Chapter 350, asking for marriage

"It's okay, I'm patient. I'm the one chasing you now, right? It's normal for you to reject me, but I can't be defeated by a little rejection, right? " Xin zimo smiled. "especially chasing a goddess, you have to be patient... "

"I'm going to work, don't disturb me during working hours in the future! " Du Anran said unhappily.

"Did you see the words on the card? Tomorrow is Saturday, don't go to work, I'll treat you to a meal, " Xin Zimo said.


"Then I'll treat the people in your company to a meal, " Xin Zimo said.

"..."Du Anran facepalmed.

"Do you agree? " Xin Zimo asked shamelessly again.

"You win! " Du Anran hung up the phone.

Was this the attitude that a suitor should have Why was she the passive one Du Anran's face was full of black lines... ...

The next day, du Anran saw Xin Zimo's car parked downstairs in the neighborhood early in the morning. He was still alone and dressed very casually. The Sun shone on his face, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Du Anran did not understand. He was such a busy man, how could he have the time to be around her every day.

The weather was still warmer today, so du Anran changed into a long dress and only wore a knitted coat before leaving the house.

Xin Zimo was very happy to see that she did not go to work today and even came down obediently.

"where do you want to go? " Xin Zimo asked.

"Up to you, " Du Anran said casually.

"I'll listen to you. Go wherever you say. " Xin Zimo knew that she was not concerned, but he was.

"Let's go to the temple. I want to ask when we can get rid of the rotten peach blossoms, " Du Anran said seriously.

Xin Zimo was unhappy. He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, "who are you calling rotten peach blossoms? You're definitely not talking about me, right? Don't worry, I'll help you get rid of all the rotten peach blossoms. "

Du Anran thought that other than his good temper, he had not changed at all, especially his narcissism.

When he moved closer to her, she smelled the pleasant smell on his body. When he spoke in her ear, she felt a tingling sensation all over her body. Immediately, her face turned red.

When she was with him in the past, it was rare for her to blush.

"Then let's go to the temple. I can ask about marriage. " Xin Zimo did not tease her anymore and sat properly.

Xin zimo brought du Anran to a very large but quiet temple.

Because of the geographical location, although it was a holiday, there were still very few people. However, it was said that this temple was very efficacious, so many people would come because of its reputation.

Xin Zimo drove for a full two hours before arriving. This place was almost over the border of City A.

Du Anran probably had not come out for a long time. When she saw a vast expanse of scenery, she felt refreshed.

It was almost late autumn, and the fallen leaves on the trees were scattered all over the ground. The mountains in the distance were barren, and the fields were also endlessly lonely.

"WE'RE HERE! " Xin zimo parked the car outside the temple.

The temple was very large. Once they arrived, du Anran heard the solemn sound of a bell. The back of the mountain of the temple was filled with smoke and flames. They drifted past the tall ginkgo trees, making it seem like a fairyland.

The large plaque of the temple had the words "Back Mountain Temple" written on it. The words were green and gold, sparkling under the Sun.

"You still know about this place, " Du Anran said.

When she was very, very young, she had come to the back mountain temple with her mother once. She had not come back since then.

"Is there anything I don't know about city a? " Xin zimo looked at her with a smile.

Du Anran knew that talking to this kind of person was asking for trouble. Other than narcissism, he was also arrogant.

"Come, follow me in. " Xin Zimo took du Anran's hand.

He held du Anran's hand tightly. Du Anran could not resist and could only let him hold her hand.

As soon as they entered the temple, they could smell the strong scent of incense. Xin zimo brought Du Anran over the stone steps and followed her to see the scenery.

There were many ginkgo trees in the temple. At this time, the leaves of the Ginkgo trees had turned yellow and were scattered all over the ground. Since there was no one to clean them, du Anran stepped on the Ginkgo leaves and followed Xin Zimo step by step.

It was really quiet in the temple today. The creaking sound of her shoes stepping on the Ginkgo leaves could be heard clearly.

This was probably the sound of cicadas chirping in the forest and birds chirping in the mountains.

At this moment, she could feel the tranquility here more and more.

She liked this long-lost tranquility. This kind of tranquility was closer to the depths of her heart. She had lived in the city for so long that she almost forgot what the slow pace of life was like.

"Let's go to the back mountain to pray to Buddha first. After that, I'll bring you to have tea. The Green Tea here is very famous, " Xin Zimo said.

"Okay. " Du Anran nodded.

She looked at their shadows on the ground. They finally looked like two very ordinary couples. Here, to be able to forget their identity, no one was a CEO, no one was a secretary, we were just pious devotees.

Du Anran followed Xin Zimo to climb the stone steps on the mountain to worship Buddha. The stone steps were a little steep, so Xin Zimo held her hand tightly, afraid that she would slip.

There were a little more people on the back mountain. There were people who were climbing up like them, and there were many couples among them.

"There's a marriage tree on the mountain. My purpose today is to seek marriage. " Xin zimo smiled at Du Anran.

"Okay, I won't disturb you. I'll just pray, " Du Anran said.

After climbing up the mountain, Du Anran saw that there was indeed a marriage tree. The tree was hung with Red Lanterns, and many couples were writing notes on the side.

After writing the note, they put it into the small lantern and hung the small lantern on the tree.

The small red lantern on the tree was already hung full. When the wind blew, the red tassels flew quietly.

Xin Zimo asked for a pen and paper and wrote a few words on the note. Du Anran originally wanted to go to the main hall, but Xin Zimo pulled her away and refused to let her go.

"In this life and this life, we will never leave each other. " Xin zimo wrote eight words.

His words were very beautiful, and Du Anran immediately saw him write his name on the paper.

He handed the pen to her. "You write your name too! "

Of course, Du Anran refused. "You're the one who asked for marriage, not me. I don't need to write it. "

"Buddhist quiet place. Be Quiet and write it down. " Xin zimo coaxed her.

"I want to be single for the rest of my life! " Du Anran was not fooled.

"You can't lie in front of Buddha! " Xin Zimo held her hand.

He forced her to write her name on the note. Although it was crooked, it was finally written. Xin zimo curved his lips and smiled.

"Then, you can force me in front of Buddha? " Du Anran looked at him with disdain.

"Miss Du Anran, you won't suffer a loss if you marry me. " Xin zimo smiled.

He put the note into the small lantern. He was tall, so he chose a place to shelter from the wind and rain and hung the lantern.

He had a sense of accomplishment. Inside was his promise to her for the rest of his life.

Du Anran knew that this man was also very childish.

After that, Xin Zimo accompanied Du Anran to pray to Buddha. After that, they went to the side hall.

There were many Ginkgo trees in the side hall. Very few pilgrims would come here, so it was exceptionally quiet. There were a few Osmanthus trees in the courtyard. It was the season for the fragrance of cinnabar. As soon as du Anran walked in, she smelled the strong fragrance of Osmanthus.

The fragrance was very nice, and Du Anran especially liked it. She took a deep breath and really relaxed.

The Blue Sky, yellow leaves, and the fragrance of flowers... ...

"follow me to ask about marriage, " Xin Zimo said.

"Why are you thinking about this? Don't you want to pray for the Xin family or something? "

"Don't you know what is a major event in life? "


Xin Zimo came in front of a monk and bowed. He made a few gestures and the monk handed him a straw.

Du Anran also followed Xin Zimo devoutly. Xin Zimo handed the straw to her first. "If you are sincere, then it will work. You go first! "

"I'M NOT ASKING ABOUT MARRIAGE! " Du Anran shook her head.

"It's fine, just ask. " Xin Zimo urged her.

In front of the monk, it would be disrespectful and pretentious for Du Anran to refuse, so she could only glare at Xin Zimo.

Du Anran closed her eyes and muttered a few words in her heart, and a lot fell out of the lot holder. Xin zimo picked it up before her and handed the lot holder to the monk.

Du Anran cursed in her heart. She didn't even see it clearly!

The monk looked at it and said softly, "it's a good lot. Although there are ups and downs in the path of marriage, it will eventually see the light of day. You should put down what you should put down, and catch what you shouldn't. "

Du Anran was puzzled. Was She guarding anything Since she didn't guard anything, where did she get it.

Xin Zimo touched her hand. "Did you hear that? You'll guard until the clouds are clear and the moon is bright. I'm the one you shouldn't have put down. "

After saying that, he drew a lot and respectfully handed it to the monk. The monk looked at it for a few seconds and nodded with a smile. "The mountains are heavy and the rivers are heavy, but there is no road. The willows are bright and another village is bright. On the road of marriage, if you persist on, you will definitely see hope. "

Du Anran thought, wasn't this the same as not saying anything?

Xin zimo would definitely not be alone in the future. Of course, he would get married and see hope.

However, when Xin Zimo brought her out, he asked, "guess what I just asked in my heart? "

"Is the marriage going well? Are there any peach blossoms? " Du Anran asked.

"I asked, can I still be with Du Anran in my life? " Xin zimo looked at the sun in the sky and the corners of his lips curled up into a gentle smile.

Du Anran did not speak. Could it be that the lots in this place were all good lots?

After walking out of the Back Mountain, Xin Zimo brought Du Anran to drink tea in the courtyard. Xin Zimo naturally ordered the best tea. It was rare for Du Anran to come out so quietly, so she relaxed and slowly tasted the tea with him.

Listening to the Birds Chirping in the courtyard and drinking the tea in the White Porcelain Cup, Du Anran closed her eyes and felt that time had slowed down a lot.

She liked this kind of day, liked the slow pace, and completely relaxed herself, as if all the troubles had nothing to do with her.

She enjoyed the Saturday that Xin Zimo gave her.

In the afternoon, he would take her to walk in the temple quietly. Sometimes, they would walk across the small bridge and watch the fish swimming in the water. Sometimes, they would walk through the mountain stream and listen to the gurgling water. Sometimes, they would stand in the temple and listen to the deep bell... ...