Chapter 307, men are jealous

Xin Zimo saw the embarrassment on her face. He walked up to her, reached out, and pulled her into his arms.

He caressed her hair, lowered his head, and whispered into her ear, "I'm glad you could come. You've done your duty as a little lover. "

Du Anran knew that he wouldn't say anything good She pushed him away forcefully. "Let me tell you, I've ordered a set meal of 180,000 yuan for one night. There are all kinds of comprehensive services inside. If you really want a lover, I'll call the front desk immediately. I guarantee that there will be all kinds! "

"Is there anyone like you? " Xin zimo looked at her calmly.

"although there's no possibility of someone as beautiful as me, I can still make do with the light. " It was the first time that Du Anran was so shameless.

She was such a reserved girl. When she met Xin Zimo, she had no moral integrity and no limits.

It was also the first time that Xin Zimo saw how narcissistic Du Anran was. He could not help but laugh. "Why are you so shameless? You're a lady. "

"those who are close to the vermilion bird and those who are close to the ink bird will be black. If you stay with a shameless person for too long, you'll assimilate. "

"Then it seems that I have to rescue you from Xie Chenjin's hands as soon as possible. "

"You are the one who is shameless! " Du Anran said angrily.

"Oh, I can show you what it means to be shameless. "

Xin Zimo took advantage of the fact that Du Anran was not paying attention and carried her horizontally. He carried her to the Tatami beside him.

At this time, the moonlight was still bright. The melted moonlight shone in from outside the window and scattered the beautiful scenery on the ground.

Xin Zimo pressed the button, and the curtains automatically closed. The Moonlight and the beautiful night were locked outside the window. The room was only left with light yellow lights, floral walls, and a black-and-white style.

Du Anran was shocked, and her back was already pressed against the soft Tatami.

Before she could react, Xin Zimo had already approached her and pressed her under him.

Du Anran did not know if this beast had not touched a woman for a long time. In addition, he had just sobered up and was still in a half-drunk state. In short, she did not even have a chance to struggle before he held her hands.

Then, the fiery kiss swept over, from her forehead to her lips.

Du Anran was completely mesmerized by the sudden kiss. Her entire mind went blank.

But in the next moment, when Xin Zimo reached out to unbutton her shirt, she was shocked awake.

Du Anran used all her strength to struggle. She could not let him do whatever he wanted. She still had a child in her belly!

However, du Anran had almost no chance of defeating Xin Zimo. Her struggle was useless, but her struggle and unwillingness made Xin zimo unhappy.

Xin Zimo, who was in a good mood, was now enraged. He kissed her neck fiercely and left a mark that belonged to him.

"Xin Zimo, don't touch me! " Du Anran was really afraid of hurting the child.

However, from Xin Zimo's point of view, Du Anran was rejecting him. The tenderness in his eyes disappeared without a trace and was replaced by hatred.

He grabbed her hand and looked down at her. "Don't forget, I'm your first man! "

Du Anran knew that everything she said was a cover-up. Xin Zimo was the most unreasonable.

"I heard that you were very drunk. I came here out of kindness. If you treat me like this, I won't care about your life or death anymore. " Du Anran looked at him.

Xin Zimo didn't expect her to talk back. She even looked like she was ready to die.

"Your leg is on your body. You came here on your own. Do you blame me? " Xin Zimo said.

"Why are you so unreasonable! " Du Anran was defeated by his logic. "Oh, you're unreasonable to begin with. Your conscience has been eaten by dogs. "

"according to your logic, shouldn't you be treated well after giving something? Then, what did my sincerity get in return? " Xin Zimo's heart was in pain.

Du Anran's heart was also in pain. In this world, love could never be the only existence. It could not support the entire real world.

"I can't win against you. Every time I admit defeat, you will never give in to me. Therefore, we are simply not suitable to be together. No one would be like you, unwilling to forgive a woman. "I'm just doing my duty as a friend today. It's fine if you don't appreciate my kindness, but I hope you will respect me, " Du Anran said.

"Then, have you ever wondered why I'm unwilling to let go of you? " Xin Zimo's eyes were a little red.

"I don't need an answer, " Du Anran said lightly.

She clearly knew the answer. He loved her. He loved her to the bone.

"Then I'll tell you, you can only be mine. Before long, I'll make Xie Chenjin, Jin Shaonan, and all the men you get close to disappear... " Xin Zimo's tone was determined.

"Xin Zimo, what are you doing? " Du Anran's eyes widened.

"I just need to announce my sovereignty over you to others. " Xin Zimo's lips curled into a wicked smile.

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo was a man of his word. If he really wanted to make a move on Xie Chenjin and Jin Shaonan, he would definitely do it.

"Xin Zimo, Chenjin is my boyfriend, and Shaonan is my senior in college. They have always helped me when I was at my most helpless. If you really touch them, I will... "

"What will you do? " Xin zimo interrupted her. He could not listen to her anymore. "commit suicide? Or die for love? "

"You are simply unreasonable! "

"What I said is reasonable. " Xin zimo looked at her "Du Anran, to think that you would say that Xie Chenjin is your boyfriend? " "When we were in London, Xie Chenjin hurt me so badly that you joined hands with him to hurt me. When we were in the country, he wanted to take away the information that I had exchanged my life for. "When I was shot, you could not feel how painful my wound was! "

Xin Zimo's eyes were cold. At that time, the only thing that kept him alive was her. But now, she had left him and asked someone else to be her boyfriend... ...

Du Anran's eyes were slightly evasive. She knew that she had done something wrong, and she could not forgive herself.

But when he did not come back for four days and four nights, she had waited for him for four days and four nights. How could she not know the pain of the bullet in the wound.

At that time, if he really did not come back, she would definitely have followed him. But now, everything had turned into today's situation.

"You hate me. I will take responsibility for all the mistakes. " Du Anran lowered her eyes.

Xie Chenjin and Jin Shaonan. She did not want to see anyone get hurt because of her. They were very good to her and always reached out their warmest hands when she was at her most helpless.

"I can settle the debt with you slowly for the rest of my life! " Xin Zimo planned to Pester her for the rest of her life. She could not think of leaving him.

Even if he really married someone else in the future, she could only be his.

"settling the score is too tiring. You should do this kind of mental work. If I owe you a lot, I'll pay you back slowly until I don't owe you anymore... " Du Anran said faintly.

Even now, he still thought that she owed him a lot, didn't he All the things that she had done for him could not offset the mistakes that the DU family and she had made, right?

If the two of them had settled everything clearly, it would mean that there would no longer be any kind of relationship between them.

Xin Zimo was heartbroken. Did he really want to settle the score with her Even if she owed him a lot, he would not want her to pay back a single cent. In love, there was always someone who had to pay more. He was willing to become this person, but she did not even give him a chance.

"It's two o'clock. " Xin Zimo was tired.

He did not want to tell her these things. Every time he did, it would make them unhappy. Since they were both unhappy, there was no need to bring it up.

Xin Zimo let go of her hand, turned over, and lay quietly on the side.

He closed his eyes and did not speak again.

Du Anran knew that he was already giving her face. If she really left at this moment, he would not be so easy to talk to.

Forget it, it was already late at night. It was not safe to go home.

The Tatami was still very comfortable. It emitted the fragrance of lavender, calming and soothing. Mixed with the incense in the room, it was indescribably peaceful.

Xin zimo occupied a part of the Tatami. Du Anran could only feel wronged and sleep on the other side.

Sure enough, Xin Zimo did not even lift his eyelids. With his back facing du Anran, he threw her a cold back.

Du Anran knew that this man was just so petty. He must be angry again. She did not dare to provoke him, and even covered herself with the blanket carefully, afraid that she would make any noise.

She simply slept with her back facing him. She had been thinking too much these past few days, so she did not get much sleep, and the quality of her sleep was not high either. Today, her stomach still hurt so much. If this went on, she would be irresponsible to her child.

She forced herself not to let her imagination run wild. She couldn't hide from it anyway, so she might as well have a good night's sleep.

Du Anran tried her best to let herself fall asleep. She tried her best to treat this place as her home and not think about those troublesome things.

Perhaps it was because of the Calming Incense and the fact that the environment here was really quiet and comfortable, du Anran soon fell asleep.

She slept very soundly. The unhappy expression on her face before she fell asleep slowly faded away. Gradually, the corners of her lips relaxed into a faint smile.

Xin Zimo could not fall asleep at all. His head was already hurting, and he had quarreled with Du Anran again. At this moment, his mood was in a mess. However, he did not dare to toss and turn, for fear of Waking Du Anran.

Just like that, after being at odds with himself for a long time, he finally turned around and hugged Du Anran.

She did not resist, and he silently admitted that she was asleep.

Holding her in his arms, he finally felt at ease. Only he himself knew how afraid he was to lose her... ...

However, every time he saw her, when she protected another man, he could not help but be jealous. A man's jealousy was also very scary, and his iq instantly dropped to zero.

Therefore, he said everything that he should have said and should not have said.

He sighed. Every time, du Anran was like a hedgehog. She would respond to whatever he said. Couldn't she just pretend to be pitiful and let him not be angry?

However, how could she still have him in her heart and care about his feelings... ...