Chapter 379, get lost

"Mr. Xin, is there something on your mind? " Old Zhan asked.

"Why does everyone ask me that when they see me? What could be on my mind? " Xin zimo smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Xin, I've been driving for a long time. If you trust me, you can tell me, " old Zhan said sincerely.

"find me two sleeping pills. I want to sleep... " Xin Zimo said.

He had been tossing and turning last night. It was not easy for him to feel sleepy in the early morning, but he was woken up by a stomach bleed. Now, he was even brought to the hospital for an IV drip.

He really wanted to sleep, but he realized that sleep was a luxury that he could not afford.

"Mr. Xin, sleeping pills are not good for your health. If you really want to sleep, I can make you a cup of calming tea. It will be better after you drink it. "

"there is no use for any tea... " Xin Zimo closed his eyes and said indifferently.

"Mr. Xin, in my opinion, the best way to ensure sleep is to relax. You can't sleep, there must be something on your mind. Otherwise, you wouldn't go to a place like peerless beauty. "based on my experience, if there's something on your mind, it's impossible for you to fall asleep, " old Zhan said.

Xin zimo laughed. "You really have a lot of experience. "

"I'm already so old, and I've experienced a lot of things in the past. There are only a few types of insomnia. I'm not happy at work, my family is worried, and my future is bleak. Otherwise, I'm just too excited, " old Zhan said as he laughed.

Xin Zimo also laughed. What kind of situation was he in... ...

He was obviously out to have fun, but he ended up finding himself in the hospital.

He thought about how he drank quite a lot last night, but he didn't even touch the beauty. No, he was the one who told her to get lost.

It turned out that he still couldn't accept any woman other than Du Anran from the bottom of his heart. It turned out that those women were like decorations, and they weren't attractive to him at all.

"Mr. Xin, I'll call Miss Du over! " Old Zhan finally understood what Xin Zimo was thinking.

Although he rarely spoke, he could see it clearly in his eyes.

Xin zimo liked to hide everything in his heart, but he could not hide his love for Du Anran.

Moreover, Du Anran had left not long after she came to the villa yesterday. Based on these points, old Zhan could almost conclude that the so-called worries in Xin Zimo's heart were related to Du Anran.

Therefore, he dared to say those words.

Sure enough, Xin Zimo did not say anything, and the lines on his face were somewhat stiff.

"Mr. Xin, there are many things that need to be solved directly, " old Zhan said.

"I can't coax her, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

"Mr. Xin, you're currently in the hospital. If you don't even tell Miss Du about it, it's obvious that you don't treat her as a relative, " old Zhan said.

"I've always treated her as a relative, but she has always treated me as a stranger. "

"You're thinking too much. I can tell that Miss Du likes you very much. " Old Zhan had interacted with Du Anran many times. He often didn't understand why the two of them had never been together even though they were clearly in love.

"Forget it, there's no need to tell her. Get me two sleeping pills. I want to sleep. " Xin Zimo did not have any strength left.

All his energy had been used up last night. The only thing he wanted to do now was to sleep.

Once he slept, he could forget everything.

"Mr. Xin... " Old Zhan still wanted to persuade him.

Xin zimo's voice sank. "You don't listen to what I say anymore. "

"I just want to persuade you... " old Zhan sighed.

There was no other way. He could only go and get the medicine for Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo took two pills with boiling water and felt much better. The Ward was very quiet, and the sun shone on the bedside. After a while, the medicine began to take effect, and Xin Zimo was sleepy.

Seeing that Xin Zimo did not move for a long time, he did not know if he was asleep or not. But old Zhan still stood up and quietly left the ward.

When he went back, he did not immediately call Du Anran. At noon, he went directly to Zhongye's office.

This time, he parked the car in a more hidden place and did not cause trouble for du Anran. He was already certain that no one in Zhongye knew about the relationship between Du Anran and Xin Zimo.

After a while, Du Anran received a call from old Zhan and hurried down from upstairs.

"Old Zhan, you said that he was hospitalized? What happened? " Du Anran was very anxious.

Even though they were quarreling, she still hoped that he was fine.

"this... " Old Zhan was a little hesitant. If he said that Mr. Xin was hospitalized because he went to a beautiful place to drink and look for women, would du Anran turn around and leave.

"Is it serious? " Du Anran saw that old Zhan's expression was not right.

"It's just a stomach bleed. He probably caught a cold last night or drank some wine, " old Zhan said.

Du Anran frowned. Didn't he drink a few glasses of red wine last night when he was with her When did he become so weak.

She remembered that he could drink quite a lot. Could it be that he drank a lot after she left?

He used to be very good at controlling his alcohol and would not let himself get drunk. But she did not know when, but she often found him drunk.

She did not know if he had drunk too much last night... ...

"Is it serious? " Du Anran asked.

"I'm currently in the hospital for observation. " Old Zhan thought that if he said that it was not serious, would du Anran not go to the hospital? "Why don't you go and have a look! "

Du Anran lowered her head and thought for a few seconds before nodding. "bring me there! "

Du Anran even bought some food out of kindness. Her stomach was not good, and she knew that once her stomach ailment acted up, it would be worse than death.

Old Zhan estimated that Xin Zimo should have woken up by now, so he brought Du Anran into the ward quietly.

Who knew that the sleeping pills were quite effective? Xin Zimo didn't wake up and was still in a deep sleep.

"Miss Du, why don't you wait a moment? Mr. Xin is still asleep. "

Old Zhan still felt sorry for Xin Zimo. It had been a long time since Xin Zimo had slept so peacefully.

Du Anran nodded and said softly, "I'll wait here. You're busy. "

"okay, " old Zhan replied and turned around to close the door of the ward.

In the Empty Ward, Du Anran smelled the familiar smell of medicine again. She put the fruits she bought and the light snacks on the coffee table.

She walked to Xin Zimo's bed and bent down, just in time to meet Xin Zimo's eyes.

He liked to frown when he slept, as if there was something on his mind, but also as if he was having an unpleasant dream.

Du Anran put her hand between his eyebrows, wanting to stretch out his eyebrows, but she inadvertently looked down and saw the lipstick mark on his shirt collar.

Du Anran immediately felt slightly annoyed. She did not wear lipstick last night, so it was impossible for her to have left this mark.

She checked his clothes again. Sure enough, other than the collar, there were several lipstick marks elsewhere.

Du Anran immediately stood up. It turned out that his so-called illness in the hospital was because he had drunk too much with another woman!

She admitted that she was jealous and felt very uncomfortable.

He had said last night that she was his one and only, but it turned out that a man's mouth was the most unreliable. Du Anran immediately imagined many scenes of him and other women falling head over heels for each other. She felt disgusted and immediately slammed the door and left.

Old Zhan was settling Xin Zimo's medical bills at the front desk. When he saw du Anran come out with an unhappy expression, he did not bother to take the bill and immediately ran over.

"Miss Du, what's wrong? Mr. Xin is awake? " Old Zhan chased after her.

"Don't come to me again about his matters in the future! " Du Anran was very angry. "He drank with other women outside and hurt his body, so he came to me to comfort him? Who Do you think I am? A SPARE TIRE? "

"No, Miss Du, Mr. Xin didn't. You've misunderstood... "

In fact, old Zhan didn't know whether Xin Zimo was with another woman last night, but he had to be a good peacemaker.

"Old Zhan, your eyesight is fine. Explain to me what happened to the lipstick on his shirt? " Du Anran questioned.

"This... " it was old Zhan's turn to be speechless.

He was too anxious and didn't notice it just now. As expected, women were sensitive... ...

"You can't make up a reason, right? " Du Anran sneered. "when he wakes up, you can tell him that since he has no principles, he should get lost from here on out! "

This time, du Anran was really angry. In the past, it was just a joke. At the very least, she didn't find any traces of other women on his clothes.

Today, those lipstick marks deeply stung her eyes.

Although there were still many things between them that hadn't been resolved, she didn't want other cracks to appear before they were resolved.

Moreover, they were irreparable cracks.

Old Zhan, who was already so old, was also frightened by Du Anran's attitude. Just now, du Anran's roar was a little loud. The few people outside the ward all stopped in their tracks and turned their heads to look over.

She had not married him yet. or rather, after thinking about it last night, he had no intention of pursuing her at all.

Whether he pursued her or not, she would definitely remember today's incident.

"Miss Du, perhaps you have misunderstood. When I sent Mr. Xin here, a nurse might have accidentally wiped lipstick on Mr. Xin's shirt... "

Old Zhan was so flustered that he was sweating profusely. He was not good at lying to begin with, so the excuse he came up with was abnormally lame.

If du Anran believed him, she would really be a fool. She sneered, "stop making excuses for him. LET HIM TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF! "

Looking for a mistress to look for a lover was something that she absolutely could not tolerate. She could not be so magnanimous.

Du Anran turned around and left. No matter how old Zhan shouted from behind, Du Anran did not turn around.

Old Zhan thought what was going on... ... When he came, he was so focused on treating Xin Zimo's illness and looking for a doctor. How could he forget that there was a lipstick mark on Xin Zimo's shirt ! !

Women were indeed women. Nothing could escape their eyes.

Old Zhan walked into the ward dejectedly. He had done the wrong thing out of kindness.

He didn't expect to find Xin Zimo awake when he entered the ward. He was shocked.

Xin Zimo was lost in thought as he looked at the things on the coffee table. Old Zhan came in, but he didn't say anything.

Old Zhan ventured to look at Xin Zimo. Sure enough, there was an obvious lipstick mark on the collar of his shirt. It was pink.