Chapter 349, gossips

"What a coincidence. " Feng Jing felt that this world was really small.

"President Feng, we have to take the lead. We can't chat early in the morning, right? WE HAVE TO WORK! " Du Anran was afraid that Feng Jing would continue to ask.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. If there's anything, feel free to communicate with me. " Feng Jing said as he walked out of Du Anran's office.

Du Anran saw that Feng Jing had left and took out Xin Zimo's card. It would be a lie to say that she was not moved. A woman's heart was the softest, not to mention that she was also a vulgar woman.

It was a pity that she and Xin Zimo were not compatible and could not be together. However, after experiencing so many storms, he still refused to let go. What should she do?

She originally thought that the matter of the child would be the end of them forever. She did not expect that everything would quietly recover after more than four months of silence.

Should she nip all of this in the bud... ...

However, she did not expect that Xin Zimo was determined this time.

According to his promise, he would send her a flower every day. It would be different every day. On Friday morning, he even sent her a large bouquet of roses.

The young man who sent the flowers walked to Zhongye's large office with a large bouquet of roses in his arms. When he reached there, he shouted, "who is Miss Du Anran? Someone sent roses! "

Of course, Du Anran would not appear in the large office. Therefore, everyone in the company knew that someone had sent her roses, but only she herself was the last to know.

A "good person" pointed the way for the young man who sent the flowers, and the young man walked towards Du Anran's small office.

A few people who were watching the show followed him. They kept asking, "who sent these flowers to Miss Du? ".

The young man who was delivering the flowers smiled and said, "I don't know. We'll send them as soon as someone orders them. "

"Isn't there a name on the card? "

"No. "

"Then what about the blessing? "

"just one sentence. "

"What sentence? What sentence? " Everyone was curious.

"tomorrow is Saturday, " the young man said.

"That's it? "


Everyone thought how boring the person who was delivering the flowers was. or rather, how UNROMANTIC was he to write such a sentence.

However, the crowd still surrounded the door of Du Anran's office.

"Anran, someone sent you flowers! " The crowd shouted in a high-profile manner.

Zhongye had not received such a large bouquet of roses for a long time. Besides, it was not Valentine's Day or anything like that. Of course, it caused quite a stir.

Du Anran was shocked by this scene. It was indeed a large bouquet of roses.

The young man signed for the roses and left. The rest of the people swarmed into the office.

"Anran, who sent them? "

"Sister Anran, I didn't expect you to be in a relationship long ago. "

"Sister Anran, when are you going to bring your boyfriend here for us to see? "

Du anran placed the roses on the table, not knowing how to answer so many questions. She could only smile. "It's nothing, it's a gift from a friend! "

"SISTER ANRAN's face is red, how could a friend send such a big bouquet of red roses? "

Was She blushing Why was she blushing... ...

But speaking of which, she had never received a red rose in such a high-profile manner!

"Sister Anran, tell us the truth. Are you in a relationship? You have to treat us when you're in a relationship. This is the rule of our middle career, right? "

"Yes, yes. If you want to marry the girl of our middle career, you have to treat the entire company to a meal! "

"You guys go back to work quickly. Be careful that President Feng will deduct your wages! " Du Anran laughed.

"It's such a happy day, why would he deduct your wages! " Feng Jing walked in from outside.

He also heard the commotion, so he came over to take a look. He didn't expect it to be so lively.

"President Feng is here! " "President Feng is such a good person. How can such a good thing deduct our wages! " Everyone automatically made way for Feng Jing.

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo's matter today had blown up.

He clearly said that he would not interfere with her work, but now what was this called Not only did he send her a few flowers, he even had someone send her a large bouquet of red roses in such a high-profile manner.

Fortunately, he did not write his name. If he had written his name, she would really be interrogated today. It was probably not just her, but everyone in Zhongye would go crazy.

"President Feng... I don't know who gave this to me... my friend must be joking with me! Everyone is curious, I'm curious too... " Du Anran said.

"Anran, you really have a work-love relationship! " Feng Jing didn't believe du Anran's words. "You hid it from me for so long. It seems that you don't need to buy a house from now on! "

"That's not true, President Feng. You know that I'm in the office all day long. If I fall in love, don't you know? " Du Anran said.

Feng Jing thought that what Du Anran said was also true. It had been raining so heavily a while ago, but her boyfriend had not come to pick her up.

During this period of time, du Anran had only stayed in the office. Even if she went out, he would go out too. He had not seen any signs of her falling in love!

"I guess Anran doesn't want to make it public! " A female colleague said, "I don't know who can marry such a good girl like Zhongye. You must treat us to a good meal. Otherwise, it would be a shame for US men to look forward to it! "

"It's nothing. All of you can go to work. I'll definitely tell everyone the moment I have a boyfriend! " Du Anran said.

Everyone chatted for a while and asked a few questions, but they were all denied by Du Anran.

Seeing that they couldn't get anything out of Du Anran, they all dispersed. Feng Jing didn't leave. He looked at Du Anran and smiled.

Du Anran knew what Feng Jing was going to say, so she quickly confessed, "President Feng, I really don't have a boyfriend! "

"It's good to have a boyfriend! You don't have to explain. I think if you're really in a relationship, you won't work overtime every day, stay up late at night, and come to the company in the morning without eating breakfast, " Feng Jing said. "It's really a good thing for you. "

"President Feng, I'm going to disappoint you. I don't have a boyfriend, so I have to work overtime and buy a house. Your bonus has to be increased, " Du Anran said sneakily.

"Then tell me, who sent these flowers? " Feng Jing was also quite gossipy.

"It's either a mistake, or a friend is joking with me. "

"How come no one sent me the wrong flowers... " Feng Jing clicked his tongue "Tomorrow is Saturday. This blessing language is very strange, isn't it? One look and I can tell that it's someone who knows you very well. Let me reason. This sentence is to remind you that tomorrow is Saturday, and it's a day to rest. Don't go to the company to work overtime again. "

"President Feng, you're thinking too much, " Du Anran said indifferently.

"Then could it be a gift from a guy in the company who has a crush on you? " Feng Jing helped her analyze.

"How would I know? Maybe President Feng is joking with me. " Du Anran insisted that Qingshan would not relax.

"TSK Tsk, you're not being kind. I helped you analyze who sent the flowers, but you're joking with me, " Feng Jing said. "But the male creatures in our company, other than me, all of them are quite ugly. You'd better not be deceived by them. "

"In that case, when President Feng Recruits New People in the future, remember to hire a few people who can be seen. It can also be considered to be a benefit for the girls in the company! " Du Anran laughed.

"Forget it, I won't force you. If you're really in a relationship, remember to treat us! TREAT US! "

"President Feng, if I marry a man who's poorer than me in the future, how can I afford to hire people from this big company? "

Zhongye had more than a hundred people, so her deduction was not unreasonable.

"Don't worry, if you treat us, everyone will give us big red packets. Don't worry, don't worry! " Feng Jing winked.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved! " Du Anran patted her chest.

"You didn't really find someone poorer than you, did you? No wonder you work so hard every day. Don't tell me you have to support your family? "

"No, no, no, I'm not in a relationship, right? I'm just assuming... assuming... " Du Anran thought that when men gossiped, they were on par with women ...

"I'm very good at judging people. If you really have a boyfriend, remember to bring him to me. I'll definitely keep an eye on him for you! " Feng Jing continued.

"okay, okay, okay. I'll definitely keep an eye on President Feng first. President Feng, if you say that there's something wrong with this person's character, I'll immediately cut off all contact with him. How about that? " Du Anran smiled.

"YOU'RE WORTHY OF BEING TAUGHT! " Feng Jing smiled. "This is a major life event. You can't be careless. "

"President Feng, you don't have to worry about me. You also have to resolve your own major life event. " Du Anran seemed to be unintentional, but in fact, she intentionally brought the topic to him.

Sure enough, Feng Jing's face darkened slightly. He lowered his head slightly, but after a while, it was as if he did not hear du Anran's words. He smiled and said, "I'm happy just to see the two of you happy. However, work is still the most important thing during working hours. Work, work! "

After saying that, Feng Jing encouraged du Anran with a few words and left her small office. Du Anran watched him leave.

Sure enough, the man had something on his mind.

No Wonder Ouyang Pei in the face of those years in full swing to pursue are indifferent, do not really like men?

Du Anran was amused by her own thoughts. She snickered.

But what was to be done with the large bouquet of roses, which had so tyrannically occupied half of her desk and were in full bloom and exuberant.

She first put away the cards in the roses and put them in the drawer with the bear card.

Since he didn't write his name, why not pretend that she didn't know?

However, before she could think of any countermeasures, Xin Zimo called.

She changed her cell phone number again when she arrived at Zhongye, but she knew that with his ability, it wouldn't be difficult to find her cell phone number.

"Did you receive the flowers? " He asked.

"Didn't you say that you wouldn't interfere with my work? The whole company knows that you sent this big bouquet of roses! " Du Anran said angrily.

He was still good-tempered. "No way, I didn't ask anyone to sign it. Everyone in your company knows that I sent it? "

"That's not it. Fortunately, you didn't sign it. I just said that it was a joke given to me by someone else. "

"That's good then. Besides, it's not a shameful thing for me to pursue you, right? "

"I just want to work peacefully and don't want to fall in love, especially with you. " Du Anran was not polite at all.