Chapter 395: isolated

As a result, there happened to be a girl who usually liked to watch the fun passing by. Xiao Mei pulled her to stand at Du Anran's door and chatted for a while. Du Anran's voice was probably a little loud, but the little girl also heard it.

Xiao Mei's plan was good. Indeed, in a short while, the scandal about Du Anran spread throughout Zhongye.

When du Anran went out for dinner, there were also people who looked at her strangely and pointed at her from behind.

When she took the elevator, there were also people who deliberately stayed away from her. When her colleagues who were usually on good terms with her met, they only smiled awkwardly.

Du Anran felt that it was strange. It had not been like this in the morning. What was going on... ...

She suddenly felt isolated. She had no choice but to thicken her skin and pull Vivi into the office.

Vivi was young and usually called her "sister Anran. " She also took care of Vivi. She reckoned that Vivi could tell her the truth.

"Sister Anran, are you looking for me? " Vivi was pulled into the office by Du Anran.

Du Anran closed the door. After making sure that there was no one else, she said, "why are the people in Zhongye all strange today? Am I seeing things? "

"Ah... this... " Vivi suddenly understood what Du Anran was talking about. She touched her head, and the expression on her face suddenly became very strange ...

"Tell me honestly, what exactly happened? Why does everyone look so strange? You too, " Du Anran said.

"actually... actually, it's nothing. It's really nothing. Sister Anran, don't take it to heart. I think they... they just ate too much today... " Vivi laughed.

"everyone in Zhongye ate too much? Everyone seems to whisper to each other when they walk. Why, Zhongye has become a secret service organization. They don't even speak loudly? "

"No... " Vivi lowered her head and bit her lip. Her hands were intertwined, and she was at a loss. Should she say it or not... ...

Now that Zhongye had become more and more mysterious, as a good friend of Du Anran, she was really at a loss!

"Tell me everything. I promise I won't say anything. I just know what to do. "

"Sister Anran, don't be angry if I tell you... " Vivi, who had always been careless, was shy.

Du Anran adjusted her attitude and said something unpleasant, "okay, I'm ready. "

"Sister Anran, let me ask you a question first. Are you married? " Vivi said.

Sure enough, it was about this. Did they know about her relationship with Xin Zimo?

She decided not to speak first and said to Vivi, "tell me what it is first. "

Vivi hesitated for a moment, then looked at du Anran and said hesitantly, "someone said that sister Anran, you have a rich man... "

Du Anran admitted that Vivi had been tactful enough. She said plainly, "it's not like I only said this today. Why are you avoiding me today? "

"In the past, everyone was guessing. Today, someone heard sister anran calling you 'husband' , and then... " Vivi bit her lip.

UH... ... Du Anran remembered the phone call with Xin Zimo. She was so happy at that time that she forgot that there were ears behind the wall However, it seemed that they did not know about the relationship between Xin Zimo and her ...

"And then everyone knew that you were unmarried... " Vivi added.

Du Anran thought for a moment and said to Vivi, "I have a boyfriend. "

"Ah? Sister Anran, didn't you say that you don't plan to get married in the near future? Besides, why don't we seem to have seen your boyfriend come over... "

Vivi did not believe the truth. She thought that Du Anran had made up an excuse because of this.

"We just got along with each other first. He's also busy with work and usually has to work overtime, so he has never come to Zhongye, " Du Anran said.

She would reveal her relationship with Xin zimo sooner or later, but now was not the time.

"Then how old is he? " Vivi asked.

Du Anran knew that Vivi was still skeptical. She smiled and said, "he's just a few years older than me. "

"He's really not a big spender? "

UH... Du Anran did not know how to answer this question ...

Xin Zimo should be considered... ... Super Rich ? So he was not considered rich ? ?

HMM... ... Du Anran said, "No. "

"Sister Anran, I still believe in you. I knew you wouldn't do such a thing. Let them say whatever they want. I'll refute the rumors for you later! "

"Forget it, forget it. Don't make things worse. "

"Sister Anran, are you going to let them talk nonsense and make things up? "

"They just don't know. After a long time, they won't be interested, " Du Anran said.

"then I still have to explain, " Vivi vowed.

Du Anran didn't stop her. It was fine to explain, at least let her live a quiet life for a few days.

However, once Vivi left, Feng Jing called her over again. At this moment, Du Anran felt like her puppy love had been discovered by her class teacher.

"Anran, you really are hiding something from me. Tell me, what happened? I heard Zhongye's gossip, " Feng Jing knocked on the table.

Du anran forced a smile. "nothing much. It's just that I have a boyfriend, and I don't know why they made such a big fuss... "

"You have a boyfriend? When did that happen? " Feng Jing was quite surprised.

"It was just a while ago, but he has been chasing me for a long time... " Du Anran said, "I just promised him a while ago. "

"really? I told you to show me if you have a boyfriend. It seems that you don't treat me as a friend! " Feng Jing was quite dissatisfied.

"No, no, we just established a relationship. I don't want to talk to you guys about it after a long time. What if we break up in a few days... "

"Have you found out about the other party's family background and character? " Feng Jing asked.

Du Anran nodded. "Yes, I'm pretty clear about it. "

How could she and Xin Zimo not be clear about it? They had been through many storms.

"Don't be fooled. Some people like to lie, " Feng Jing reminded her out of goodwill.

"He wouldn't dare to lie to me. " Du Anran smiled.

How would Xin Zimo dare to lie to her now? He was treating her like a treasure.

"You're not a man. What do you know? Men like to say sweet words before marriage. After marriage, their true colors will be revealed. So, you have to see it for yourself. Don't regret it when the time comes. "

Du Anran thought that even if she regretted it, she would not regret it. She had already received the certificate.

However, she was glad that Xin Zimo had revealed his true colors before marriage, so she did not have to worry after marriage.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely listen to President Feng and carefully examine him. "

"I will help you take a look when I have the chance. I am still very accurate in judging people, " Feng Jing said.

"definitely. " Du Anran smiled until her face was stiff.

In the future, if Feng Jing knew that he had already met her boyfriend, would he want to beat her up... ...

"Anyway, you take care of yourself. I am just saying a few words of kindness as a friend. "

"President Feng, I'll remember your heartfelt words. "

After enduring the day with great difficulty, Du Anran finally let out a sigh of relief. When it was time to get off work, she deliberately did not go with Zhongye's people. Anyway, they had automatically isolated her.

This time, du Anran learned her lesson. She waited until she was on her way home before she called Xin Zimo and told him everything that had happened today.

In the past, Xin Zimo always wanted her to admit their relationship, but he had just set up a trap for Xiao Mei today, so he could not disclose it for the time being.

Therefore, Xin Zimo also agreed with her approach. It felt good to be a mysterious boyfriend. He also encouraged Du Anran to make him more mysterious, such as knowing magic... ...

Du Anran was amused by him and burst into laughter. She forgot about the unpleasant incident that happened today.

After this incident, Du Anran went to Director Yu to get the surveillance footage. Sure enough, it was Xiao Mei who was outside the door that day.

Du Anran had another eye on Xiao Mei. She just hoped that Xin Zimo could get rid of Xiao Mei as soon as possible.

However, after a few days, the wedding date of Wan Wan arrived.

In order to be happy and attend Liu Wanwan's wedding, Du Anran temporarily threw all these troubles to the back of her mind.

She had asked for leave from Feng Jing in those few days and specially accompanied Liu Wanwan. It was only during those few days that she found out that WAN WAN was already two months pregnant.

Liu Wanwan thought that Du Anran would think of her child after she mentioned it, but Du Anran was not unhappy at all. Instead, she smiled and congratulated her, "Wan Wan, I want to be a godmother. "

"Okay, when you have a child in the future, I want to be a godmother too. "

Liu Wanwan was just saying it casually. After saying it, she regretted it. She knew that Du Anran had no plans to get married recently.

However, Du Anran did not have any special reaction. She just smiled and said, "that's a must. Wanwan, I didn't expect you to be a mother first. "

Liu Wanwan saw that Du Anran seemed to have walked out from the shadows of the past, so she said, "sister Anran, you have to work hard too. Do you still have any contact with Xie Chenjin? "

"We are good friends now. "

Liu Wanwan knew that the child that Du Anran was pregnant with was Xin Zimo's. She did not know if Xie Chenjin was very angry.

Now that she heard Du Anran say this, she was relieved. "There's no rush. Sister Anran, you take your time to find a good man. "

"Yes, why am I in a rush? "

Du Anran planned to hide her relationship with Xin Zimo first. At the very least, she had to wait until after Liu Wanwan's wedding. Otherwise, she did not know how big of a reaction she would have!

At first, Liu Wanwan was afraid that she would trigger du Anran's sadness, but now that she saw that Du Anran had recovered, she was still happy.

She hoped that all her friends would be happy... ...

While du Anran was accompanying Liu Wanwan to do her hair.. Liu Wanwan mentioned Jin Shaonan again. "I haven't seen the president for a long time, and he has already quit his job at the newspaper company. I called him, but he never picked up, as if he had disappeared. Anran, do you know where the president went? "

"He's abroad. " Du Anran didn't say much. After all, it was Wanwan's wedding, and she was afraid that Wanwan would feel uncomfortable.

"abroad? Why did he go abroad again? Why didn't he talk to me... "

"He still thinks that abroad is more suitable for him! It's not that he's not talking to you, maybe he changed his cell phone, or he's planning to give up everything in China. "