Chapter 403, be good

"An excuse! You're obviously hiding something from me and not being honest enough, yet you still make it sound so dignified. " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you angry? " Xin Zimo came up to her.

"Yes, I'm angry. " Du Anran took two mouthfuls of white rice without raising her head.

"I like to see you angry, which means you care about me, right? " Xin Zimo had a wicked smile on his face.

"..."A row of crows flew over du Anran's head. How could this person be so shameless.

"actually, I didn't mean to hide this secret from you. I just thought that the fewer people who know about it, the better, " Xin Zimo said. "If Chi Xue hadn't forced me into a corner today, I think I would have kept this secret for the rest of my life. It's just that... "

Xin zimo shrugged helplessly. Du Anran thought that Chi Xue had really angered Xin Zimo this time.

"What secret is it? " Du Anran asked curiously.

"Chi Xue has always wanted to marry into the Xin family. Do you think that she really drank too much to have a one-night stand with Cui Hao? " Xin Zimo asked.

Du Anran thought for a few seconds and suddenly came to a realization. "Are you saying that it wasn't an accident, that it was intentional? "

"That's what I mean, " Xin Zimo said.

"could it be that you drugged Chi Xue? " Du Anran blinked.

"Am I that despicable? " Xin Zimo said angrily.

"Yes... you forgot what happened at Moonlight restaurant. You Drugged Wan Wan and Shao Nan back then. " Du Anran pouted ...

"Oh... " Xin zimo admitted defeat. He remembered that he had indeed done such a thing. It was really a stain on his life. He was afraid that he would be caught by Du Anran for the rest of his life.

"fortunately, you didn't make a big mistake at that time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have seen Wan with your secretary, Sun Ping, today, " Du Anran gloated. She liked to see Xin zimo suffer.

"Your memory isn't bad, " Xin zimo muttered.

"Then tell me, what exactly is going on with Chi Xue? "

"My mother drugged Chi Xue and made her lose control, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

Du Anran was shocked again. Xin Zimo had given her too many surprises today. Especially this secret. She could not connect the drugging to her mother.

If it was said that her mother drugged someone else, she would not be so shocked. It was just that her mother drugged Chi Xue Hadn't she always doted on Chi Xue?

Du Anran asked Xin Zimo, "your mother drugged Chi Xue, did she want her to be with you? In the end, by chance, Chi Xue had a one-night stand with Cui Hao? "

"No, at that time, my mother no longer had the intention to let Chi Xue marry me. In my mother's eyes, Chi Xue was the same as you, with nothing. It was just that my mother had always given Chi Xue many opportunities to get close to me on account of the Chi family's kindness to the Xin family. But as you know, I was not moved by Chi Xue at all. So, my mother simply used this method to cut off Chi Xue's relationship with me."

Xin zimo calmly recounted the events of his mother's birthday clearly appeared in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, a year had passed.

Du Anran did not know why, but there was a trace of fear in her heart.

Chi Xue was a benefactor to the Xin family. If Mother Xin was like this, then what about her? Mother Xin hated the DU family to the bone.

Xin Zimo immediately saw the worry in Du Anran's eyes. He quickly grabbed her waist. "We are different. Even if we don't have a marriage certificate now, I will do my best to protect you. "

"But you won't look at me all day and all night... " Du Anran lowered her head.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me, " Xin Zimo said. "trust me to resolve it. "

"I trust you. "

"It's good that you trust me. I'm really afraid that you'll feel that there's a gap between us again because of these things, " Xin zimo sighed.

"your mother is truly ruthless. " Du Anran also sighed.

Back then, Xin Zimo's mother was so good to Chi Xue that she had no choice but to raise Chi Xue as her daughter-in-law. In the end, she still gritted her teeth and threw Chi Xue aside.

"I won't let the same kind of things happen to you. " Xin Zimo was resolute and unquestionable.

"Then can I rest easy? "

"Yes, you just need to continue to care for me and love me. Of course, it's even better if you give birth to a little bun for me. " Xin zimo lowered his head and smiled.

"after a few words, you're no longer serious. " Du Anran said, "and then, how did Chi Xue react? "

"She didn't look well, and then she looked like she had a serious illness. I admit that I planned to hide this matter from her for the rest of my life, but today, she crossed my bottom line. I don't like people threatening me and threatening me. "

"then she left? And then I happened to run into her? "

"Yes, she didn't say a word. I used to treat her as my sister, but she never cherished her. I admit that I was a little selfish when I said this today, but I don't regret it. "

"This isn't selfishness. You're just like me, you've been enduring her for a long time... "

"especially when I think of that child... " Xin Zimo's voice suddenly choked.

"Don't feel bad... " Du Anran comforted him, "we'll still have children in the future. We're still young, aren't we? "

"Are you serious? " Hope immediately flashed in Xin Zimo's eyes.

Du Anran saw his reaction and knew that she had let the cat out of the bag. He might torture her later at night.

"It's fake! " Du Anran immediately changed her words.

"I heard it all. You said you wanted to give me a child. " Xin Zimo was unwilling to let it go.

"I didn't say anything. You heard wrong. "

"That's impossible. I can repeat it... "

Du Anran wanted to bury her face in the hole. Without waiting for Xin Zimo to speak, she picked up a mouthful of vegetables and put it in his mouth. "Eat! If you don't eat, the vegetables will get cold! "

Xin Zimo's face was full of evil smiles, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

They would definitely be fine in the future, very happy and blissful... ...

However, to Du Anran's surprise, that night, Xin Zimo just quietly hugged her. His hands were also well-behaved, and he did not do anything. He just hugged her.

His face was full of enjoyment. Du anran leaned against his chest and felt the warmth. She also used her small hands to hug his waist.

"We'll discuss the matter of giving birth to a son later. Today, let me quietly hug you. It's been a long time since I've hugged you like this... " Xin Zimo was very satisfied.

"I still like you to hold me. " Du Anran was afraid of him. Every time she was tortured, she could not get out of bed.

"This is not good. " Xin Zimo immediately frowned. "You have to feel sorry for me... "

"SLEEP! " Du Anran did not want to discuss inappropriate topics with animals anymore.

If he was too excited to sleep and did not just want to hold her anymore, she would be in trouble.

That night, both of them slept very peacefully.

Xin Zimo's face had a satisfied smile, while Du Anran felt a sense of belonging in her heart.

In order to not let the outside world disturb them, Xin Zimo had secretly turned off his cell phone and Du Anran's cell phone. If du Anran was late the next day, he would take full responsibility.

If du Anran was fired by Zhongye, that would be the best.

Of course, without any interruption, the two of them slept until nine o'clock in the morning.

Xin Zimo was used to waking up at five o'clock, but he was particularly reluctant to part with this stability, so he hugged du Anran and tried to continue sleeping.

He did not expect to fall asleep again.

In the end, he was woken up by Du Anran's scream.

"Why is it almost ten o'clock! Why is my alarm clock broken again! " Du Anran immediately sat up from the bed.

She randomly looked for clothes, but it was Xin Zimo who rubbed his eyes and looked calm. "Anyway, I'm late, why don't I sleep a little more... "

"SLEEP YOUR HEAD! " Du Anran put on her clothes in a panic. "It's over, it's over, I'm going to be scolded by President Feng again... "

"Feng Jing always scolds you? "

"No, no, I've taken so many days off recently, and now I'm late again. How can I still look like I have a job? Not to mention President Feng, even I feel bad about it. "

"Then do you want to come to work at the Xin Corporation? "

"No! " Du Anran refused decisively. She went to the Xin Corporation like a canary and was raised by him in the office.

"Tch. " Xin Zimo said in disdain, "other people are trying their best to get in, but they still can't. "

"They're squeezing them. I'm fine in Zhongye. " Du Anran put on her clothes.

Xin Zimo suddenly pulled her hard and pulled her back onto the bed. Du Anran was caught off guard and fell on his chest.

He hugged her from behind and DU anran quickly said, "stop fooling around. I'm going to work... to earn money to support you... "

Xin zimo burst into laughter. "Feed yourself first. "

"Let go of me! When I rush to Zhongye, everyone will be having lunch! "

"Then don't go. Take a leave and say that you're not feeling well. "

"I don't like lying. "

"And I don't like lying. When I was determined to leave me, my acting skills fooled me! " Xin zimo tickled her.

Du Anran was tickled by his tickling and got into a mess with him.

"Why are you still remembering those things? HURRY UP AND FORGET ABOUT IT! " Du Anran said.

"No, I have to remember. Those things remind me to treat you well for the rest of my life. " Xin Zimo's eyes were full of affection.

Du Anran was touched by him when she woke up early in the morning. However, this could not save the fact that she was already late.

"Let go of me quickly. Let me take a look at my phone. I think the call went crazy again! "

Du Anran had actually guessed that Xin Zimo had turned off her phone and alarm clock. However, because of this, she slept very peacefully last night.

She hid in his arms last night, just like a kitten. She felt endless peace of mind.

She turned on her phone and threw Xin Zimo's to him. "You're a busy person. How dare you turn off your phone? ''

"nothing is more important than sleep... " Xin Zimo narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

Du Anran quickly put on her slippers and ran out of the bedroom. Why did she see a dangerous message in Xin ZIMO'S EYES!

She quickly washed up, put on her clothes, and ate breakfast. When she was about to go out, she saw that Xin Zimo had also gotten up and was standing by the window, making a phone call.

"What did you say? ''Xinn zimo's voice was a little loud.

Du Anran stopped in her tracks and stared at him.

"DYSTOCIA? " Xin Zimo's eyes flashed with a dark depth.

Du Anran was also stunned. Dystocia She immediately thought of Chi Xue.