Chapter 366, his protection

"Wow, when will I be able to have such close contact with a diamond bachelor? "

"Who said he's a diamond bachelor? Such an outstanding man must be married! If you want to have close contact, go be a mistress! "

Hence, the focus of everyone's attention shifted to Xin Zimo.

The male colleagues were unconvinced. "How is he handsome? Isn't it just two eyes, two ears, and one mouth? "

"Go away! Can Zhong Hanliang and Guo degang be compared? What two eyes, two ears, and one mouth! "

The female colleague who took the photo was furious and put away her phone. "I say, can you guys discuss something more nutritious? "

Only then did everyone let out an "oh" . They seemed to have gotten the direction of the matter wrong. It was not about whether the president of the Xin Group was handsome or not, but whether du Anran was flirting with the president of the Xin Group.

"Hey, hey, hey, tell me if my analysis is correct, " the woman who took the photo said. "I just feel that Du Anran is now pouncing on rich men whenever she sees them. Look at the way she looks at CEO Xin. No matter how you look at it, it's ambiguous. "

"cough, with a little conscience, it's clearly CEO Xin who looks at our Secretary Du with ambiguous eyes, okay... "

"Go away! " The female colleague roared, "If she doesn't seduce CEO Xin, will CEO Xin be interested in her? "

"How is that not possible? OUR SECRETARY DU wants to be talented, has talent, has good looks, and is hardworking. Why is she not worthy of CEO Xin? " Another male colleague continued to feel unfair.

"What do you know! " The female colleague exploded.

So, the topic stopped.

However, the topic of discussion reached its peak when they were having lunch.

The people of the Xin group actually did not eat in Feng Jing's private restaurant, but went to the small Western restaurant downstairs.

Although this small Western restaurant was a little expensive, the gossipy women in the industry all paid to eat in the restaurant in order to see handsome men. The usually deserted Western restaurant was actually full on this day!

The people of the Xin Group, Feng Jing, and Du Anran happened to sit at the same table. As a secretary, Du Anran naturally arranged everything for them before they could sit down to eat together.

In the end, it was unknown who splashed water on the ground, but du Anran did not notice. She slipped and fell forward.

Seeing that her forehead was about to hit the corner of the table, Xin Zimo, who was sitting at the side, quickly walked forward and put his arm around her waist. "Are you okay? "

The others also wanted to help du Anran, but Xin Zimo reacted quickly and was one step ahead.

With a "Kacha" sound, this scene happened to be captured by a female colleague. She gloated.

"I'm fine, thank you, President Xin, " Du Anran said.

Actually, she was secretly cursing in her heart. It would be weird if it was nothing Since you have nothing to do in the Xin Corporation, don't come to Zhongye to join in the fun, okay Once he came, she would have a headache.

However, before she could finish cursing in her heart, Xin zimo frowned and walked to the other table.

"Is it very interesting to secretly take photos? " Xin Zimo took the female colleague's phone and said in a cold tone.

"Uh, no... President Xin... we accidentally... accidentally... " the female colleague was shocked and quickly explained ...

"accidentally? Do you need me to adjust the surveillance footage? " Xin Zimo said sternly.

Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo was really making a big deal out of nothing. If he wanted to secretly take a photo, he could just secretly take a photo. They didn't do anything shameful.

"No, no, no, CEO Xin, we were wrong... you're too handsome, we just couldn't help but want to take a photo... "

Xin zimo pressed the delete button and deleted the photo just now. He threw the phone to the female colleague. "Don't let me see it again! Also, pay attention to your morals in the future. Don't splash water on the ground! "

Du Anran frowned. SPLASH WATER?

"Yes, yes, we know we're wrong... " the women were so scared that they didn't dare to move. They were afraid that if they offended Xin Zimo, Feng Jing would come and settle the score with them.

These women didn't like the taste of the meal. They didn't dare to breathe loudly. They kept their heads down, afraid to meet Xin Zimo's gaze. Feng Jing seemed to have some complaints about them. His face was full of dissatisfaction.

After the meal, Du Anran found a chance to talk to Xin Zimo alone.

"You're interfering with my work again. I'm going to be scolded to death by my colleagues. " Du Anran looked up at him.

"How is this interfering with your work! Is this how you're usually bullied by them? " Xin Zimo said.

"Of course not. I have a very good relationship with them. It was completely messed up when you came. If you come to Zhongye a few more times, I won't STAY ANY LONGER! " Du Anran was obviously very angry.

She did not think that Xin Zimo had stood up for her. She just felt that he had interfered with her.

"What do you want me to say about you? What do you mean by it's easy to dodge an open spear but hard to guard against an Arrow in the dark? Do you still need me to teach you? Do you think that your colleagues are classmates and that your relationship is very simple? It's not your first day in the workplace. Learn your lesson! " Xin zimo criticized very sternly.

"Oh... If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten that I was deceived by you! Being deceived by you and Xiao Qingqing, that's what you call it, it's easier to hide than to defend, right? "

"Stop talking about the past! I'm reminding you with good intentions. People like you don't even know how you died! "

"I don't need you to remind me! How many times have I said that you're not allowed to interfere with my work! Xin Zimo, if you can't remember, don't look for me in the future! I find it annoying when I see you like this! " Du Anran said loudly.

Xin Zimo was really angered by Du Anran, so he simply waved his hand. "You don't care, right? Fine, don't come to me crying when you're bullied in the future! "

"Who will look for you? Don't come to Zhongye in the future! When I'm not with you, I don't know how happy I am at work! "

Xin Zimo ran out of the door with a bang. This woman really needed to take her medicine!

Du anran quarreled with him again. She thought that she would not quarrel with him anymore. However, she really hated him for caring about everything.

However, the current Du Anran was not the previous du Anran. A few words would not make her upset. She calmed herself down and walked out.

"Ceo Xin, I just read the plan given by CEO Feng. The schedule is very reasonable. We have really found the right company to hand the contract to Zhongye, " CEO Zhang said when he saw Xin Zimo come.

However, Xin Zimo's face was stern. "there are many companies that are better than Zhongye. If they can't bring out any standard, why should we give them the contract from Xin Group? Do they really think that Xin Group is a charity organization? "

UH... CEO Zhang was speechless for a moment. He did not know why Xin Zimo had suddenly changed into a different person. He was still talking and laughing just now Could it be that the few female employees who secretly took photos had angered him ? ?

That was not right. President Xin had been secretly photographed by those reporters countless times, but he had never seen him so stingy.

After that, President Zhang saw du Anran again, so he moved to Du Anran's side. When Xin Zimo was angry, they did not dare to provoke him.

"Secretary Du, we are still very satisfied with the plan. As long as Zhongye follows the plan, I think the cooperation between the Xin Corporation and Zhongye this time will be very pleasant, " President Zhang said.

"thank you for your praise, director Zhang, " Du Anran smiled and said, "please give us your guidance if there are any deficiencies! "

"You are too kind, secretary Du. I will get someone to send more detailed information about the new project the next day. You can also refer to it, " director Zhang said.

"Thank you, director Zhang. Our goal is to make this project better. I will definitely urge them to work hard. " Du Anran's face had a smile on it the whole time.

It was not that she did not see Xin Zimo at the side. His face was ugly, but she had to smile well. She would not give in to his tyranny.

"It's just a small project, there's no need to waste so much time, " Xin Zimo said calmly from the side.

"But CEO Xin... you don't think highly of this project... " CEO Zhang said ...

"there are many projects that I think highly of! " Xin Zimo was not polite at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, he left Zhongye without looking back.

Feng Jing, who was chatting happily with the Xin Group, saw that Xin Zimo had left and immediately said to Du Anran, "send CEO Xin off together. "

Du Anran naturally followed by Feng Jing's side reluctantly, but Xin Zimo obviously did not buy it. He got into the car and left.

Finally, Feng Jing asked Du Anran, "why does CEO Xin look unhappy? "

"I think he's quite happy! " Du Anran said nonsensically.

Whether he was happy or not, she was still very happy to see him unhappy.

"Is he? " Feng Jing was puzzled.

"Oh right, CEO Feng, Miss Ouyang's plane left this morning. Did you... send her off? ''DuuAnrann changed the topic ...

"She left? "

Du Anran was speechless. So Feng Jing didn't know He didn't care about Ouyang Pei that much After all, they were former schoolmates. Even if it didn't happen this time, they shouldn't be so unfamiliar with each other... ...

"Yeah, she didn't tell you? " Du Anran said.

"No. " Feng Jing's tone was a little indifferent, but du Anran saw him frown.

"..."Du Anran didn't know what to say.

Men's thoughts couldn't be guessed, women's thoughts couldn't be guessed, and Du Anran didn't know if she was too stupid. Now, she couldn't understand Feng Jing at all, and she couldn't understand Ouyang Pei.

In the past, she thought that although she could not understand Feng Jing, she could at least understand Ouyang Pei. After all, Ouyang Pei's thoughts were simple. What Ouyang Pei was thinking, she would always show it on her face.

But this time, why did she leave city a without informing Feng Jing?

"She said that she was afraid that her family would be worried, so she went back to city t first. I will invite her to city a in a few days, " Du Anran said.

"Okay, " Feng Jing said indifferently.

He turned and walked upstairs, and Du Anran had to follow him. Obviously, he was not very enthusiastic about this topic. Du Anran really could not guess what Feng Jing was thinking.

It was all Xin Zimo's bad idea that night. Fortunately, Feng Jing still did not know that it was their idea. Otherwise, he would probably fall out with her?

She could only pray that her boss was still a reasonable person. Even if he found out about this matter in the future, he would not blame her.

She was not afraid. Anyway, Xin Zimo was protecting her. If Feng Jing really lost his temper with her, she would put all the blame on Xin Zimo.

After sending off the people from the Xin Corporation, Du Anran returned to her office to make the relevant records of the project.

As she flipped through the records, she actually found something strange. The address of this project was actually at the location of the Golden Plate Garden Project.