Chapter 286, he came to pick her up

"No, no, cousin-in-law, how can I trust you to wander around alone? Let alone you, even I'm not familiar with this place. If you get lost, it'll be hard to find you... Besides, cousin-in-law, you're so stupid... " Han Yuan scratched his head ...

"You look down on me... " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him. "then I'll walk around the INN. Is that okay? "

"This... I reluctantly agree. However, if you're going to the airport, you must let me send you. Don't wander around alone. If you get lost, even ten Han Yuan will not be enough to die. "

"Let's go to Yangguan again this evening! "

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Du Anran Thought Dunhuang was really a good place, there was always a kind of reluctant to part.

"I went to borrow a bicycle from our team's Xiao Yu. Today's weather is so good, and the moonlight must be very beautiful. Ride the bicycle slowly. " Han Yuan said.

"It doesn't have to be there. It's nice to walk around. I can't bear to... "

"Cousin sister-in-law, I knew you would be reluctant to leave, I am also reluctant to leave here. In the future, let cousin bring you here again, you see the scenery together, is better than with me. " Han Yuan said again.

"You can't leave him even after three sentences. Are you secretly in love with him? " Du Anran raised her head and said nonsense in all seriousness.

"Uh... " Han Yuan's face was full of black lines. "I don't have such a hobby. "

"Then don't mention him again. Let me have some peace and quiet on the last day in Dunhuang. "

"Oh, yes, sir. " Han Yuan felt that the two of them had a big argument. Was it really as cousin said, that Du Anran abandoned her cousin and got married to someone else?

He couldn't keep up with the pace of this world. was he too outdated?

That night, Han Yuan pushed his bicycle and walked with Du Anran on this unfamiliar land. The clear moonlight shone on the ground. The shadows of the trees swayed, and the Chirping of insects could be heard.

"This place is completely different from city A. At this time, city a is still bustling with noise. There are car horns everywhere, and all kinds of noises, " Du Anran said.

"each has its own good. It depends on what kind of state of mind you choose, " Han Yuan replied.

Du Anran felt that Han Yuan was right. So, when she was unhappy, she chose to go on a long journey. The facts proved that she did not make the wrong choice. These few days, she had never been happier.

She kicked the pebbles on the road while talking to Han Yuan.

"cousin-in-law, why don't you sing a song? I've never heard you sing before! " Han Yuan suddenly said.

The moonlight shone on du Anran's face. When she turned her head, she happened to see Han Yuan's expectant gaze.

"I won't sing. My singing is so terrible that it will scare you away, " Du Anran said with a smile.

"It's okay. I have a strong ability to bear it in my heart. No matter how terrible it is, I will say 'yes' ! Besides, who is worse than me when I sing? Back then, when I sang, the beggars on the streets almost gave me money to stop singing. It would affect their business. "

Du Anran burst into laughter. "Then sing a song for me. Let me see how bad it sounds. "

"As long as cousin-in-law sings first, I will definitely sing! I will keep my word and never go back on my words! "

"Such a good moonlight and such a beautiful scenery. What are you going to sing? " Du Anran turned her head and asked.

"Aren't we going to Yangguan? Why don't we sing 'three layers of Yangguan' ? "

"It's still better to play the Guqin. When you return to city a, I will play it for you. " Du Anran Hummed.

"okay, then sing 'Qingzijin' . I like this one, " Han Yuan said.

"I can't tell. When did you become a young man of literature and art again? " Du Anran smiled.

"I've always been a combination of literature and art, and a fool. Sometimes I'm normal, and sometimes I'm crazy. But most of the time, I'm still an ordinary young and beautiful man. "

"Just praise me. Fortunately, there's no one at night, so I don't need to be shameless... " Du Anran snickered.

"You're going to beat around the Bush and say I'm shameless again! " Han Yuan also smiled. "Hurry up and sing. cousin-in-law, I'll sing it again after you sing. Let's see which one of US sings worse... "

Du Anran can sing a lot of songs, this one "Qing Qing Zijin" just learned, she felt that it is just right to match the scenery tonight, and did not refuse, and began to sing.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

No, no, no, no, no, no

No, no, no, no, no, no


Han Yuan was immersed in du Anran's singing. He felt that the person accompanying Du Anran tonight should not be him, but Xin Zimo.

The last time he returned to city a, he wished that Du Anran and his cousin could go on forever. He did not expect that not long after, there would be another estrangement.

Han Yuan sighed in his heart and continued to push his bicycle forward.

The next day, du Anran packed all her luggage. She remembered what Han Yuan said and did not dare to wander around. She only looked at the scenery around the INN.

Han Yuan went to the inspection team and hurried back. He was afraid that Du anran would leave without saying a word.

Du Anran had already booked the plane ticket. Han Yuan accompanied Du Anran to have lunch before sending her to the airport.

"cousin-in-law, go back in peace. If you have any unhappy things, just tell me. Don't keep it to yourself, " Han Yuan reminded her.

"I know. I won't keep it to myself. Besides, I will try my best to make myself happy. "

Du Anran smiled and waved her hand. She was not alone now. Her child did not allow her to be sad.

After getting on the plane back to city a, Du Anran fell asleep on the plane.

In fact, she had been thinking about this child. The weather was cold now, and the signs were not obvious. She could still keep it a secret, but it would not be long before she could no longer keep it a secret.

This was probably the reason why she agreed to get a fake certificate from Xie Chenjin. After getting the certificate, she could ask Xie Chenjin to send her abroad. At that time, no one would know whether she wanted the child or not.

However, she felt a little bad for keeping it a secret from Xie Chenjin... ...

No one except herself knew about the existence of this child.

When du Anran left city a, she was silent. When she returned to city a, she was even more silent.

When she heard the sound of the plane about to land, she woke up from her sleep.

She looked at the time and saw that it was exactly ten o'clock at night.

Although it was still very early in city a, the airport was relatively remote, so she was slightly uneasy.

After the plane landed, they followed the crowd out of the hall one after another. Du Anran stood outside the hall with her backpack on her back. She looked at the dark sky and sighed.

Just as she was about to take a taxi home, a black Mercedes stopped in front of her.

Du Anran stopped in her tracks. She was very familiar with the car and the license plate.

She lowered her eyelids and the window of the car slowly rolled down.

He had driven here personally. When he saw her lowering her head, he could not help but stare at her for a few minutes.

The crowd passed by them, and the hall would occasionally broadcast. The sound of walking, talking and laughing, and the sound of the wheels of the luggage rubbing against the ground... ...

It had been many days since they last met, and her face was less gloomy. These days, she should have had a lot of fun in Dunhuang.

"Don't you think that you're in the way? " Xin Zimo said faintly.

Du Anran looked up and mumbled, "it's clearly your car that's blocking someone else's road. "

"Then get in the car! "

"I'll take a taxi back myself... " Du Anran had not figured out the purpose of his appearance here, so how could she get into the car so easily.

"Do you want me to come down and invite you? " Xin Zimo looked into her eyes.

"Why do you like to meddle in other people's business... "

Du Anran had no choice but to get into his car. If she did not dare to get in, he would definitely do what he said and "invite" her up. Since the result was the same anyway, she might as well be more self-aware.

Seeing that Du Anran reluctantly got into his car, the corners of his lips still curled up slightly.

He started the car and glanced at her. "SEATBELT! "

"Oh... " Du Anran lowered her head and quickly fastened her seatbelt.

The car drove out of the airport and headed toward city A.

"Did you deliberately wait for me here? " Du Anran saw that there was no one else in the car. It was so late, he was not here to do business, right?

"I sent a shareholder to the airport and was just about to go back. I just happened to meet you, " Xin Zimo said indifferently.

In fact, Han Yuan called him to tell him that Du Anran's plane would land at nine o'clock at night, and Du Anran went back quietly.

"It's quite a coincidence, really a coincidence... "

Du Anran would not believe Xin Zimo's nonsense. Although her IQ was low, it was not to the extent that she could not distinguish such a low-level lie. Han Yuan had indeed betrayed her.

"What's the matter? Xie Chenjin did not come to pick you up? " Xin zimo's tone was somewhat mocking.

"Who is like you who is free every day and likes to meddle in other people's family affairs... " Du Anran replied.

"She is an ex-girlfriend after all. Fate does not care about love, right? "

"Then you can send me home. I'm sleepy. " Du Anran closed her eyes.

In fact, she had just slept on the plane and was now awake. However, in order to avoid talking to Xin Zimo, she chose to remain silent.

It was fine to talk when they were in a good relationship, but in the current situation, it was better to speak less to avoid quarreling later. Xin Zimo had a bad temper, and her temper was not that good either.

Xin Zimo thought that she was really tired, so he did not speak again. He turned on the music and played a very gentle tune.

There was a very elegant fragrance in his car. It was a bit like chamomile, but also a bit like Vanilla. Du Anran closed her eyes and listened to the music while smelling the fragrance. Her body and mind were still very relaxed.

Xin Zimo glanced at her, turned off the lights in the car, and drove in the direction of the villa on Huxin Island.

The airport was located in a remote location. There was no one to be seen on the way to the city. There were only taxis passing by from time to time. The shadows of the trees were everywhere, and it was quiet.

Du Anran could not fall asleep at all, so she leaned on her back and let her imagination run wild.

She did not know what kind of situation the Xin Corporation was in now. He was always so indifferent, as if he would not change his expression even if Mount Tai was pressing down on him.

She had not contacted Sun Ping for a long time. She did not know how he was doing in Hua Yuan or whether he was treating Liu Wanwan well.