Chapter 400: no conscience

He was wearing a mask, so du Anran couldn't see his face clearly, but she could see the determination and responsibility in his eyes.

Du Anran chose them, and she nodded. "thank you for your concern. "

"Miss Du, you're welcome. It's a doctor's duty to save lives. We will be responsible for every patient. "

After saying that, the young man smiled at Du Anran and walked into the sterile room.

Jin Haiguo also heard it. He said to Du Anran, "Anran, since there's still a month of observation period, I think you should go back to the country first. Don't delay your work. "

"Uncle Jin, I can ask for leave from the company, " Du Anran said.

"No need, no need. You should go back first. Besides, we won't be of any help during this observation period. You might as well go to work. If there is a result, I will inform you. It won't be too late for you to come to London, " Jin Haiguo said leisurely.

He had a kind smile on his face. Du Anran had to nod. "Then after the observation period, Xie Chenjin and I will come over. I hope to hear good news. "

"Okay, okay. You guys have done your best. I will inform you as soon as there is any news, " Jin Haiguo said.

Du Anran did not ask Uncle Jin to send her to the airport.

Before she left, she went to Xin Zimo's channel villa in London. The servants in the villa were still there, and everything was cleaned up.

Du Anran walked past the road and looked at the grass and trees. When she stood by the Iron Gate outside the garden, the Butler saw her.

"Miss Du! " The Butler had a special surprise on his face.

Du Anran was also very happy. She walked forward and said, "Butler! "

"Miss Du, why didn't you say hello when you came back? I really missed you. " The Butler went forward and hugged Du Anran as if he was hugging his own daughter.

Du Anran had not seen the Butler for almost a year. She could not help but be happy to see that the Butler was still in good spirits.

"I just happened to come to London to take care of something. I'm leaving in a while, " Du Anran said.

"didn't Mr. Xin come back with you? "

"No, I'm just doing some personal business. He's still in the country. "

"How is Mr. Xin these days? I don't know much about domestic affairs. I just saw him on TV a few times and saw him go to some poor mountain area to do charity work. "

"Butler, he's fine. The Xin Group is also very good. Don't worry. "

"I'm only happy when I know that you're all well. " The Butler smiled and said, "Miss Du, why don't you stay here for a few days? I clean your room every day. It's clean. "

"No, I'm just here to take a look. The plane tickets have been bought. I'll come back with Zimo when I have time next time. "

"Hey, since your plane tickets have been bought, I won't keep you. Be careful on the way. Come back with Mr. Xin next time. " The housekeeper's face was full of unspeakable happiness.

She really treated Xin Zimo and Du Anran as her own children. She was also very anxious when she saw them quarreling back then. Now it seemed that they had reconciled as before.

"Then I'll take my leave first. Butler, you have to take care too. " Du Anran waved her hand.

"Hey, hey, remember to come over and play more often! " The Butler also waved his hand.

Du Anran's taxi soon drove out of the villa area. Du Anran looked at the villa that was far away reluctantly.

It had been almost a year since they parted, and time really passed quickly... ...

Fortunately, she and Xin Zimo were still fine and did not disappoint her and everyone's expectations.

After the storm, they would be more determined to stay together.

As soon as Du Anran returned to Zhongye, she heard people from Zhongye discussing that Xiao Mei had resigned.

She had traveled a long way and did not have the time to ask anyone who knew about it, so she listened to them talking sporadically during the meal.

"CEO Feng thinks highly of Xiao Mei. Why did Xiao Mei resign just like that? " There were still people who felt pity.

Du Anran was also very curious. Why would Xiao Mei resign from zhongye voluntarily? Could it be that Xin Zimo forced her to do so The last time, she saw Xin Zimo looking as if victory was within his grasp. Could it be that he had used some underhanded means.

"I heard that he found a new buyer. "

"Then it looks like a company spent a lot of money to poach her? "

"It looks like it. "

Du Anran interjected, "when did Xiao Mei resign? "

Everyone sighed, "Anran, you're not in the company. Xiao Mei was the one who handed in her resignation letter to CEO Feng last night. Didn't we already know the news this morning? "

"She's doing quite well in Zhongye. CEO Feng treats her well too. Didn't he say why he resigned? " Du Anran asked.

"If we knew the reason for his resignation, we wouldn't have discussed it. However, we'll know in a few days. If a company really poached her, she should have gone to a new company to take up her position today. "

"Yes, yes, " everyone agreed.

Du Anran held back her curiosity and called Xin Zimo after dinner.

She had learned to be smarter and would not call in the company to prevent the walls from hearing.

"What did you do to Xiao Mei? Why did I hear them say that Xiao Mei resigned from her job the moment I came back? " Du Anran asked.

"You just came back from London. You didn't even ask what happened to your husband. Instead, you're quite concerned about that Xiao Mei. " Xin Zimo was rather displeased.

"I'm being serious. Don't change the topic. "

"I'm also being serious. I've been feeling a little unwell these few days. Come and accompany me. " Xin Zimo's tone was filled with an irresistible authority.

"What's wrong with you? Weren't you still alive and kicking when I went to London? " Du Anran said disdainfully.

Xin Zimo's health was very good. He had tortured her half-dead every single time. Could it be that he was making up excuses to trick her into visiting him again!

"Your husband isn't feeling well. Why don't you care at all? " Xin Zimo was displeased. He was completely lazy.

Du Anran could hear the displeasure in his voice. She quickly said, "I'll visit you after work. I've already skipped work for many days. I can't leave early. "

"You don't have to go to work. Can you come back and accompany me... " Xin Zimo was like a child.

"No! " Du Anran resolutely refused.

If she really didn't have work to accompany him every day, he would probably get tired of it soon. Even if he wasn't tired of it, she would get tired of it too.

"Du Anran, why don't you have any conscience? " Xin Zimo's tone was indifferent. He really spoiled her for nothing.

"When you tortured me, why didn't you think that you were also a heartless dog? " Du Anran said angrily.

"It's fine if you don't come. I'll take a nap. " Xin Zimo was listless.

Du Anran heard that there was no strength in his voice, so she was afraid that he was not lying to her.

She pouted. "Hey, where are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital to have a look? "

"It's nothing serious. It's just that my lovesickness has become an illness. "

"YOU'RE NOT SERIOUS! " Du Anran had just intended to visit him out of kindness, but when she heard what he said, she immediately hung up the phone.

She was still lovesick, so she probably went out to socialize and drink while she was not in the country!

However, she had not asked about Xiao Mei's matter clearly, so du Anran had to think about it herself. When she got on the elevator, she happened to bump into Feng Jing, and she suddenly remembered that she had met him in London.

At that moment, Du Anran did not know what she felt in her heart. She wanted to say something to Feng Jing, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

On the other hand, Feng Jing smiled slightly, and his beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly. He looked at Du Anran and said, "do you have something to say to me? "

"I... " Du Anran paused for a moment, but she still found another topic to talk about. "I heard that Xiao Mei resigned. "

"Well, you handed me the resignation letter last night. Aren't you reluctant to part with it? "

Feng Jing knew that du Anran and Xiao Mei had a good relationship, and they entered the company together. He probably felt a little reluctant to part with it!

"Why did you resign when you were fine? " Du Anran asked.

"people go higher, and water flows lower. It's human nature. " Feng Jing's tone was very indifferent.

Du Anran understood what Feng Jing meant. No one could stop a person from pursuing a brighter future.

"has she found a new family? " Du Anran asked.

"I asked her, but she refused to tell me. She just thanked me for taking care of her all this time. " Feng Jing sighed.

The elevator went upstairs with a Ding, and Du anran followed Feng Jing closely.

"If that's the case, then forget it. She was the one who wanted to leave. " Du Anran did not feel any pity.

If she did not know about that, perhaps she would have felt pity and thought that she had lost a friend. But now, she felt relieved.

She was not suited to live a life of deceit. Xiao Mei's departure was not a good thing for her.

"There are too many people coming and going in the company. Since she has found a more suitable platform, then let her go. " Feng Jing did not feel much regret.

Du Anran planned to return to her office, but Feng Jing asked again, "are you going to take a leave of absence in the near future? "

Du anran quickly shook her head. "No, no, no, I won't. President Feng... you're not going to fire me, are you? "

"judging from your big reaction, you're doing a good job. Why would I fire you? It's just that your absence has been hard on me, so I need to take a good rest from now on. "

"Okay, President Feng, just leave the work to me. Don't worry, I'll make up for what I left behind. "

"Then I'm relieved. "

After Feng Jing left, Du Anran really began to work diligently. Work could bring her a fulfilling life. She would not go back to accompany him like Xin Zimo had requested.

However, she was a little worried. He said that he was not feeling well. Should she go back to see him.

However, it was still early before the end of the day. She thought about it and decided not to. After all, he did not lack people to take care of him.

The late autumn sky always darkened very quickly. When the people in the middle of the industry had left one after another, Du Anran wrapped herself in a coat and walked out of the office building.

It was dark all over the place and there was no light at all. At this time, there was a light rain in the sky.

Du Anran stood downstairs and called for a taxi, ready to go to Xin Zimo.

She did not expect that it was the rush hour and traffic jam on the road. Du Anran called Xin Zimo, but he did not pick up.

Du Anran was a little puzzled. He should still be at Xin Zimo at this time.