Chapter 346, they met again

Du Anran waited in the car for a long time, but Feng Jing did not return. How could it be so interesting?

She also looked at the crowd, but unfortunately, she could not see anything clearly because she was surrounded by so many people.

"Miss, if there is anything, we suggest that we solve it in private. This is a public place, so it is not suitable to solve private problems. " The security guard watched as more and more people gathered, afraid that the situation could not be controlled.

"I am just letting everyone see. Usually, you can't see the nature of some scum, right? Today, everyone, open your eyes and see clearly. I can tell everyone clearly how much this Geng owes the Ouyang Group, " Ouyang Pei said.

That CEO Geng's expression obviously changed. If he were to say such a thing, where would he put his face. He was used to showing off and showing off. He had always driven a rolls-royce to and fro around the office building.

After being stirred up by this girl today, how could he still be able to hold his head high in the future.

"Miss Ouyang, you're here to disturb public order. Obviously, it's not something that a person with quality can do, right? " This CEO Geng interrupted Ouyang Pei's words.

"Then do you think that owing money and escaping debt is quality? " Ouyang Pei said.

Everyone was used to seeing President Geng being overbearing. Hearing Ouyang Pei's scolding today, they felt especially relieved.

"If you have something to say, let's say it somewhere else. I don't want to disturb everyone's work and life. " President Geng had a righteous look on his face.

However, there was a wave of sighs coming from the crowd. Feng Jing felt that it was fake.

Du Anran waited in the car for Feng Jing, but she couldn't wait for him. She had no choice but to get out of the car to take a look.

What was so exciting that it attracted Feng Jing.

She carefully walked towards the crowd in her high heels, but she was stunned when she caught a glimpse of her. Wasn't that Ouyang Pei?

Why did she come to city a Also, why was she here?

Du Anran and Ouyang Pei didn't have much interaction. The only time they had more interaction was when she went to work that morning and helped an uncle who sold newspapers.

Later, Ouyang Pei was sent back by Xin Zimo. She didn't know if Ouyang Pei knew about this later.

However, Ouyang Pei had a close relationship with Xin Zimo, so it didn't have much to do with her. Therefore, Du Anran quietly turned around and returned to the car.

She was used to the peaceful days of the past four months. She did not want to be involved in anything related to Xin Zimo.

Of course... ... Last night was an accident ...

After arguing for a while, Ouyang Pei felt that she could not force CEO Geng into a corner. A rabbit would bite if it was anxious. If she were to force him into a corner, she, as a girl, would not be his match.

Therefore, since the security guards had advised them to leave.. Ouyang Pei waved her hand. "three days is the limit. I won't waste any more time with you. By the way, let me remind you that your mansion in city a is being monitored by the people of the Ouyang Group. Don't feel unhappy. If you are unhappy, you can sue us. "

As expected, President Geng was so angry that his face turned red. He wanted to swear, but he couldn't get angry in front of so many people. Besides, Ouyang Pei had a few strong bodyguards by her side!

Ouyang Pei vented her anger by scolding them. She said to everyone, "disperse! "

Everyone had finished watching the show. They all went off to do their own things.

President Geng's rolls-royce was still parked at the side. His driver didn't dare to drive away. Ouyang Pei said to her bodyguard, "this car can be worth a lot of money. Watch carefully! "

When everyone had dispersed, Feng Jing did not leave. He stood at the side and looked at Ouyang Pei with a smile on his face.

Ouyang Pei was planning to go to President Geng's company to take a look. In the end, she turned her head and saw Feng Jing.

She was stunned at first. When she saw Feng Jing smiling, she took a few steps forward and asked, "why are you here? "

"My company is here. Of course I am here, " Feng Jing said.

"Your Company? Which one is yours? " Ouyang Pei looked at the nameplate on the office building.

"Zhongye. " Feng Jing said.

"Oh... Zhongye. When I first came here, I heard that Zhongye is the biggest company here. So it was actually run by you, President Feng. This little girl really has poor eyesight. " Ouyang Pei laughed ...

"You really have poor eyesight. You have never changed. " Feng Jing joked, "you came here to collect debts? "

"I came to play. Since I have no money, I will help my dad collect debts. My Stingy Dad said that I can collect as much as I want. " Ouyang Pei shrugged.

"Long Time no see. You still have the demeanor of a chivalrous woman. The momentum of defeating the hooligans back then didn't decrease at all! " Feng Jing said.

"You still remember it! I thought you had long forgotten... " Ouyang Pei lowered her head and smiled.

When she smiled gently, it was completely different from before. At this moment, she was like a light gardenia flower, tender and tender.

"How can I forget so easily when I'm on the school headlines? Besides, my memory is very good, " Feng Jing said.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Feng Jing fell into a faint melancholy. He looked at the sky, which was as clear as jade. However, when it came to his memory, he could not help but feel sad.

A good memory could sometimes bring countless benefits, but a good memory was too good. Happy things could be remembered, and uncomfortable things could also be remembered.

However, he could not forget those bad things.

"Are you planning to talk to me here? The wind is so strong outside, I'm going to catch a cold! " Miss Ouyang was unhappy.

"Look at me, am I not too happy to see an old friend? " Feng Jing laughed.

"Stop it! " Ouyang Pei patted his shoulder.

She did not expect to meet Feng Jing here, this former senior. The world was really small, so small that they would meet again as soon as they turned around.

For example, she and Du Anran.

"Let me introduce you, this is my secretary, Du Anran, " Feng Jing said as he brought Ouyang Pei to his car.

Du Anran was playing with her phone out of boredom, she did not expect Feng Jing and Ouyang Pei to come.

She thought she could avoid them, but she did not expect to meet Ouyang Pei.

"Anran, this is my junior sister, Ouyang Pei. She has always been in city T, I did not expect to meet her here today, " Feng Jing said.

"Du Anran! " Ouyang Pei was more surprised than Du Anran.

"It's me, long time no see. " Du Anran already knew about Ouyang Pei, so she was much calmer.

"Aiya, long time no see. I did not expect to meet you here, and even Feng Jing. Oh, and you are Feng Jing's secretary! " Ouyang Pei was a little excited "Don't you think the world is too small? Why are there so many familiar faces everywhere! "

"You know each other? " This time, it was Feng Jing's turn to be surprised.

"Yes, we know each other. " Du Anran smiled.

"We know each other, but it's a long story! " Ouyang Pei wanted to speak, but she didn't know where to start.

Du Anran was afraid that she would mention Xin Zimo, so she interrupted, "let's go upstairs and have a seat. Don't stand outside. It's quite windy today. "

"Yes, let's go upstairs. Miss Ouyang, I can introduce my company to you. " Feng Jing also said.

Ouyang Pei got into Feng Jing's car. Feng Jing drove the car into the underground parking lot, and the three of them took the elevator to go upstairs.

Feng Jing knew that his company was nothing in front of the Ouyang Group. However, he had a successful career, so it was not particularly embarrassing.

"Not bad. President Feng, you are so powerful. In just a few years, you have built such a big company, " Ouyang Pei said.

"No, it is not worth mentioning compared to your family, " Feng Jing said modestly.

"Our family has an old foundation. That's why it's not worth mentioning, " Ouyang Pei said.

"Have you been in London all these years? " Feng Jing asked.

"No. Didn't I go back to China during the New Year? Dad insisted on setting me up on a blind date. Later on, I met a few of them. Each one of them is worse than me. How can they support me in the future? " Ouyang Pei said unhappily.

"there are a few who are better than you. Look at you. You can have whatever you want. It's indeed very difficult to support you, " Feng Jing said.

Du Anran also laughed at the side. Although this young miss had a big temper, she had a very good personality.

"It's fine if you can't support me. I don't want him to support me anyway. But, you have to be more attractive! Each and every one of you is like a crooked melon, useless and ugly! " Ouyang Pei shook her head.

"That's true. There are only a few who are as handsome as me, " Feng Jing laughed.

These words made Ouyang Pei roll her eyes at him, and Du Anran also burst out laughing.

"So what if you are handsome? You don't even have feelings for women! " Ouyang Pei despised him.

Perhaps only Ouyang Pei dared to expose his scars. Feng Jing lowered his head in embarrassment and did not speak again.

Du Anran saw Feng Jing's expression. She had been with him for so long, so she had a rough guess. This man must have been hurt in his heart, which was why he did not dare to touch love lightly.

Every person who sealed his heart must have a lot of scars on his heart.

"Miss Ouyang, I'll get you a glass of water and stop by chief Feng's office. " Du Anran came out to relieve the situation and ended the topic.

"Sure, I've been talking to that Old Fox for so long, my mouth is really dry. "

Du Anran took Ouyang Pei to have tea. Ouyang Pei and Du Anran could be considered old friends.

Seeing two familiar people at once today, Ouyang Pei felt that her luck was not bad. She probably had a good relationship with people, as the saying went, "the sea keeps a bosom friend. ".

"Anran, why did you come to work at Feng Jing's? "

Ouyang Pei was very curious. The last time she came, Du Anran was still in the Xin Corporation At that time, Xin Zimo doted on Du Anran as if she was his precious treasure.

"I just casually sent my resume and accidentally ended up here, " Du Anran said casually.

"Ah? Xin Zimo is so good, and you still want to leave? Xin Zimo allowed you to leave? " Ouyang Pei said.

Hearing Ouyang Pei Mention Xin Zimo, Du Anran's heart jumped.

She quickly made a hush gesture. "SHHH, no one in Zhongye knows about my relationship with Xin Zimo. Xin Zimo and I broke up a long time ago, don't tell anyone. Recently, Zhongye has taken a job from Xin zimo! "

"BREAK UP! " Ouyang Pei screamed again.

Du anran quickly covered her mouth. "Don't be so loud, SHHH! "

Ouyang Pei widened her eyes and lowered her voice. "You broke up with Xin Zimo? He agreed? That's impossible, how could he agree to break up with you! "