Chapter 343, the drunk her

Feng Jing laughed instead. He really could not understand why such a family scandal would be brought to the streets to quarrel. It was really funny.

"People Change, right? " Du Anran muttered to herself.

When she first met Chi Xue, she was a lady who had just returned from England. Her smile was gentle and gentle. Now, she had become like this. She did not know whether the outside world had changed her, or if she was willing to degenerate.

"What did you say? ''FenggJingg did not hear clearly.

"nothing, just quickly change to another road. If you don't leave now, it'll be too late! " Du Anran said.

Feng Jing immediately turned the car around and drove to another road.

"Anran, do you think you'll quarrel with your husband like this in the future? " Feng Jing suddenly asked jokingly. He was really quite curious. Was it true that women were not calm when they encountered such things?

"What do you think? " Du Anran threw the question to him again.

"I think you'll quarrel too, but not like this, in public, " Feng Jing said seriously.

"It's hard to quarrel, so in order to save energy and make more money, I decided not to marry! "

"You really plan to never marry? Are you kidding? " Feng Jing looked incredulous.

"Do you think I look like I'm kidding? " Du Anran tilted her head and looked at him.

"Yes! "

Du Anran wanted to punch him.

"But then again, don't not marry. If you don't marry, a lot of men will cry to death. " Feng Jing smiled. "Many male colleagues in our company call you goddess in private! "

"Are you crazy? " Du Anran looked at him with disdain.

"Look at you. " Feng Jing was helpless.

The car drove for nearly twenty minutes and finally arrived at the entrance of Wanjue.

Du Anran got out of the car and looked up. Wanjue was still the same. There were crystal lamps at the door and a fountain on the rockery. WANJUE's unique feature was that the door looked like a luxury car exhibition.

There was no need to spend money to go to an international car exhibition. You could see all kinds of luxury cars.

Feng Jing parked the car in the middle. He was surrounded by a circle of porsches and bentleys. He really looked petty.

"President Feng, you should change your car! " Du Anran teased.

"These people are really good at giving face. Maybe they don't even have as much money as me! " Feng Jing said disdainfully.

"Yes, you don't reveal your wealth. You're low-key, luxurious, and insightful. "

"I'm also high-end, grand, and upscale! " Feng Jing answered casually.

The venue of the cocktail party had been prepared in advance. The small cocktail party was attended by the internal staff of the two companies.

Du Anran thought that Xin zimo would not come to this kind of cocktail party, but he still came. Moreover, he came earlier than them.

As soon as she entered the door, his gaze fell on her. He was a little engrossed in looking at her, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved into a smile. His anran was still so beautiful, and she was more intellectual and beautiful than before.

She was also wearing the royal blue that she liked, and he liked it very much.

When the reception started, Du Anran needed to accompany Feng Jing to toast to the people of the Xin family. The first, of course, was to toast to Xin Zimo.

As usual, it was just some polite words, such as happy cooperation and common development. Once she finished speaking, she raised her head and drank all the wine.

The venue of the banquet was a little noisy. Xin zimo lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "you're really beautiful today. "

In fact, in city a, he had seen many women who were more beautiful than her, but only her beauty could move her heart. He had seen her many times, but he still felt the rush of her heart.

Du Anran smiled slightly but did not speak.

Tonight's banquet was basically a casual drink, chat, and dance.

It was the second month since Du Anran came to Zhongye. At that time, she was familiar with Zhongye's various businesses, and her body was no longer in a bad state. She began to go out with Feng Jing in various occasions, and it was inevitable that she would drink during social events.

Her alcohol tolerance was originally very poor, but after practicing for more than ten times, her alcohol tolerance gradually increased.

Although sometimes her stomach was really uncomfortable after drinking, she forgot about it completely the next day. Whenever she had social events, she would drink as usual.

Therefore, during this cocktail party, Xin zimo watched her drink one glass after another.

Every time she drank a glass, his brows would furrow. She really did not care about her body now. She stayed up late, drank, worked overtime, ate every meal but did not eat the next... ... Her lifestyle was surprisingly bad ...

He could not interfere with her life, but how could he be at ease when she was like this?

It had only been four months since he let her go, and she had already become like this. What if he let her go for another four years What about ten years Or even more... ...

He let her go because he wanted her to live a better life, but now, he didn't.

"Anran, I'll send you up to rest. You can't drink anymore, " Feng Jing said. He also knew that she had been drunk a lot today.

"It's okay... I can still drink a few more bottles... I'm sober. President Feng, you don't have to care about me... " Du Anran sat at the side and began to drink by herself again.

"WHAT ARE YOU SOBER FOR! You're so lost in your speech! Leave this to me, I don't need you, " Feng Jing said.

"I really... I can still drink... really... " Du Anran picked up another large glass of wine and drank it all without even frowning. "Look... President Feng... I can still drink... "

"No, I'll send you up. If you drink like this again, you'll get into trouble. " Feng Jing took the glass from her hand.

He helped du Anran up the stairs, but du Anran refused to go and kept holding the table.

Feng Jing had no choice but to pry open her fingers. Xin zimo strode up. "I'll send her off! "

Feng Jing didn't expect Xin Zimo to say that. He was a little at a loss. After all, Du Anran was an employee of Zhongye. She definitely wasn't close to Xin Zimo, so... ... Not good ...

"I was just planning to go back and rest. It's on the way, " Xin Zimo said casually.

"Oh, if that's the case, then I'll have to trouble you, director Xin, " Feng Jing said.

"No... Director Feng, I don't want to go with him... " Du Anran was talking nonsense. She didn't know what she was talking about ...

"Anran, it's okay. This is President Xin, not someone else! Look carefully, " Feng Jing whispered into du Anran's ear.

"I know... I just don't want to go with him... " Du Anran's temper was also rising ...

Xin Zimo bent down and whispered in her ear, "be good, I'll send you up. "

"No... I don't want you to send me... Go Away... " Du Anran was drunk and did not give Xin Zimo any face at all.

Feng Jing could only say awkwardly, "President Xin, why don't I send her up? "

Xin Zimo grabbed her hand and lifted her up.

"It's okay, I'll send her off, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

Feng Jing was stunned. He quickly rubbed his eyes. He wasn't seeing things, he wasn't drunk, and he wasn't dreaming Xin Zimo was carrying Du Anran?

By the time he regained his senses, Xin Zimo had already disappeared.

Feng Jing rubbed his eyes again. He wasn't drunk... ...

It was said that successful men liked women around them. Xin Zimo was probably no exception. After seeing Du Anran a few times, would he fall in love with a secretary like him?

Feng Jing shrugged, unable to understand. His heart had been sealed for many years, and he probably did not understand the love and relationships between men and women now.

The Times were developing too fast. He could keep up with the pace of fashion, but he could not keep up with the pace of love.

Therefore, he did not delve further, and continued to drink and chat with the higher-ups of the Xin Corporation.

A few men even called over some beautiful waiters, drinking happily. A woman sat beside Feng Jing, and from time to time, she raised her glass to tease Feng Jing. Feng Jing was not a person with a heart, and he often laughed off such teasing.

"President Feng's wife is very strict, right? " Those who did not know would think that he did not dare to get close to women.

Feng Jing smiled faintly. "No, I'm not married. "

"Not married? What are you afraid of? Drink to your heart's content, play to your heart's content, and don't be restrained. Look at all the people who have a wife are still drinking. I'm really envious of you! "

"Old Zheng, don't joke around. If your wife calls you home right now, you would definitely leave immediately! "

"nonsense, am I that afraid of her? I'm just a little afraid of her... no, that's called loving her! "

Everyone roared with laughter, and Feng Jing laughed as well.

"Now, I don't understand young people. When I was young, I liked to play outside. Drinking was nothing. Look, President Feng doesn't even play with us. " President Zheng hugged a woman and drank another big mouthful of wine.

Feng Jing smiled and said, "I'm also very good at drinking. Why don't we have a drinking competition tonight? "

"okay, I like this kind of person. Young people have courage. Let's have a competition to see who drinks more! "

Feng Jing picked up his glass and drank a big glass of wine first. Everyone cheered.

The hall was still noisy. Xin Zimo had already carried Du Anran to the suite upstairs.

Du Anran scratched Xin Zimo the whole way and mumbled, "you put me down... put me down... "

She was just mumbling, and she was already unconscious from drinking. However, her hands were restless. She knew that it was Xin Zimo, so her hands would scratch Xin Zimo's face from time to time.

"Why are you hugging me... I don't want you to hug me... " Du Anran tickled Xin Zimo like a kitten ...

Xin Zimo was also afraid that she would scratch his face, so he kept dodging. When he dodged, she wanted to jump down.

Xin Zimo was not willing to let her jump, so his hands hugged her even tighter.

Fortunately, there was no one on this floor. The corridor was very quiet, and only du Anran's murmurs and Xin Zimo's footsteps could be heard.

"You always don't keep your word... how can I believe you... I don't believe you anymore... didn't we agree to go our separate ways in the future? Why are you hugging me... I can walk... I can walk... "

Xin Zimo just didn't speak and let her scratch around.

Finally, they arrived at the suite. Xin Zimo swiped the key card, and when she lowered her head, du Anran grabbed his tie.

"Stop Fooling around, let go! " Xin Zimo put her on the bed.

Du Anran refused to let go. She grabbed his tie and chanted, "we've been living well these few months... why did you give Zhongye the key card... why did you come to see me... I was living well... "

She lowered her voice as she spoke.