Chapter 407, saving a life

The young nurse said as she walked, "blood type is really too rare, and it just happens to be postpartum hemorrhage... "

Cui Hao knew that now was not a matter of face, but a matter of Chi Xue's life. His brother had not sent him a message to rest, so he had to brace himself and call Du Anran first.

It was already 7:30 in the morning. The morning light and fog made everything look so beautiful.

When du Anran woke up, Xin zimo had not left yet. He had been maintaining a posture, letting her pillow and hug him.

When du Anran opened her eyes, Xin Zimo was resting with his eyes closed. She moved slightly and he opened his eyes.

"You're awake? " Xin Zimo looked at her and reached out to touch her face.

His hand was warm and comfortable. Du Anran raised her Chin and looked at him. "Have you not slept all this time? "

"No, I slept well. "

Du Anran knew that he was lying the moment she heard him. He did not look like he had slept at all. In other words, he did not sleep well.

He did not want her to worry. She blinked. "What time is it? Aren't you going to the Xin Group? "

He smiled. "No rush. Sun Ping is back now anyway. I can leave the matter to him. "

"Aren't you afraid that Sun Ping will really leave you one day? Or that he will really betray you? When that time comes, you will cry, " Du Anran joked.

"I wouldn't believe it if it were anyone else, but Sun Ping won't. Look, he is now married to your good friend. How would he dare to betray the Xin family? "

"I don't understand your logic. "

"What I mean is, if he dares to betray the Xin family, he won't have a peaceful life when he returns home. "

"then you, as the CEO, will have nothing to do. "

"I just got married, it can't be that I don't have any marriage leave, right? "

"You still want a marriage leave? Be careful of the uprising of your Xin Corporation! " Du Anran giggled.

Du Anran looked at the clock. It was still early for work, and the bad mood from yesterday had all dissipated early in the morning. She couldn't help but have a few more words with Xin Zimo on the bed.

As they were talking, Cui Hao's phone call just happened to come in.

Du Anran didn't save Cui Hao's phone number. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she was puzzled for a moment and answered it.

"Hello, how are you? " Du Anran's tone was very professional.

"Miss Du, I'm Cui Hao. I have something to ask of you... " Cui Hao was like an ant on a hot pot.

Du anran recognized Cui Hao's voice, and she immediately frowned. "It's you. Why are you looking for me? "

Xin Zimo was very close to Du Anran, and he also recognized Cui Hao's voice. Cui Hao was looking for du Anran early in the morning?

"It's like this. Chi Xue suddenly suffered a massive hemorrhage after giving birth this morning, and her life is in danger. You should know that she has RH negative blood, which is a rare blood type. The hospital found out that you also have this blood type, so... " as he said the last part.. Cui Hao's voice lowered.

Du Anran didn't wait for him to finish speaking before she understood. Chi Xue suffered a massive hemorrhage, and she needed to donate blood!

Some unpleasant memories suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and Du Anran's hand that was holding the phone stopped.

"Miss Du... Hello, Miss Du... Are you listening? " Cui Hao was very anxious on the other end.

Du Anran didn't know what to say. She donated blood to Chi Xue Heh, did she really think that she was the savior?

Who would come to save her child... ...

"Miss Du... " Cui Hao's voice was still ringing from the other end.

Cui Hao was really anxious, and Du Anran did not speak. He could not understand the situation at all. However, if it were him, he probably would not be willing!

"Miss Du, I implore you to save Chi Xue's life. This kind of blood is hard to find. Chi Xue is now on the operating table in a life worse than death. She already knows that she was wrong, so you should be kind... " Cui Hao said.

Du Anran did not speak, and the air around her seemed to have frozen.

Xin Zimo heard everything. He saw the dazed look on du Anran's face. He snatched Du Anran's phone and said to the other end of the phone, "you better think of a way yourself! In the future, before you make a phone call, you should first go through what you want to say in your mind! "

He could not bear to see du Anran in pain. When she was in pain, his heart felt as if it had been cut by a knife.

Without waiting for Cui Hao to speak again, Xin Zimo hung up the phone.

"ANRAN! " Xin zimo hugged her. Seeing her dejected look, he knew that she was reminded of something unhappy.

He hugged her so tightly that he could even feel her body trembling.

"Don't think about this anymore. Whether Chi Xue lives or dies has nothing to do with you. "

Xin Zimo also made up his mind. He would not allow anyone to hurt du Anran, even if that person was his mother, Chi Xue.

"I thought you would blame me for being ruthless... " Du Anran finally spoke.

Her throat was choked with sobs. This feeling of wanting to cry but not being able to do so was very uncomfortable. It was not that she was born with a bad heart. It was just that she really could not sympathize with Chi Xue anymore.

"Anran, why would I blame you for being ruthless? I'm afraid that you're thinking about the past. In the past, I've let you down. "

He still remembered that he had forced Du Anran to donate blood to Chi Xue. Although they were the ones who had injured Chi Xue at that time, his words were a little intense after all, and he had even attacked her.

When he thought of those things, he was very regretful, but after all, there was no medicine for regret in this world.

"There's no need to mention the past anymore... " Du Anran's voice was very faint.

She frowned slightly. Her heart was a little painful, but the past was in the past. They had agreed that they would live a good life in the future... ...

Although he had let her down in the past, she had seen everything he had done for her. She believed in him and believed that he would give her a happy future in the future... ...

They had agreed that they would not be separated.

"anran... " he called her name and held her in his arms.

After Cui Hao was hung up the phone, he became even more like an ant on a hot pan. However, his brother didn't move at all. The hospital didn't seem to have found a suitable blood source. Everything was at a point where there was nothing they could do.

Cui Hao wanted to throw a Tantrum, but he knew that now was not the time to throw a Tantrum.

He had no choice but to call his brother again and again. "Any news? "

"brother Cui, please wait a little longer. I've already sent more people to look for it. "

"Wait a little longer. How much longer do we have to wait? "

"Brother Cui, this type of blood type is really hard to find... "

"stop talking nonsense and look for it for me! If you can't find it today, don't bother me in the future! " Cui Hao could only vent his anger on them.

"Yes, yes, brother Cui. Please calm down. We are already making good use of our time. "

"Stop Talking Nonsense! " Cui Hao hung up the phone.

He secretly cursed, "all of you are useless. " His entire being was abnormally dispirited.

"Mr. Cui, the patient needs an immediate blood transfusion! Otherwise, his life will be in danger! Please sign your name. "

A young nurse walked out of the operating theater and handed a piece of paper to Cui Hao.

Cui Hao was in a bad mood. What did this mean Chi Xue could only wait for death?

"shouldn't it be your hospital's business to look for the blood source? Now that such a big thing has happened, does your hospital not have any preparation at all? Let me tell you, if anything happens to Chi Xue, all of you will be buried together with her! " Cui Hao was also anxious He did not know what to say for a moment.

"Mr. Cui, no matter which hospital it is, forget about rare blood types, even common blood types may be in short supply. So, please forgive us. We will do our best, " said the young nurse.

Although she did not know the background of the Cui family, she could tell that they were either rich or noble after seeing so many servants yesterday.

"Don't talk to me like that. I only have one sentence. If you can't save Chi Xue's life, all of you will have to exchange your lives! "

Cui Hao took the paper from the young nurse's hand and quickly signed his name.

The young nurse did not dare to say anything more and immediately ran into the operating theater.

Cui Hao did not know what kind of situation Chi Xue was in now. Was She just waiting for life-saving blood. However, the blood type was too rare. What should he do... ...

Soon, his cell phone rang again. When he saw that it was his brother's phone, he quickly picked it up.

"Any news? " Cui Hao asked anxiously.

"brother Cui, there's no other way. We've searched the black market, but there's no match at all. "

"Then why are you calling me? Are you courting death? " Cui Hao gritted his teeth. Suddenly, it was as if someone poured a bucket of cold water on him.

"No, no, no, brother Cui, listen to me. We have a few names in our hands now. It's said that it's this type of blood, but we're not sure yet. As for the specifics, you have to decide. "

"decide what? Why not just capture them and give them money? " Cui Hao said angrily.

"brother Cui, don't be anxious. Listen to me slowly. These people are a distance away from the hospital. I am afraid that they will not be able to make it in a short time. But you know the nearest one... "

"Du Anran, right? If I can deal with Du Anran, I don't need to waste my time here with you! " They were all talking nonsense!

"You have tried? "

"TRY SAYING MORE NONSENSE! " Cui Hao said angrily.

"Yes, yes. But du Anran's place is the fastest and safest. I think it's best if we can make a prompt decision! "

"I'll just tie Du Anran up, but have you F * Cking forgotten whose woman she is? ''CuiiHaoo was like a bloodthirsty lion.

The person on the other end of the line was stunned and immediately remembered. He could only say submissively, "brother Cui, this is a shortcut... I heard that Du Anran works in Zhongye. Xin Zimo won't always follow her. Do you want me to help you scout the way? "

Cui Hao rolled his eyes. It was not impossible. Even if Xin Zimo knew about it, using Du Anran's blood to save Chi Xue was just using his woman's blood to save his sister. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Therefore, Cui Hao tacitly agreed. He paused for a few seconds and said, "Go and do it. You must use the fastest speed possible! "

"Sigh, definitely. "

The other end of the line hung up. Cui Hao was still trying to think of a way. He couldn't count on Du Anran alone. Besides, he might not be able to count on her!

Du Anran had always been carried by Xin Zimo, and she didn't want to go to work anymore. She just wanted to quietly lean against him, but she was suddenly afraid to walk out.

"Can you stay with me... " Du Anran said.

"I'll stay with you, and I'll help you apply for leave. You can sleep in peace, and I won't leave. " Xin zimo caressed her hair and comforted her softly.

The only thing he could do now was to help her slowly forget everything in the past.