Chapter 365, wealthy relatives

Early the next morning, old Zhan sent du Anran to Zhong Ye's building.

Coincidentally, it happened to be rush hour. The office building was filled with white-collar workers, and a few of them were du Anran's colleagues.

Du Anran couldn't hide even if she wanted to. Sure enough, as soon as she got out of the car, old Zhan didn't even have time to drive the car away when a few female colleagues came over.

"Anran, who are you? " It was the first time they saw du Anran come to work by car.

"Oh... A relative. " Du Anran was lying right now, so she said, "I went to their house as a guest yesterday, and then I stayed at their house. "

"relative? He seems to be quite rich... " the women looked at Xin Zimo's car.

"No... This car is rented by their house, rented... " Du Anran chuckled ...

She hurriedly waved at Old Zhan, indicating for him to drive away. If he didn't drive away, he might be exposed!

She really didn't think it through. She should have asked old Zhan to send her to her place.


Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhou also happened to be at work. His Land Rover drove past her and greeted her.

Du Anran hurriedly waved her hand. "Good Morning! "

"rented? If you have the money to rent a car, can't you buy it yourself? Are you getting married? Why did you rent such a good car? " The female colleagues were obviously very curious.

"They... their family members are all vain... well, if you can't afford a good car, you can only rent... rent... " Du Anran's face was full of black lines ...

"Anran, you're not lying to us, are you? That middle-aged man just now, could he be your boyfriend? " The female colleagues all had the feeling that du Anran had been taken.

To say that he was her boyfriend was already very tactful.

"He's really my relative. " Du Anran didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The more she explained, the more she tried to cover it up.

"Anran, we all feel that you've been acting a little strange lately... " the female colleague said very seriously.

"HAVE I? " Du Anran pretended to be calm.

"Yes! " Everyone said in unison "In the past, you worked all day long. You worked overtime at night, and you worked overtime during weekends. Now, you don't work overtime anymore, and you're not at the company during weekends. And then, people kept sending flowers and snacks... ... This is the rhythm of a relationship!"

"I don't think so! " Zhou said from the side, "didn't Enran and I go to talk about a contract last night? "

"You're born slow, what do you know? Go Away! " The women waved their hands.

Zhou looked at the gossipy women with disdain and drove his car away. He couldn't afford to offend women, so it was better for him to avoid being besieged.

As Zhou Left, Du Anran chuckled, "I agree with Zhou... "

"Stop it! " The women said, "tell us, is that middle-aged man your boyfriend? Don't tell us that it's true... "

"It's really not true, he's really my relative... Oh right, I remembered that I still have to hand the contract yesterday to CEO Feng, I'll go up first! " Du Anran ran ran ran away with her head in her hands ...

Women couldn't afford to offend... ...

As soon as Du Anran left, all the women gathered together.

"Tsk Tsk, I really couldn't tell. He's usually so hard-working, saying that he wants to buy a house and support himself. I didn't expect that in the end, he still managed to hook up with a rich man... " a woman said.

"But that uncle just now is a little old, he has quite an aura. He seems to be a well-mannered rich man. "

"No matter how rich or well-mannered he is, he's still an uncle. He must have a family at home! "

"You guys said that she's usually close to President Feng, why didn't she hook up with President Feng? "

"President Feng's eyes are sharp. He could tell that Du Anran liked money, so he left early. "

"Isn't it bad for us to say that? Besides, that uncle might really be sister Anran's relative! " A young girl said.

"Only a little girl like you who just graduated would believe it! A relative would rent a car to send her to work? Use Your brain! "

"I don't believe it. It's you who imagine that she's a bad woman. Don't you just hate to see sister Anran work hard and get more bonuses than you usually do? "

"Who can't stand to see Du Anran? "

The few women were about to quarrel as they spoke. However, it was during office hours and there were too many people coming and going. They were afraid that it would affect Zhongye's image. After a few words, they parted on bad terms.

Du Anran only heaved a sigh of relief when she entered her office. However, she remembered that Ouyang Pei was going back to city t today. She didn't know if she would be able to send her off in time.

As she was organizing her work materials, she called Ouyang Pei.

"Are you still leaving? Let's have lunch together? " Du Anran asked.

"Anran... I'm already at the airport... " Ouyang Pei said ...

Du Anran did hear the noise of the airport through her phone, as well as the disappointment and melancholy in Ouyang Pei's voice.

"Why are you so early? What time is the flight? I'll send you off... "

"No need, anran. It's almost time. I'm ready to leave. come to t city often in the future. Remember to invite me when you get married. "

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for a few more days? "

"There's no reason for me to stay, " Ouyang Pei said plainly.

This was the first time du Anran heard the mournful tone in the girl's voice. She had always had the impression that a young man did not know what it was like to be sad.

However, no matter how strong a woman was, she still had a weakness that she did not want to talk about. She was only waiting for the day when there would be someone who could understand her.

If she could wait for that person, she would be lucky. If she could not wait for that person, it would be a pity.

"actually, you can stay for a few more days. Perhaps, Feng Jing is not what you think. " Du Anran could not help Ouyang Pei find out the reason, so she still felt a little regretful.

"Anran, I should have understood a few years ago. It's just that I've been stubborn for so long, " Ouyang Pei said.

The sound of the plane taking off came from the phone. Ouyang Pei said, "Anran, thank you. I'll turn off my phone first and get ready to board the plane! "

"Ah? then... have a safe trip! "

Du Anran's voice had barely faded when the other end hung up. Du Anran knew that there was no greater sorrow than a dead heart.

When she put down her phone, she still felt a little uncomfortable. She knew that Ouyang Pei was a very kind girl. She always thought that all good people would have good Karma and would be able to get the happiness she wanted.

Perhaps, Feng Jing was not her happiness!

Du Anran could only comfort herself like this.

While the people in the Big Office Were Gossiping, Du Anran was not aware of it.

They were talking about what happened in the morning, but the more they talked, the more mysterious it became. However, they were all certain that Du Anran was kept as a mistress and that she was a rich person.

"Do you think someone will give her a gift today? "

"Let's wait and see. Rich people just like to play tricks and give her something every day to win over Miss Du's heart. "

"Hey, hey, hey, you guys are eating her chocolate, but you're still making things out of nothing. Isn't that too unkind? " The male colleagues couldn't stand it anymore.

"How can this be called making things out of nothing? This is clearly the truth. We all saw it in the morning. "

"Just based on the fact that someone sent Anran to work, you guys have already come up with so many facts. I think you guys are really imaginative! "

"That's right, that's right. How many rich relatives does Anran have? " Those who had a good relationship with Du Anran usually spoke up for Du Anran.

Hence, the office was once again filled with smoke.

"You guys don't believe me, right? Wait until I get the evidence for you to see. When that time comes, you guys have to believe me even if you don't believe me! " A woman said confidently.

"Tsk, if you have the free time, you might as well do more work! "

"That's right, do you know why CEO Feng doesn't think highly of you guys? You guys talk too much and do too little. If you guys worked half as hard as Anran, you wouldn't not even be able to get a third of her bonus. You guys are still making up nonsense! "

Thus, everyone started arguing again.

Halfway through the argument, the vice president walked over. "All of you, work well. What are you all talking about here? ! There will be a CEO of a big company coming over later. All of you, behave yourselves. Don't embarrass Zhongye! "

"Oh... " everyone stuck out their tongues and obediently returned to their seats.

However, no one expected that the big company would be the Xin Corporation. Xin Zimo visited Zhongye once again.

Of course, Du Anran didn't expect this either.

The entire Zhongye was very welcoming of Xin Zimo's visit, especially the women of Zhongye. They could not wait for the CEO of the Xin Corporation to visit more often.

Du Anran was called by Feng Jing to accompany the people of the Xin Corporation. When du Anran saw Xin Zimo, he was smiling at her proudly.

Du Anran gritted her teeth and took the opportunity when no one was paying attention to ask him, "why are you here again? "

"I'm here to inspect your work. Why, are you not welcome? " Xin zimo whispered.

"Yes, I'm not very welcome, " Du Anran said rudely.

He had said before that he would not interfere with her work. If he were to restrict her freedom like before and supervise her everywhere, she would definitely not hesitate to not give him any more opportunities.

"I'm now the CEO of Party A, and you're the secretary of Party B. What right do you have to not welcome me? This is your job, " Xin zimo argued.

Du Anran really could not win against him. Yes, this was her job, and she still had to rely on her work to make a living!

"You're amazing... " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm already very amazing... " he smiled maliciously.

Do you have to be so narcissistic? Du Anran really didn't want to talk to such a beast.

After a few days of normal behavior, he had revealed his true nature.

Xin Zimo was welcomed by everyone as soon as he came to work, so he was the center of attention wherever he went. He had hidden his conversation with Du Anran well, but it was captured by a female colleague who had bad intentions. He immediately went to the big office and exploded.

"Look, look! He hooked up with the President of the Xin Corporation again! " The angle of the female colleague's photo was more ambiguous. "EVIDENCE! Evidence! FRESH EVIDENCE! "

In the photo, Xin Zimo was looking at Du Anran with his head lowered and a smile on his face. His eyes were filled with deep affection, and Du Anran happened to raise her head to meet his eyes.

No matter how one looked at the photo, it looked very ambiguous, but... ... The two of them looked quite compatible when they stood together ...

"where? where? Let me see, let me see! " Everyone rushed forward.

"Wow, a close-up photo! I didn't expect CEO Xin to look even more handsome up close! "

"right, right. This side profile, this gaze, he's the standard Prince Charming! The PRINCE CHARMING IN MY HEART! "