Chapter 408, she was taken away

Du Anran nodded gently. She leaned against his chest and quietly closed her eyes. Her hands were hugging his waist tightly, afraid that if she let go, he would also leave... ...

She tried to sleep again. It was said that sleep was the best tonic. Perhaps after a night of sleep, there would be no more worries.

There was still him, she did not need to worry... ...

It was probably because his chest was very warm. Slowly, she fell asleep. She dreamed of her family's Blue Flower Jacaranda. Spring had arrived, and the blue flowers bloomed into a tree.

That was her favorite color, like the sky, like the ocean, and also like a dream... ...

She still remembered the words of the Blue Jacaranda: Wait for love in despair.

She stood under the tree just like that. When the wind blew, the light petals floated all over her body. They fell on her hair, on her shoulders, and even on her skirt... ...

Xin Zimo had already planned to give up his work today. He had to accompany Du Anran today.

She felt bad, and so did he.

But not long after, he received a phone call. The phone call said that the an yuan project was on fire and was in imminent danger.

Xin Zimo suspected that there was a trap. The an yuan project had always been managed by Sun Ping. Why was it that the person who called him was a small person in charge whom he had never met before.

Therefore, he called Sun Ping again. Coincidentally, Sun Ping did not pick up.

This matter was of great importance, but he could not rest assured about du Anran. He could only continue to call the rest of the Xin family.

For some reason, no one picked up the phone. Could it be that something really happened to the an yuan project and everyone was too busy to pick up the phone?

Xin Zimo had always been cautious. He would never let go of a possibility.

The an yuan project was also the most important part of him. If this project really caught fire, how would he explain it to Du Anran!

He could only gently put du Anran on the bed. He planned to personally go and take a look. He would only feel at ease if he saw it with his own eyes.

However, he was also afraid that something would happen to Du Anran. He closed the doors and windows, and only heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no mistakes.

After doing all this, he went downstairs in peace.

Along the way, he called Sun Ping a few more times, but similarly, no one picked up.

What's going on... ... His brows furrowed. How could Sun Ping not pick up his calls ? Did something really happen to the an Yuan Project ? ?

Thinking of this, he could not help but step on the gas pedal and rush in the direction of an yuan.

On the way, he was worried about Du Anran again. He was afraid that no one would make breakfast for her when she woke up later. Thinking of this, he hurriedly called old Zhan again, intending to get old Zhan to send Alu over.

He knew that Du Anran had a good relationship with Alu, and with Alu here, he could be at ease.

But strangely, old Zhan did not pick up his call.

This was impossible... ... Old Zhan usually had nothing to do, and was always available. There was no way he would not pick up his call ...

Suddenly, Xin Zimo stepped on the brake, and his eyes suddenly turned cold. He had fallen into a trap!

Rustle Rustle Rustle Rustle... ... someone was targeting Du Anran ! !

No wonder he could not get through to her on the phone. This person was really capable, even blocking his cell phone signal Since this person had this kind of ability and was targeting Du Anran, then there was probably no one else.

Xin Zimo immediately turned the car around and drove back. This person must be Cui Hao!

He couldn't let du Anran suffer any more. He would never force her to do something she wasn't willing to do.

Since du Anran wasn't willing to donate blood to Chi Xue, then he would definitely not agree. Therefore, Cui Hao couldn't use this kind of method to force Du Anran.

He asked himself in his heart. He had already shown the utmost mercy to Chi Xue. It was Chi Xue who didn't know how to cherish it. Du Anran was not at fault, and neither was their child.

He bit his lips and stepped on the gas pedal with all his might. He ran a few traffic lights in succession. His heart kept thumping. He could only pray that Du Anran was fine.

But what he was worried about came true. When he rushed to Du Anran's place, the door had already been opened.

"Cui Hao, you really dare! " Xin zimo gritted his teeth and punched the wall.

There were not many signs of struggle in the room. When he thought about how these people had taken du Anran away to draw blood, his heart burned with anger.

Without any hesitation, he immediately headed downstairs.

However, the cell phone signal was blocked. Xin zimo cursed in a low voice and could only step on the gas pedal to drive to the hospital.

When du Anran was taken away, she was in a deep sleep. She was still immersed in a dream. When she finally calmed down, she didn't expect the door to be opened.

She reached out and wanted to hug Xin Zimo, but she realized that Xin Zimo was already there.

When she opened her eyes, someone knocked her out and took her away.

She was in a daze and had a terrible headache. She wanted to throw up, but it was as if she was trapped in a sealed space. She could not throw up, and even her breathing was not smooth.

She wanted to struggle, but she was tied up with a rope and could not move at all.

Was She dreaming She thought that this would never happen again in her life, but now, why was it... ...

She had nothing to do with the people in the past, so who was attacking her.

She tried her best to clear her head, but the people around her did not say a word. The only thing she could sense was that she was in a car.

Moreover, the car was driving very fast. She was tied up by the seatbelt and could not move, but there would not be any accidents.

Where was she going... ...

She could still have a good sleep in the morning and have a good dream. Why did everything suddenly change? !

Du Anran did not know how long it had been, but she felt completely exhausted. It was as if she was suffering from a serious illness. Her whole body was in pain.

The driver did not care about her feelings at all. He just drove forward. Her stomach was constantly churning, and her mouth was filled with a bitter and sweet taste.

Finally, the car braked and stopped.

Du anran heard the noise outside the car window. Finally, someone said, "big brother, untie the rope for her. There are too many people here. "

"Yes, of course, we have to untie her. We'll go up the path later. SISTER-IN-LAW IS WAITING FOR HELP! "

Du Anran's head was about to explode, but a few key words still popped into her mind... ...

Soon, she heard the sound of an ambulance again, and she was even more certain of her thoughts.

This was a hospital!

This group of people must be Cui Hao's people. She didn't agree to come over, so they used such a despicable method to tie her up. They were really going all out!

Not long after, the rope on her body was untied, but the black cloth covering her eyes had not been untied. She felt that they were really unnecessary. There was no need to cover her eyes with a black cloth.

Right now, there was no one else besides Chi Xue who needed blood urgently!

"Big Brother, is that all? " Someone asked.

Du Anran's eyes and mouth were still covered. She could not see or speak. Her stomach was still very uncomfortable. She felt like she was about to collapse.

"that's all for now. Send her up. DoN'T DELAY SISTER-IN-LAW'S TREATMENT! " Someone said.

Du Anran struggled. The Group of people with great strength immediately held her down and did not let her move.

The car door was opened. They carried Du Anran and walked in from a claustrophobic stairway.

Du Anran's legs were weak. The speed of their car just now was as if they were risking their lives!

Although du Anran knew that her life was not in danger when she came to the hospital, and Cui Hao did not dare to do anything to her, she was unwilling to donate blood to Chi Xue in the beginning. Now that they had used such despicable methods, she was even more unwilling!

However, this group of people did not care about Du Anran's wishes. They brought Du Anran upstairs.

She wanted to shout but could not make a sound. She could not run even if she wanted to. She could only resign herself to fate.

When Xin Zimo arrived at the hospital, he parked the car outside the hospital. He opened the car door and quickly ran over.

He had already seen Du Anran. She was held up by someone and couldn't move.

It was as if he had been slapped hard. He rushed over crazily and threw the few people to the ground.

At first, the few people didn't see that it was Xin Zimo. They even fought with him. Xin Zimo didn't show any mercy at all. Every punch hit their vitals.

Du Anran's heart jumped when she heard that. She could feel that it was Xin Zimo. With him around, her heart was finally at ease.

However, she did not know how ruthless Xin Zimo was. She could imagine the tragic scene from the side.

The few people let out wails. Du Anran was so scared that she quickly jumped to the side.

"CEO Xin, please show mercy... " The few people began to beg for mercy.

Xin Zimo did not care about their begging. They were really ambitious. They dared to take du Anran away and even tampered with his cell phone signal.

Xin Zimo was still not satisfied with his punches and kicks.

These few people finally knew how much weight Du Anran had in Xin Zimo's heart. They were beaten until they could not get up. They hugged their heads and lay on the ground begging for mercy.

"President Xin... we also think that saving a life is better than building a seven-storied pagoda... " these people were still shouting ...

"Do you think it's better if I beat you all to death or you all die? " Xin Zimo said coldly.

He could not bear to see Du Anran get hurt. If anyone dared to touch du Anran, he would make them suffer a fate worse than death.

"President Xin... PLEASE SPARE US! " These people knew Xin Zimo's temper. "We also have no choice... "

If they captured Du Anran, she would die in Xin Zimo's hands. If they did not capture Du Anran, she would die in Cui Hao's hands. They had no way out. They had no choice!

These few people were already bruised and swollen. They were no match for Xin Zimo. Furthermore, Xin Zimo was like an angry lion!

"Don't blame them. I asked them to invite Miss Du! "

At this moment, a person appeared at the stairway.

Du Anran heard the voice and knew it was Cui Hao. She did not expect Cui Hao to appear.

Xin Zimo's anger had not subsided, but he did not attack again. He went forward and untied the cloth on Du Anran's eyes and mouth. When he saw that she was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief.

However, his heart still ached when he saw the deep marks on her hands.

"Are you alright? " Xin Zimo asked.

He did not want to care about Cui Hao at all. He would take du Anran away now.