Chapter 282, get down from the car

"Of course, Mrs. Tang. We have an appointment to go to the jewelry city tomorrow. I will also pick out a beautiful diamond ring for myself, " Mrs. Tang said with a smile.

"Okay, okay. I will definitely accompany you. " Mrs. Tang also smiled.

Xin Zimo's driver was already waiting outside. After Xin Zimo got into the car, he looked at the pouring rain alone.

The car was very warm, but he only felt a chill all over his body.

This cold and sorrowful feeling had been following him ever since Du Anran left him. It did not disappear for a moment.

He had always felt that he was so powerful that nothing could defeat him. Yet, he had ended up in the hands of this little woman.

His longing for her was especially long and torturous on such a rainy day.

He leaned against the back seat and closed his eyes. The sound of the rain filled his ears.

"Old Zhan, what do you think is the best way to forget someone? " Xin Zimo asked abruptly.

The chauffeur let out an "ah" and thought for a moment. He slowly said, "never to see each other again? "

Never see each other again Xin Zimo fell into deep thought... ...

After saying goodbye to the ladies, Xin Zimo's mother also got into the car. When the driver saw that she had returned, he started the car and drove into the rain.

"The rain is really heavy. Luckily, it didn't affect the celebration. This Madam Lu's words are really funny. Everyone was really amused by her tonight. Their stomachs hurt from laughing, " Xin Zimo's mother said to Xin Zimo "There's also that little miss from Madam Chen's family. That girl is only four years old. Her words are really clever. She really makes people love her. "

Xin zimo listened to his mother's nagging, but he closed his eyes and did not say a word.

"Zimo, I don't care what reason you have to give me. By the end of next year at the latest, I want to have a grandson. A granddaughter is not bad either. " Mother Xin was giving Xin Zimo a final ultimatum. She could no longer bear Xin Zimo's constant delay.

Xin Zimo just did not speak. He had heard enough of this kind of question.

When the car drove into the Xin family's villa, mother XIN got out of the car first, but Xin Zimo was still sitting in the car motionlessly.

"Madam, YOU'RE BACK! " Mother Xu hurriedly came out to welcome him.

"Zimo, are you not planning to stay at home again? I can't control you anymore. Maybe one day when I'm seriously ill and have no strength, you'll come home to see me! " Xin zimo's mother sighed.

"Madam, what are you saying? You're in such good health, you can't just say anything, " mother Xu said.

"It's not that I'm ruthless, it's that you're more ruthless than me, " Xin Zimo said indifferently and closed the car door.

"Zimo, you! " Xin zimo's mother was extremely angry.

"Old Zhan, drive, " Xin Zimo said flatly.

"Yes, Mr. Xin. " The driver did not dare to stay any longer. He turned the steering wheel and drove out of the Xin family's villa.

"Madam, don't be angry with young master. Young master probably only said that casually because things did not go well with the company. " Mother Xu quickly comforted mother Xin.

Mother Xin was so angry that she did not even turn her head. She walked straight home. The moment she entered the door, she threw the bag in her hand onto the SOFA.

"Who am I doing all of this for? Isn't it all for his own good? He's already such an adult, he's not sensible at all. What's the use of having a High Iq? His Eq is even lower than a five-year-old child! " Mother Xin said angrily.

"young master was just confused for a moment. After a while, he'll know that you're doing this for his own good, " mother Xu said as she took the coat from mother Xin's hands.

In fact, mother Xu was also confused about the recent events, but she knew that it was definitely not wrong to go along with the flow.

"What do you think he's thinking about? Is he still thinking about that woman called Du Anran? " Mother Xin frowned.

"It can't be... " mother Xu said, "how could du Anran be worthy of young master? She should know herself well! "

"I hope not, but I really can't do anything to him now. "

"Don't be anxious. Young master will figure it out on his own after a long time. Take your time. "

"Do you think I should ask around and see if that Du Anran is still pestering Zimo? " Mother Xin looked worried.

"This... isn't good. What if young master finds out... " mother Xu wanted to say something but hesitated ...

"No, I'm worried. What if she still pesters Zimo? I have to think of a way to get rid of her and let her break all her thoughts. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep well. "

"Madam, it's better not to. Let Nature take its course. This will only make young master feel uncomfortable... "

Mother Xin understood what mother Xu meant, but she just couldn't be at ease. She thought for a moment, and countless possibilities surfaced in her mind.

After Xin Zimo left the Xin family, he didn't ask the driver to immediately return to his villa. Instead, he changed directions and went to the DU residence.

The rain was very heavy. The windshield wipers kept scratching the rain on the glass, but it was useless.

"Mr. Xin, the rain is too heavy. " The driver couldn't help but sigh.

This was the first rainstorm since spring. It was almost as heavy as the summer rain.

"Is summer coming soon... " Xin Zimo said softly.

"It's still early. It's only early spring. However, the time will pass in the blink of an eye. A few more blinks and it will be summer! " The driver said with a smile.

Is it almost summer again?

Xin Zimo closed his eyes and remained silent.

It was already twelve o'clock at night. In addition to the rainstorm, there were few pedestrians on the road. Only cars whistled past.

After a few traffic lights, the cars stopped at the door of the DU residence.

The iron door was still locked, and the entire villa was immersed in the vast rain, fog, and darkness. If it were not for the lush trees in the villa, Xin zimo would have thought that the villa was unoccupied... ...

Suddenly, a sense of fear struck him. He was afraid that one day, he would see an empty villa with nothing.

Thinking of this, he took out his phone and dialed the familiar number.

It was said that women were the most insecure, but it turned out that he was also afraid of losing it.

Du Anran was still awake. It was probably because the rain was too heavy outside. Even if she closed the window, she could still hear the sound of the rain.

In the rain, she tossed and turned. She could not fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. Moreover, this was Xie Chenjin's apartment, so she could not fall asleep even more.

However, she did not expect Xin Zimo to call her.

She did not expect Xin Zimo to be so stubborn. Why did he not understand that they were not suitable to be together. She was his burden, and would only bring him endless trouble.

Everyone did not think highly of them, including herself.

She let her phone ring several times, but she did not pick up.

Xin Zimo thought that she was asleep, so he did not call again. He only glanced at his phone by chance and saw an unread text message. The text message was sent when he was still at the Tang family's celebration.

"brother Zimo, when you went to the party, Du Anran was spending the night with another man in the small apartment. This is the woman you miss so much. Brother Zimo, this feeling is not good, right? Just like me. "

Xin zimo frowned. It was Chi Xue... ... What was she thinking ! !

"Mr. Xin, are we going to the villa on Huxin Island? " The driver saw that Xin Zimo had not spoken for a long time, so he took the initiative to ask.

Xin zimo admitted that Chi Xue's text message made him feel very uncomfortable.

He did not speak, but dialed du Anran's number again.

Du Anran looked at the name that was jumping on the phone. She just looked at it and did not have any reaction.

If du Anran did not pick up, she would call again and again. Du Anran knew that hiding would not solve the problem. If she did not pick up today, he would call again tomorrow.

"where are you? " Xin zimo blurted out as soon as du Anran picked up the phone.

"I'm sleeping... "

"I asked where you are? " Xin Zimo raised his voice, scaring the driver.

"I'm at home. Is there a problem? " Du Anran asked.

"Home? Then turn on the lights. I'm downstairs. "

Du Anran did not know why Xin Zimo went to her house again. She could not hide it and could only say, "I'm at Xie Chenjin's place. Why do you care so much about me! "

Xin Zimo's heart suddenly jumped, and his eyes turned cold. "On the bed? "

"We don't have a relationship anymore. Why are you so difficult to deal with... "

"get down from there, or I'll go up directly. " Xin zimo's tone was very calm, but it was still the same, not allowing the slightest bit of resistance.

Xin Zimo directly hung up the phone and ordered the chauffeur to go to Xie Chenjin's apartment building.

He was holding back his anger. She could not wait to move in with another man Why did he not understand her more and more... ...

Was He really seeing the wrong person?

Impossible, how could he be seeing the wrong person... ...

It was already very late. Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo was a man of his word. Once she didn't go down, he would definitely come upstairs.

Xie Chenjin was still in the house, and the nanny was also there. They were probably asleep. If he came up, she would not only lose her face.

She had to put on some clothes and went downstairs. The weather was really cold, and it was night. The corridor was pitch-black.

Xin Zimo was really unreasonable. He didn't even understand breaking up. He really had never been in a relationship before.

Du Anran waited downstairs for ten minutes. The cold wind blew on her body. She hid in the corridor and wrapped her clothes tightly.

The rain was pouring down. As far as the eye could see, under the dim yellow corridor lights, there was a hazy mist.

Du anran paced back and forth. She had been thinking about how to completely end things with Xin Zimo. Was She not simple and violent enough It shouldn't be. No one would be able to stand the way she spoke... ...

When Xin Zimo saw Du Anran, it was still raining cats and dogs.

"Mr. Xin, I'll park the car over there! " The driver said.

The driver had no idea what had happened. He just did as Xin Zimo said.

"No need. " Xin zimo looked out of the window. He saw Du Anran hugging her arms tightly. It seemed very cold.

Du Anran waved her hand. Xin zimo wouldn't come at all, right Only she was so afraid of him... ...

Xin Zimo sat in the car and looked at her for a long time. Although he couldn't see her face clearly, he didn't want to see it clearly at this moment. He was afraid that he would be endlessly complaining and disappointed... ...

Du Anran kept muttering, "Xin Zimo, you're really a bastard. Don't you know that it's very cold at twelve o'clock at night? I hope that you'll be punished by your wife to sleep in the living room every day in the future. It'll be so cold that it'll kill you. "

"Xin Zimo, I'll count to ten. If you still don't come, I'll leave. One, two, three... Nine, ten. "

"still not coming? It's really annoying to the extreme. You'd better hurry up and marry Miss Tang. Once you're married, you won't be so unbridled. You still came out in the middle of the night... "