Chapter 303 had been discovered

Luo Cong said, "we've investigated. Mi Li didn't give any reason and didn't care about the high penalty. She even announced that she wasn't feeling well and had left city a for a holiday. "

"On one hand, we have to send people to take remedial measures. We can't just ignore the matter of the promotional film. On the other hand, if we continue investigating, I don't believe that Mi Li would suddenly break the contract. She must have had a plan. "

Xie Chenjin had no choice but to remind Luo Cong. He hadn't been keeping a close eye on the Xie Corporation recently, and such a mistake had happened as a result.

"understood, President Xie. I will follow up again. ". "I also suspect that this incident with Mi Li is related to the scandal that was exposed last time. However, it's also strange. The scandal was exposed for only two days before someone quickly clarified it and suppressed it. No one ever mentioned it again. "

"Then let's use this as a clue and continue to investigate, " Xie chenjin instructed.

"Okay. " Luo Cong nodded.

Du Anran finally understood what they were talking about. Mi Li and the Xie family stopped filming the promotional film and Left City A.

Hearing this news, Du Anran did not know how she felt.

In the past, she had hoped that the Xin family would be well and that they would be invincible in City A. Now, the Xie family's promotional video had been aborted before it had even been broadcast. This was undoubtedly good news for the Xin family.

However, Du Anran was now on the same side as Xie Chenjin. Xie Chenjin had helped her so much that recently, he did not even care about the Xie family anymore because of Uncle Jin. Therefore, when she heard this news, she did not feel good.

Mi Li had unilaterally broken the contract. Although Mi Li had to pay a large sum of liquidated damages, these liquidated damages were like a drop in the ocean for the funds invested by the Xie family.

However, that was not the main point. The Xie family's press conference had been held a long time ago. If they could not produce a promotional film, it would bring huge losses to the Xie family.

"You should go back with Luo Cong. We can't be careless in this matter. It might still be possible to remedy it now, " Du Anran said to Xie Chenjin.

"At this juncture, such a thing has happened! " Xie Chenjin was full of anger. At this moment, he really wanted to go back and scold the people in charge of the bank. How could such a thing happen!

"Don't worry about me. I'll take a taxi back later. You should hurry back and take a look. Don't let the losses increase. "

Xie Chenjin knew that Du Anran had good intentions. He nodded and left the Ministry of Public Security with Luo Cong.

The Sun shone on Du Anran's body, and she realized that her body was already covered in a layer of cold sweat. Her heart had been worried all this time. From Uncle Jin's matter to the Xie family's matter, the pace was so fast that she couldn't accept it.

She wiped the sweat off her face, but at this time, her stomach started to hurt again. She could only lean against the wall and grit her teeth.

She found a place to sit down, but her stomach hurt badly. Her forehead was full of sweat. She bent down and held her stomach, but it did not alleviate the pain in the slightest.

The Sun Shone on her body. She was originally afraid that others would see that she was pregnant, so she wore a lot of clothes. Now, with the pain, her entire face was covered in sweat.

"Miss, what's wrong? I'll help you in to rest. " A policeman ran over.

Du Anran was in so much pain that she could not speak. She did not know if it was because she had walked a long distance today, and her emotions were very fluctuating, so the pain in her stomach was very obvious.

"Miss, I'll call a doctor for you. " The police officer casually dialed 120.

Du Anran could not speak at all. She held her stomach, afraid that something would happen to this child.

She had already made a decision. She wanted to keep this child. Although she understood very clearly that this child would definitely suffer a lot if he followed her, but forgive her selfishness. She was afraid that she would not have anyone by her side in the future. She would be very lonely. She did not want to die alone... ...

Not long after, an ambulance arrived.

Du Anran could not hold on any longer. She looked up and saw the white Sun. Her eyes went black and she fainted.

When she woke up, she was already lying on the hospital bed.

She was the only one in the entire ward and it seemed unusually empty. She touched her stomach and heaved a sigh of relief. She felt weak all over. She lay on the hospital bed and could not even open her eyes.

She pressed the bell at the bedside and soon, a nurse came over.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with? " The young nurse asked.

"Is there a doctor here? How long have I been here? " Du Anran asked weakly. She was like a puddle of soft mud, without any strength in her body.

"Miss, you've been here for a few hours, but don't worry. Other than your body being too weak, everything else is fine. Also, the doctor said that your mood swings are too big, so you should try your best to calm down and not overwork yourself. "

"What about my child? Is He okay? " Du Anran asked nervously.

"It's fine, don't worry. As long as the problem is with you, you must maintain a happy mood. Only then will it be good for the fetus. "

Maintain A happy mood With so many things happening recently, she was completely unable to calm her emotions, let alone maintain a happy mood.

"Oh right, Miss, can you leave your family's contact information so that we can contact them? You're a pregnant woman here, there are many things that are inconvenient for you. "

"Oh, there's no need. My family is very busy, " Du Anran declined.

"You need to take good care of your body now. The doctor suggested that you stay in the hospital for a few days. However, there are also hospitalization procedures, regular checkups, and other things. It's not convenient for you at all, " the young nurse suggested.

Du Anran knew that the doctor was doing this for her own good. However, she did not even dare to tell anyone about the existence of this child. How could she let them accompany her.

"It's okay. I can come by myself. There's no need to disturb them. " Du Anran smiled and politely rejected the young nurse.

She did not intend to stay in the hospital either. Staying in the hospital would easily arouse suspicion. Moreover, so many things had happened recently. How could she avoid it!

The young nurse saw that she could not persuade Du Anran, so she could only take her temperature and leave.

The Ward was completely silent. This bed happened to be close to the window, and a large amount of sunlight shone on du Anran's body. At this moment, Du Anran did not feel that the sunlight was too dazzling. She looked out of the window and felt the scent of spring.

The trees outside the hospital had already grown leaves. As far as the eye could see, it was already green.

Suddenly, with a bang, Du Anran was shocked.

"Du Anran, you hid it well. You're actually pregnant. Did you not tell anyone? "

It was actually Chi Xue. Du Anran did not expect her to follow her to the hospital and even discover the fact that she was pregnant.

Chi Xue was still the same. She was wearing an ankle-length blue floral dress and a dark red sweater. Her long hair draped over her shoulders, and her pair of sharp eyes stared straight at Du Anran.

However, compared to the past, her face carried the excitement of discovering a new world.

"You're really following me! " Du Anran said.

Chi Xue closed the door. At this moment, there were only the two of them in the ward. The tension of being at daggers drawn was on the verge of erupting.

"Don't say it so harshly. I'm just concerned about you. When I'm in a good mood, I'll send your whereabouts to brother Zimo. That's all, " Chi Xue said shamelessly.

Du Anran's face darkened. No Wonder Xin Zimo sometimes knew her whereabouts like the back of his hand, and it was also because of Chi Xue.

"If you tell Xin Zimo that I'm pregnant, I'll be rude to you! " Du Anran said.

She did not know where she got the courage to kill and set fire. She had never done anything. But at this moment, she thought that if Chi Xue really dared to tell Xin Zimo about this, she would really be able to make a move on Chi Xue.

"Keep your mouth on me. What if I accidentally tell others? " Chi Xue laughed so hard that her flowers were trembling.

"Chi Xue, you're a smart person. This child belongs to Xin Zimo. If he knew, with his personality, you knew he would do this. "

Chi Xue's eyes narrowed, and she thought for a few seconds.

Yes, Xin zimo liked Du Anran so much. If he knew the existence of this child, he would definitely try his best to marry Du Anran. She couldn't marry brother Zimo, and Du Anran couldn't either!

"Is that so? How do I know if this child of yours is brother Zimo's? It might be Xie Chenjin's. Oh, it might even be that newspaper's President's. You, Du Anran, are so fickle, who knows! "

Du Anran was angered by Chi Xue's words, but she still maintained her composure on the surface. She couldn't be defeated by Chi Xue just like that.

"Chi Xue, you don't have to say these things to anger me. No matter who this child belongs to, it has nothing to do with you. "Keep this secret for me. It won't be long before I leave city A. At that time, if you still want to marry Xin Zimo, no one will stop you. "

Du Anran's words were very clear, but Chi Xue did not believe what Du Anran said.

"leave city a? Where are you going? I don't believe you! " Chi Xue looked at Du Anran.

Du Anran also looked at Chi Xue. The corners of her lips curved slightly. "There's no benefit for me to lie to you. There's no enmity between us. "

"Then can I forget about the slap you gave me last time? " Chi Xue questioned.

"I was impulsive last time, but have you forgotten that when we were in London, you pushed me into the sea and almost killed me? Do I have to settle this with you? " Du Anran said calmly.

Chi Xue was indeed a little guilty. She had indeed done a lot of things behind du Anran's back.

Her gaze was a little evasive, but now that she had found a weakness in Du Anran, shouldn't she make good use of it?

"Du Anran, I don't believe anything you say unless you prove it with your actions, " Chi Xue said.

"Alright, help me keep this secret. After a period of time, I will disappear from City A. " she had already planned this, but it was only a matter of time.

If it wasn't for Uncle Jin being imprisoned at this time and Xie Chenjin being extremely busy, she would have already implemented half of her plan.

"Du Anran, I'm quite curious. Why don't you use this child to blackmail brother Zimo? With this child, will he not marry you? " Chi Xue still didn't believe Du Anran.

Du Anran's heart was filled with bitterness. She was his burden. If she did not leave him, someone would use her to blackmail him. She did not want him to bear any more burdens on his career. Loving someone did not necessarily mean that they had to stay together forever... ...