Chapter 381, flying to London

She had no choice but to find something to do. Unfortunately, there were so few jobs on the table at this time.

Du Anran spent the whole day depressed and only left Zhongye at eight o'clock in the evening.

However, Du Anran forgot that Chi Xue had always been a competitive person. She would definitely feel bad after being criticized by herself during the day.

Moreover, after a night with Cui Hao, Chi Xue's psychology had shown bad signs, such as paranoia.

Sure enough, on the way home, Du Anran had just turned a corner and entered a slightly darker intersection when she felt that she was being followed.

There was a dark shadow behind her that was gradually lengthening. Du Anran realized that something was wrong and quickened her pace. However, as she quickened her pace, the people behind her also quickened their pace.

Under the streetlight, Du Anran could just see the shadow of the people behind her when she lowered her head. It was only a short distance away from her.

She knew that if she continued walking forward, it would be a blind spot in the neighborhood. The people behind her must be waiting for that time to make their move.

Seeing that there were no pedestrians on the road, Du Anran was a little anxious and prayed silently in her heart.

Perhaps the heavens had heard her prayer, and soon, a passerby appeared at the intersection. The passerby was holding a Husky and taking a leisurely walk.

Du Anran ran desperately into the neighborhood, and the people behind her were desperately chasing her. "HELP! " Du Anran shouted, and the Husky immediately barked.

The people behind him saw that the situation was not right, and the Husky was chasing him, so he had no choice but to run away.

Du Anran ran downstairs in one breath, panting.

She cursed in her heart that she really could not stay in this place anymore. If this continued, her little life would be gone.

After returning, du Anran quickly drank some wine to calm herself down. She thought that the days were getting less and less peaceful. Should she change to another place.

As she was thinking, her cell phone rang. Du Anran looked down and saw that it was Xie Chenjin.

Recently, other than asking about her well-being, Xie Chenjin had almost never interfered with her. Du Anran did not know when he was in such a hurry to call her at night.

"Anran, are you free recently? " Xie Chenjin asked.

Du Anran paused. Xie Chenjin was still the same. His voice was polite and humble, as if he had returned to the time when she first met him.

"I'm free. What's the matter? " Du Anran replied.

"Shaonan's treatment has been effective recently. Do you want to go with me to see him? ''XieeChenjinn asked.

Du Anran was surprised. Xie Chenjin had been unwilling to tell her where Jin Shaonan was. Now that he had taken the initiative to go with her to see Jin Shaonan, how could she not have time.

During this period, she had asked Xie Chenjin many times about Jin Shaonan's condition. Xie Chenjin had always been vague and could not give a general idea.

Now, he finally took the initiative to tell her that Jin Shaonan's treatment had been effective recently.

Du Anran could not suppress the joy in her heart. "Of course, when do you want to leave? "

"If you're free, you can leave tomorrow, " Xie Chenjin said. "I also decided to inform you at the last minute. I didn't plan to tell you... "

"Xie Chenjin, you really don't treat me as a friend. Jin Shaonan treated me so well, but you kept all the information from me. Now, you still don't want me to go with you. "

"That's not what I meant. Previously, Shaonan's body was getting worse and worse. I didn't dare to let you go with him. I was afraid that you would act uncomfortable in front of Shaonan if you weren't careful. That would be even more detrimental to Shaonan's recovery. "

"Xie Chenjin, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? I know my limits, " Du Anran said.

"I received a notification from the doctor over there. He said that the recent surgeries have been very successful, and the pain in Shaonan's body has been alleviated a lot. " Xie Chenjin's voice was very soft.

However, Du Anran still heard sadness in his voice. The pain in her body... ... Just how much pain did Shaonan suffer ...

Previously, Xie Chenjin said that Jin Shaonan's illness could not be cured. Du Anran had always blamed herself. When Shaonan's life was at its most painful, she did not even know where he was.

"then... Xie Chenjin, tell me, is there any hope for Shaonan's illness to be cured? " Du Anran thought. After all, people were greedy ...

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds and said dejectedly, "the doctor said that it would not be a problem for him to live a few more years. "

Du Anran's heart was immediately drenched in cold water. She immediately shouted at Xie Chenjin, "did you find the best doctor? Tell me, where is he? "

"With my friendship with Shaonan, would I not find the best doctor for him? " Xie Chenjin said calmly. He could understand the pain in DU anran's heart.

Du Anran knew that she was being unreasonable. How could Xie Chenjin not find the best doctor.

She was also silent. After a while, she said, "I will appear on time tomorrow. I will go with you. "

"Shaonan is in London, " Xie Chenjin said at this time.

"LONDON? " Du Anran was a little surprised, but after a while, she was not surprised anymore. There were very good doctors in London. It was the right choice for Shaonan to go there.

"Yes, tomorrow morning, I will go to your place to pick you up. You go to bed early tonight, " Xie Chenjin said.

"I got it, " Du Anran said, "I'll go with you. "

It had been a long time since she had seen Jin Shaonan. The man who always gave her the warmest smile when she was at her most helpless and most difficult time, now that she thought about it again, she felt sad.

Xie Chenjin did not speak anymore. He felt that he could not hide it from Du Anran for the rest of his life. Otherwise, if something really happened to Jin Shaonan one day, du Anran would definitely blame herself.

Although the day was filled with countless bad things, Xie Chenjin's words at night were undoubtedly great news for Du Anran.

She had not seen Jin Shaonan for a long time. That night, she had insomnia again.

She wondered what Jin Shaonan looked like now She was very afraid that he would keep losing weight. She still remembered that when Uncle Jin was in trouble, Jin Shaonan came back from London, and she almost did not recognize him.

At that time, Jin Shaonan could really be described as skinny as a stick, but she did not expect that it was for such a reason.

She also said that he paid too much attention to his work and did not pay attention to his body.

Du Anran sighed. The night of the day was exceptionally long.

It was already autumn, and the weather had long turned cold. Especially in the morning, when the wind blew, one's entire body could tremble.

Du Anran directly applied for leave from Feng Jing. This time, she applied for a whole week's leave.

Feng Jing originally did not agree. Without du Anran, he would be very busy. But seeing that Du Anran had always been diligent and diligent in working overtime, he reluctantly agreed.

Du Anran did not tell Feng Jing where she was going and why, so Feng Jing did not ask. He had always been a person who did not interfere in other people's private lives.

Du Anran admired Feng Jing for this point. She knew that Feng Jing himself was a person who advocated freedom. As the saying goes, do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. Feng Jing would never force them to do things that they were not willing to do.

Not long after Du Anran finished washing up, Xie Chenjin's car arrived at the community building.

When du Anran first arrived in Zhongye, although she no longer had any contact with Xin Zimo, her relationship with Xie Chenjin was still the same as before. It was just that the number of times they met was much less.

Soon, Xie Chenjin brought Du Anran out of the neighborhood and went to the airport.

Xie Chenjin had made all the necessary arrangements. This time, only the two of them were going to London. Du Anran's feelings were very complicated.

"If Shaonan's condition doesn't improve this time, are you not going to tell me where Shaonan is? " Du Anran sat next to Xie Chenjin and asked.

"I'm afraid that you'll feel bad, " Xie Chenjin said plainly.

"No matter how bad it is, can it be worse than when I first heard the news? " Du Anran asked.

She turned her head slightly and happened to see Xie Chenjin's side profile under the Sun. He was still as handsome, elegant, and gentlemanly as before. There was not much expression on his face, but there was a hint of sadness between his brows.

"Anran, you know that if a person really wants the best for you, then he will not tell you about the unhappy things. He will be afraid that you will worry, " Xie Chenjin said slowly "Shaonan has always refused to let me tell you about this matter, but I still said it in the end. I think that it's probably between worry and regret. I would rather let you worry. "

"thank you for telling me at the beginning. Otherwise, if I still find out about it in the future, I'll regret it and blame myself, " Du Anran said.

"Don't have too much psychological burden. After all, it's normal for people to grow old and die of illness, " Xie Chenjin said lightly.

"If Shaonan agrees, I can stay in London to take care of him for a period of time. "

"He won't agree. He doesn't want to delay you. It's just like how he resolutely gave up pursuing you after he found out about his illness. At that time, he entrusted you to me, hoping that I could take care of you on his behalf instead of Xin Zimo. "

In fact, Du Anran had noticed all these details, but she had neglected them. In the end, she still did not care enough about him.

The plane soon landed at London airport. It was early morning in London, and there were many white doves flying in the sky, circling around the sky. It was exceptionally peaceful.

Du Anran's heart had calmed down a lot, but as the plane landed, she was inexplicably a little flustered.

She had not seen Jin Shaonan for a long time, and at this moment, the scene of the first time she met him appeared in her mind.

After the Academy's Song and dance drama ended, he left the venue with the script in his hands. It just so happened that it was raining. She was the last to leave the venue for the audience, so he borrowed an umbrella from her and left with her.

She agreed, and they got to know each other just like that.

She remembered that it was raining in the sky, and the cherry trees were in bloom at that time.

The breath of spring was thick and passionate, and everything in the campus was simple and pure.

Their meeting was very romantic, but fate was really a magical thing. They met like this, but she had always treated him as her brother, a confidant who could chat in a foreign country.

Back in school, Jin Shaonan had done many things for her and confessed to her, but she never felt moved.