Chapter 310, former and current

"Miss Chi, we hit it off at first sight. How about I invite you to that Rose Manor today? I wonder if Miss Chi would be willing to give me this face? " The consultant asked.

"since Mr. Qiu has spoken, it wouldn't be good for me to refuse, would it? " Chi Xue smiled faintly.

Cui Hao couldn't help but sigh. Chi Xue was really giving a stranger face, but she refused to give him face.

Chi Xue still treated Cui Hao as air, chatting and laughing with the consultant. After chatting for a while, the counselor left the shop with Chi Xue.

Cui Hao was about to say something, but the counselor patted his shoulder to reassure him.

"What is this? " Cui Hao was quite helpless.

But there was nothing he could do. He was useless and couldn't deal with Chi Xue at all. He could only watch the counselor drive a Cadillac and take his woman to the Rose Manor.

He didn't choose any other place. The Rose Manor was obviously making him jealous.

But the counselor was hired by him. He was a mute. However, if he could make Chi Xue forget what happened that night and change her attitude towards him, he would not care whether they went to the rose manor or some romantic place.

Cui Hao did not go anywhere. He waited for Chi Xue's return in Chi Xue's shop.

After waiting for a long time, Cui Hao fell asleep on the table.

The Sun gradually moved to the West and slowly sank into the high-rise buildings, hiding in the darkness.

Cui Hao slept very soundly. When he accidentally woke up, he saw that the sky was completely dark. Chi Xue's huge store had no customers left. Only a few salespeople were still ironing and settling the bill.

He looked at his watch. It was already seven o'clock!

Where's Chi Xue Why isn't she back yet... ...

Cui Hao was anxious and quickly called the psychologist.

The psychologist smiled and said, "brother, don't be anxious. I'm taking Miss Chi to the manor to experience the production process of essential oils and the cultivation of small roses. The pace here is very slow and life is full of fragrance. "But I promise you, when Miss Chi is in a good mood, I will personally send her back. "

"okay, okay, okay. I don't understand what you're saying. As long as you make her happy and don't lose your temper with me when she comes back, it's fine, " Cui Hao said.

"Don't worry, there's no problem at all! "

Cui Hao stretched his body, tidied his clothes, and left Chi Xue's shop.

He felt that the world was really wonderful. Last year, he was a rich man who enjoyed himself, but this year, he was going to be the father of his child.

Cui Hao pinched his face. Ouch, it really hurts. It doesn't seem like a dream.

It was late at night, and the surroundings of city a were lit up with bright lights. The lights in the Du residence were also bright.

Du Anran could not fall asleep in her own room. She could not remember how many nights she had spent in insomnia.

Ever since she returned from Dunhuang, she had fallen into a cycle of melancholy and gloom. Every day, there was no news that could make her happy. Instead, there were countless worries.

She randomly flipped through the books she bought during the day on the bed. When she saw the page where the pregnant woman had to maintain a good mood, she could not help but sigh.

How could she maintain a good mood? The Du family had finally jumped out from the abyss of suffering, but why were the people around her falling into the magic circle of trouble again and again... ...

She saw the Blue Card again. On the card were the three words Xin zimo wrote.

She took the card. The card had the scent of Iris Perfume on it, and it smelled refreshing. The blue color was the same as the Jacaranda in the yard. Before long, the Jacaranda in the yard would be full of trees.

Du Anran remembered the words of the Jacaranda and waited for love in despair.

She waited for year after year, year after year, but why was there only despair, but no love... ...

Du Anran sniffed the fragrance on the card. Slowly, she finally fell asleep in the elegant smell. The fragrance was very stable, just like the incense in the room yesterday. It always made her fall into a deep sleep.

Therefore, when she woke up the next day, she was still holding the Blue Card in her hand.

She sighed slightly, folded the card, and put it into the box.

The weather had changed very quickly these days. It was already warm spring, and early summer was coming soon.

Du Anran had no choice but to wear a loose skirt. Although it was a little hot, at least she could not see anything wrong with it.

It was probably because she did not sleep well and no one took care of her. This child grew slowly. It was almost four months old, and it still looked like it had been more than two months. However, it was quite noisy in the middle of the night.

Du Anran felt that she owed this child a lot. She completely did not fulfill the responsibility that a mother should have, let alone take good care of this child.

Early in the morning, Du Anran arrived at the courtyard. She did not expect that the Yu beauty that she had personally planted had bloomed.

At a glance, it was a stretch of red. When the wind blew, there was no fragrance, but its posture was swaying, graceful and graceful.

Du Anran was really excited. She had always wanted to plant Yu beauty in the garden. This year, her wish had finally come true. Now, these seeds sprouted and took root, and beautiful flowers bloomed again.

She was so happy that she took a lot of photos of Yu beauties, and even passed them to her mother and Liu Wanwan.

The garden immediately added a fresh color. A breeze blew, and Du Anran knew that although these flowers were not as noble as tulips and roses were elegant, this color gave her a lot of faith.

However, she could not help but think about the future. When she left city a, her garden, and everything she had here, there would be no one to take care of these flowers, right... ...

She thought of a song. We'll just go our separate ways... ...

As she stood in the wind and looked at the large group of Yu Beauties, she received an unfamiliar phone call.

"Is it Miss Du? " A woman's voice came through. It was crisp and sweet, but it was mixed with countless disappointment.

"It's me. You're... Miss Tang? " Du Anran still recognized the voice ...

"I'm Tang Nuanyan. " Tang nuanyan's voice was very gentle. "Can I meet you at Moonlight restaurant? "

"Sure. "

Du Anran didn't know why Tang nuanyan would suddenly look for her. It could be said that they didn't have any interaction at all. If it wasn't for Xin Zimo, she wouldn't have known Tang Nuanyan.

Du Anran looked at the time. It was already 10 o'clock in the morning.

Du Anran hadn't been to the moonlight restaurant for a long time. The last time she went there, she helped Liu Wanwan to meet Lu Jia and her daughter. She still remembered that ridiculous incident!

However, after that, Lu Jia and her daughter completely disappeared from city a, which could be considered a good thing.

Thinking of this, Du Anran couldn't help but envy Liu Wanwan. She also hoped that Sun Ping would really treat Liu wanwan wholeheartedly.

When they arrived at the Moonlight restaurant, Du Anran saw Tang Nuanyan in a quiet private room. She looked like she had been here for a long time, and the coffee in her cup was no longer hot.

Tang Nuanyan wore a light yellow shirt on top and a dark green floral skirt on the bottom. She leaned against the window, looking very quiet and ladylike.

"Miss Tang. " Du Anran called out to her and sat across from her.

"Miss Du is here. " Tang nuanyan smiled. "See if you need anything. "

"No need, I'll just sit for a while. " Du Anran also smiled.

Du Anran could see some melancholy on Tang Nuanyan's face. She knew that a young lady like Tang Nuanyan could not hide her worries.

However, such a young lady was easy to train. Mother Xin probably liked such a young lady, just like Chi Xue in the past.

"Why are you free to come and chat with me today, Miss Tang? " Du anran asked with a smile.

"actually, I'm free every day. It's just that I do have some things that I want to talk to Miss Du about today. "

"Miss Tang, if you have something to say, just say it. I'm also very happy to be able to sit down and chat with Miss Tang. "

"My relationship with Mr. Xin... " Tang Nuanyan spoke, but she paused.

Du Anran knew very well that she had already thought about it before coming here. It was probably something related to Xin Zimo. The two of them did not have any interactions. The only reason they could sit together and chat was because they knew each other.

"I know. Miss Tang and Mr. Xin are getting along. In my opinion, you two are a perfect match, " du Anran said with a smile.

Du Anran thought so in her heart. However, it was not because they were a perfect match, but because they were of equal status.

Xin Zimo's foundation in city a was not solid because of old Mr. Xin's settlement in London and his father's death. Even if they were to prosper in the future, without a solid foundation, the Xin family would only become a castle in the air.

And the Tang family could become the foundation of the Xin family, solid and indestructible.

Therefore, Du Anran still had high hopes for Tang Nuanyan, especially since Tang Nuanyan was very fond of Xin Zimo.

"Miss Du, do you really think so? " Tang nuanyan frowned slightly.

Du Anran nodded. "Yes, no matter how you look at it, Miss Tang and Mr. Xin are a good match. "

"Maybe Mr. Xin doesn't think so. " Tang nuanyan lowered her head. Her voice was a little indifferent, with a hint of sadness hidden in it.

Du Anran didn't know what Xin Zimo was up to. Why did he look so happy when he went to the movies with Tang Nuanyan the last time? Why did he make Tang nuanyan unhappy in the blink of an eye?

He really couldn't tell the severity of the situation. He was probably used to scolding her and had a bad temper. Now that his girlfriend was Tang Nuanyan, he couldn't get used to it. He thought that Tang Nuanyan was scolding him because of her!

"What's wrong? Did Miss Tang quarrel with him? He must have made you unhappy. He has that kind of temper. It's good that you're used to it, " Du Anran comforted her.

She had gotten used to it, so now that he had quarreled with her, she would not be angry for long. If she got angry too much, she would be the one who would be hurt.

However, Du Anran also thought about it a lot. Seeing that Tang Nuanyan was so unhappy, could it be that Tang nuanyan found out when Xin Zimo secretly went out to look for her!

Xin Zimo had secretly looked for her many times, and she could not avoid it. Now, she felt as if her lover had been caught red-handed.

"He doesn't know how to quarrel. He has never quarreled with me, " Tang nuanyan played it down. "I don't dare to have a small temper with him. "