Chapter 353, wear my clothes

"Don't worry, the river isn't deep. Besides, isn't there Sun Ping? " Xin zimo laughed.

The river was indeed not deep. If he stood down, he would reach his chin. Fortunately, he couldn't drown.

Du Anran saw that he could still laugh, so she pushed him into the water. "It's not deep, right? Then you can drown! "

Xin Zimo didn't realize that she would push him. He lost his balance and fell into the middle of the river.

He choked on a few mouthfuls of water. He really couldn't swim, and the suffocating feeling in his fluster returned.

"Cough, cough, cough! " Xin zimo wanted to grab something, but there was nothing in the river that he could grab.

Just when he was in unbearable pain, du Anran swam over and easily brought him to the shore.

Sun Ping and Ouyang Pei sat on the other side of the river, laughing so hard that they were sprawled on the ground. They were heartless, and no one came over to help.

When du Anran threw Xin Zimo onto the shore, she looked at Sun Ping and Ouyang Pei with disdain.

"cough, cough. " Xin Zimo spat a few mouthfuls of water. Du Anran was really ruthless, she really pushed him.

Sun Ping and Ouyang Pei were still snickering. Xin Zimo rolled his eyes at them. "Is it that funny? "

Hence, Sun Ping and Ouyang Pei nodded at the same time.

"I'll go learn how to swim tomorrow. When the time comes, you guys will look at me in a New Light. " Xin zimo really felt that he should learn a lesson after having fallen into the water so many times.

Ouyang Pei said, "that's easy to do. There's no need to enroll in any swimming and diving classes. Whatever nonsense, just learn from anran! I have high hopes for her! "

Du Anran twisted the water on her skirt as she said, "I don't like stupid students. "

Xin Zimo also took off his coat. "How am I stupid? As long as you teach me sincerely, I guarantee that I will surpass you. "

"I charge a high fee, " Du Anran said calmly.

"How high? " Xin Zimo asked.

"Ten thousand an hour, " Du Anran said casually.

"Why don't you go and snatch it? " Xin Zimo held his forehead.

Ouyang Pei was laughing so hard that she was leaning forward. Sun Ping, on the other hand, was shivering. "Aren't you guys cold? I'm almost... ACHOO! "

Before he could finish his sentence, he sneezed a few times. Ouyang Pei was just smiling, but after hearing Sun Ping's words, she crossed her arms and said, "it's indeed cold! "

The four of them were wet all over, and water was dripping from their hair and clothes.

The air was still filled with the smell of burning. Soon, the fire truck arrived. Some firefighters had processed the scene of the accident, and smoke was still drifting under the moonlight.

Then, across the narrow river, Du Anran turned around and saw Geng Kai being carried out.

Xin zimo covered her eyes. "Don't look, go back. "

This detail touched du Anran. He was afraid that she would see something bad and leave a shadow behind. So she turned around and left everything behind.

Sun Ping and Ouyang Pei walked in front, while Xin Zimo and Du Anran walked behind.

Ouyang Pei acted as if nothing had happened, but her mood was not affected. The night was very quiet. Ouyang Pei did not like quiet, so she began to Nag.

"Do you think it's worth it for Geng Kai to sacrifice his life for this money? " Ouyang Pei could not figure it out.

"In the eyes of some people, money is life, " Xin Zimo said lightly.

"Hey, hey, hey, director Xin, can you not be so noble? You talk as if you can live a poor life, " Ouyang Pei said with a smile, "I say, you work so hard for the Xin family every day, isn't it for the money? "

"WHO said that? You are not a worm in my stomach, " Xin Zimo said with a smile, "of course, money is not my life. "

"Then, in your eyes, what is the most important thing? " Ouyang Pei turned her head and asked him.

"GUESS! " Xin zimo smiled gently, but he immediately put his arm around Du Anran's shoulder.

Du Anran felt awkward all over, but Ouyang Pei dragged out her voice and said, "oh... " then she looked meaningfully at Xin Zimo and Du Anran.

"I'll tell you the answer! " Du Anran said in a spoilt manner, "to him, life is the most important thing! "

"NONSENSE! " Xin zimo lowered his head and scolded her.

Ouyang Pei covered her mouth and snickered. She didn't want to be a third wheel anymore, so she went closer to Sun Ping to talk to him.

Xin zimo deliberately slowed down his pace and walked slowly behind du Anran. He asked her, "why are you here? "

Of course, Du Anran wouldn't say that she was worried about him, so she said, "Ouyang Pei is missing. Can I not do my part? "

"Then why did you jump into the river to save me? " He continued to ask.

"Oh, I didn't see clearly. I saw someone fall into the water, so of course saving people is more important, " she said casually.

" ... " Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines. He smiled and said, "I know that you care about me. "

"Can you stop being so narcissistic and act like the earth revolves around you! "

"I don't know if the earth revolves around me, but I know that I plan to revolve around you in the future, " Xin Zimo said. "What do you think? "


"Are you cold? " Xin zimo hugged her shoulder. At that moment, the cold wind blew into his collar. He already felt that he was in an ice cellar. Du Anran must be very cold too.

"What do you think? " She rolled her eyes at him.

Probably at night, Xin Zimo automatically ignored her rolling her eyes and carried her to his car.

"PUT ME DOWN! " Du Anran did not realize that he would hug her. He was always so unexpected.

Ouyang Pei snickered. Xin Zimo was also laughing. Only du Anran had a sad face.

Xin Zimo walked quickly and soon arrived in his car. His car was parked on the west side and was close to the accident site. He Put du Anran in the back seat and threw her a towel.

"quickly wipe it, don't catch a cold! " Xin zimo turned on the air conditioner in the car again.

The car was filled with the fresh smell of peppermint. The burnt smell in the air had already made du Anran nauseous. At that moment, she hid in his car and smelled the fragrance of peppermint. She suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

She wiped her hair and face, but the clothes on her body were all wet, and she had to go home to change.

However, Xin Zimo found a shirt from the trunk for her. "If you don't mind, you can wear my clothes! "

Du Anran almost threw a towel at his face. She was wearing a dress today, okay What was the use of only one shirt!

"You should wear it yourself! " Du Anran rejected his good intentions.

"Then I won't stand on ceremony. I'LL CHANGE FIRST! " Xin Zimo said and got into the car.

"Hey, go out and change! "

However, before Du Anran could finish her words, he had already taken off his wet shirt. The space in the car was so small that she could see it even if she did not want to.

Forget it, it was not like she had never seen it before. Du Anran did not argue anymore. Fortunately, Xin Zimo's figure was the same as his face, and it was still good to look at.

Xin Zimo's actions were also faster. After changing into a clean shirt, he moved closer to her face. "You haven't seen enough, have you? I'll let you take a few more looks when we get back. "

"Who wants to look... " Du Anran muttered.

Xin Zimo touched her face and smiled.

At this moment, Ouyang Pei and Sun Ping also walked over. Ouyang Pei knocked on the car window. "Why are you so eager to leave us! "

Du Anran quickly opened the car door. "Get in! Let's go back together! "

Xin Zimo glared at her. He knew that Du Anran had said that on purpose.

"I don't want to be a third wheel... " Ouyang Pei said.

"quickly wipe your hair, it's still dripping! Don't catch a cold, get in! " Du Anran threw a towel to Ouyang Pei as she pulled her into the car.

Ouyang Pei was more respectful than obedient. She smiled and sat beside Du Anran. Xin Zimo had a bitter expression on his face, but there was nothing he could do. Ouyang Pei was the biggest victim tonight. He wouldn't be so heartless as to chase her out of the car!

Sun Ping said to Xin Zimo, "Director Xin, I'll go get the car. I'll go back first. "

"Okay. Thank you for tonight. " Xin Zimo knew that Sun Ping had helped him a lot tonight.

Sun Ping had always had a very strong network in city A. Finding people was a piece of cake for him. That was why he knew Ouyang Pei's news like the back of his hand and knew Geng Kai's movements in time.

"You're too kind, director Xin. " Sun Ping nodded slightly and left.

"Anran, my clothes have made our director Xin's car wet. What should we do? Aiya, there's water everywhere. " Ouyang Pei said this as if she was gloating.

Before du Anran could say anything, Xin Zimo said first, "it's okay. Just ask your dad to compensate me with a new car tomorrow. "

"Xin Zimo, you are indeed a profiteer! I got a car full of water, and you asked my dad to compensate you with a car. You have a good plan! " Ouyang Pei clicked her tongue.

"You asked me what to do. I gave you an idea, but you weren't happy. " Xin zimo smiled as he walked to the driver's seat.

"Xin Zimo, do you think we are even now? " Ouyang Pei said "I saved your life once, and now you've saved mine. I realize that if we meet, it'll be earth-shattering. I think it's better for us to see less of each other in the future. "

"Yes, so you could have taken Sun Ping's car to leave just now, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

Du Anran finally couldn't hold back her laughter and burst out laughing. Ouyang Pei was also furious. Whatever Xin Zimo said Made Sense.

Du Anran thought, sure enough, no matter who argued with him, they would lose.

"Ouyang Pei, are you afraid of being captured by Geng Kai just now? " Du Anran asked Ouyang Pei.

"I wasn't afraid at the beginning. When he said he wanted to talk to me alone, I agreed without thinking. I didn't expect him to play dirty, using such underhanded methods. I really despise him! " Ouyang Pei said.

"I really admire you. You dare to come to city a alone to ask for a debt. You're a girl. In the future, it's better to let others do this kind of thing! " Du Anran advised.

"DIDN'T I want my father to see that I'm not a freeloader When I was at home, he often said that I was idle, ignorant, and incompetent. Didn't I come to city a to let him see it "fortunately, nothing major happened, and I didn't fail! " Ouyang Pei was quite excited It seemed that she had accomplished a great feat.