Chapter 396, unexpected joy

"He just ignored us like that... " Liu Wanwan was a little sad. "I sent him an email telling him my wedding date. I hoped that he could come, but he didn't reply... "

"maybe he didn't see it, or maybe he really stopped communicating with everything in the country. "

Du Anran hid the truth. In fact, when she was in London, she also told Jin Shaonan that Liu Wanwan was about to get married.

Jin Shaonan was very happy and even said that he would go to the church to pray for her.

However, it was a pity that he could not come back.

Liu Wanwan lowered her head. Du Anran could see the sadness in her eyes. How could she not feel sad? It was just that there were many things in the world that no one could decide.

On the day of Liu Wanwan's wedding, Du Anran had been accompanying her.

Liu Wanwan was wearing a white wedding dress. It was the same one that she had picked with Du Anran. Du Anran also wore a small gown and accompanied Liu Wanwan.

This was a wedding. It was much more grand than the previous engagement party, and there were twice as many guests as there were at the engagement party.

Liu Wanwan stood at the entrance of the hotel with a stiff smile on her face. Du Anran also smiled with her.

"Sister Anran, I'm so tired. I really want to sit down and rest for a while... " standing at the entrance of the hotel, Liu Wanwan's legs were about to go soft.

"If you insist, just one more day, " Du Anran whispered, "look, your husband is still full of energy! "

Du Anran smiled and looked at Sun Ping. Sun Ping was particularly handsome today. He wore a neat and clean black suit. He was not as serious as usual, but it made him look even more handsome.

Sun Ping was really used to socializing. At this moment, he welcomed the guests without any hesitation. He was still talking and laughing cheerfully.

To be honest, Du Anran was also tired. Her legs were trembling. How many guests did Sun Ping invite? !

This was only the beginning!

Forget it. Du anran would just treat it as a preview. When the time came, she would probably be like this too.

However, although the weather was good today, the wind at the hotel entrance was still very strong. Not long after, Du Anran, who was wearing a small gown, was so cold that her teeth were chattering.

Coincidentally, a mercedes-benz stopped at the door. Xin Zimo got down from the back seat and happened to see her in a sorry state.

Du Anran's hair was messed up by the wind, and she hugged her shoulders from time to time.

"President Xin. " Sun Ping immediately went up to greet her.

Liu Wanwan also followed. "Mr. Xin, you're here. "

Du Anran followed beside Liu Wanwan, but Xin Zimo did not look at her. She said it herself, and it had nothing to do with each other.

Therefore, Liu Wanwan mistakenly thought that the two of them had not met up until now. In order to avoid awkwardness, Liu Wanwan said to Xin Zimo, "President Xin, please come in. "

"I wish you a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years. " Xin Zimo blessed Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan.

"Thank you, President Xin. " Sun Ping smiled.

Du Anran saw that Xin Zimo was dressed as well as Sun Ping today. It was not his wedding Du Anran could not help but criticize him in her heart.

From the beginning to the end, Du Anran did not speak to Xin Zimo.

In less than ten minutes, a waiter brought her a shawl.

"Miss Du, someone was afraid that you would catch a cold, so he brought you a Shawl, " the waiter said.

"Who gave it to you? " Liu Wanwan asked first. "sister Anran is so charming. Everywhere you go, people will be eager to please you. "

Du Anran's mouth twitched. Who Else could it be?

"We don't know who gave it to you. We're only responsible for bringing it here, " the waitress said.

"In that case, sister Anran, please accept this kindness. Don't catch a cold. It's very cold outside, " Liu Wanwan said with a smile.

Du Anran thought that since no one knew that it was Xin Zimo who gave it to her, she would accept it calmly.

"Thank you, " Du Anran said.

She took the shawl and put it on her shoulder. The shawl matched the gown very well and did not seem out of place at all.

Du Anran immediately felt much warmer. Her heart was also very warm. Xin Zimo was quite considerate.

"Sister Anran, YOU'RE BLUSHING! " Liu Wanwan suddenly covered her mouth and laughed.

"Is there? There's a guest, quickly welcome him! " Du Anran changed the topic.

Liu Wanwan did not know who was trying to curry favor with du Anran, but it seemed that Du Anran was quite satisfied She also hoped that they could find their own happiness.

Du Anran was really impressed by Sun Ping. The wedding was grand and there was an endless stream of guests, but there was still half an hour before the wedding began.

However, just as the wedding was about to start, Sun Ping held Liu Wanwan's arm and was about to enter, a man in a gray sweater got out of the taxi.

First, Du Anran saw him. She was stunned and could not believe her eyes. She stood rooted to the ground.

"Sister Anran, let's go... " Liu Wanwan turned around and called her.

But when she turned around, she was also stunned. Shaonan... ... Why is he back ...

The taxi drove away. Jin Shaonan smiled at them and walked towards them.

"Shaonan... why are you back? " Du Anran asked first ...

He was in the London hospital for treatment. How could he come back so easily? It would delay the treatment.

"Of course, I'm coming back for the wedding, " Shaonan said.

"president... I really didn't expect you to come... I even told sister Anran that if you came, I wouldn't have any regrets... " Wan Wan was so touched that she almost cried.

At this moment, she was really happy. Shaonan must have traveled thousands of miles from abroad to come back.

Sun Ping also saw Jin Shaonan. They looked at each other and nodded, but didn't say much.

"Wan Wan, Sun Ping, I wish you a long life together, " said Jin Shaonan.

"President, thank you! " Liu Wanwan smiled.

"Go in quickly. Shaonan, you came at the right time. The wedding is about to start, " Du Anran said.

"Yes, let's go in together, " Liu Wanwan said.

Liu Wanwan and Sun Ping walked in front, while Du Anran and Jin Shaonan followed behind. Jin Shaonan asked Du Anran in a low voice, "Wan Wan doesn't know about me, right? "

Du Anran also lowered her voice. "I only told her that you work abroad. "

"Just help me keep it a secret. I should leave halfway through the wedding. I can't stay for too long. "

"I'll try my best to help you keep it a secret. You have to listen to the doctor when you go back... "

"Yes, I will. "

Du Anran smiled in relief. This time, Jin Shaonan seemed to be in good spirits, as if he had returned to his old self.

Du Anran hoped that he could recover soon, although the hope was very slim... ...

Jin Shaonan's face was always smiling, so du Anran temporarily forgot about these unpleasant things and wholeheartedly attended Liu Wanwan's wedding. She was the bridesmaid, so she had to smile happily.

When the wedding began, Xin Zimo naturally sat in the VIP seat, while Jin Shaonan sat in a more remote place and didn't attract much attention.

Du Anran could see that Liu Wanwan was very happy.

Liu Wanwan pulled Du Anran and whispered, "I really didn't expect the president to come. It's really an unexpected surprise. "

"I didn't expect it either, " Du Anran whispered.

Jin Shaonan sat quietly in his seat. He wore a gray sweater and had a solemn and comfortable smile on his face. He kept looking in the direction of Liu Wanwan and Du Anran. Du Anran and Liu Wanwan were also very relieved.

"I don't know how long the president can stay. I have to ask him why he hasn't answered my calls after so long, " Liu Wanwan mumbled.

"Shaonan is busy! " Du Anran said.

Du Anran had to use such an excuse to avoid Liu Wanwan. How would she dare to tell the truth.

Sure enough, halfway through the wedding, Liu Wanwan and Sun Ping toasted the guests. Du Anran turned around and found that Jin Shaonan's seat was empty.

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. She found an excuse and went out.

Just then, when she chased after him, Jin Shaonan was already in a taxi.

Du Anran ran quickly ran forward. "Shaonan! "

Jin Shaonan turned his head and saw Du Anran. He then lowered the car window and waved at her. "Go back quickly, I'm going to the airport. "

"Are you leaving already? You haven't had time to say a few words to Wanwan! "

"apologize to her on my behalf. See you again if there's a chance. " Jin Shaonan's voice was very soft.

His words drifted into her ears with the wind. Du Anran wanted to say something more, but he had already waved his hand and asked the driver to drive the car out of the hotel.

"Shaonan! Shaonan! " Du Anran chased after him for a few steps.

But she was wearing high heels, so how could she catch up with the taxi? She could only watch the back of the car as it drove away.

The wind messed up her hair, and an inexplicable sadness welled up in Du Anran's heart.

When would the next time Shaonan returned to the country be... ...

"I can't see the car anymore. "

After a few minutes, a faint voice sounded from her body.

Du Anran turned her head and saw Xin Zimo looking at her. She glanced at him with a somewhat dejected expression. She could not get her spirits up at all.

"He's back in London? " Xin Zimo asked.

"Yes. " Du Anran did not feel like talking.

"You never told me that he was sick. "

Xin Zimo thought to himself that she still had not reached the point where she would tell him everything.

"How do you know? " Du Anran looked up with a surprised expression.

"What can you hide from me? " Xin zimo frowned slightly.

"Then how do you feel? Are you happy? " Du Anran knew that he did not like Jin Shaonan in the past and later went against the Jin family. Now that he heard the news, he was probably very pleased.

"Du Anran, do you really think I'm a villain? Moreover, we have already registered our marriage. Is there a need for me to do that? " Xin Zimo's face was slightly angry.

"You'd better not. " Du Anran glanced at him and walked into the hotel.

"Grandfather has been in London for many years. Maybe you can try to tell me about his illness and symptoms, " Xin Zimo said from behind her.

Du Anran stopped in her tracks. Xin Zimo was right... ... Old Master Xin had been in London for so many years, and he had power and influence. Old Master Xin might be able to find a better doctor ...

"Isn't it the same if I go and look for grandfather myself? " Du Anran said stubbornly.

On the contrary, Xin zimo smiled. She was just that childish.

"Alright, go and look for him yourself. Do you know where grandfather lives now? " Xin Zimo said.

It had been a long time since Du Anran had returned to the city center. She really did not know.

Xin Zimo saw that she did not speak for a long time, so he knew that she did not know. So he gave an address. "Go along this road, you will find grandfather. "