about it? " Some of the ladies thought of this question.

Mrs. Tang did not avoid it and smiled. "I don't care about Nuan Yan's matters. She knows what she's doing. "

The ladies sighed again. "Nuanyan is a good girl. We've always wondered if we would be blessed enough to be her mother-in-law. We didn't expect Madam Xin to get ahead of us. "

"please don't laugh at us. Perhaps this is fate? " Mother Xin laughed.

"Nuanyan and Zimo are really a good match. When the two of them were dancing together just now, even I was envious and jealous, " a lady said.

These words caused everyone to burst into laughter. Madam Tang even patted her hand. "When did you learn how to follow the fashion and how to be envious and jealous? "

"By the way, Mrs. Xie, where is Chen Jin's girlfriend from? Is She from city a? " Mrs. Tang turned around and asked Mrs. Xie.

"Yes, she's from City A. Chen Jin likes her very much. I think he likes her quite a lot too, " Mrs. Xie said with a smile.

Mrs. Xie knew that Du Anran's family background could not be compared to anyone else's, but she did not feel ashamed at all.

She had always hoped that Chen Jin could be happy, and the most fundamental definition of happiness was to wake up every day and see the people in love until their hair turned white.

Every day, every minute, every second, was happiness.

Mother Xie had positioned herself as an idealist. Even though she was already in her twilight years, she still did not change her original intentions.

Many people said that it was not realistic for her to live, but the reality was that she would live her whole life. Even if it was not realistic, she would still live her whole life. Why would she have to make things difficult for herself to change.

"which family's miss is she from? Have we all met her before? " Mrs. Tang was quite curious and could not help but ask.

"You may have met her. She is the daughter of Shi he, Miss Du. " Mrs. Xie had a faint smile on her face.

If du Anran was going to marry Chenjin one day, then why should she hide it.

On the other hand, Mother Xin's face darkened. Du Anran?

The others who knew about Du Anran also whispered to each other. Madam Tang only found out about du Anran after Tang Nuanyan and Xin Zimo met. Du Anran was Xin Zimo's ex-girlfriend, the kind that almost got married.

"Du Anran? " Good, good. I heard that Miss Du came back from studying in Germany back then. She's from a noble family. Although her Mother didn't interact with us much in the past, I heard that she's also a very good violinist "She's from a scholarly family. Miss Du must be very outstanding. " A lady took into consideration everyone's reputation She quickly said.

However, the ladies were already used to such messy matters. After chatting for a while, they changed the topic to raising pets.

The women's topics were all flying and unrestrained. Nothing could affect their mood.

Xin Zimo, who was originally chatting with Commander Tang about Jinhai, was extremely sensitive when he heard du Anran's name.

Despite the noise in the hall, this name always jumped into his ears without missing anything.

He frowned and was slightly distracted. Madam Xie had said that Du Anran was Xie Chenjin's girlfriend in public. Did that mean that Du Anran was about to marry into the Xie family?

It was said that women were suspicious, and men were the same. This du Anran had abandoned him and won the hearts of others so quickly. What right did she have... ...

He was jealous when he thought of how she had risked everything to go into the water to look for the brooch that day.

"Zimo, what files do you want from Jin Haiguo? " Commander Tang asked.

Xin Zimo was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses. "I don't need any files from him, I just need some evidence... "

The entire celebration went smoothly, but when the celebration ended, the rain was still falling.

Madam Tang sent the wives out, and Xin Zimo and commander Tang were almost done chatting. This trip was not a loss.

If the Xin family wanted to take root in city a, not only did they have to establish themselves in the business world, but they also had to be well-connected in the political world. Obviously, the existence of Jin Haiguo had threatened the further development of the Xin family. He had to get rid of this obstacle in the political world at the same time as he resolved the business crisis of the Xin family.

He had been unhappy when Jin Haiguo interfered with the Golden Plate Garden Project, but he had been silently enduring it.

He had never touched the Jin family before because he was afraid that Du Anran would be sad. Now, he had nothing to worry about. He was afraid that she would be sad, but she had always been the most fatal blow to him.

"Come visit often in the future. " Mrs. Tang was still reluctant to part with the rest of the people.

Today, during the anniversary celebration, Commander Tang gave Mrs. Tang a beautiful diamond ring. With a wave of Mrs. Tang's hand, the diamond ring emitted a bright light under the light.