Chapter 339, come in person

By noon, Du Anran was finally sleepy. The heat from the air conditioner gave her a warm spring feeling. It was easy to doze off in this kind of situation. She fell asleep while she was in a daze while typing a report.

She did not have a dream, but after half an hour of sleep, she heard the phone ring.

"Anran, the people from the Xin Group are about to arrive. Get Ready. " It was Feng Jing.

"okay. "

Du Anran quickly pulled herself together. She could not let Zhongye lose this list because of her. One must know that a project of the Xin Corporation was enough to feed Zhongye for a year.

She washed her face with hot water and changed her sweater into a professional outfit. Her face was full of a standard smile, generous and elegant.

Yesterday, the Xin Corporation and Zhongye had discussed everything. Did she come here today to sign the contract However, the progress should have been relatively smooth. Otherwise, the people of the Xin Corporation would not have come personally for the second time.

However, she knew that Xin Zimo had always been cautious in doing things. Even if it was the second time he came, he might not be able to finalize the cooperation with Zhongye.

The thought of what happened last night was like a dream.

The Sky was still cloudy in the afternoon. Du Anran saw the outside when she got off the elevator. The trees were shaking in the wind, and the pedestrians on the road had wrapped their coats tightly.

There was still water on the ground, and it was glistening.

However, judging from the weather, it would probably rain again soon. Fortunately, she had brought an umbrella today, so she did not need to trouble CEO Feng anymore.

However, when she went down the stairs and waited in the hall, she did not expect Xin Zimo to come personally.

It was just an ordinary collaboration project. It was not important enough for him to come personally. There were hundreds and thousands of projects like this in the Xin Corporation every year. He might not have attended a few of them.

On the contrary, he would come personally for this project with Zhongye.

Feng Jing probably did not know that Xin Zimo had come. Otherwise, he would not have only arranged for her to come down.

However, when she thought of Xin Zimo's various intentions in the past, she could not help but suspect that he had deliberately given this project to Zhongye?

"Secretary Du, we meet again! " Standing Beside Xin Zimo, CEO Zhang greeted Du Anran in a friendly manner.

"Hello, CEO Zhang, " Du Anran said with a smile.

After CEO Zhang opened his mouth, the atmosphere became less tense.

Du Anran saw a flash of indifference on XIN ZIMO's face, and his eyes were as deep as ever. Yes... ... This man had not changed at all. In front of outsiders, he was always the same. The same expression, the same suit and tie ...

"This is CEO Xin, right? I didn't expect you to come personally. " Du Anran took the initiative to extend her hand.

Zhongye was party B, so it was natural for him to take the initiative.

Xin Zimo also extended his hand. "Hello, Miss Du. "

She lowered her head and saw a shallow wound on his hand. She knew that it was cut by a knife yesterday.

"Secretary Du, President Xin wants to come here in person today to hear your ideas about this collaboration and to see your past successes. After all, this collaboration is still very important to the Xin Group."President Zhang kept a smile on his face.

"Please follow me to the exhibition hall first, " Du Anran said with a smile.

Then, Du Anran showed Xin Zimo the advantages of Zhongye and her unique insight into design.

When du Anran was halfway through her introduction, Feng Jing came downstairs in a hurry.

"I really didn't know that director Xin would come personally. Please forgive me for not welcoming you. " Feng Jing was really in a hurry.

The Secretary of the Xin family didn't say that director Xin would come personally. Why was that Feng Jing also didn't understand.

"It's okay. Director Feng, you're busy. Miss Du did a good job. " Xin zimo smiled slightly.

Feng Jing knew that Xin Zimo was just being polite. How could he still walk? Thus, he accompanied the people of the Xin Corporation to walk around Zhongye.

There were quite a number of employees of Zhongye. A group of female employees had been complaining about the low quality of the upper management of the Xin Corporation yesterday. Today, when they suddenly saw Xin Zimo, they all stood on the staircase of the building to watch.

"So handsome, so handsome, I want to take a picture... Hey, why are you leaving... " a female employee hurriedly took out her phone. Before she could take out her phone, the people of the Xin Corporation had already entered the elevator ...

"that fatty was still there yesterday, but why didn't the handsome guy come yesterday? "

"Oh right, oh right, who will our design department send to the Xin Corporation's project this time? "

"Don't be a NYMPHOMANIAC, it won't be a rookie's turn to send anyone. "

"Who is this handsome guy? He looks really good, and his position seems to be even higher than that fatty. Even the fatty is polite to him. "

"Work, work, what are you all looking at! " The Queen of the design department suddenly knocked on the heads of the nymphomaniacs.

"Oh, got it! " One by one, they immediately became like eggplants that had been hit by frost, instantly wilting.

"You female colleagues like to join in the fun. What's so good about handsome guys? You can't even touch them. It's equivalent to watching for nothing. " The male colleagues didn't mind watching the fun and immediately said sarcastically.

"That's still better than watching you guys! " The female colleagues didn't want to be outdone and immediately shouted at the men.

"Dang Dang Dang, how about we bet on a dinner? " Several guys from the publicity department also came to the design department.

"How do we bet? " Almost everyone said in unison.

Who wouldn't want a free dinner.

"Let's bet on which department will talk to the handsome guy first and get a business card. How about it? The loser will treat us! " The girl from the publicity department said.

"Let's Bet, our design department will win for sure! " The male colleagues from the design department stopped fighting among themselves. They were going all out for dinner!

"Hey, hey, let's make it clear in advance that no one can ruin boss Feng's business. The Xin Corporation is a big piece of meat. We can't ruin the business just because of us. Otherwise, when the time comes... we'll just wait to be fired... "

"I know, I know! "

"Your Publicity Department will treat us! " The Design Department stood on the same line again.

Thus, everyone rubbed shoulders and waited for an opportunity to ask for business cards.

Du Anran and Feng Jing accompanied the people from the Xin Corporation on one trip after another. They were just short of visiting every department. Du Anran's mouth was also dry from talking, but why were the people from the Xin Corporation still in high spirits.

Were their middle careers so attractive Especially Xin Zimo, there was not a hint of tiredness on his face.

Du Anran had no choice but to walk with them and continue to explain.

Of course, other than work matters, they would not talk about anything else. Therefore, no one would notice the subtle relationship between Du Anran and Xin Zimo.

For example, when Du Anran picked up a case model, Xin zimo wanted to pick up the same one, so their fingers touched. But soon, Du Anran would withdraw her hand and say "please, President Xin. ".

Du Anran used him as a general client. No matter what, besides last night, they had not seen each other for four months. Four months was the same as four years. They could return to peace.

However, the people from Xin Zimo did not have any intention of leaving. They did not say that they wanted to discuss the contract. They only asked Du Anran to introduce and explain it to them.

Du Anran's throat was hoarse. Xin zimo would not play with her, right?

Last night, she had chased him away after he had saved her once. However, he would not go so far as to take revenge on her, right?

They had not seen each other for four months. Could it be that his petty habits had not changed?

Regardless of whether he had changed or not, she had changed.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. It was the afternoon tea time in Zhongye. A group of people came out of the office one after another.

Since the people from the Xin Group had not left, Feng Jing did not dare to delay any longer. He suggested that they go for afternoon tea together.

Feng Jing had his own private restaurant. He was very generous. Under normal circumstances, he would let the higher-ups of the company and Du Anran in. This time, he also planned to arrange for them to be there.

Du Anran finally seized the opportunity. She smiled and said to the crowd, "I don't have the habit of having afternoon tea. I'll go back first to sort out the information. It'll be perfect for President Xin to take a look later. "

"It's not that urgent. You can just send it over tomorrow, " Xin Zimo said lightly.

"Yes, Anran, don't be in a hurry. Take your time to sort it out and slowly work out the details. President Xin wants perfection, not haste, " Feng Jing said.

"..."Du Anran facepalmed. Did she just set herself up She still had to send it over to him tomorrow?

"Then I'll go talk to the head of the design department and ask her to meet President Xin? " Du Anran said.

This time, even Feng Jing could see that du Anran was deliberately evading. She did not have the habit of not eating afternoon tea. Didn't she eat happily with everyone Except for sometimes when she was too busy at work, she would forget. Under normal circumstances, Du Anran would not save money for him.

"We haven't reached that stage yet. " Xin Zimo's face was slightly angry.

"Anran, since you don't want to eat afternoon tea, you can listen to CEO Xin's opinion later. It will be easier for you to make plans then, " Feng Jing said.

Du Anran was completely on a Tiger's back. Xin Zimo had been grinding here all afternoon. was He harboring ulterior motives?

However, this kind of chaotic rest time was just the right time for the two large groups of people from the Publicity Department and the design department to execute their plans. These two departments had sent representatives to seize the initiative and get Xin Zimo's business card.

In this way, they could save the dinner for tonight.

The publicity department was an action-oriented department, and the beautiful women they sent out were also the leading actresses. When the people from the Xin Corporation and Zhongye were standing there talking, the great beauty walked up.

Probably because the great beauty was too excited, she had just called out "hello" when she accidentally stepped on the air.

Her ten-inch high heels swayed unsteadily. The great beauty was about to fall down, and CEO Zhang of the Xin Corporation immediately held her waist.

"Is this beauty alright? " CEO Zhang asked with concern.

"She's... She's fine... " the beauty sighed and rolled her eyes ...

The people from the design department were immediately smug. The publicity department had died before they could even finish their work.

The people from the design department were smart. While the beauty from the publicity department was talking to the people from the Xin Corporation, the Group of people waved at Du Anran and winked.

Du Anran did not know what they were doing, so she could only walk over.

"Sister Anran, please do me a favor... " a few girls said.

"What is it? " Du Anran was puzzled.

"Can you... help us ask for that... that handsome man's business card? " They pointed at Xin Zimo's back.