Chapter 313, wishful thinking

Du Anran was completely stunned for a few seconds when she heard his words.

However, Xin Zimo did not give her a chance to speak. He continued, "are you planning to return to my side by yourself, or are you waiting for me to snatch you back? If you choose the latter, I'm afraid I'll be in a worse situation. "

"You should know my answer. " Du Anran had already said it many times.

"Oh, then you've chosen the latter. Don't blame me for being ruthless. "

He would not attack Du Anran, but he could not blame him for attacking the Xie family and the Jin family.

Even without Du Anran's reason, he would still show no mercy to the Xie family and the Jin family. He would show no mercy to anyone who coveted or obstructed the Xin family.

"So what if you can have me? I WON'T MARRY YOU! " Du Anran countered.

"WHO said I want to marry you? You're really overthinking things. " Xin zimo smiled leisurely "I just want to keep you by my side. When I'm bored, I'll look for you to relieve my boredom. As for the position of the Xin family's main wife, I've given you a chance. If you don't want it, then you can't blame me. "

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo was purely taking revenge for her actions that night. She had said so many hurtful words that night. For someone as calculative and narrow-minded as him, it would be strange if he didn't hold a grudge.

How childish... ...

Du Anran was very disdainful, so the expression on her face was also a kind of mockery in the face of a child.

Xin Zimo thought that Du Anran didn't care, but when he met her eyes.. He said sarcastically, "Oh, that's right. Since you have the title of Young Madam of the Xie family, you don't care about anything else, right? However, very soon, I'll let you know that the Xie family is only a paper-thin city wall. In front of the Xin family, it can only be an ant trying to shake a big tree. "

"Xin Zimo, you can't be too confident. I think you've forgotten how it feels to be forced to pay by the bank... "

"Isn't that all because of you... " Xin Zimo was furious.

"What does it have to do with me? You're the one WHO'S USELESS! "

"I'm the one who's useless. How could I fall in love with a beauty like you? " Xin Zimo said helplessly.

It was DU anran's turn to be speechless. Every time the two of them argued, it would end in her defeat.

Du Anran glanced over and looked out of the window. Unfortunately, the rain was too heavy. The car window was a blur and nothing could be seen.

"Xin Zimo, do you like to bully me? Chi Xue and Miss Tang told me that you would never quarrel with them. "

"Yes, I'm such an elegant gentleman, why would I casually quarrel with women? It's so embarrassing. "

"shameless. " Du Anran couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. Seriously, how could there be such a shameless man as Xin Zimo in the world.

In the two years when she first met Xin Zimo, she had never seen him so shameless. At that time, Xin Zimo was very normal. Yes, just as he said, he was indeed elegant and graceful.

Why did he become like this now? Why was that He who gets close to the VERMILION bird gets the black ink No, she had never been narcissistic!

The car drove steadily forward in the heavy rain. The Sky was still dark. The driver turned on the headlights. Every time the car drove past, there would be a very high splash of water.

"Anran, when I get married, I'll invite you to be the bridesmaid, okay? " When the car had just quieted down, Xin zimo deliberately said.

"Then when I get married, I'll invite you to be the best man, okay? "

Du Anran really felt that Xin Zimo was becoming more and more childish, like a child. She was really used to him. She was both angry and amused.

"I'm only the groom, not the best man, " Xin Zimo told her very seriously.

"Oh, who can get you to be my best man? "

"It's good that you understand, " Xin Zimo said plainly. "I was thinking that it's normal for other presidents to have three, four, or seven or eight lovers. Wouldn't it be too much of a loss if I only have you as my lover? "

"I can help you find a few more. You can have whatever you want. However, President Xin, please take it easy. I'm afraid that you won't be able to handle seven or eight lovers. How about I find four for you? No more, no less. "

"Seven or eight lovers? We'll give it a try when we go back. "

"Oh, then I'll find seven different ones for you. Change One every day. It won't be boring. "

"Du Anran, actually, I forgot to tell you. One of you is worth seven... " Xin zimo laughed evilly in her ear.


Du Anran once again declared her failure.

The car took a few turns and soon, after driving out of the downtown area, it headed towards a quiet road. Du Anran knew that this road was the one that led to the villa on Huxin island. Today, she had bumped into the muzzle of Xin Zimo and could not escape at all.

If she were to be caught by him every day from now on, what would she do... ...

He could not do anything to her, and she could not do anything to him either.

Fortunately, Xin zimo seemed to be in a good mood today. But she was not in a good mood. The rain was so heavy, and she still had to go back and make dinner!

It didn't take long for the car to park in the garage of the villa.

When du Anran got out of the car, she didn't expect that the villa on Lake Heart Island in the rain would be so beautiful.

The rain fell on the river, stirring up ripples. The misty rain was hazy on the distant mountains, and only some verdant green could be seen. Occasionally, one or two birds would chirp, leaving a long echo outside the quiet villa.

The wooden bridge was already covered in water stains, and the fish in the river would jump out of the water from time to time. Such a scenery was like a dream.

Du Anran was a little fascinated by it. The villa that Xin Zimo gave her was indeed an excellent place. There were fog, rain, frost, and snow all year round. The scenery was different.

However, he had already regretted it. He had also taken back the villa. This place did not belong to her anymore.

"What are you thinking about? Don't you want to go in and try? Can I take on seven or eight lovers? HMM? " Xin Zimo put his arm around her shoulder.

"It's too vulgar, it's ruining the scenery... "

Such a beautiful scenery, what else could he say if he was not ruining the scenery.

"Du Anran, I think you don't know anything about rainy days. Aren't you afraid of a lightning bolt when you're standing outside in the open? "

"It's coming for you! " Du Anran said angrily.

"You're cursing me for being struck by lightning. What about your happiness for the rest of your life? "

Xin Zimo didn't wait for du Anran to speak and carried her back. She sounded nice now, but when a lightning bolt came, she would be so scared that she would cover her eyes.

Xin zimo closed the door, and the sound of the rain outside couldn't be heard.

The Room was very quiet, only the ticking of the clock.

Du Anran did not dare to move, afraid that Xin Zimo would let go and drop her from his arms. It did not matter in the past, but not now, she was still pregnant.

However, she was very glad that Xin Zimo did not notice that she was pregnant. As expected, men were slow in this aspect.

But as time passed, she was also afraid of being exposed.

"What time is it now, and you're already off work. No wonder the XIN building is going to close... " Du Anran looked up at him.

"I don't need to clock out. You don't like it? Go to the board of directors and expose me... "

"If only the board of directors could control you! " Du Anran said disdainfully.

"It's good that you know. You don't have to worry about my work in the future. Just do your duty as a lover properly. "

Xin Zimo took a few steps forward and placed her on the Sofa.

His movements were very gentle and there was no dissatisfaction in his eyes. It could be seen that he was in a good mood today.

"Let me go back. I still have to go BUY GROCERIES AND COOK! "

"You don't have to worry about anything with me here. " Xin Zimo pressed against her, and out of the blue, he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"We're both about to get married, why are you still pestering me? I'm not going to be your lover, don't drag me along with you. "

"I'll only give you two choices. First, be my wife, and second, be my lover. Since you don't like to marry me, then let's be sneaky, isn't that good? "

"Childish! " Du Anran couldn't help but spit.

She didn't know if he was in a good mood or if he had lost his mind again. He was childish like a child and only knew how to get angry with her.

"I'm serious. " Xin zimo looked at her with a serious look in his eyes.

"I'm meeting Xie Chenjin tonight. If you don't let me go, his call will come. "

"Xie Chenjin? Du Anran, seeing that you're still living in your own home, I know that your relationship with him isn't that good. Is that right? "

"You say that I'm overthinking things, but in fact, you're more overthinking things than I am. Whether my relationship with him is good or not, it's not up to you. "You saw it the night of Commander Tang and Madam Tang's wedding anniversary celebration. I'm staying at Xie Chenjin's place. "It's just that we're not married yet, so it's not good for us to always stay at his place. "

"even if I give you a way out, you won't lower yourself. You're doing this on purpose! "

Xin zimo pinched Du Anran's Chin. This woman just wants to infuriate him to death.

Du Anran originally wanted to reply to him, but she endured it and decided to forget it. The doctor said to maintain a happy mood, happy... ...

"I'm hungry! " Du Anran changed the topic.

"I'm hungry too. " Xin Zimo sat beside her.

"Then I'll ask Alu and the others to cook. "

"I gave them a holiday, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

"Ah? Oh. Then we'll starve to death. " Du Anran touched her stomach. She was really hungry.

She was probably hungry from quarreling with Xin Zimo. Quarreling with him consumed both her intelligence and strength. It was really exhausting and unrewarding.

"Good for you! " Xin Zimo glared at her. "Go do it! "

"Didn't you just say that you don't have to worry about anything here? "

"Did I say that? I think I did. But I'm hungry too. How about I eat you first, and then I'll cook when I'm full, okay? " Xin zimo approached Du Anran, and his hot breath brushed past her ear.

"NOT GOOD! Damn Hooligan, get lost! " Du Anran pushed him away.

"Your attitude is too bad! " Xin zimo frowned.

Du Anran regretted what she said. According to Xin Zimo's previous personality, the more she resisted, the more he refused to admit defeat, and soon, he would eat her up.

However, he was in a good mood today. After she said that, he only frowned. Du Anran could not help but feel lucky.

Coincidentally, at that moment, du Anran's phone rang.

Du Anran practically pounced over and took the phone. When Xin Zimo saw her reaction, his frown deepened.