Chapter 306, she bullied him

Fortunately, Xin Zimo had a good taste in alcohol. Although he was very drunk, he would not vomit everywhere like her.

He was still quite well-behaved now, so well-behaved that Du Anran could not help but lower her head and stare at him.

She looked at him and slowly lowered her head, gradually approaching his face. Taking advantage of the fact that he was drunk, she lowered her head and kissed his forehead.

Du Anran's lips were very cold, and Xin zimo probably reacted as well. He reached out and hugged du Anran's waist.

He was still drunk, but he was quite strong. Du Anran struggled for a while, but he did not let go. He was still calling du Anran's name... ...

"If you don't know how to take care of yourself, what will you do in the future... " Du Anran lowered her head and looked at his face.

He was very quiet with his eyes closed. His long eyelashes fluttered slightly, casting a fan-shaped shadow under the light.

She liked Xin Zimo like this. He was so obedient and allowed her to bully him. He was not like the arrogant and overbearing Xin Zimo who despised her all day long and had all kinds of vicious tongues.

Du Anran Pinched Xin Zimo's face and laughed. "See, see, you're not resisting at all now. You're like a little pet. "

Xin Zimo frowned and turned his face away slightly.

"You're drunk and you still know that I'm bullying you? But I was disturbed by you in the middle of the night. Bullying you is just compensation. I've never bullied you so openly before. This feeling is really good! I really want to bully you every day... "

Du Anran was having a good time. She Patted Xin Zimo's face as if she was looking at a child. She smiled happily and soon lowered her head to kiss his lips.

This sudden refreshing feeling made Xin Zimo's heart skip a beat. He slowly opened his eyes. However, he was so drunk that he could only see a woman with long hair, but he could not see who it was.

Her hair fell on his neck and felt numb. However, soon, he smelled the unique fragrance on her body, the fragrance that had never changed even though he had been dreaming about it.

"ANRAN... you're finally willing to meet me... " Xin Zimo said softly ...

He had a terrible headache. Although he could not see the person in front of him clearly, he knew that he would not be mistaken.

Du Anran was shocked. Wasn't he drunk How could he still recognize her... ...

Her face instantly turned red. Just now, she had taken advantage of him when he was not paying attention. Could he really be conscious?

"I... I'm not Du Anran... " Du Anran denied hesitantly ...

"How could I be mistaken... Anran, don't leave me... are you really willing to leave me? "

Xin zimo's voice was very soft, and Du Anran had to listen carefully before she could hear him.

Pain slid across Du Anran's heart as she caressed his face. There were some words that she could not say, and some things that could not last forever... ...

"anran... are you angry with me... I made you sleep under the rose frame that night. Do you think I'm really heartless... "

Du Anran was stunned. She did not expect him to talk about these things.

That night, she sat barefoot under the Rose Frame. The cold wind was biting, and she called the heavens out of proportion. However, she did not blame him. She made the decision herself, and his reaction was normal.

If it were her, she would definitely not sympathize with Xin Zimo at all.

"No, " Du Anran replied softly.

Yes, he was not cruel. She was the one who was truly cruel, and she had abandoned him just like that.

"Anran, you don't know... I stood upstairs and watched you the whole night. My heart hurts too... " Xin zimo muttered to himself ...

Du Anran looked up at him. She really did not know that he had stood upstairs the whole night.

She only knew that he was very angry that night, and he was also very angry the next day. In fact, she didn't know about all the sacrifices he had made behind her back and all the tears he had shed... ...

"You've forgotten me... " Du Anran said softly.

She couldn't understand why he still couldn't forget her. He had clearly already gotten to know Tang Nuanyan to that extent, and now that he was drunk, the first person he thought of was actually her.

Was she going to say that he was infatuated or stupid... ...

"ANRAN... Anran... "

Xin Zimo was probably tired as well. He just called Du Anran's name and slowly fell asleep.

Du Anran put down his hand that was around her waist. She sighed and went to the sink to wipe his face with a wet towel.

He was like a child now. He was so obedient that she did not have any temper at all.

"No! " Xin Zimo was woken up by the wet towel. He was confused and refused.

"Be good and wipe your face. Look at you. You're sleeping without showering again. If you don't wipe your face, you'll become a dirty cat, " Du anran coaxed.

Xin Zimo was a little reluctant at first, but now he was no match for Du Anran. He could only let du Anran push him around.

Du Anran saw that he was frowning and looked like he had a deep grudge against her. She could not help but laugh.

Now, Du Anran felt like she had turned the tables. She was used to being bullied by the landlord. She did not expect that one day, she would also be able to bully the landlord without restraint.

After wiping his face, du Anran finally could not hear him mumble. Only then did her ears become quieter. She helped him take off his watch and shoes.

After she was done with everything, she covered him with the quilt and exhaled.

She looked at the table and saw a row of red wine. Du Anran quickly put away the red wine, so that he wouldn't wake up the next morning and get drunk again.

"anran... are you leaving... don't go... stay with me... "

Xin zimo touched Du Anran for a long time, but he didn't touch her, nor did he smell the faint fragrance on her body. He thought she had left, and his face was full of anxiety.

"I didn't leave. Don't mess around. Sleep peacefully... " Du Anran knew that she wouldn't be able to leave anytime soon.

He suddenly grabbed her hand. His hand was very warm. Du Anran was hit by this warm current, and her heart trembled.

He refused to let go, so du Anran didn't let go of his hand.

Slowly, she held his hand and touched her abdomen. Did this count as the three of them being together... ...

"Baby, this is your father... " Du Anran said softly. She knew that Xin zimo wouldn't be able to hear it either.

The room was suddenly very quiet. Only the sound of the hourglass could be heard, rustling.

Xin Zimo Let du Anran hold his hand, and he gradually fell asleep.

Du Anran was also tired. She had gone through so much today and had not had the chance to rest properly. She Lay on Xin Zimo's body and planned to sleep for a while before leaving.

His chest was still as stable and warm as before, giving her a feeling of a safe haven. Lying in his arms, she seemed to have a sense of security.

He held her hand and interlocked his fingers. She lay in his arms, and soon, she fell into a deep sleep.

The moonlight was very clear. It shone on the courtyard and the curtains of the room. The restaurant was in a prosperous area, but there was no noise from the outside world in this room.

There was no sound of the car's Horn, and there were no all kinds of horns. Everything was quiet like a dream.

At one or two o'clock in the morning, the moon had slowly moved to the West. There were no clouds in the sky, and the moonlight was particularly bright.

Du Anran was still sleeping soundly in that position, but Xin Zimo felt a bitter taste in his stomach. He woke up from his dream.

He moved his hand and moved his body slightly to the side. Du Anran also woke up.

"Do you feel uncomfortable? " Du Anran saw that he was frowning deeply.

Xin Zimo pushed her away and ran straight to the bathroom.

Du Anran knew that he would feel uncomfortable after drinking so much wine in the middle of the night. She had been drunk before and knew that it was not a good feeling. Drinking wine was just for a moment of pleasure. After drinking it, it turned into regret.

The sound of running water soon came from the bathroom. Du Anran rubbed her eyes and followed him into the bathroom.

She draped her clothes over him. "I let you drink so much wine. You deserve it! "

Xin Zimo used to like to teach her a lesson. When she asked for trouble, he would scold her for it. Now, it was her turn to teach him a lesson.

Xin Zimo did not pay attention to Du Anran. He washed his face with water and did everything by himself.

Du Anran saw that he was much more sober, so she was not worried anymore.

It was already midnight. She did not know if she could go back. However, when she came, the manager said that he could send her home. Since Xin Zimo was completely fine, she could go back without worry.

When Xin Zimo was washing his face, du Anran took his bag and was ready to go out.

"Why are you here? " Xin Zimo said calmly.

He only remembered that he came here, drank for a long time, and then got drunk... ...

Then, he seemed to dream of her again. In the dream, she actually kissed him.

Although he often dreamed of her after she left him, most of the time it was a nightmare. He dreamed that she suddenly left him without a sound.

He often woke up after having that kind of dream, and when he woke up, he was extremely melancholic.

But last night seemed to be different. Last night's dream was very beautiful. She kissed him. Although the kiss was still cold and without any warmth, her eyes and brows were so close to him in the dream. He could reach out and pull her into his arms.

"You thought I wanted to come. You were drunk and didn't bring your cell phone. You babbled nonsense and gave me my cell phone number, so the restaurant manager could only call me over. It was in the middle of the night, and I was sleeping well, " Du Anran mumbled.

"Then where do you plan to go now? " Xin zimo glanced at her.

He wiped his hands and sobered up a lot. Although his head was still hurting, at least his consciousness was clear.

"Of course I'm going home, " Du Anran said, "don't worry. Although it's night now, the manager has promised me that he will send me back. "

"which home? " Xin Zimo heard this word sensitively.

"I... " Du Anran was suddenly at a loss for words. The "Du residence" that she was about to blurt out was immediately swallowed.

If she were to return to the DU residence, it was obvious that she was not with Xie Chenjin. However, if she were to say that she was in Xie Chenjin's house, it was also obvious that the Xie family would not let her come out to look for Xin Zimo.

It was simply a contradictory matter. No matter how she answered, it was not right.