Chapter 401, you owe me

She made a few phone calls, but no one picked up. At this time, there was a traffic jam on the road. Du Anran was in a dilemma.

The driver seemed to be used to it. He was neither too fast nor too slow. He listened to the radio broadcast and hummed a song leisurely.

On the other hand, Du Anran looked anxious. Could it be that Xin Zimo was really sick? Why didn't he pick up the phone.

The drizzle knocked on the car window. Du Anran was anxious, but there was nothing she could do. She could only pray that there was no more traffic jam.

Ten minutes later, the long motorcade began to move. The ten minutes had been a long time.

After passing through this bustling area, the Xin Corporation's building was not far away.

Du Anran saw the Xin Corporation's building through the window that was raining. Only then did she feel at ease. However, she was not sure if Xin Zimo was inside.

The driver sent her out of the building. Du Anran held an umbrella and walked into the building.

It was also the time when the Xin Corporation got off work. The employees were leaving one after another. Du Anran could only hide for a while.

She called Xin Zimo again, but still, no one picked up.

She went around to the CEO's elevator, intending to go up directly to look for him.

Perhaps she was too impatient and did not pay attention when she walked, so she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. " Du anran quickly apologized.

But in the next second, both of them were stunned. The person in front of them was Chi Xue with a big belly, and Chi Xue had an angry expression on her face.

Chi Xue was bumped by Du Anran, so she leaned against the wall and cried out, "ouch! ".

"Are you okay? " Du Anran asked.

She did not expect to meet Chi Xue here. Also, why was her child not born yet?

Chi Xue frowned. She held her stomach and her face was full of pain.

"Du Anran, you are so cruel... " Chi Xue's face was pale from the pain.

Du Anran saw that she was not pretending this time, so she walked over to help her up. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I would hit you. I'll call an ambulance for you. "

"You... do you want to kill me... do you want to take revenge... your child... It wasn't me who killed him... " Chi Xue's voice was weak, but it could not cover up her criticism of Du Anran.

Du Anran was originally dialing 120, but when she heard her words, her face immediately pulled down.

"Chi Xue, you don't need me to remind you of what you've done. I've tolerated you time and time again, but you've challenged my bottom line again and again. I don't think I have that kind heart anymore. You can fend for yourself! "

Du Anran put away her phone and no longer cared about Chi Xue.

She turned around to press the password at the elevator entrance, but Chi Xue was squatting on the ground, her face twitching. She grabbed du Anran's skirt with one hand. "Du Anran... you owe me... "

Du Anran moved her feet, but Chi Xue's grip was too tight. She could not move at all, so she squatted down and looked at Chi Xue's face She warned her word by word, "from the beginning to the end, you owe me. Don't think that the whole world is yours. Don't always act willfully! "

Du Anran went to Pry Chi Xue's hand away. Although Chi Xue held on tightly, she was still a pregnant woman. Du Anran used a little strength to pry her hand away.

The elevator door opened. Du Anran went in and glanced at Chi Xue who was lying on the ground.

Don't blame her for being ruthless. Chi Xue had done so many things to her. She could no longer be soft-hearted.

Chi Xue's child was still fine, but her child was long gone... ...

If it wasn't for Chi Xue, she would have been able to hold her child by now.

"Du Anran... " Chi Xue called her name.

But the elevator door closed. Du Anran only saw the red veins in her eyes. Then, there was only the bright elevator door left.

When they reached the 36th floor, Du Anran realized that it was pitch black, almost the same color as the sky outside.

"Is the secretary off work? Why isn't the light on? " Du Anran muttered softly.

When she reached his office, she knocked on the door symbolically. She did not expect him to be there.

"Come in. " His voice was Hoarse, and he sounded very tired.

Du Anran entered the password. Fortunately, his password had never been changed, so she knew it.

"Why isn't the light on? "

Du Anran saw that in the pitch-black office, only the cigarette on his finger was brightly lit. The entire office was filled with the smell of cigarette smoke. Du Anran could not help but cough lightly.

She went to turn on the lights and opened the window a little.

The office suddenly lit up. She saw Xin Zimo sitting in his chair. His eyes were gloomy, and there was an indescribable uneasiness in them. His eyes were cold, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

Du Anran had not seen him for many days. How did he make himself look like this.

"What's wrong with you? I called you, but you didn't pick up... ''DUu anran whispered.

Could it be related to Chi Xue? From the looks of it, Chi Xue seemed to have just come down from upstairs.

The office was silent for a few minutes before Xin zimo slowly said, "I'm fine. It's just that my head hurts a little. "

"I'll get old Zhan to pick you up. I'll go back with you, " Du Anran said to him.

"Let me be quiet for a while. "

"If you're willing to tell me, tell me what happened. I saw Chi Xue downstairs just now, " Du Anran said lightly.

In fact, Du Anran didn't know when he would be able to talk to her about everything. Although she didn't understand many things in the business circle, she could at least be a good listener.

"Is she okay? " Xin Zimo asked.

"Not really, " Du Anran said casually. "I accidentally bumped into her, and she lost her temper with me. I wanted to help her, but she got into a fight with me again. So, I ignored her. "

"Well, you don't have to care about her in the future. "

"Why should I care about her? I'm not a glutton. I only care about you. " Du Anran smiled.

Sure enough, Xin Zimo liked to hear good things. His gloomy face finally revealed a smile.

Seeing Xin zimo smile, Du Anran finally felt relieved. She did not immediately come to see him today, and she thought that he was angry again.

If it was in the past, he would have been angry long ago, but now it was different. They were married.

Du Anran knew that he wanted to live a good life with her for the rest of his life.

"Let's talk about it when we get back. Why don't we go to the restaurant for dinner? It's been a long time since we went out for dinner, " Du Anran said.

Xin Zimo then threw the cigarette in his hand into the Ashtray. He stood up and said, "you should go back and cook! "

"You don't like my cooking. " Du Anran was embarrassed.

She was a girl, and her cooking was not as good as his cooking. How embarrassing.

"When have you ever seen me dislike you? " Xin zimo hugged her waist and whispered in her ear.

"You often dislike me, okay? " Du Anran said angrily. At this moment, he had forgotten.

"Oh, yes, I have despised your poor kissing skills, right... " Xin Zimo lowered his head with an ambiguous look.

Du Anran cursed in her heart. Why did this person suddenly change his face? Wasn't he so depressed that she was worried? Now, he had become shameless.

However, before she could speak, Xin Zimo lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Du Anran did not even have the chance to struggle. Her entire body was in his arms. He held the back of her head with one hand and kissed her passionately.

He did not give her the chance to take the initiative, so du Anran could not respond to him, so he could only take what he wanted.

Just when he wanted to take a step further, du Anran immediately stopped him.

She pushed away his hands that were groping around. With a red face, she said, "this is your office. "

"There's a bedroom upstairs... " he looked at her innocently.

"What I mean is that we should go back! "

"You've been away from me for many days... "

Du Anran looked at his aggrieved face. Of course, she knew that she had been away from him for many days. In fact, it had not been long, at most a week It seemed that he had endured quite hard this week... ...

"then you should go back with me first. " Du Anran coaxed him like a child.

As expected, when he saw her, his nature was exposed. He was shameless and could do anything.

"Then promise me that you won't leave tonight. " Xin zimo pestered her.

Du Anran thought that he must be thinking about that kind of thing again since he had not seen her for so many days. She could only promise him with a red face, "I'll promise you. I'll call old Zhan now. "

"No need, I'll drive myself. "

Xin Zimo pulled her downstairs and soon, he brought her back to the villa on lake heart island.

"You haven't told me what's wrong with you? "

Du Anran saw that he did not have the usual expression on his face, so he was not lying to her.

"It's just that my head hurts a little, and then my lovesickness turned into illness, so I'm not feeling well, " Xin Zimo said seriously.

"When you're not serious. " Du Anran was displeased. "Then what's the meaning of sitting alone in the office with the lights off today? We agreed not to smoke, but in the end, you made the office a mess. "

"I'm just a little unhappy all of a sudden. It's nothing. "

"Why are you unhappy? Because of Chi Xue? " Du Anran continued to ask.

She wanted to see when he would completely open his heart to her.

Xin Zimo, who was taking off his coat, suddenly stopped in his tracks. He came in front of her with a serious look on his face, and then he burst into laughter.

"You know how to control me too, " he laughed.

At first, Du Anran thought that she had crossed his bottom line, but when she saw his heartless smile, she pushed him. "One of the duties of a wife is to control her husband. You should have thought of this when you registered with me. "

"I didn't say that I didn't want you to control me. In the future, you'll have to deal with those women who pounce on me. " Xin Zimo was still smiling.

"Can't you just not cause trouble for me? "

"I can't help it. It's natural to be good-looking. "

"YOU'RE NARCISSISTIC AGAIN! " Du Anran glared at him. "Then tell me, why are you unhappy? You're not a child. Why would you be unhappy over a few pieces of candy? "

Du Anran still did not let go of this problem. If it was in the past, if she was so stubborn, he would have long abandoned her.