Chapter 287, back to the villa

As she thought about it, Du Anran felt a headache coming on. She hated to think about such complicated things. Her brain was not strong enough, so it was better to let Xin Zimo think about it on his own.

She did not know if it was because of the fragrance or the music, but after leaning on her back for a while, she slowly fell asleep... ...

The temperature in the car was suitable, and the speed was very stable. Du Anran slept very peacefully. She did not dream or wake up.

Every time there was a traffic light, XIN ZIMO would turn his head to look at her. Every time he saw her, his heart would calm down.

He remembered when he was in London. Every morning when he opened his eyes, he would see her by his side. That feeling was very blissful. But now, he had not experienced this feeling for a very, very long time. As time passed, he was afraid that he would forget... ...

It was said that a man's feelings came and went quickly, but why was he so obsessed? He could not let go no matter what.

It turned out that falling in love with a person would be so unforgettable. It just so happened that there were so many women around him, but he had fallen in love with her just like that.

The car drove past the bustling area in the city center, which was still abnormally lively. Xin Zimo glanced out of the car window and continued to drive towards his villa.

He did not send du Anran home, but took her to the villa instead. Ever since that night, she had never come to the villa that belonged to them.

The memory of that night still lingered in his mind. Every time he thought about it, his heart could not help but feel a stabbing pain.

He used to despise men who pestered him relentlessly. He always felt that there were plenty of women in the world. For the sake of a woman, he yearned for her day and night. He had no prospects at all.

Now, he had become such a man. It turned out that it was one thing to look at others, but it was another to look at himself.

Aqin and the others had already gone to bed. The Lotus lamp outside the villa still lit up the road.

Xin Zimo drove the car into the garage. In order to not wake du Anran, he carried her upstairs quietly.

He did not know whether it was because his movements were too light or because she slept too deeply. In short, Du Anran did not realize that she had arrived at the villa on Lake Heart Island from the airport.

As usual, Xin Zimo helped her take off her clothes and covered her with the blanket.

Of course, he also shamelessly slept next to her.

It had been a long, long time since he had hugged her to sleep. As he smelled the fragrance in her hair, the corners of his eyes turned sour.

In fact, he could not be magnanimous. When he thought about the possibility that she had already moved in with another man, he felt an endless amount of bitterness in his heart.

He tried to find excuses for her over and over again, telling himself that perhaps she just happened to pass by Xie Chenjin's place and could not go back because the rain was too heavy... ...

The fragrance of the sweet orange essential oil was emitted from the aromatherapy machine, and the faint fragrance filled the entire room.

Xin Zimo didn't force himself to think about this anymore. He put his arms around Du Anran's waist and quietly enjoyed the rare peace.

Du Anran woke up in the middle of the night, and the faint fragrance of the essential oil was still wafting from her nose. She was shocked and immediately sat up from the bed.

For pregnant women, they had to be careful with the use of essential oil. In other words, she was still in a critical period and couldn't touch the essential oil at all.

She felt for the wall lamp at the head of the bed and realized that she was actually in the villa on lake heart island. Beside her, Xin Zimo was sleeping soundly in peace.

She felt frustrated. Why was she sleeping so soundly.

She quickly turned off the aromatherapy machine. At this moment, she only had this child in her heart.

Xin Zimo was startled awake by her action. He opened his eyes and saw du Anran sitting on the bed in a daze.

"What's wrong? " He thought that she had a nightmare.

"I didn't ask you to send me to my home! " Du Anran yelled at him.

Probably out of instinct as a mother, she quickly got up from the bed and opened the window. The cold night wind blew into her body, and she could not help but shiver.

"What's wrong with you? " Xin Zimo was very surprised by her action, her reaction was so strong.

Du Anran put on her coat and planned to find another room. It was definitely not realistic to go back now, and she could no longer sit under the rose frame in the cold night like last time.

Xin Zimo was also woken up by the sudden cold wind, and he was not sleepy at all.

"I don't want to sleep here. " Du Anran also realized that her reaction was too strong, so she calmed down a little.

Xin Zimo thought that she had recalled something bad, such as that night... ...

He did not stop her too much, but he was slightly disappointed. "You're very familiar with this place. You can sleep wherever you want. "

He did not care about her anymore. She would not tell him anything if she had something on her mind anyway.

Du Anran picked a quiet small guest room. She kept blaming herself and feeling annoyed. Why did she sleep so soundly!

She patted her head. She did not look like a mother who did not care at all.

After that night, Du Anran did not fall asleep. She was worried that the child would make a mistake. The next day, when the sun rose, she planned to leave the villa.

The morning of early spring was still very cold. Du Anran was not afraid of being laughed at. She wore a lot of clothes and a thick scarf.

Everything she had in the villa was beyond her expectations. Xin Zimo did not throw it away.

However, she did not expect that Xin zimo would come down from upstairs before she even walked out of the door.

He had always woken up early, but he seemed to be especially early today. Looking at his tired expression, he probably did not sleep well last night.

"You're leaving so early? " Xin zimo frowned slightly.

She wanted to leave so urgently and wanted to cut ties with him Was she afraid that others would misunderstand?

"Yes, it's better to leave by yourself than to be chased away by others, " Du Anran said plainly.

Actually, Du anran still had a grudge against him chasing her out of the villa that night. That night was like a nightmare that remained in her mind.

Xin Zimo's frown deepened. "You want to see Xie Chenjin, right? "

When du Anran heard him mention Xie Chenjin's name, she felt sour. How would she dare to talk back to him? She lowered her head and walked out.

"At this time, you won't be able to get a taxi even if you walk five kilometers in front of the villa. "

Xin zimo ignored her. He just put on his tie, put on his suit, and went to the dining table.

Du Anran turned her head with hatred and glared at him. He was right. She might not be able to get a taxi even if she walked another five kilometers.

However, she was very anxious. After staying up all night, although her body was not in much condition, she was still worried.

"Mr. Xin, milk, coffee, or fruit juice? " Alu suddenly ran in from outside the door.

Alu had long heard Xin Zimo's ringing, but she did not expect du Anran to be here.

"Miss Du... is also here... " Alu ran to Du Anran and said hello ...

"Alu? Aren't you... " Du Anran looked at the little girl in front of her in surprise. It was indeed Alu.

"Miss Du, a few days after the last incident, Aqin asked me to come back again. " Alu lowered her voice "Mr. Xin didn't really want me to leave, he said it to scare me. Mr. Xin was just angry that I didn't tell the truth, especially about you... the truth... "

Du Anran looked up at Xin Zimo, this man who didn't mean what he said.

At that time, she really thought that she had implicated Alu, causing alu to lose a job and causing her to not eat for several days.

"Alu, why are you gossiping so early in the morning! " Xin zimo calmly sat at the dining table, "coffee. "

"Oh, it's nothing, I'll go right away. " Alu winked at Du Anran and quickly ran out.

In fact, ever since Du Anran said that it was not good to drink coffee all the time, he rarely drank coffee during breakfast. However, since Du Anran was here today, if he did not drink coffee, it would seem like he was listening to her. It would be embarrassing.

Du Anran could not leave either. She could only move to the dining table like a kitten.

The dining table was very long. She moved it to a place furthest away from Xin Zimo.

Xin zimo glanced at her and continued to lower his head to tidy up his cutlery.

Alu quickly served the breakfast. She brought a portion for du Anran as well.

Xin Zimo ignored du Anran and just ate breakfast as if there was no one else around. Du Anran did not want him to pay attention to her either. It just so happened that she could eat at ease alone.

With the philosophy that she could neither mistreat herself nor her child, she ate until she was full. Alu and the rest still remembered what she liked to eat. This made du Anran very touched.

When Xin Zimo finished eating, Du Anran had not finished eating. He wiped his hands and stood up. Seeing that he was about to leave, Du Anran hurriedly threw down her knife and fork and followed behind him.

Actually, she had only drank half of her milk, and she had only eaten a little bit of West Point... ...

However, if he left, how could she go back... ...

"It's not a good habit to waste food, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

"I. . . Also want to finish eating. Well, aren't you leaving... " Du Anran said timidly ...

Now that she had a favor to ask of him, she did not want to show her fangs and claws anymore. She had to swallow whatever excuse she had.

"I haven't left yet, " Xin Zimo said and walked into the garden.

"Oh, then I'll finish eating. " Du Anran stopped and walked back to her seat to continue eating.

After eating a few mouthfuls, she still felt a little nauseous. She endured it and drank some water to suppress the feeling.

When she came out, she happened to see Xin Zimo standing in the garden and looking at the distant mountains. His hands were in his pants'pockets. His slender legs and his tall figure made du Anran could not help but stop and look at him for a few more minutes.

In her heart, there was indeed no one who could compare to Xin Zimo. But the more perfect he was, the more imperfect she was.

She and he were so incompatible. One was in the sky, and the other was underground. Not to mention walking together, even standing together made her feel inferior.

If even she couldn't convince herself, how could she convince everyone.

Just when she was in a daze, Xin Zimo turned around, and Du Anran quickly lowered her head.

"The scenery is so beautiful? " Xin Zimo walked up to her.

"HMM... of course... the scenery here is pretty good... it's also spring, the grass on the mountain is green, and you can even hear the chirping of birds. It really makes people feel relaxed and happy... " Du Anran said in a serious tone ...

"Is that so? You can also appreciate the scenery... "

Xin Zimo's expression was calm, but the words he said were very annoying. Du Anran was tickled.