Chapter 348, his rose

Sure enough, Xin Zimo immediately acted on his words.

When he arrived at the cinema, he parked his car in the parking lot and said to Du Anran, who had gotten out of the car, "wait for me. "

Du Anran did not know what he was up to, so she could only stand still.

The square was still very lively. Although it could not be compared to the city center, it was already the most bustling place in this area.

Xin Zimo had just taken two steps when he turned back. "What kind of milk tea do you like? "

"Milk Tea? " Du Anran was stunned. She looked into his eyes and said, "chocolate is fine. "

The temperature at night was very low. Drinking milk tea should be easier to warm up She actually quite liked drinking milk tea, especially in winter.

She turned her head and saw Xin zimo standing in line at the entrance of the milk tea shop.

It was a rather famous chain store. This milk tea was more delicious, and Du Anran also liked it.

Xin zimo stood in line obediently. Although he was dressed in a low-key manner, he was still very special in the crowd. Du Anran thought that if she did not know Xin Zimo, she would definitely look at him more often.

The milk tea shop was doing well. Du Anran looked at Xin Zimo and thought that he would have to wait in line for a while.

She was so bored that she would kick rocks on the street. Sometimes, when there were fireworks in the sky, she would look up. The fireworks were really beautiful, but the beautiful ones were the ones that dissipated the most easily.

Xin Zimo finally got his milk tea. He handed a cup to Du Anran and kept one for himself.

"You still drink this stuff? How tasteless, " Du Anran said as she opened the milk tea.

"I do have no taste, but am I not pursuing you? Since you have no taste, of course I have to lower myself and cooperate with you, " Xin Zimo said with a smile.

Du Anran wanted to beat him up at that time. How could he still talk about pursuing others? Why did he not have any sincerity at all and even taunted her.

However, Du Anran could not be bothered to argue with him. "then you have to get used to my lack of taste. "

When they went to the fifth floor to watch a movie, Xin Zimo saw that the others had bought a lot of snacks, so he bought some for Du Anran.

Speaking of watching a movie, Du anran still remembered the scene of him and Tang Nuanyan coming back from the movie that day.

However, she was no longer willing to reminisce about the past.

Xin Zimo had been helping her carry the snacks, and from time to time, he would ask her what she wanted to eat.

In the end, the people in the movie theater were almost killed by Xin Zimo's noise. Many people stared at him and lectured him, "can you watch the movie properly? "

Du Anran could only smile apologetically at him. She also found the noise annoying.

Throughout the whole process, Xin Zimo did not watch the movie at all. He had no interest in watching movies to begin with. The last time he accompanied Tang Nuanyan to watch a movie, he just slept through it.

In the end, when he accompanied Du Anran to watch a movie this time, he would feed du Anran from time to time.

The people beside him were annoyed by his noise, so he did not speak. Sometimes he would feed du Anran some popcorn, and sometimes he would feed her a phoenix claw.

Du Anran did not watch the entire movie safely. By the time the movie ended, she was already so full that she could not walk.

"Eat some fruit to help with digestion. " Xin Zimo peeled another banana for her.

"If this goes on, I'll gain three pounds in one night, okay? " Du Anran's face was full of black lines.

"You're busy with work all day long. You'll only have the energy to work if you gain a little weight, " Xin Zimo said. "yesterday, your bones almost hit me. "

It was fine if he didn't mention what happened yesterday, but whenever he mentioned her, he would gnash his teeth. Yesterday, she was drunk. He was clearly taking advantage of her.

"The show is over. Let's go back. " Du Anran got up.

She walked in front, and he followed behind her.

"It's still early. Let's go shopping again, " he said. "The new autumn clothes are not bad. I'll buy a few with you. "

"No need. I can't wear them at work, " Du Anran said.

"What about the shoes? Lipstick, lip gloss, blush, and foundation? " Xin Zimo asked.

"You're pretty good at it. But I don't need any of them! " Du Anran walked out of the door.

"Wait a minute, " Xin zimo said.

Du Anran stopped in her tracks. Xin Zimo saw a girl selling roses next to him, so he bought one.

"This... you can at least accept it, right? "

"No! " She was not his kind of person, so how could she accept roses.

However, Xin Zimo forced the rose into her hand. "Do me a favor, just don't throw it away in front of me. "

He stuffed the rose into her hand, so she could only take it. Now, he was even more clingy. He did not have this kind of personality in the past.

As usual, Xin Zimo was the one who sent her back. On the way back, he said to her, "when are you free? I'll take you on a trip. "

"I'm not free. I'm not free all year round. "

Xin Zimo was rejected again. He thought that his woman was harder to woo than other women.

"Why aren't you free? "

"Do you think everyone is as free as you? I'm a secretary, of course I'm busy, " Du Anran said. "Look at the secretaries of Your Xin Group. Which one of them isn't extremely busy? "

"then why don't I help you apply for leave? "

"Don't you dare! " Du Anran stopped her. "You're pursuing me, please don't interfere with my work. "

"Such a big reaction, I'm just joking with you, " Xin Zimo said. "Don't worry, I'll pursue you openly. "

Du Anran looked out of the window, and her voice was a little indifferent. "You were the one who promised me in the hospital. Now, you're the one who went back on your word. "

Du Anran did not want to recall the past, but Xin Zimo's reappearance forced her to do so.

It was Xin Zimo's turn to remain silent. In the business world, he was a gentleman who kept his promises. However, he could not forget about Du Anran.

He really did not want to rely on sleeping pills for the rest of his life... ...

Just treat it as if he was doing it for himself, just treat it as if he was selfish.

Xin Zimo sent Du Anran upstairs. The lights in the corridor were finally fixed. He even found someone to install a camera and an alarm button at the door of Du Anran's house.

Since she was determined not to change places, he could only fix up the place where she lived a little.

Of course, du Anran would not ask him to stay. As soon as he sent her there, she ordered him to leave. Xin Zimo did not want to stay. He smiled and said "good night" to her.

"Good night, " Du Anran also said, and then closed the door.

She was still holding the rose that he had given her, but it was innocent and pretty. The flower was about to bloom, and its fragrance filled the air.

Du anran placed the flower in a vase and placed it on the table in the living room. The originally dull living room suddenly seemed to have more vitality and color.

However, the next day, when Du Anran went to work, she found that there was another rose in her office.

She had already replaced the previous vase with a yellow rose. Now, another blue enchantress squeezed in from her small vase.

The two roses stood side by side in the vase. They looked particularly harmonious and the color was particularly beautiful. Du Anran was wondering who had sent the flowers, but she soon saw the card under her mouse.

The card was pink. There were two bears drawn on it, a big bear and a little bear. The big bear patted the little bear's head, and there was a cloud-shaped dialog box on it.

There were a few lines of words written in the box: "Did you sleep well yesterday? Have you eaten breakfast? The Blue enchantress has sent you your favorite flower, one a day from now on. "

His name was at the bottom of the box. It was Xin Zimo.

Du Anran laughed when she saw it. His handwriting was very generous, but it was so funny when he put it together with these two stupid bears!

"knock, knock, knock. " Coincidentally, there was a knock on Feng Jing's door. Du Anran hurriedly hid the card.

"morning, Anran! " Feng Jing walked in.

"Good Morning, CEO Feng, " Du Anran said.

"Yo, why did you buy two roses today? " Feng Jing pointed at the bottle on her desk.

It was too conspicuous. He saw it the moment he entered.

"Oh, the lady boss saw that I'm a regular customer, so she gave me an extra one, " Du Anran lied.

"It's so beautiful, Anran, you're so romantic. " Feng Jing smiled. "We've officially taken over the Xin Group case. From today onwards, you'll be in charge of the overall progress of the work. "

"Okay, I'll follow up. "

"I believe you'll follow up as well. This is your first big project in Zhongye. Follow up well. When the time comes, the bonus and commission will be more, not less. "

"President Feng knows me best. I am one step closer to my house! " Du Anran laughed.

"I believe you, " Feng Jing said

"Miss Ouyang didn't come today? " Du Anran asked.

"I didn't see her. I guess she went to ask President Geng for a debt! I heard that President Geng didn't dare to come to the office building today. "

"Miss Ouyang is so domineering. But she is a girl. If she meets President Geng to play some tricks, I'm afraid she will suffer. " Du Anran was still a little worried.

"Didn't she bring a few bodyguards? Don't worry, I haven't told you about her great achievements. ". When she was in university, she chased away a few gangsters with knives with her bare hands. She even seriously injured the gangsters and almost caused a death. Later, the Ouyang family settled this matter, but Ouyang Pei became famous in school!"Feng Jing laughed.

"girls like her are the most heartless. She has a good personality. If I were a boy, I would chase after her. " Du Anran spoke up for Ouyang Pei.

"What? Later, the boys treated her as a friend. They drank with her, rode their bikes with her, and even climbed mountains with her. "

"You treat her as a friend too? " Du Anran asked.

"Ahem, no, I don't have that many interactions with her. Besides, I'm older than her by a few years, so there's nothing to get in touch with on a daily basis. " Feng Jing's tone became indifferent.

Du Anran had promised Ouyang Pei that she would help her find the crux of Feng Jing's problem, and then she would be able to treat it.

"Oh right, you didn't tell me how you met Ouyang Pei? " Feng Jing was very curious "Logically speaking, she's from city T, you're from city a, she went to England, and you studied in Germany. I can't figure out how you two met. "

"Ah? We met by chance. She helped someone, and that person happened to be my friend, that's all. " Du Anran played it down.

That kind of thing that would never be erased from Xin Zimo's and her life was brought up in a few words by her. She did not want to tell Feng Jing that she knew Xin Zimo.