Chapter 304, happiness

Moreover, even if Xin Zimo agreed to marry her, would mother Xin agree Their family backgrounds were already worlds apart. Not to mention mother Xin, even she herself did not have any confidence.

"You know better than me what Xin Zimo's mother's attitude was like when I pretended to be pregnant. You were there at that time, " Du Anran said calmly.

Chi Xue thought for a moment. Indeed, she had just returned to the country and did not know much about the DU and Xin families. At that time, when Du Anran pretended to be pregnant, mother Xin's reaction was very strong. She did not want Du Anran's child at all.

Chi Xue's lips curled into a smug smile. As long as mother Xin was still around, there was no chance for du Anran to marry into the Xin family. This child could only be an illegitimate child.

"Sure, I won't tell brother Zimo. But du Anran, you're really capable. You're pregnant with brother Zimo's child while seducing the young master of the Xie family. You even coaxed the Xie family's madam to smile. How did you do it? " Chi Xue mocked.

"these things have nothing to do with you. "

"I'm just curious. I really want to learn from you. I think that if I had half of your tricks, brother Zimo would not ignore me, right? "

"You're still stubborn. Xin Zimo has always treated you like a sister and doesn't have any feelings for you. Why don't you understand? " Du Anran didn't know how many times she had said this to Chi Xue.

"You say it like brother Zimo likes you. " Chi Xue scoffed and was very disdainful "Let me tell you, I've seen brother Zimo and Tang Nuanyan go out together in all sorts of occasions. Many people are envious of them. "Oh, I heard from others that commander Tang and Madam Tang are very satisfied with brother Zimo. They plan to let brother Zimo and Tang Nuanyan get along and get married! "

"It has nothing to do with me. It's normal for a man to marry a woman. "

"Du Anran, why don't you abort this child? Do you still want to gamble on this child? " Chi Xue asked.

"You're also a mother. Why would you ask such a childish question? Are you willing to abort your own flesh and blood when there's still a way? "

Du Anran knew that her words were useless. Chi Xue probably did not have a good impression of the child in her belly. After all, it was Cui Hao's child. The existence of this child constantly reminded her of that unbearable memory.

Sure enough, Chi Xue's face changed color. She said fiercely to Du Anran, "I can't wait to abort this child. What flesh and blood? It's a burden and a disgrace! "

Du Anran did not dare to provoke Chi Xue. She knew that when Chi Xue went crazy, it was also very scary. If she was provoked, under such circumstances, she would still be the one at a disadvantage.

"The child is very cute. When you have time, you can go to the hospital's nursery. You can't bear to part with it. "

Du Anran had once thought of abort this child. After all, this child would definitely suffer in the future if she lived with her. Moreover, it was an illegitimate child.

However, she really could not be ruthless. She could not ignore the warmth and excitement that this child brought to her.

This child gave her the feeling of being a mother for the first time. This feeling was unprecedented, and she cherished this feeling.

Out of Du Anran's surprise, Chi Xue actually fell silent.

Du Anran looked at her. Chi Xue was still as beautiful as before, just like when she first met her. However, the current Chi Xue was more and more mature. She was no longer the delicate and simple little girl from before.

Du Anran sized her up. Probably because she was pregnant, Chi Xue looked a little fatter, but it was not particularly obvious. especially with her stomach, it was impossible to tell that she was pregnant.

She was also wearing a pair of high heels. Du Anran knew that Chi Xue really did not take the child in her stomach seriously.

It was no wonder. No one would feel good after being involved in such a thing, let alone keeping the child.

"Chi Xue, you have to go out more often in the future. Go for a walk in the park or go on a trip. Don't stay at home alone and don't have too much psychological burden. "

Du Anran was just giving Chi Xue some advice as an ordinary person. She didn't want to see Chi Xue being so paranoid all the time. Sometimes, she even followed her.

She also wanted to completely draw a line between herself and Chi Xue, but now it seemed that it was impossible.

Only when she left this land or this country would she be able to say goodbye to all the people she wanted to see and didn't want to see forever.

"You don't have to care about my matters. Why do you have to care so much about me! " Chi Xue yelled at Du Anran again.

Du Anran knew that her good intentions would not be rewarded well. She had just kindly reminded her that since Chi Xue did not listen to her, she would just let her be.

However, Du Anran was still afraid that Chi Xue would accidentally tell others about her pregnancy. When that happened, she would not be able to control herself at all... ...

At this moment, Chi Xue's phone suddenly rang. Chi Xue rummaged through her handbag and took out her phone.

"Hey, why are you looking for me? ! I said that I don't want a marriage certificate. Are you deaf? " Chi Xue yelled at the other end of the phone hysterically.

In Du Anran's impression, Chi Xue had always been a good girl. Du Anran really did not know how much Chi Xue had suffered.

Chi Xue's current appearance even frightened Du Anran. In the past, she would never say such things. Even if she was pretending, she would still act like a lady.

"Why should I go home! Cui Hao, I'm telling you, move out of that house immediately. I don't want to see you! " Chi Xue said angrily.

Du Anran did not know what Chi Xue was talking about. She did not want to ask about Chi Xue's matters, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to herself.

She and Cui Hao were in a bad relationship. If they could not even clear their own accounts, how could outsiders straighten it out.

Du Anran did not want to stay in the ward any longer. She had always been afraid of places like the hospital, and the pungent smell of medicine made her very uneasy.

While Chi Xue was on the phone, Du Anran quietly left the ward.

For the past few days, Du Anran did not even dare to leave the door, but she was in a state of worry and anxiety all day long. She could not calm down at all.

Therefore, she could only wander around the house. One moment, she went to the garden to water the flowers. The next moment, she went to the piano room to play the piano. However, she could not do everything for long. She then went to do another thing.

Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something, something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something.

"Sister Anran, are you at home? The president went to work at the newspaper office today. Have you seen the president? " Liu Wanwan called Du Anran.

"I have seen him, " Du Anran said.

Liu wanwan seemed to sigh. "Sister Anran, I was shocked when I saw the president today. How come the president has become a different person after not seeing him for a few months? He's skinny and gaunt. I almost didn't recognize him. "

"I had the same reaction as you. I almost didn't recognize him. "

"The president must have suffered a lot overseas. Sigh, he didn't agree when someone from the newspaper office wanted to go on a business trip with him. In the end... you can imagine. He must do everything himself. "

"You have to keep an eye on him when he's at the news agency. Don't let him work overtime all night. If he has too much work, find someone to share it with him. " Du Anran was very concerned about Jin Shaonan. She was afraid that he would become a desperate man once he arrived at the news agency.

"Yes, I know, sister Anran. Don't worry if you're at the news agency. I'll keep an eye on the president. ". "How about this? This is the first time I've seen the president today. Let's treat him to dinner tonight. I'll also discuss with the president about whether to resign... ". ... ..

"You work hard and work hard. Shaonan will definitely keep you. It's not a waste of time to discuss with Shaonan, " Du Anran said with a smile.

"not necessarily. The president has always considered for us. In fact, I've been at the news agency for a long time and I'm quite reluctant to part with everyone. I really can't bear to part with them... why don't I not resign? I won't listen to Sun Ping... "

"It's up to you. Anyway, the two of you just got engaged and you haven't planned to have children yet, right? So, you can do as you see fit. However, don't disturb Shaonan too much. He just came back from abroad and is still very tired. Don't let some small matters bother him. "

Liu Wanwan nodded very sensibly. "I know. Anyway, if there's anything, I'LL BE THE FIRST TO DISTURB SISTER ANRAN! "

"You treat Shaonan to dinner tonight. I won't go. I'm going to the Xie family. " Du Anran lied.

"I knew you weren't sincere. Forget it, I don't plan to bring you along. I still have to talk to the president about some things alone. You go to the Xie family alone! " "You and Xie Chenjin got along quite quickly. It was like lightning and thunder. I was shocked! " Liu Wanwan teased.

"Come on, you and Sun Ping are the real lightning-fast ones. You've only known each other for a short while, but you're already engaged and have received the marriage certificate. You've already started planning your future life. " Du Anran smiled.

She really envied Liu Wanwan, but she hoped that Sun Ping could always treat Liu Wanwan well and not suddenly resign when the Xin group needed support the most, like how he treated the Xin Group.

Liu Wanwan was her best friend in City A, and Du Anran hoped that she could always be happy. Never knowing the taste of sorrow, being carefree, and being heartless, wasn't that also a good thing!

"Sister Anran, we all WANT TO BE HAPPY! "

Du Anran's lips curved into a faint smile. Happiness, she longed for and pursued it persistently. These two words were like the sun in spring, always bringing the warmth of recovery to everything and the belief to look forward.

That night, Du Anran sat alone in her room and counted the silk flowers on the table. One, two, three... ...

She lit a small colorful candle and looked at the dancing flame of the candle. She felt very warm in her heart.

The Light from the candle shone on the Silk Flowers, which looked particularly beautiful. Some were purple, some were pink, and some were yellow... ... There were all kinds of decorations that decorated du Anran's small table very beautifully ...

Du Anran counted the Silk Flowers and tried her best to use this method to calm her heart, but it was to no avail. Every time the flame of the candle pulsated, she felt a trace of uneasiness in her heart.