Chapter 314 had been lost a long time ago

"Anran, where are you? " It was Xie Chenjin's voice.

"I... I'm outside buying groceries. " Du Anran lied ...

"It's raining heavily outside. Be careful. If it's not convenient, I can pick you up. "

Xie Chenjin was not as imposing as he used to be when he talked to her on the phone today. Instead, he was exhausted everywhere.

"What's wrong? Are you too tired? " Du Anran could tell that he was tired and could not help but ask with concern.

Recently, Xie Chenjin was really worried about the Jin family and the Xie family, but she still had to trouble him from time to time. She knew that as a friend, Xie Chenjin was really loyal.

"I'm fine. Shaonan's father's matter didn't go well. I found a few friends, and they all said that someone impeached him. Even Mayor Jin's good friends couldn't protect him. "

"Who? Why would someone dare to touch Uncle Jin, such a big official? Is he not afraid of anything? " Du Anran found it unbelievable.

She had never thought that Uncle Jin would encounter such a thing after being an official for so many years.

"It's fine if Shaonan's father didn't misappropriate the public funds, but... This is true. " Xie chenjin sighed slightly ...

"there are many such things. Why are they targeting Uncle Jin? "

"Anran, even you think it's a long-planned plan! " Xie Chenjin said, "I asked my friends to investigate the identity of the person who exposed him. No one could figure it out, but I suspect it's Xin Zimo... "

"Ah? " Du Anran widened her eyes.

She shifted her gaze to Xin Zimo. He seemed to have lost his patience. He had already heard what they were talking about.

Exposing Jin Haiguo was just a small step, and they were already making a big fuss about it. If they really used a big move in the future, would they be able to bear it?

"Anran, I won't say anything to sow discord. I'm just telling you the truth. Shaonan was very depressed after seeing his father... " Xie Chenjin wanted to say something but stopped.

"I understand. " Du Anran lowered her head.

She felt very guilty. The acquaintance between her and Xin Zimo had brought countless disasters to the people around her. She was a troublemaker... ...

Seeing that Du Anran finally hung up the phone, Xin Zimo looked at her lazily.

"Aren't you hungry? Come with me to the kitchen to cook. " Xin Zimo stood up.

Du Anran did not say a word, and her face immediately darkened. She packed her bag, held it in her hand, and planned to leave.

Xin Zimo looked at her, and his slightly relaxed brows furrowed again. "where are you going? "

"It's none of Your Business! I'm going home! " Du Anran brushed past him.

She did not want to quarrel with Xin Zimo now. When Xie Chenjin got the evidence that Xin Zimo had exposed Uncle Jin, she would not let him go.

After she left him, he made a move on the people around her. Only a despicable person like him would do such a wicked thing.

"It's raining heavily outside. How are you going to go home? " Xin Zimo's face darkened.

Du Anran stopped in her tracks. Yes, it was still raining heavily outside. In the past, she would not mind spending a night under the rose rack in the middle of winter. But now, she was pregnant... ...

She couldn't joke about the child's life... ...

"I can ask my friend to pick me up, " Du Anran said lightly.

"friend? Xie Chenjin? " Xin zimo sneered. "He called me, and your soul is gone. "

"Xin Zimo, we should have parted on good terms. "

"Did I agree? From the beginning, I never agreed to break up. You made your own decision, and I won't allow it! "

"If you have any temper, you can vent it on me. What kind of man are you if you keep touching the people around me? " Du Anran couldn't help but tell Xin Zimo.

"It's just a Jin Haiguo, " Xin Zimo said in disdain "Du Anran, you really have no memory. If it weren't for him pressuring the Jin Pan Garden Project, that project would have started a long time ago. It wouldn't have fallen into Hua Yuan's hands now. Du Anran, are you used to being a good person? Have you forgotten that others have stabbed you before?"

What Xin Zimo said didn't give Du Anran any face at all. In his opinion, revenge was necessary.

Wasn't Jin Haiguo pressuring the Jin Pan Garden Project to target the Xin family. And that Wu Jiandong, wasn't he also promoted by Jin Haiguo?

He had only taken a little revenge and was only temporarily detained by Jin Haiguo.

"If you want to stab me in the back, then what's the point of you purchasing Shihe and forcing my uncle into a corner? "

"Du Anran, you're bringing this up again! " Xin Zimo was upset when she said this.

"I didn't plan to bring this up. You forced me to. If anything happens to Uncle Jin, Xin Zimo, I won't let you off. "

"Uncle Jin? You call me so affectionately. Those who don't understand would think that you two are very close. Du Anran, you said that you won't let me off. What do you have to fight with me? which time did you beat me? " Xin Zimo was very disdainful.

"You can't beat me forever... "

Xin Zimo saw that her eyes were red, but his heart also trembled.

He had lost a long time ago. He had lost miserably. Didn't she know?

"Go away! Your heart isn't with me anymore! " Xin Zimo turned his head and didn't look at her anymore.

Du Anran also stopped talking and strode towards the door.

However, when she opened the door, she was dumbfounded. The rain outside was really heavy, and it didn't seem like it would stop at all. The Sky was still pitch-black. In the distance, only the shadow of a hill could be seen. It was like a huge monster pressing on the surface of the lake.

A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed past. The wind blew du Anran's hair, scaring her so much that she quickly closed the door again.

How could she go back in this weather.

She couldn't have asked Xie Chenjin to come here to pick her up, much less Jin Shaonan. Among all the people she knew, the only one who could pick her up was Sun Ping... ...

Sun Ping... ... When she thought of this person, a complicated emotion flashed through her heart ...

Although she went to Liu Wanwan's place in the afternoon, of course, she did not see Sun Ping. Ever since the engagement last time, she had not seen Sun Ping.

Not to mention Xin Zimo, she had not even seen through Sun Ping.

But for now, she could only call Sun Ping.

Sun Ping obviously did not expect that Du Anran would call him. He was holding a long-distance meeting in Huayuan.

Ever since he left the Xin Corporation, he had no more contact with Du Anran. It would not be like the past, where Xin Zimo gave an order and he had to look for du Anran all over the world.

"Sun Ping, are you free? Can you pick me up? It's raining heavily outside, I can't go back... " Du Anran said.

Sun Ping was obviously very surprised. She could not go back when it was raining outside. No matter what, she would not call him.

However, Sun Ping's brain worked quickly. He quickly thought of something. "where are you? "

"I'm at the villa on Huxin island. " Du Anran answered truthfully.

She knew that this villa belonged to Xin Zimo and her memories. Other people definitely wouldn't know, but Sun Ping would definitely know.

Sun Ping thought for a few seconds and said calmly, "I'll call the driver to pick you up. "

"thank you. "

"You're welcome. "

Sun Ping knew that he owed du Anran this as well. As long as he could help, he would try his best to help.

Xin Zimo's expression became more and more unsightly. She called Sun Ping over?

"Du Anran, I've changed my mind. I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO LEAVE! " Xin Zimo strode to her side and grabbed her wrist.

"You broke your promise. Are you still a man? " Du Anran said angrily.

Xin Zimo broke his promise before the driver arrived.

"You know best whether I'm a man or not. " Xin Zimo's lips curved into an evil smile.

"Xin Zimo, whether you're right or wrong, I'll definitely leave! " Du Anran said, "didn't you say before that this is your house? Don't you wish for me to get lost? "

Xin Zimo had given her the key to the villa on lake heart island in the past. However, after that argument, he had gotten someone to take the key.

Du Anran did not know who he had given the angel's heart to.

"Alright, then let the driver wait outside. I want to see who is more patient. "

Xin Zimo's good mood that day had become a little depressed. He grabbed Du Anran and hugged her body.

The next second, he lowered his head and kissed Du Anran's lips without any explanation.

Du Anran did not stand firmly. His kiss had caught her off guard. Just as she almost fell, he grabbed her waist and carried her to the SOFA.

Du Anran's eyes widened as she pushed Xin Zimo with all her strength.

Xin Zimo was naturally and intoxicated from the kiss, but he was still filled with annoyance. After so long, Du Anran's kissing skills had not improved and she did not know how to respond to him at all.

He reached out to take off du Anran's clothes belt. Du Anran was really anxious. Indeed, she could not tell that she was pregnant when she was wearing a lot of clothes, but if she could not tell after taking off her clothes, then there was something wrong with Xin zimo's iq.

And she knew that Xin Zimo's Eq was relatively low. She was still too inexperienced to compete with him in terms of IQ and tricks.

Du Anran struggled desperately. She pulled Xin Zimo's arm and bit down.

Xin Zimo felt pain and stopped what he was doing.

"Your dog-like characteristics really haven't changed at all! "

He rolled up his shirt sleeves. Sure enough, there was a row of neat teeth marks on his arm. Du Anran could bite him every time. He was really convinced.

A woman's attitude toward a man to this extent must have been clearly expressed.

During this period of time, he was just unwilling, but now it seemed that Du Anran's heart had long since withered. So, every time he did not let go, it became an entanglement in her eyes.

A layer of cold sweat had already seeped out from Du Anran's back. She was very frightened.

Xin Zimo wanted her every time he saw her. Did this man usually not have a woman by his side Couldn't he just casually find a woman to settle it with? Anyway, she did not mind.

"I'm not your plaything. In the future, I won't do this kind of thing with you again! " Du Anran made it clear.

"Who are you keeping your virginity for? Don't forget, you've been my woman for a long time. "

"Can we not talk about the past? "

"If we don't talk about it, you won't learn. " Xin Zimo touched her face.