Chapter 354, surviving a disaster

"You're giving me face! " Du Anran said "Your father won't care if you eat rice or not. You're a girl. As long as you don't learn bad things, your father will be very happy. He only wants you to be well, happy every day, and live happily for the rest of your life. "

Ouyang Pei thought about it. It seemed to be the case. If she had an accident this time and lost her life, would her father still care about the question of whether she ate rice or not?

Xin zimo smiled and said to Du Anran, "you speak as if you are her father. "

"women talk, men don't interrupt! " Du Anran said.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore. " Xin Zimo drove seriously.

Now they were all wet. He was driving in the direction of the villa on Huxin Island at the fastest speed.

"To be honest, when Geng knocked me unconscious, I was still very scared at that moment. But since I fainted, I didn't know. I thought I would die an unnatural death! " Ouyang Pei patted her chest. Thinking of that moment, she was still in shock.

"He was forced by you. " Du Anran said, "you shouldn't have forced him like that. In a public place like an office building, not to mention a CEO like him, if I was scolded by someone, I wouldn't be willing to accept it. "

"Who dares to scold you? " Xin Zimo said.

Du Anran rolled her eyes at him again. "I've already said that women talk, men shouldn't interrupt! "

"Alright, alright, you guys continue. " Xin Zimo was helpless.

"Wasn't I lucky at that time, and coincidentally, he came to work At the beginning, it was just a few words. When he saw that I was a girl, he said harsh words to bully me. I was so angry that I blocked him outside the office building. Coincidentally, there were more and more people going to work, so it became that kind of situation... ... ..

"then you were really lucky. Nothing happened after that. Although I don't know the exact situation, seeing that you escaped death, I knew that your luck was really good. "

"Aiya, my luck has always been very good. It's just that my love life is bumpy... " Ouyang Pei muttered.

Hearing Ouyang Pei mention the love life, Du Anran immediately thought of Feng Jing. She had not informed Feng Jing about Ouyang Pei. Maybe Feng Jing was still looking for Ouyang Pei on the streets.

Feng Jing was not a local, so he must not be familiar with this place. He must be very worried.

"Oh, by the way, Feng Jing was the one who told me about your disappearance. I will tell him now so that he won't worry. "

However, Du Anran touched her body. She had been in a hurry when she went out and forgot to bring her cell phone.

"Don't tell him. Let him worry for a while. " Xin zimo forgot Du Anran's warning again and interrupted.

However, this time, du Anran did not tell him to shut up. She felt that Xin Zimo was right. Otherwise, she would let this man worry for a while. Maybe... ...

"I have to tell my father first. " Ouyang Pei took out her phone.

Fortunately, the waterproof function of the phone was stronger. It was completely fine, but the screen was already occupied by all kinds of missed calls and text messages. She dialed a number and heard her father's voice on the other end.

"Hey, I can agree to whatever conditions you want! " Ouyang Pei's father said.

Xin Zimo suddenly turned his head and made a silent gesture at her, signaling Ouyang Pei to pass the phone to him.

Ouyang Pei smiled secretly. She knew what Xin Zimo was going to do, so she covered her mouth and handed the phone over.

"Hey, why aren't you talking? How's my daughter now? " The voice on the other end of the phone was full of anxiety.

Ouyang Pei initially felt that it was a bit unkind to lie to her father, but when she thought about how her father often reprimanded her and often made her unable to step down, she felt that it was not too much.

Du Anran also knew what Xin Zimo was going to do, so she just stood by the side and watched the show. However, Ouyang Pei's father would definitely be anxious to the point of going around the world.

Xin zimo cleared his throat and said to the other side of the phone, "what conditions do you think will satisfy me? "

The other side of the phone was stunned for a few seconds, and then without hesitation, he said, "I can let bygones be bygones. In addition, I can give you five million or ten million. "

Ouyang Pei was so touched that she almost called him "father, " but Xin Zimo signaled her to keep quiet.

"You want to dismiss me with just this little money? It seems that your daughter is worth this much? " Xin Zimo said, "let me tell you, I'm in the wilderness now, and it's dark everywhere. The knife in my hand doesn't have eyes. "

Du Anran was about to burst into laughter. How did Xin Zimo talk nonsense with a straight face.

"DON'T BE RECKLESS! " The person on the other end of the phone was obviously anxious. "You guarantee my daughter's safety. I'll agree to anything you say! "

"How about this, one life for one life. If you want your daughter to live, don't even think about living, " Xin Zimo said.

Ouyang Pei looked worried. Xin ZIMO was too ruthless!

Du Anran also felt that if someone fell into Xin Zimo's hands, would they still be able to play with it for the rest of their lives?

"You say, you want to trade my life for it? Why should I believe you? " On the other end of the phone, President Ouyang was obviously not a pushover either.

"Then let me ask you, do you dare to play this game? " Xin Zimo said.

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and the voice immediately became old. "It's naturally worth it to trade my life for Xiao Pei's life. I promise you, tell me, how do I play this game? "

Xin Zimo was just about to speak, but Ouyang Pei was afraid that she would play too big, so she quickly snatched the phone from his hand. "Dad! "

"Xiao Pei? " There was a choked voice on the other end of the phone. "where are you now? Did He hurt you? "

"Dad, he asked you to exchange your life for it! " Ouyang Pei pouted.

Xin zimo shrugged helplessly. Ouyang Pei was too impatient. He was just about to exchange a few moves with Ouyang Pei.

"I'm already old. It's worth it to exchange your life. Where are you now? " The person on the other end of the phone was anxious.

"I'm fine... my friend was joking with you just now! " Ouyang Pei was obviously smiling, but tears were streaming down her face ...

There was no sound from the other end of the phone for a long time. Ouyang Pei panicked. She thought that her father had been deceived and was unhappy She hurriedly said, "Dad, don't be angry. I was indeed kidnapped tonight, but my friend saved me. I'm fine now. He was just joking with you just now. You... don't be angry... "

The more she said, the Lower Ouyang Pei's voice became. It was really... ... If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have joked with her father ...

"Are you alright now? " The other end finally spoke.

"Yes, I'm fine! My hands are still my hands, and my feet are still my feet. I'm completely fine! " Ouyang Pei said, "on the contrary, that evil person with the surname Geng has a bad Karma. I think he's... Dead Now... "

Ouyang Pei did not know the situation, but in her heart, she hoped that people like Geng Kai would die early and be reincarnated early.

"What exactly happened? Why do I sound so worried! "

"I'll tell you slowly when I get home. In short, you don't have to worry now. I'm really, really good. My friends in city a also take good care of me. They're going to treat me to a meal later to help me calm down! "

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the line before they seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Slowly, they said, "It's good that you're okay. It's good that you're okay... "

"Dad! " Ouyang Pei called out, "thank you... I know that you love me, and I love you too! "

Du Anran also smiled at the side, but Xin Zimo sounded very sour.

Ouyang Pei hung up the phone, and Xin Zimo said, "we didn't say that we were going to treat you to a meal to help you calm down. "

"I know, I know. Can't I treat you guys to a meal? I want to celebrate properly, to celebrate that I survived a disaster! I want to invite all of you over to celebrate for me. After surviving a disaster, there will definitely be good fortune, there will definitely be good fortune! " Ouyang Pei said happily.

"However, what makes me the happiest is that my father cares about me so much. I really can't tell usually! He's really an old fox. He cares about me and still scolds me... " Ouyang Pei said with a smile as she played with her phone.

Du Anran thought of her father again. Her father did not scold her, but he was very busy. She also knew that all fathers in the world were the same. How could he scold her for real? It was because he cared about her.

"Miss Ouyang, I see that you're fine now. You're in a better mood than me, " Xin Zimo said.

"Are you going to chase me away? " Ouyang Pei did not know what Xin Zimo was thinking.

"No, no, the word 'chase' sounds terrible... "

"then you can stay with me tonight. Otherwise, I won't be at ease if you're alone, " Du Anran said.

Xin Zimo knew that Du Anran did it on purpose. He did not say anything and waited for Ouyang Pei to reject him.

"It's okay, it's okay. There are bodyguards at the hotel. I'll be safe once I get there. It's even safer than staying at your place! " Ouyang Pei winked at Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo felt that Ouyang Pei was still a little smart.

"Oh... " Du Anran really didn't know what to say.

But just as Xin Zimo was about to speak, du Anran had a flash of inspiration and said to Ouyang Pei, "look, your father was tricked just now. Why don't we follow the same method and Try Feng Jing? "

"Ah? " Ouyang Pei was a little surprised.

After all... ... Feng Jing wasn't her father. What if Feng Jing was angry .. Moreover, her father seemed to be quite angry just now!

"then you can do it yourself. I WON'T COOPERATE! " Xin Zimo threw her hands up and refused to do it. was there no end to this.

"just take it as doing a good deed! " Du Anran advised Xin Zimo.

Without Him, they really couldn't play.

"Why don't you want to cut ties with me now? Didn't you say that you don't want Zhongye's people to know that you know me? " Xin Zimo was arrogant.

Du Anran cursed him in her heart. He always took the opportunity to attack her.

"It's okay... when Feng Jing comes, you can hide... " Du Anran said shamelessly ...

She also wanted to fulfill a good deed. Otherwise, she would not waste her breath on people like Xin Zimo.

"Anran, do you think Feng Jing will buy it? " Ouyang Pei asked.

Du Anran thought for a moment. "I don't know either. But, why not give it a try? "

"He doesn't like me. When I pursued him in university, he was indifferent. This man has no heart! What if he gets angry and we can't even be friends in the future? How embarrassing would that be! " Ouyang Pei whispered.