Chapter 402, some matters of the heart

He was just like this, he didn't like others to bother him.

But now that she was his wife, would he still throw her away?

"There's something I haven't told you. " Xin Zimo's expression suddenly became more solemn.

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. was there anything else that he hadn't told her Was it a good thing or a bad thing?

In an instant, countless possibilities flashed through her mind. Was it about the DU family, the Xin family, or someone else?

Seeing that she did not speak, Xin Zimo relaxed again. The corners of his lips curled up slightly. "What did you think of? "

Du Anran saw that he was in a good mood to joke, so she said angrily, "Don't tell me you have a mistress? Or an illegitimate child? Or did you do something to let me down? "

"Du Anran, you really can think. " Xin Zimo shook his head.

"Then tell me, I want to hear the truth. If you really have a mistress, I'll immediately cut you. "

If she had not married him in the past, she would not have cared about him. But now that she was married to him, he had to be responsible, right.

"My wife, mistress, and lover, these three identities are all taken by you... " Xin Zimo lowered his head and smiled.

"Then tell me what it is about? "

"It has nothing to do with you. Of course, it has nothing to do with me. "

After hearing what he said, Du Anran thought for a while and said, "it has something to do with Chi Xue? "

When she saw Chi Xue's expression today, she really did not look right. She thought that it was because she bumped into her, but she did not expect that there was a reason.

"before we talk about this, let me explain to you about Xiao Mei. You even asked me today. "

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that you forced Xiao Mei to resign from Zhongye? "

"Do I need to force her? She voluntarily resigned from Zhongye because I said that the Xin Corporation could provide her with a better platform and space. " Xin zimo shrugged.

Du Anran immediately understood that Xin Zimo was a Fox!

Xiao Mei had a competitive personality, and she did not suspect that Xin Zimo had anything to do with her. Therefore, Xin Zimo's words were a huge temptation to Xiao Mei.

Du Anran immediately understood. No wonder Xiao Mei would resign from Zhongye without any scruples. She had never thought that Xin zimo would lie to her!

"So she didn't suspect anything at all? " Du Anran asked curiously.

Xiao Mei was not the kind of student who had just graduated. She still had some social experience.

"If it were you, would you doubt me? " Xin zimo despised Du Anran's iq.

Du Anran thought about it and agreed. It was indeed very tempting for the President of the Xin Corporation to say such words. If it were her, she would probably be very happy to resign from her job.

"Then do you really plan to let Xiao Mei Join Xin Corporation? "

"Du Anran, I'm only responsible for rescuing you from your misery. As for the lives of others, I don't care. Do you think Xiao Mei is qualified to join the Xin Corporation? "

Du Anran smiled. "Hubby, why are you so smart? "

"I love hearing you praise me. " Xin Zimo smiled and held her head.

"Then it's time for you to explain what happened today. "

"Xiao Mei's matter is not completely unrelated to what happened today. Chi Xue came to my office today. You must know her purpose. She just wants to repeat those words. "

"I know. She's like Xianglin's wife now. "

Once or twice, Du Anran would be jealous. If there were more, even du Anran would be numb to it. Xin Zimo probably lost his patience long ago.

"I've warned her many times in the past, and Sun Ping especially went to warn her. It seems like it's useless. She came to my office today and made a big fuss. She accidentally let slip that she knows Xiao Mei, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

Du Anran's face showed surprise. So Xiao Mei and Chi Xue were related.

"I asked her again and again. She said that she didn't know Xiao Mei before. One time, she went to Zhongye and they met, " Xin Zimo said. "You know what happened in Zhongye later. "

"Chi Xue didn't tell Xiao Mei that you know me? " Du Anran asked.

"Chi Xue doesn't need to say that. "

"That's right. " Du Anran thought for a while. "Chi Xue came to Zhongye to make trouble and said that I stole her husband. If she said that you know me, the lie would be exposed. "

"I'm afraid that Xiao Mei isn't just making up rumors about you and stealing your information. " Xin Zimo fell into deep thought.

"We'll discuss this later. You tell me about Chi Xue in your office first. " Du Anran's brain wasn't enough.

When Xin Zimo saw her worried face, he immediately smiled. "You're really cooperating with me, using your stupidity to highlight my intelligence. "

Du Anran glared at him. "If you praise yourself for being smart in front of others, aren't you afraid that others will beat you up? "

"I've always kept a low profile in front of others. Besides, you're not someone else. " Xin zimo smiled at her dotingly.

"If you say I'm stupid again, I'll beat you up... "

"Can you beat me up? "


Looking at Du Anran's stunned expression, xin Zimo continued, "they probably argued for a long time in my office. I didn't order people to take her away because she was pregnant. I let her leave by herself, but in the end, she became even more noisy. "

"What were you arguing about? " Du Anran was curious. "Do you know how to argue? "

She had seen Chi Xue and Cui Hao argue. She never believed that a girl like Chi Xue could argue like a shrew. So, she was quite curious. How could Xin Zimo argue better than Chi Xue?

"It's not a problem to discuss business with men, but I'm really not good at arguing with women. Of course, I'm not good at arguing with you. "

Du Anran heard this and made fun of her again. She pouted. "I was letting you win! "

"Okay, okay, you gave in to me... " Xin zimo looked doting.

"continue... " Du Anran looked like she was moving a stool to watch the show.

"continue what... of course, I can't argue with Chi Xue. Besides, she said something that made me very angry. "

"What? " Du Anran was excited. "What can make you very angry? Is it related to me? "

"other than being related to you, what else can make me very angry? "

"Then, should I thank you? It means that I have a lot of weight in your heart. " Du Anran was secretly happy.

"You just have to treat me better in the future. "

"Then I'm curious. What did Chi Xue say to you? Tell me about it. Let me see how angry you are. " Du Anran did not mind the fuss.

"Didn't we agree that you would cook? " Xin zimo raised his eyebrows.

"Sure, I'll listen to you while I cook. "

Du Anran did not lose out in cooking. Anyway, there were all the dishes in the kitchen. She could simply stir-fry them as long as he did not find them unpalatable. Of course, she already despised herself before she even started cooking.

When they reached the kitchen, Xin Zimo did not throw away his responsibilities. He cooked with her, and most of the time, she was the assistant while he was cooking.

Du anran suddenly felt like an ordinary couple. It seemed like Xin Zimo was right to pull her to get married. Otherwise, if she did not take this step, she would never know that the gap between them could be bridged.

He was doing his best, and she could do her best.

"Chi Xue said that you are a heartless woman. I have hurt you so much, and you will never return to my side. Even if you do, you will leave me one day, " Xin Zimo said in a calm tone His eyes were gloomy again.

He did not want to hear anyone say that Du Anran would leave him. She would not.

Du Anran laughed without a care in the world. "Are you not confident in me or yourself? "

"To be honest, I am really scared. So, her words have pierced into my heart and made me lose control. "

Du Anran's heart suddenly hurt like needles.

She still remembered when she was in London and at Westin restaurant. Many, many times, he hugged her and said "don't leave me" over and over again... ...

Du anran's nose turned sour, her eyes became hot, and tears almost fell from her eyes.

She walked over and hugged him from behind. "I won't... I won't leave you in the future... we'll be good in the future. "

She rested her head on his shoulder, and he reached out to hold her cold hand.

There was finally a knowing smile on his lips. He rarely lost control, but almost every time, it was because of Du Anran.

So, today, when Chi Xue casually said a few words, he could no longer control himself.

He knew that he cared too much about her.

"And you keep calling me stupid. " Du Anran suddenly laughed, her voice choked with sobs. "actually, you're more stupid than me. Chi Xue only said one sentence, and you could lose control. I really thought that you were the all-powerful Xin Zimo who wasn't afraid of anything. "

"So, I can forgive you for leaving me back then. You are indeed my weak spot. I think that if someone used you to threaten me, I would really agree to anything if there was nothing I could do. "

"I have already seen it, so I left you back then. It was Sun Ping's idea, and it was also my own idea. "

"But without you, my entire world would be meaningless, and I myself would be like a walking corpse. "Therefore, no matter what price I have to pay, even with my life, I will not allow you to leave. " Xin Zimo's words were filled with determination.

"I won't, never. " Du Anran leaned against his back.

The haze on Xin Zimo's face from that day had finally disappeared. Only she could mess up his heart and panic his mind.

Soon, Xin zimo prepared dinner.

They sat together and chatted as they ate.

Du Anran asked again, "then tell me, why is Chi Xue angry? She angered you. Aren't you the one who's angry? "

Xin Zimo shook his head bitterly. "I was really angry to the point that my heart felt stifled. In the end, I accidentally revealed a secret. "

"secret? Xin Zimo, you still have a secret to hide from me? "

" ... " Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines. A woman's focus was really strange. Shouldn't her first reaction be "what secret? ".

"AHEM. " Xin zimo coughed lightly. "This secret has nothing to do with you and nothing to do with me, so I didn't plan to tell you. I was afraid that your little brain wouldn't be able to figure it out. "