Chapter 345: Harsh words

Xin Zimo had not returned to this home for a long time. This home did not mean much to him. His favorite place was still the villa on Huxin island. It was a pity that he was the only one there.

When he entered the house, sure enough, Mama Xu was peeling an apple for Chi Xue. Chi Xue was sitting on the sofa with a big belly. She supported her head with one hand, and her face was full of worry.

When Xin Zimo entered, Mama Xu saw him. She had not seen Xin Zimo for a long time. She was very happy to see him today.

"Young Master, YOU'RE BACK! " Mother Xu said.

"Mm, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

Chi Xue became energetic. She sat up straight and smiled at Xin Zimo. "brother Zimo, you're back! SIT HERE! "

Xin Zimo did not refuse. He sat beside Chi Xue and waved at Mother Xu. "Mother Xu, you go and do your work first. "

Mother Xu knew what Xin Zimo meant. She sighed and walked out.

"brother Zimo, I didn't expect you to be willing to come back and listen to me... " Chi Xue lowered her head.

"I can guess what you want to say. "

"No... this time, I'm really upset that I came over to disturb you... your... " Chi Xue said timidly.

"Tell me, I'll listen. " Xin Zimo also wanted to hear how she felt different from before.

"I caught Cui Hao this time. He hugged a woman and was naked, but he still refused to admit it. I only argued with him on the street yesterday, and he actually scolded me! " Chi Xue cried as she spoke.

She always felt that she was wronged by marrying Cui Hao, and he still dared to do things that let her down!

When she was not married, he coaxed her in every way, but after getting married, he actually ignored her.

"That's all? " Xin Zimo poured himself a cup of tea.

"brother Zimo, if he's half as good as you, I'll be satisfied... " Chi Xue cried.

Xin zimo frowned. She married someone and became a resentful wife. Although the root of the mistake was his mother, even if Chi Xue did not marry Cui Hao to someone else, she would definitely not be happy.

"I've advised you to try to see other people's strengths. For example, Cui Hao. I don't have much contact with him, but I know he used to be a good-for-nothing. But now, after marrying you, he has changed many of his bad habits. He won't go to gambling or nightclubs. Can you ask yourself, is he very bad to you?"

Xin Zimo had said the same thing to Chi Xue many times, but not once did Chi Xue listen to him.

"take me for example. In Your Eyes, you think I'm very good, but you know my temper. If you weren't Chi Xue, I would treat you the same as other women! " This was the first time Xin Zimo had said this He wanted Chi Xue to stop being so stubborn.

Chi Xue was also stunned by Xin Zimo's words. This was the first time he had said such ruthless words.

Xin Zimo did not wait for her to speak and continued, "don't forget how ran ran lost her child! "

He was only reminding her that after being merciful for so long, she should know how to let go.

He was not ungrateful or cold-blooded. It was just that there was a limit to his tolerance and patience.

Today, he hoped that it would be the last time she would look for him for these trivial matters.

"Brother Zimo... " Chi Xue was also frightened by him. Although he had advised her many times in the past, his tone had never been as ruthless as today.

"Go back and live a good life with Cui Hao. Do what a wife and a mother should do. You're about to give birth, take good care of yourself. " Xin Zimo finally sighed when he saw the tears in her eyes.

If anran's child was still around, she would be giving birth soon... ...

He was already able to be a father, but everything seemed to be destined. When he stretched out his hand to grab it, it was all a bubble of nothingness.

However, if it wasn't for the incident last time, would du Anran have planned to hide the child from him for the rest of her life.

"brother Zimo... do you really not care about me anymore? If you don't care about me, who else would care about me in this city? Cui Hao, I don't expect him at all. I don't like him at all! " Chi Xue said ...

"If you don't like him, why do you still care about him? "

"I don't care about him, I don't care about him at all! I only care about the future property of the Cui family! " Chi Xue accidentally revealed the truth.

Xin zimo frowned and looked at Chi Xue. was she still the same Chi Xue from before Property... ... Ha, she would also regard this kind of thing as a goal that she would pursue for the rest of her life ? ?

Seeing that Xin Zimo had stopped speaking, Chi Xue knew that she had said the wrong thing.

She tugged at Xin Zimo's sleeve. "brother Zimo, don't abandon me, okay? I promise that I won't harass you with small matters in the future. Don't ignore me. I'm really afraid that if you ignore me, I won't be able to live on... "

After saying this, she started to sob softly.

Xin Zimo moved her hand away and said coldly, "take care of yourself. "

"Brother Zimo! I heard from mother Xu that you're not planning to marry Miss Tang? " Chi Xue changed the topic.

"This has nothing to do with you! "

"I was just asking casually... " Chi Xue said aggrievedly, "I'm really sorry about what happened that night... where did she go after that? "

Xin Zimo knew that she was asking about Du Anran, and he became even angrier. "I'm warning you, if you dare to touch anran again, I'll make you and the Cui family disappear from city a! "

Chi Xue was frightened. She thought that Xin Zimo had calmed down, but she did not expect to provoke him again. That woman was his bottom line.

She was jealous and hateful of Du Anran... ...

"I'll get mother Xu to accompany you! " Xin Zimo stood up and walked out.

"Brother Zimo! Brother Zimo! " However, he did not turn around even though Chi Xue was calling him from behind.

When he reached the garden, Mother Xin was still there. She glanced at Xin Zimo and wanted to talk to him, but Xin Zimo did not stop and walked straight into the car.

The Autumn Sun was neither too hot nor too warm, but it was still very comfortable to be basked in. On both sides of the long road, withered yellow leaves were scattered all over the ground. When the wind blew, these leaves fluttered in the wind like elves.

Feng Jing's car drove towards Zhongye. Du Anran seemed to be too sleepy and fell asleep in his car.

Feng Jing sighed repeatedly, "a girl works so hard. How can she bear to stay up all night every day? "

The car soon arrived at Zhongye's office building, but before it reached there, he noticed something unusual.

It was usually very quiet in front of the office building. At most, there were a few security guards walking around, and a few cars would drive over from time to time. But today was different. There were many people standing at the door, and it was almost the same as the scene on the street yesterday.

Were they going to the market these few days Why did all of them like to watch the show... ...

Feng Jing lowered the window, and the noise soon reached his ears.

Du Anran was woken up by the noise. She rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window.

"What happened? " Du Anran asked.

"I don't know. I'll go down and take a look. " Feng Jing planned to get out of the car again.

Although he was the president of the company, he had the heart to watch the show. He also wanted to see if anyone from Zhongye was watching the show during work hours and deduct the bonus.

Du Anran was wearing a small gown, so it was inconvenient for her to get out of the car. She nodded and continued to wait for Feng Jing in the car.

When Feng Jing got out of the car, it was an eye-opener. It was really lively. There were five or six people in the middle, and the one in the middle was a young woman.

The woman was not old. She looked to be at most twenty-four or twenty-five years old. She had short hair and wore a black leather jacket. She looked very imposing and aggressive. However, when she raised her head, that young face could not hide her childishness.

Feng Jing fixed his eyes on her. This woman looked very familiar, but he could not remember her at the moment.

"Boss Geng, Oh boss Geng, you are really a thousand-year-old Fox. You are very cunning! " The woman said sternly to a middle-aged man.

"I really did not do it on purpose. You said that my wan family chain has closed down and can not continue to open. I would not wait for death, would I? " The middle-aged man argued.

Feng Jing recognized this man. Wasn't he Geng from an office building He opened a game company upstairs, and he didn't know what he was doing every day.

"then you don't intend to pay the huge amount of debt, right? The IOU was written in vain, right? " The woman roared.

Feng Jing couldn't make any sense out of it. This Geng usually looked quite rich. How could he still owe money to others?

Therefore, Feng Jing asked the people around him, "what's going on? Does Geng owe money to others? "

"President Feng, you just came, right? Do you know who this girl is? " A man wearing glasses said.

Feng Jing looked at the young woman. She looked familiar, but who was it He really couldn't figure it out for a while.

"The Ouyang Group's Miss Ouyang, " the man said "I heard that President Geng lost money when he opened the hotel and owed the Ouyang Group A pile of debt. The Ouyang Group didn't lack this bit of money, so they just owed it. ". "In the end, when the Ouyang Group heard that President Geng came to city a to spend his time, and that he was doing well, they were not happy. "

The man pushed up his glasses He pointed at the woman and said, "I originally planned to let the group's people come to city a to deal with this matter, but in the end, Miss Ouyang volunteered to come to city a, so... ... Oh, this happened today ! This CEO Geng just came to the office building this morning and was caught red-handed by Miss Ouyang."

Miss Ouyang Hotel?

Even if Feng Jing really couldn't remember, hearing these two keywords also evoked memories.

Ouyang Pei... ... What a coincidence, to meet her in this place ...

She was still like this, hot-tempered and unforgiving. She even volunteered for the thankless task of collecting debts. She was really brave.

"I'll give you three days. If you can't come up with the money you owe Ouyang Group, your game company will be mortgaged. You can just wait to go to jail yourself! " The woman was tall and slender, and she did not lose out to the man in front of her.

"Miss Ouyang, this is not in accordance with the procedure. Whether you owe or not is not something that can be casually said. " The middle-aged man rolled his eyes a few times.

"Oh... you want evidence, right? Fine, I'll tell you. Don't play tricks with me. I can find you even if you come to city A. Even if you go to the ends of the earth, you have to pay this debt for me! " Ouyang Pei said ...

Ouyang group was not short of this bit of money. They just could not stand scum like him.