Chapter 340, sit next to me

Du Anran knew who they were talking about, but there was nothing she could do to help.

"Sister Anran, you should have already exchanged business cards with them, right? Let us use them? " They began to threaten and coax "We made a bet with the publicity department. Whoever gets the card first wins, and whoever loses has to treat. Sister Anran, if you help us get the card, we'll definitely bring you along! "

"He won't bring his business card when he comes to Zhongye, " Du Anran said.

His business card was not a street flyer that could be given to anyone. Those who could exchange business cards with him would at least have a say in city a, so Zhongye was obviously not qualified.

"Ah? So Awesome? What does this person do in the Xin Group? He looks so imposing... " a certain girl's eyes sparkled.

"The president of the Xin Group, " Du Anran said and then left. Feng Jing was already waving at her.

All the women were left dumbfounded... ...

Who would have expected the president of the Xin Group to come to Zhongye personally Now, Zhongye was graced with an honor... ...

Therefore, the publicity department and the design department wasted their efforts and returned in defeat.

Du Anran followed them into the elevator. In that narrow space, Du Anran felt depressed.

Especially when she was standing right next to Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo was much taller than her. When he lowered his head, that quiet and hot breath just happened to pass by her neck. She smelled the familiar fragrance on his body again, turning the rain into a crisp.

If there was a chance, she would suggest to him. Although he was the only one in the world who had this perfume, he had used it for almost a year. It was time to change his taste, right?

Xin Zimo was lusting after Du Anran's intoxicating fragrance. When he lowered his head, he could just touch it.

However, the elevator was too fast. With a Ding, Feng Jing's private restaurant arrived.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Du Anran automatically switched to the role of a waiter and served them tea and water.

After the snacks and tea were ready, du Anran went to the coffee machine to grind a cup of coffee for herself. Grinding slowly was good for wasting time.

"Secretary Du, come sit with us. Zhongye's afternoon tea looks pretty good, " director Zhang said.

"No, I'll go and make a cup of coffee, " Du Anran declined.

"It's already afternoon, why are you drinking coffee? " CEO Zhang frowned.

"drink milk to nourish your stomach, " Xin Zimo said lightly. He did not look at her, as if he was just saying it casually.

"Anran, CEO Xin has already said it, why are you still drinking coffee? Don't work too hard. You can't sleep well at night if you keep drinking coffee, " Feng Jing also tried to persuade her.

Feng Jing knew that Du Anran was used to staying up late at night. It was common for her to drink coffee in the afternoon. He tried to persuade her many times, but it was to no avail.

Xin zimo casually pushed a glass of milk on the table to the empty seat next to him. "Sit next to me. "

Du Anran really didn't know whether to stand, sit, left, or right.

If she didn't give her face, she might lose Zhongye's contract. She knew Xin Zimo's temper. He liked to use conflicts of interest to threaten her the most. It was always like this in the past.

"Anran, come and sit. It's a good time to relax, " Feng Jing said.

Du Anran could not refuse and could only sit next to Xin Zimo. In front of her was the glass of milk that Xin zimo pushed over, emitting a faint milk fragrance.

She was very close to Xin Zimo, but she felt uncomfortable, so she deliberately stayed away from him.

Xin zimo understood her little thoughts and did not say anything. He just smiled slightly and lowered his head to continue eating his food.

During the afternoon tea, no one talked about the big business of working together anymore. Instead, they began to tease each other to improve their relationship.

"CEO Feng's Zhongye is really good. I have a niece who studies advertising. Next year, I'll let her hang out with CEO Feng, " said CEO Lin of the Xin Group.

"Welcome. Zhongye also pays more attention to training new people. If your niece comes over, I'll definitely arrange the best position for her, " said Feng Jing.

"I think CEO Lin's niece is about the same age as CEO Feng. Why don't you introduce her to CEO Feng as a girlfriend? " Xin Zimo said with a smile.

"CEO Xin is thoughtful. This is a good idea. " CEO Zhang also smiled.

Feng Jing, on the other hand, smiled sheepishly. He was not too interested in such topics. "I'm too busy with my work. It's too unfair for me to find a girlfriend. "

Du Anran knew that Feng Jing had his own worries in this regard. Although she could not figure out what was on his mind, she knew that it must have been hidden in his heart for a long time.

So, du Anran helped Feng Jing say, "President Feng is indeed too busy. He doesn't even have time for a date, movie, or dinner. President Lin, if your niece is introduced to President Feng, she will definitely be wronged. "

Feng Jing glanced at Du Anran approvingly, and Du Anran also smiled at him.

However, Xin Zimo was a little displeased when he saw du Anran and Feng Jing exchanging glances.

This topic was finally cut off, but everyone involved du Anran's marriage.

"Secretary Du doesn't have a boyfriend yet, right? There are many talented young men in our Xin family. I'll be your matchmaker some other day? " President Zhang said.

"I... Don't bother President Zhang. President Feng said that he would introduce her to me. " Du Anran smiled ...

She was much better at lying now, so it was almost impossible to see the nervousness on her face. Perhaps she had often gone out with Feng Jing to discuss business, so she had long been used to hiding her true self.

"That's right, President Zhang, you can't fight with me. " Feng Jing timely helped du Anran. "We have many young talents in the middle industry, not to mention that those who are close to the water will get the moon first, right? "

"That's good. Secretary Du is so outstanding, you have to introduce someone comparable, " President Zhang said.

Xin Zimo saw that Du Anran and Feng Jing were singing along, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

"everyone, try some of CEO Feng's precious tea leaves. " Du Anran stopped the topic and brought a few cups of freshly brewed tea to the higher-ups of the Xin family.

When she poured Xin Zimo some tea, she gently brought the teacup to him and said, "CEO Xin, please. ".

Xin Zimo looked up at her, and Du Anran coincidentally lowered her head and met his eyes.

She did not avoid him like before, but avoided him as if nothing had happened. Yesterday's incident seemed to have happened. He and she were just business partners who needed to communicate.

The Xin Corporation and Zhongye's people talked until five o'clock in the afternoon. Du Anran was so tired that she was dizzy.

The Xin Corporation's people, except for Xin Zimo, were all talking nonstop. She and Feng Jing couldn't handle it at all.

They were finally leaving. Du Anran planned to send them to the underground garage and go back to sleep. It still looked gloomy outside. She didn't know if it would rain heavily later.

When she was in the elevator, she remembered that there was nothing to eat at home. She had to go to the supermarket later. She was in a daze when the elevator reached the first floor.

She looked and realized that something was wrong. Where were they Why were there only her and Xin Zimo in the elevator?

"Aren't you coming down? " Xin zimo touched the elevator door and said to her calmly.

"where are CEO Zhang and the others? "

"They are on the first floor. There is a car coming to pick them up. "

"Oh. " Actually, Du Anran wanted to say that they had a car to pick them up, but as a CEO, she had to drive her own car. It was quite unfair for her to be the CEO.

However, she only thought about it in her heart. She did not want to talk too much with him.

Xin Zimo walked to the side of his mercedes-benz. Du Anran also dropped him off. She smiled and said, "Take Care, President Xin. "

Xin zimo frowned. He had not left yet!

He walked to the car and took out a shopping bag. There was a lot of food in it. He handed it to her. "Take it. Don't starve yourself. "

Of course, Du Anran would not accept it. She shook her head. "I don't like snacks anymore. "

"If you don't take it, I'll send it up to you. "

"..."Du Anran had no choice but to take it.

"Don't see me anymore. " Du Anran took the snacks and said calmly.

Weren't the past four months peaceful Why did he have to come again.


"I... I don't want you to discuss the project with Zhongye because of me. If that happens, President Feng will be embarrassed. " Du Anran just mentioned it unintentionally ...

"You care about his feelings, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

In the past, he would be hysterical and angry at her. But now, seeing the current Du Anran, he couldn't get angry anymore.

She was no longer the DU anran he knew. She would no longer bicker with him, she would no longer embarrass him, and she would no longer defend herself against his unreasonable actions.

"I'm just saying. You can think whatever you want. " Du anran turned around and left.

Xin Zimo leaned against the car and watched her back disappear into the parking lot bit by bit. He had not seen her in a professional outfit for a long time. She was very beautiful now.

She wore high heels again. Sometimes, he would blame himself for being careless. When she was pregnant, she never wore high heels, but he didn't notice it at all.

Also, when he hugged her a few times, he felt that she was heavier than before, but he only thought that she was fat. He never thought that she... ... was pregnant ...

He had killed their child with his own hands.

Indeed, he didn't have any right to disturb her anymore, but how could this kind of longing be completely exhausted.

As soon as du Anran went upstairs, she gave all the snacks to the people in the office. She didn't open it to take a look, and only when she did did she see what was inside.

It was her favorite food when she was with him, and he still remembered it.

"Wow, chocolate! " A few foodies swarmed over and pounced on the snacks.

"AND TIRAMISU! Red Bean Mousse! "

"Little Yogurt! Beef Jerky! It's great! "

"Banana, Longan, Kiwi! Wow, it's nutritious! "

In a short while, a big bag of snacks was distributed. A few people who didn't get the snacks went to grab them from the hands of the people who got them, and the office was suddenly in chaos.

Since it was close to the end of the working day, everyone simply started eating snacks and chatting.

"Sister Anran, who gave it to you? " A gossipy little girl winked.

"I can't buy it myself! " Du Anran said angrily.

"Aiyo, sister Anran, don't lie to us. You work every day, how can you have time to go out and buy snacks? " The gossipy little girl looked like she knew herself and the enemy.