Chapter 351, being hijacked

In the evening, Xin Zimo brought her up the mountain to watch the sunset. When the sunset covered her whole body and her hair flew in the wind, he was caught off guard and kissed her forehead.

Du Anran immediately pushed him away. "Buddhist shrine, don't do anything! "

"Just for a while... " he immediately straightened his posture and sat side by side with her on the top of the mountain.

It was not until the sun slowly set and the evening wind blew, and the temperature suddenly turned cold, that Xin Zimo took her out of the Back Mountain Temple.

Du Anran was so immersed in this atmosphere that she almost forgot that she was a city worker. She was still reluctant to leave after she got into Xin Zimo's car.

"Do you like it here? I'll bring you here next time, " Xin zimo said.

"When I get old, I'll live in a place like this. The mountains and rivers will be beautiful, and the morning bell and evening drum will be beautiful. " Du Anran looked forward to it very much.

"The villa on Huxin island is also beautiful, and the scenery is endless. "

When he mentioned that place, she thought of the past again.

She lowered her head and did not speak. If a goldfish could forget the past in seven seconds, then what about people... ...

Xin Zimo knew that there were too many things in the past that he couldn't forget, and neither could she. But he believed that there would always be a bright future.

When he sent her home, he bought her a box of cute cat cake. She took it and smiled. "It's not your birthday, why would you give me a cake? "

The cat cake was really cute. Du Anran thought that she couldn't bear to eat it.

"I want your life to be more sweet, not boring and tasteless. " Xin zimo smiled.

She was in a good mood today, so she did not refute him.

When she went upstairs alone, she opened the cake, and the smell of milk immediately assailed her nose.

But before she picked up the knife and fork, her phone rang. It was Feng Jing calling. Could it be that she did not work overtime today? He felt very strange.

"Anran, do you have Ouyang Pei's contact information? " Feng Jing's tone was very anxious.

When du Anran heard that there was a problem, she quickly asked, "I don't have it. What's wrong? "

She had not had the time to exchange contact information with Ouyang Pei. From Feng Jing's tone, did something happen?

"I called her cell phone, but no one answered. I just wanted to ask if you have any other contact information for her! " Feng Jing was very anxious.

"Don't worry, I'll help you ask. Maybe my friend has other contact information for her, " Du Anran comforted him.

"Yes, I'm also afraid that something will happen to her in City A. That Geng is not so easy to bully. Ouyang Pei made him lose face, so how could he let Ouyang Pei off so easily? I'm really afraid that something will happen if she doesn't pick up the phone! "

"It's okay, it's okay. Maybe she went out to play and didn't get a call for a while. Don't worry, I'll help you ask around. I'll let you know if there's any news, " Du Anran said.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you. "

Du Anran hung up Feng Jing's phone and immediately called Xin Zimo. She wasn't sure if Xin Zimo had Ouyang Pei's contact information, but if she was really in city a, it shouldn't be difficult for Xin Zimo to find someone!

In fact, she was also quite worried about Ouyang Pei. She was a girl who came to ask for a debt. Although she brought a few tall and strong bodyguards, she was unfamiliar with the place and could easily be at a disadvantage.

"Have you left? " Du Anran called Xin Zimo.

"Why? You missed me after only being apart for a while? " Xin Zimo had not left yet. He was already used to waiting for her downstairs for a while after she went upstairs.

"No, let me tell you something serious. "

"Hmm? Tell me. " Xin Zimo heard her anxious tone, so he stopped teasing her.

"Do you have Ouyang Pei's contact information? "

"Ouyang Pei? " Xin Zimo was obviously surprised. Why did he suddenly ask about Ouyang Pei.

It had been a long time since he had seen Ouyang Pei. He had almost forgotten that Ouyang Pei had appeared in City A.

"Just tell me if you have her contact information. It's useful to me! " Du Anran did not know how to explain this matter to him.

"Open the door, " Xin Zimo said.

"Ah? "

Du Anran was surprised, but she still did it. Not long after, she saw Xin zimo walking up from downstairs. He had not left yet.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly ask for Ouyang Pei's contact information? " Xin Zimo did not know that Du Anran and Ouyang Pei had a connection?

When du Anran saw that he had come up, she told him everything that had happened in the past few days. She told him everything, including how Ouyang Pei had a crush on Feng Jing and how Feng Jing had just called her.

After she finished talking, she realized that she would feel relieved when she told him what had happened.

In fact, although she always thought that he was narcissistic and arrogant, he did have the ability to be narcissistic and arrogant. For example, he could solve many thorny problems.

"It's okay, I'll give someone a call. " After Xin Zimo listened to her, he walked to the balcony to make a call.

Du Anran did not know who he was going to call, but she was relieved to leave the matter to him.

She did not have the appetite to eat the cake that was opened beside her. She hoped that Ouyang Pei was fine and just went out to play.

Du Anran could not think of a good idea either, so she could only wait for news from Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo made a call and then made a few more calls.

Du Anran only heard a few keywords, such as "Ouyang Pei, " "director Geng, " "Game Company, " "debt collection, " and so on, but she still did not know if the situation was serious.

She still sent a text message to Feng Jing: "Don't worry, my friend went out to look for her. He is very familiar with city a, so there will be news soon. ".

Not long after she sent the text message, Xin Zimo's phone call ended.

"something happened to Ouyang Pei. Someone just contacted Geng. He admitted that Ouyang Pei was taken away by him, but he is determined not to say where he is! " Xin Zimo frowned with a serious expression.

"Ah? Ouyang Pei was taken away by him? " The thing that Du Anran was worried about still happened.

She knew that a rabbit would bite when it was anxious. That Geng owed so much to the Ouyang Group and was even taught a lesson by Ouyang Pei in public. He definitely would not be able to live with himself.

"I'm going out for a while. Don't wander around at home. Wait for my news! " Xin Zimo reminded her.

Du Anran knew that if something happened to Ouyang Pei, Xin zimo would definitely save her. It was Ouyang Pei who saved his life back then.

"Can I go with you? I'm worried about her too! " Du Anran said.

"No need. You'll only cause trouble if you go. I can't take care of you! "

"then you... be careful, " said Du Anran ...

A worried look appeared in her eyes. Xin zimo glanced at her, nodded at her, and left her home in a hurry.

He went downstairs almost as fast as he could and returned to the city center.

Outside the XIN building, Sun Ping's Audi was parked by the roadside. Sun Ping saw Xin Zimo's car in the rearview mirror and immediately started the car.

"President Xin, according to the cell phone signal, Geng Kai should be in the alley of Dongmin building. " Sun Ping rolled down the car window and drove side by side with Xin Zimo.

"The alley of Dongmin building is so long. Can't you find the exact location? "

"later, I tried to call him again. He probably realized it and turned off his cell phone! "

"Did you call the police? "

"I asked my friend to bring people and have already hidden in Dongmin Alley. We won't alert the enemy. "

"Okay, tell them to be careful. Don't hurt the pedestrian and Ouyang Pei! " Xin Zimo said.

"got it. " Sun Ping said, "President Xin, are we splitting up? "

"Two ends of the alley. You go to the east, I'll go to the west. Be careful. Don't let Geng find out. Keep in touch at all times! "

Xin Zimo closed the window, Sun Ping closed the window, and the two of them drove in the direction of Dongmin Alley as fast as they could.

Dongmin alley was a very remote place in City A. It had a long history. The city government had always planned to tear it down, but some people did not agree, so Dongmin alley became an abandoned alley where a few people lived.

The economy could not develop to that extent, and young people could not go there either. As a result, Dongmin alley was always in chaos, giving the government a headache.

There were more abandoned houses in that place, and the terrain was more complicated. It was very easy to find a place to hide, and it was not easy to be discovered.

Xin Zimo felt that this kind of thing was more troublesome. When he went west, he contacted the police. The police supervisor said that there was no movement for the time being.

There was no movement, and Geng Kai did not turn on his phone. It was not beneficial for him to simply kidnap Ouyang Pei. Therefore, Xin Zimo guessed that his phone would be turned on again.

As long as the signal was detected, the police could quickly locate it, and then the area could be greatly reduced.

Soon, Xin Zimo and Sun Ping arrived at Dongmin Alley. One was heading east, while the other was heading west.

Although the situation inside Dongmin Alley was complicated, there were only two exits in the entire alley. One was in the east, and the other was in the West. Therefore, as long as these two exits were blocked, Geng Kai could only escape through the abandoned house.

The weather today was good. The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The ground was very bright. However, this way, Geng Kai would be easier to discover them.

Xin Zimo then urged Sun Ping to hide well. After he jumped out of the car, He hid under a few Osmanthus trees in the westernmost area.

Osmanthus trees were still lush in this season, and the shadows of the trees were just enough to cover the shadows of people, so it was a perfect place to hide.

Geng Kai hid in an abandoned gas station, and the smell of diesel and gasoline was everywhere. He covered Ouyang Pei's eyes, but it was dark here, so he couldn't see anything clearly. He could only use the moonlight in the sky to move.

He originally had no intention of kidnapping Ouyang Pei, but when he asked her out today, the two of them had a big fight and couldn't come to an agreement at all.

What he meant was that he was now doing well in city a after changing his appearance. He could delay the repayment of the debt or only pay a part of it.

Of course, Ouyang Pei didn't agree. She was already very clear about Geng Kai's character. He was simply a villain who didn't keep his word. He was involved in all kinds of prostitution, gambling, and drugs. It was unknown how long it would take for him to PAY BACK THE MONEY!

Thus, they couldn't come to an agreement and the two of them had a big fight. Ouyang Pei originally thought that he would have some scruples, but she didn't expect him to be so crazy and directly bring her here.

Ouyang Pei did not know where they were. She could only smell the smell of oil. She was a little afraid and kept reminding him not to play with fire.