Chapter 309, psychiatrist

"Shaonan, when I was in trouble, you were always the first to comfort me. Now, Uncle Jin has encountered such an incident, how can we just stand by and watch. "Chen Jin and I are much more familiar with city a than you are. With US around, you won't be helpless. " Du Anran was still trying to persuade Jin Shaonan.

"Anran, this is not a small matter. Moreover, this is a matter of the Jin family. You and Chen Jin should not get involved. " Jin Shaonan did not want Du Anran to get involved.

This was not a small matter. With his experience and experience, he could completely detect that this was premeditated.

"But, Shaonan... "

"Anran, you don't have to worry about it. Don't worry about my father anymore. From today onwards, I will be in charge of this matter. " Jin Shaonan interrupted Du Anran's words.

He walked out of the Jin family's villa. His car was still parked outside.

"Shaonan! Shaonan! "

Du Anran chased after him, but Jin Shaonan did not listen to her at all. He stepped on the accelerator and Let du Anran shout from behind. He did not even turn around.

Du Anran knew that Jin Shaonan was afraid that the Jin family's matter would implicate her.

Ever since the incident with Shihe and the DU family, she had a clear understanding of the human world. If she and Xie Chenjin insisted on helping the Jin family, there would be all kinds of sharp arrows pointing at them in the future.

After Jin Shaonan left, Du anran quickly called Xie Chenjin and explained the whole story.

Xie Chenjin was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "I will definitely help Shaonan. "

"Me too. " Du Anran's tone was also very firm.

"I am currently investigating the documents in the court. I will go to the archives office to look for the files later. I plan to talk to Mayor Jin alone tomorrow, " Xie Chenjin said.

"thank you for your hard work. Regarding the Xie family's matter... "

"I have left the Xie family's matter to Luo Cong. It's not a big deal. Don't worry, there won't be any problems. " Xie Chenjin played it down.

Du Anran knew that the Jin family's matter had distracted Xie Chenjin a lot. However, she could only be anxious and could not help in any way.

However, from this matter, she could see that Xie Chenjin was loyal. At the very least, he was really sincere to his friends. Although Xie Chenjin was sometimes as cold and ruthless as others in the business world, he was still a loyal and loyal person.

Du Anran did not know whether it was fortunate or unfortunate that she knew Xie Chenjin.

However, compared to du Anran's gloomy face, Chi Xue was carefree.

Ever since she found out about Du Anran's pregnancy yesterday, she felt as if a treasure had fallen from the sky. She was very happy.

She was sitting in her own shop, thinking about how to make good use of this news. She was unhappy when she remembered what mother Xie had taught her that day. If mother Xie found out that Du Anran was pregnant with someone else's child, what would her reaction be... ...

Chi Xue secretly laughed when she thought of this.

The sunlight shone through the glass walls of the shop and landed on Chi Xue's body.

Her Beige knitted shirt was covered with a layer of light sunlight, making her look exceptionally beautiful. Chi Xue's long hair draped lazily over her shoulders. She was already beautiful, and her smile made the surrounding beautiful scenery lose its color.

When Cui Hao entered, he happened to see Chi Xue smiling slightly. He had rarely seen Chi xue smile like this, so he could not help but feel a little surprised.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at Chi Xue in a daze.

Chi Xue was thinking about her own matters, so she didn't notice that Cui Hao had come. When she thought about Du Anran, she couldn't help but think of Xin Zimo again.

Whenever she thought of Xin Zimo, her heart would ache faintly.

Ever since she was young, she liked him that much. She liked to be by his side, she liked to listen to him talk, and she liked to watch him study. After so many years, she still liked him the same way. But why would she be teased by fate like this!

Was Her love wrong?

When she thought of this, Chi Xue, who had been happy just now, was suddenly covered by a haze. The expression in her eyes immediately darkened.

At this moment, she turned her head and saw Cui Hao at the door. Her face immediately revealed disgust.

Many times, when she missed Xin Zimo, she always hoped that Xin Zimo's figure would appear in front of her. However, from that night onwards, she no longer had this kind of hope. All her hopes were broken by Cui Hao.

She stood up and wanted to leave. She did not want to see Cui Hao at all.

In fact, in terms of looks, Cui Hao was not bad. In terms of family background, Cui Hao was the son of the deputy commander. However, Chi Xue did not like him because compared to Xin Zimo, Cui Hao was thousands of miles away. They were not on the same level at all.

Chi Xue was surrounded by a sense of regret every day. She even began to regret why she moved to England all those years ago.

If she had not lived in England for so long, Xin zimo would definitely not have been snatched away by others. They were so close when they were young... ...

"My dear, my dear! " Cui Hao saw that Chi Xue was about to turn around and leave, so he quickly chased after her.

Chi Xue completely ignored him. Just as he was about to catch up, she threw the magazine in her hand at Cui Hao's face.

Cui Hao caught the magazine, but he was not angry. He still smiled apologetically.

"My dear, let me take you out for a walk! Look, the sun is so bright today. The Mountains are green and the rivers are green, and the peach blossoms are bright. Only by going out for a walk can I not let down this good time! "

Cui Hao spoke in a certain way. In the past, he had relied on his good temper and eloquence to charm a lot of young girls. However, he never thought that he would one day fall into Chi Xue's hands.

"What's wrong with your brain! " Chi Xue scolded Cui Hao, completely ignoring Cui Hao.

In her opinion, Cui Hao had a problem with his brain and his thoughts were dirty. This kind of man should be thrown out and fed to the dogs.

"Dear, if you don't want to go, it just so happens that I have a friend who is passing by. Can I invite him in to have a seat? "

Cui Hao kept a close watch on Chi Xue. He was afraid that he would do something harmful to others and himself if he didn't take Chi Xue seriously.

After so many days of hard work, Chi Xue finally stopped paying attention to that child. The child's life was saved, but Chi Xue still had no intention of getting a marriage certificate.

Cui Hao was no longer in a hurry. When Chi Xue figured it out on her own, she would definitely get a marriage certificate from him.

"there are so many places outside that you don't want to sit, but you have to sit here with me. Cui Hao, are you here to pick a fight? " Chi Xue showed no good attitude towards Cui Hao.

"No, didn't I tell my friend that my girlfriend's shop is here? If I go to another place, it would be very embarrassing. " Cui Hao smiled and said, "my dear, don't you agree? "

"WHO's your girlfriend? How many times have I told you not to talk nonsense outside? Cui Hao, I'm telling you, if you talk nonsense in the future, I'll cut off your tongue! " Chi Xue threatened.

Cui Hao quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at grains. Why did his goddess, who was gentle like water a moment ago, suddenly become fierce.

He knew that his goddess was only gentle like water to Xin Zimo. Anyone was trash in her eyes.

However, his goddess was now his woman. She even had a child. The rest was up to time. He believed that after a long time, his goddess would definitely stand side by side with him.

"My dear, my friend is just passing by. I'll invite him over now. Look, your place is decorated so generously, and there are so many beautiful clothes. When he comes over, he will definitely praise you for being capable. His girlfriend also loves to buy clothes. I'll ask him to buy a few of them back directly!"Cui Hao said with a smile.

Chi Xue didn't say anything. In fact, she couldn't be bothered to talk to Cui Hao anymore.

Cui Hao took it as Chi Xue's tacit agreement and directly went out to invite his friend in.

Actually, this wasn't his friend. It was the psychological counselor he had just invited from outside this morning. The last time Xin Zimo called him, he vaguely revealed some small psychological problems of Chi Xue, so he thought of inviting a psychological counselor to take a look.

This psychological counselor was only in his thirties. After muttering to Cui Hao at the door for a while, he walked in.

However, a psychological counselor was after all a psychological counselor. It was very easy to find a common topic to talk about with a person.

Soon, the psychologist began to chat with Chi Xue.

Cui Hao listened from the side. He felt that all his years of skill in picking up girls had been wasted. He had yet to find a psychologist capable of it.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not hook up with Chi Xue. However, when the psychologist came, he immediately chatted happily with Chi Xue.

"Miss Chi, I studied in Italy for five years. One day, when I was a volunteer at the sports ground, I saw a young lady who was as beautiful as you. Speaking of which, not only was she beautiful, but she also looked very similar. "Now that I think about it, it's still like a dream, " the consultant said to Chi Xue.

"really? When I heard what you said, I really thought it was me. It's a pity that I've never been to Italy, " Chi Xue said with a smile.

Cui Hao knew that women liked compliments, but he had said countless nice things to Chi Xue over a long period of time, so why didn't it work.

"I still remember the weather that day was just like today. The Sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. The sports ground was filled with fresh flowers, and when I entered, there was a refreshing fragrance. "I like the fragrance of roses the most. When I stood in front of a bouquet of roses and stared at it, that young lady wore a white dress and walked past me like a princess walking out of a bouquet of flowers. I haven't forgotten this scene until now... "... "..."

As Chi Xue listened to the consultant's description, she fell into her own fantasy.

What was her best memory Was it the nothingness of her childhood?

If she wanted to count the most beautiful memories, it was when she was alone with Xin Zimo. She could hold his arm, even if it was just for show.

"actually, Miss Chi, the weather today is really nice. When I first came to this place, I passed by a rose manor. Now that I see you again, it reminds me of these memories. " The counselor smiled.

"Memories Always Make People Sigh. " Chi Xue smiled helplessly. "whether it's happy or not, they have become a mark on the photo. It's impossible to piece together the vivid memories of that time. "

"But thinking about it always gives people a beautiful belief, " the counselor said.

"What's the use of thinking about something you can never get back? " Chi Xue sighed.