Chapter 380, making trouble for no reason

If he had found out earlier, he would have changed Xin Zimo's clothes no matter what. Xin Zimo really did it. It seemed like he really did it at peerless beauty yesterday.

If he were a woman, he would definitely be angry. He understood Du Anran's reaction.

"Mr. Xin, you're awake... " old Zhan said.

"Didn't she just tell me to stay as far away as possible from now on... " Xin Zimo said faintly.

UH... Old Zhan didn't expect Xin Zimo to hear everything ... Forget it, he didn't need to tell him ...

Seeing that old Zhan didn't speak, Xin Zimo already understood what was going on.

Last night, he was still thinking that if he didn't go and have fun, he might lose interest in du Anran after seeing a beauty. Now, he wanted to beat himself up.

Du Anran was his poison, his addiction, he wouldn't be able to get rid of it for the rest of his life. Fortunately, he didn't make a big mistake last night, otherwise, he wouldn't have the face to see du Anran.

"Mr. Xin, don't take it to heart. Go and apologize to Miss Du. I don't think Miss Du sincerely said that. " Old Zhan saw that Xin Zimo was frowning and couldn't help but comfort him.

"She probably hates me to death right now. " Xin zimo closed his eyes.

How could he have such a difficult time sleeping peacefully when he encountered such a thing again. Forget it, it was his own doing. He couldn't blame Du Anran.

But he knew that it was easy to mend a broken relationship, but it was even harder than reaching for the sky. His previous pursuit had been in vain.

In the future, he wouldn't think of using the method of seeking pleasure to mediate his emotions. It was simply a word "stupid. ".

In the past, he always called Du Anran stupid. He didn't expect him to be stupid.

But after this incident, he finally understood that it was completely impossible for him to give up on Du Anran. He would have to pester her for the rest of his life... ...

"Mr. Xin, don't be sad. If this really didn't happen, you can find the person involved to clarify it. " Old Zhan couldn't think of any good ideas.

He was an honest man and his wife was strict. He really didn't have much experience in such matters.

"Isn't it adding fuel to the fire if I find the person involved to explain it to her? " Xin Zimo said plainly.

"..."old Zhan didn't know what to say.

"It's something that I caused myself. I'll think of a way myself. " Xin Zimo waved her hand to signal for old Zhan to leave.

Old Zhan nodded and went back to settle the bill for Xin Zimo's ward.

After du Anran came out of the hospital, she was really furious. She had wasted her precious working time, wasted her money to buy food, and even lied to her feelings.

At this moment, she really hated Xin Zimo to death. She could only take a taxi back to Zhongye.

Zhongye was quite far from the city center to begin with. This trip took a long time.

When she arrived at Zhongye, she saw a group of people blocking the door of her office. Du Anran was surprised. What was wrong with her office? Why was there a group of people surrounding her.

She was not surprised that Zhongye's people liked to watch the fun and listen to gossip, but what was there to see at the door of her office.

There were a few circles of people inside and outside. When du Anran walked over, someone finally saw her and immediately shouted, "Du Anran is here! "

Everyone looked at her again, and there was a path in the middle. Du Anran looked ahead and realized that it was Chi Xue who was standing at her door!

During that period, she deliberately avoided everyone, so Chi Xue did not know where she worked, and even Liu Wanwan did not know.

Now that Chi Xue came looking for her, it must be because she accidentally bumped into director Yu at the Xin group, so she guessed it.

At this moment, Du Anran felt that her entire peaceful life had been disrupted, and she just happened to experience Xin Zimo's mess, so she was now completely upset.

In the end, it was still because of Xin Zimo. If he had not come looking for her again, how could she still be involved with the people in the past.

Especially Chi Xue!

She could not forget that Chi Xue had deliberately harmed her child. There was still a debt between her and Chi Xue.

Chi Xue also saw her. Clearly, there was some pride on her face. She stood at the door with her big belly and stared at Du Anran without blinking.

Du Anran was also stimulated by her eyes and big belly. If she remembered correctly, Chi Xue's child was going to be born soon!

If nothing had happened to her child, it would have been born by now.

Du Anran's heart was suddenly filled with anger. Her child was innocent, but Chi Xue's child was still fine.

Was this the so-called fairness?

The crowd, which was still in a heated discussion, suddenly fell silent. A few of them even sneaked away.

It just so happened that Feng Jing also walked over. When the crowd saw Feng Jing, they were afraid that their bonuses would be deducted, so they gradually dispersed.

Thus, once du Anran came, the entire crowd that was watching the show disappeared.

"Miss Du, how have you been? " Chi Xue said with a smile.

"Why did YOU COME TO MY COMPANY! " Du Anran scolded.

"I just came to Zhongye to take a look. Oh, so this is the company that Miss Du is in. I didn't expect that Miss Du has been hiding in this place. It's really isolated from the world. It's far from the city center, and also far from the Xin family! " Chi Xue said deliberately.

When du Anran heard her mention the Xin Corporation, she immediately frowned. She had kept her past a secret very tightly. Even Feng Jing had not revealed a single word. Now, Chi Xue couldn't have let the entire company know, right!

"Miss Chi, I don't know why you came to Zhongye, but I think it's not good for a pregnant woman like you to move around, right? " Du Anran said.

"My child is very good. He's not that fragile. It's not like he's going to be gone with a push! " Chi Xue's tone was filled with Schadenfreude.

Obviously, that incident did not affect Chi Xue at all. Although Xin Zimo had warned her, she was still happy in her heart!

Du Anran's child was gone, and it was also because of Xin Zimo. She was as happy as she could be.

Feng Jing also heard the unfriendliness in Chi Xue's tone. He walked up and said, "May I ask if this lady is looking for Zhongye to discuss business? If she is, then look for me directly. I'm the CEO of Zhongye. "

When Chi Xue heard Feng Jing speak, she could not help but size up Feng Jing a few times She smiled sourly and said, "the CEO of Zhongye can be considered a talented person. Although he is far inferior to our Miss Du's predecessors, he can still be considered rich and powerful. Miss Du's taste has never changed. She has always liked to stick to rich men."

"Chi Xue, don't make a scene here! " Du Anran said angrily, "do you believe that I will chase you out now? "

"Anran, you don't have to chase her out. I will ask her to leave now! " Feng Jing also hated this kind of woman.

Chi Xue did not speak and did not leave. In a short while, someone walked to Chi Xue's side.

It was a strong bodyguard. He protected Chi Xue and shouted at Du Anran and Feng Jing, "who dares to touch Mrs. Cui! "

Du Anran really looked at her in a New Light She sneered, "Mrs. Cui? A few days ago, you were quarreling with Cui Hao on the street like a shrew. You complained that Cui Hao was raising a woman outside and enjoyed the wealth and glory that Cui Hao brought to you. Chi Xue, you really made me look at you in a New Light. "

From the beginning, Feng Jing felt that this woman was very familiar. He kept feeling like he had seen her somewhere before. After hearing du Anran's words, he remembered that day on the street.

Could it be that Du Anran knew this woman?

"That's still better than you having a miscarriage before you get married! " Chi Xue said without thinking.

When she said this, Feng Jing's face was filled with disbelief and anger. Du Anran almost wanted to go up and strangle Chi Xue's neck.

"Chi Xue, I don't want to fight with a pregnant woman. If you know what's good for you, then get out of Zhongye! " Du Anran pointed to the elevator.

If it weren't for the fact that Chi Xue was pregnant, Feng Jing would have done it long ago.

"should I ask you to leave, or do you want to leave by yourself? " Feng Jing asked.

Chi Xue smiled and said, "Du Anran, I didn't come here for any other reason. I'm just bored at home. But don't worry, I'll come again next time when I'm bored. "

"Chi Xue, I don't have any enmity with you. It's you who doesn't have the ability to marry him. Don't put all the blame on me! " Du Anran said.


Feng Jing simply couldn't bear it. He directly looked for the security guards on the floor. "GET THEM OUT! "

Feng Jing was still polite and gave Chi Xue some face.

Chi Xue's bodyguards obviously wouldn't watch Chi Xue being bullied. The two groups of people almost started fighting.

The door of Du Anran's office became very lively in an instant. The people didn't dare to come over because of Feng Jing, but they all looked over from the small window. They watched and discussed.

Just as the commotion was getting out of hand, Chi Xue suddenly had a stomachache, so painful that her face turned pale.

In the past, Du Anran would definitely help others when they were in trouble, but now the person in front of her was Chi Xue. She looked at her coldly, opened the office door, and closed the door with a bang.

Feng Jing also left, leaving Chi Xue squatting on the ground, "Ouch! " She cried out with a stomachache.

The bodyguard did not have the leisure to quarrel and fight. He quickly took Chi Xue and left Zhongye.

However, the number of people who read the gossip did not decrease after Chi Xue and the others left. There was no one at du Anran's door, but the voices of discussion rose and fell.

"What's going on? Do you understand? " A female colleague asked.

"Didn't that woman say that Du Anran stole her husband? " Another woman said.

"This woman's stomach is not small. It looks like it's more than enough for eight months. Does du Anran really do this kind of thing? "

"recently, didn't someone send flowers and chocolates? WHO KNOWS! "

"So, this woman found out about the situation and came to Zhongye to cause trouble? "

"I don't know. " The other women shook their heads. "Go to work. Otherwise, if you can't complete the mission, the boss will scold you again. "

One person left, and the others slowly followed.

Du Anran's mood today was really terrible. Once she got involved with Xin Zimo, her days would be in trouble again. During those four months, he never appeared in her life. She lived freely, but now, she returned to a state she didn't want.

She drank a few glasses of water and tried hard to calm herself down. However, her sadness was like a thread that could not be cut off and was still messy. Du Anran could not calm down at all.