Chapter 344, one night of tenderness

"Stop Fooling around and let go! " Xin zimo placed her on the bed.

Du Anran refused to let go. She grabbed his tie and chanted, "We've been living well these past few months... why did you give Zhongye the list... why did you come to see me... I was living well... "

She lowered her voice as she finished speaking.

Xin Zimo reached out and caressed her cheek. She had drunk a lot of wine, and her face was red and slightly hot. It had been a long time since she had been so drunk in front of him. At this moment, she was like a cat with sharp claws. She was obviously very docile, but she had no choice but to use her sharp claws to protect herself.

Her hand was still tugging at his tie. His heart moved, and he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

How long had it been since he had kissed her He missed her very much... ...

Just as she had said, he had broken his promise. In front of her, he had always played the role of a villain, despicable and shameless. Now, he had added another clause, breaking his promise.

But without her, he could not live on.

In the past few months, only he knew how torturous his life had been. He had never touched sleeping pills before. Ever since she left, he could only rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep.

How long would such days last? He was very afraid that it would last forever.

He kissed her until he could not extricate himself. After such a long time, he was more fond of her taste than ever.

Du Anran realized that he was kissing her, so she loosened his tie and pushed him. She did not want to be kissed by him. Didn't they agree that they would go their separate ways... ...

Xin Zimo didn't know if it was because he was drunk or because he was lost in the kiss. As they kissed, he reached out to take off her dress.

Du Anran felt a chill on her body, but she couldn't push Xin Zimo away. She seemed to have returned to the past. In front of him, she was always so powerless... ...

Xin Zimo really hadn't touched her for a long time. He longed for her more than ever.

"UGH... " Du Anran couldn't move no matter what.

It wasn't until waves of piercing pain hit her that she woke up. They... ... actually.. ...

Du anran's eyebrows were knitted into a line from the pain. It had been a long time since she had been touched by him. She felt the same pain as the first time.

Xin Zimo was already very careful, but when he saw du Anran's painful face, he tried his best to comfort her.

Because of his kiss and slowly getting used to his rhythm, her pain was finally alleviated.

She had to admit that Xin Zimo's technique was very good. He and she always had such a perfect fit.

Maybe it was because he had suppressed himself for too long, but this time, he asked for it many times.

The lights in the suite flickered with a hazy Halo. Du Anran looked at the chandelier above her head in a daze. When she came back, she fell asleep in Xin Zimo's arms. He hugged her, and she leaned against his chest.

When she woke up, it was already early in the morning, and the hour hand was at three. The lights in the bathroom were on, and she could hear the sound of water. Xin Zimo was taking a shower.

Du Anran could not see him through the frosted glass. She had a headache and was thirsty, so she forced herself to sit up.

But her entire body was sore. This sore reminded her of what happened last night.

Last night... ... Why was she involved with Xin Zimo again ...

After she sobered up, her head felt like it was about to split open. When she thought of what happened last night, her head hurt even more.

When she thought of that child, her heart inexplicably hurt.

Just as she was about to call the front desk to send the medicine over, Xin Zimo came out of the bathroom.

"You're awake? " He was only wrapped in a towel, and his hair was still dripping with water. His entire person was beautiful and appetizing.

At that moment, Xin Zimo made du Anran lower her head. She had to find an excuse for what happened last night. This man was so good-looking, and she was so drunk yesterday, so... ... She couldn't control herself ...

However, today at dawn, they were passers-by again.

"Don't you know that it's shameful to do such a thing while others are drunk? I can sue you! " Du Anran went crazy.

How could Feng Jing dare to hand her over to a stranger, especially someone like Xin Zimo who looked so serious.

"I'm drunk too. Maybe you were the one who touched me first. " Xin Zimo got on the bed and automatically sat beside her.

"How is that possible! " How could she be such a lecherous person.

"I'll be responsible for you. " Xin Zimo pulled her shoulders and stared at her. There was a smile on his lips.

"No need. We're both adults. I don't need you to be responsible. "

"Why are you so open-minded? "

"So that you don't have any psychological burden. "

"then you'll be responsible for me. I'm not as open-minded as you. " Xin zimo pestered her.

"..."Du Anran was speechless.

"Go to sleep. Everything will be over when the sun comes up. " Xin Zimo pulled her into his arms.

This time, he did not touch her again. He just quietly hugged her and kissed her body's pleasant fragrance.

Du Anran was also very close to him. She could also smell the bath liquid that he had just applied on his body.

Xin Zimo was already used to relying on sleeping pills to solve his sleep problems. However, this night, he did not need anything. He just hugged her and soon fell asleep.

He did not remember how long it had been since he had such a solid sleep. The woman in his arms was like his rare treasure. No one could snatch her away.

Du Anran closed her eyes. It was already dawn. Could anything pass by?

Early the next morning, Du Anran was woken up by the sunlight outside the window. The Autumn light shone brightly, and the morning outside the window was infinitely beautiful.

Xin Zimo was putting on his suit and tie in front of the Mirror. When he buttoned up his suit, he saw that Du Anran had woken up.

"You can sleep more, " Xin Zimo said.

Du Anran took her little gown. It reeked of alcohol. She should not have drunk so much alcohol.

"you go out first, " Du Anran said plainly.

She didn't want others to misunderstand. The previous night had been ridiculous. She felt that since it was over, it was over. After all, she and Xin Zimo didn't owe each other anything.

"Your Zhongye people and the Xin family were all drunk yesterday. Don't worry, no one has gotten up yet. " Xin zimo acted as if nothing had happened.

He went to Zhongye a few times. When he saw that the Zhongye people didn't react at all, he knew that Du Anran had kept everything between him and her a secret.

Although this woman was stupid, she was quite capable of hiding things from others. It used to be that child, but now it was her relationship with him.

"pretend that what happened yesterday never happened. If anyone asks, just say that you left after you sent me back, " Du Anran said.

Xin zimo found it funny. She treated him as if he was the god of plague, afraid of getting involved with him.

"So you don't intend to disclose our relationship? " Xin Zimo asked.

"What relationship do we have? " Du Anran asked back.

Xin Zimo did not answer. He adjusted his clothes and put on his watch.

After he was dressed, he changed the topic and said, "I'll get someone to bring you breakfast later. "

Du Anran looked at him. He smiled slightly and left the suite.

As if nothing had happened, du Anran pinched herself, but why did it hurt so much.

When she came out of the shower, the waiter served her breakfast. It was quite sumptuous. Du Anran had drunk so much wine last night. She was very hungry, so she did not refuse.

When she saw Feng Jing again, Feng Jing was already waiting for her in the car outside.

"Did you sleep well last night? " Feng Jing asked.

"Yes, I dare to sleep well in a place like this. " This was wanjue. A suite would cost tens of thousands of yuan per night.

"I was afraid that you would recognize me as a stranger and drink so much wine. You won't be able to sleep. "

"No, I slept well. " She did not lie. She did sleep well last night except for one thing. It had been a long time since she slept so peacefully.

Was it because he was by her side Or was it because she drank too much... ...

However, the past was the past. She did not need to think about it anymore.

"Let's go back to Zhongye. I'll give you all a bonus! " Feng Jing was still quite happy.

"Okay, President Feng, you're such a good person! " Du Anran was also happy. Her goal now was to earn a lot of money. She did not need to rely on anyone anymore.

"When do you think you'll be able to save up for a down payment on a house? " Feng Jing smiled.

"It should be fine by the end of the year after tomorrow. Of course, President Feng, if your bonus was just a little bit more generous, that would be great! "

"The end of the year after next year? Let me calculate. There are still 26 months left. You don't even have enough to eat or drink, right? "

"President Feng, it's not fun to tell the truth. At least leave me something to think about. When you say that, I feel like I'm going to rent a house for the rest of my life, " Du Anran said.

"okay, okay, okay. If you don't say it, you can slowly save money. Don't make yourself suffer. "

"I know! " Du Anran smiled.

After du Anran returned, Xin Zimo also left Wanjue. He originally planned to go to the Xin family, but his mother gave him a call.

"Zimo, come back for a moment. I have something to tell you. " Mother Xin sighed over the phone.

"You know, it's my working time now. " Xin Zimo didn't want to discuss anything about the Tang family with her.

"Chi Xue is at our house. She wants to see you, " mother Xin said.

"Is it about her and the Cui family again? This matter is caused by you. I'm already very tired. I don't want to do the cleanup work for the rest of my life. "

Ever since the last time Chi Xue deliberately asked Du Anran out, causing du Anran to Miscarry, he had been brooding over it. After that, he never went to see Chi Xue again. Chi Xue also knew that it was her fault and did not dare to ask for anything more.

But recently, perhaps it was because it had been too long that she had forgotten again.

"If I had not given her that cup of wine back then, she would be marrying you now! To be fair, do you really want to marry her? "

"You have always known who I WANT TO MARRY! " Xin Zimo's expression did not look too good.

"She is now in our house. Mother Xu is comforting her. I don't have the patience anymore. Come back for a while, she has been clamoring to see you. "

"I'll go back later, " Xin Zimo said Lazily.

Chi Xue still didn't know what his mother had done, so she had always treated the Xin family as her own. However, he was also tired, so he decided to make things clear with Chi Xue in the end.

When he drove back to the Xin family, he happened to see his mother standing in the garden, basking in her own sun.