Chapter 347, I pursue you

Ouyang Pei had been alone with Xin Zimo many times. He treated du Anran like a treasure every single time. How could other women enter his heart.

She had tried to seduce him a few times, but he did not even look at her.

It couldn't be helped. who asked her to like handsome guys But why didn't handsome guys like her.

She had been rejected by Feng Jing in school. Now that she finally met a good-looking Xin Zimo, she was rejected again.

Could it be that she only had the life of being rejected all her life Didn't they say that it was very easy for the rich and beautiful to find a partner Why was it even harder for her to find a partner than to climb to the heavens... ...

Could it be that she was not white enough Not Beautiful Enough?

"In any case, it's just that their personalities are not compatible, their temperaments are not compatible, and all sorts of characters are not compatible. I've already broken up with him for a long time, there's nothing to be conflicted about. You must never let Zhongye's people know, especially CEO Feng, " Du Anran said.

"I say, Du Anran, are you serious? You dumped such a tall, rich, and handsome man? What temperaments are you talking about? He's so nice to you. As for the characters that are not compatible, that's just nonsense! " Ouyang Pei was indignant and really unwilling to accept this.

"Aiya, don't ask. Remember, don't mention the word 'Xin Zimo' in front of President Feng. Don't mention it! " Du Anran warned repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, I got it. " Ouyang Pei said, "I really don't know what you're thinking. "

Du Anran brought Ouyang Pei to her office first and poured her a cup of green tea.

"Let's talk about you. Are you very familiar with Feng Jing? " Du Anran asked curiously.

Ouyang Pei took the hot tea that Du Anran handed over She nodded. "Not only familiar, who doesn't know? Back then, I chased after him desperately in school, but he didn't even look at me. Later, I was almost laughed to death by the people of our department, and this guy didn't have any reaction at all. "

Du Anran laughed unkindly, and the scene of Ouyang Pei chasing after Feng Jing immediately appeared in her mind.

Du Anran changed out of her little gown and said, "Feng Jing isn't that kind of cold and aloof person. Why doesn't he have any reaction to you? Look at him now. He's pretty good to our subordinates. "

"He's not cold and aloof. When he was in school, he was also very sociable. He participated in all kinds of activities, and he gave the school principal a lot of face. But no matter who chased after him, he instantly became a cold and aloof prince charming. He ignored everyone and even got angry! " Ouyang Pei pouted.

"Then did he have a girlfriend at that time? " Du Anran asked curiously.

"No, the whole school knew that Feng Jing was single, but no matter who pounced on him, they all blocked him, " Ouyang Pei said. "later, I thought, could it be that this guy likes men? "

Du Anran laughed again. "Don't talk nonsense. CEO Feng probably doesn't want to fall in love. He thinks that his studies and career should be more important. "

"Don't give him excuses. I think he likes men! " Ouyang Pei said unhappily.

"Then do you still like him now? " Du Anran winked.

Ouyang Pei was still fierce just a moment ago, but now she lowered her head and said lovingly, "I have liked him for so many years. How can I say that I don't like him? "

"then try again. Maybe you'll succeed now, " Du Anran encouraged.

"No, no, no. My heart has been hit so hard that it's full of holes. If you reject me again, I'll jump into the river. I was young and immature in the past, but I can't do it now. I WANT MY FACE! " Ouyang Pei said.

"If you miss it, you won't have a chance. You have so many beautiful women in your heart. If you don't want to try anymore, wait until he gets married and YOU'LL CRY! " Du Anran threatened her.

Du Anran used to think that Miss Ouyang was interested in Xin Zimo, but now it seemed that Miss Ouyang had fallen in love with a man long ago.

"How about I change my target! " Ouyang Pei rolled her eyes. "How about Xin Zimo? Didn't you break up with him? How about I go chase after Xin zimo! "

Du Anran did not expect her to say that. She smiled. "sure, go ahead and chase after him. "

"You're willing to? "

Du Anran smiled. "What's there to be reluctant about? "

"Forget it, forget it. I'm just joking with you. When he has a straight face, he looks so dark and impermanent. He scares me so much that my whole body is trembling. " Ouyang Pei even acted cooperatively as she spoke "I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life. I'll be depressed. "

Du Anran knew that in everyone's eyes, Xin Zimo was such a temperamental and cold-hearted person.

"Let's not talk about him. I don't have anything to do with him anymore, " Du Anran said lightly.

"Let's not talk about him. Let's go to Feng Jing's office to take a look. "

Du Anran brought Ouyang Pei to Feng Jing's place. Feng Jing was buried in a pile of documents when he arrived early in the morning. There was a huge stack of documents on the table.

Du Anran took Ouyang Pei around and had lunch with her at noon.

"Anran, I came to city a this time to collect the debt and leave. But look, I saw you and Feng Jing today. I plan to stay for a while longer, " Ouyang Pei said.

"It's okay. You can look for me wherever you want to go, " Du Anran said.

"actually, I was really surprised to see him today. "I have been staying in London ever since I graduated from university. He didn't leave me any contact information. "I thought I would never see him again in my life. " Ouyang Pei lowered her head when she said these words.

"Then it means that you two are fated, " Du Anran said, "maybe it's an opportunity. Take advantage of it. "

"I can't even find the reason why he doesn't want to fall in love. How can I prescribe the right medicine? " Ouyang Pei looked distressed.

"Then I'll help you be a spy. When I find out the reason, you can prescribe the right medicine. "

"Are you really willing to help me? "

"Yes, to promote a marriage and accumulate good fortune, " Du Anran said seriously.

"Anran, you're such a good person! " Ouyang Pei Hugged du Anran.

Du Anran smiled. She had never thought that she would become friends with Ouyang Pei.

After Ouyang Pei came to city a, she stayed in a hotel near Zhongye office building. Firstly, it was convenient to contact du Anran and Feng Jing, and secondly, she could monitor the whereabouts of Geng at any time.

It was her first time doing this kind of work. If she failed, she would be laughed at by her father when she returned.

Her father planned to hand over the Ouyang Group to her in the future. If she couldn't even handle such a small matter, how could she take over the Ouyang Group.

Of course, if she found a good son-in-law for her father, she wouldn't have to worry about it.

Today, Feng Jing really kept his promise and gave a bonus to everyone in Zhongye. The company was full of joy and excitement.

Feng Jing also allowed them to leave an hour earlier today. He also said that when the deal was really successful, there would be a bonus and a dinner party.

Although the cooperation with the Xin Group had not yet been successful, signing the contract meant that more than half of it had been successful. The Xin Group was so rich. When Zhong Ye satisfied the Xin Group, there would definitely be a generous reward.

Hence, everyone in Zhong Ye was in a cheerful atmosphere.

Du Anran was also very happy. Today, she planned to give herself a break and watch a movie by herself in the evening.

When it was time to get off work, everyone left early without exception. Du Anran also packed her things and prepared to leave.

The weather today was not bad. It had just turned dark when she got off work. Although the autumn wind was still a little chilly, the weather was much better than the rainy weather from a while ago.

When she arrived at her place downstairs, she was just about to go up when a car horn sounded.

Du Anran turned her head. It was Xin Zimo.

He sat in the driver's seat with a faint smile on his face. Today, he did not wear a suit or tie. Instead, he wore a casual sweater. If it was not for his mature and steady aura, he would not have been able to erase it. He looked no different from a young man walking on the street.

No one could tell that he was the CEO of the Xin Corporation. Even du Anran suspected that her vision was wrong.

He pointed to the passenger seat and gestured for her to go up. Du Anran shook her head. It was inappropriate for her to remember what happened last night.

Xin Zimo lowered the car window and said, "get in! I want to tell you something! "

Tell you something Du Anran was suspicious. What did he want to tell her.

Du Anran walked over in her high heels. She stood outside the car window and said, "tell me, I can hear you. "

He smiled. "Are you afraid of me? "

"How can I not be afraid of you? " Du Anran was obviously referring to what happened last night.

Xin Zimo, of course, knew that it was last night. He smiled. "I intend to be responsible for you, so you come up. "

He looked very good when he smiled. He had never smiled like that before. Although he looked honest, du Anran was afraid that it was just sugar coating.

"I don't want you to be responsible, really. " Therefore, du Anran refused.

"COME UP! " Xin Zimo was still persistent.

Every time he pestered her, she was helpless.

Now, he suddenly barged into her life, and she was the one who was at a loss.

She had no choice but to open the car door and sit in the passenger seat. She thought that he would finish talking to her, but he stepped on the accelerator and drove away from the neighborhood.

"where are you taking me? " Du Anran asked.

The Sky outside the window was slowly turning dark. She turned to look at the side of Xin Zimo's face. He seemed to be in a good mood today.

"were you planning to go back to work? " Xin Zimo asked.

"No, I was planning to go to the movies. It's all booked. You have to pay me for the movie tickets. "

"What time are the tickets? "

Du Anran did not know what Xin Zimo was up to, so she answered truthfully, "seven o'clock. "

He looked at his watch. "perfect, I'll go with you. "

"Don't you have something to say to me? "

"Well, what I want to say is, let me pursue you again, okay? Don't be in a hurry to reject me. If I don't perform well, you can reject me again. "

Du Anran was stunned. "I don't have feelings for you anymore. "

In fact, she had scolded him in her heart. No one would chase someone else to bed first. She had already made her move last night, and now she was here to pursue her.

"No, it feels like a very illusory thing. I'm still confident in myself. I'll get you, " Xin Zimo said.

"If you want to play, then go ahead. I won't accept you. ''DuuAnrann turned her head.

"Okay. " Xin Zimo took it that Du Anran had tacitly agreed, and a smile appeared on his lips.