Chapter 417, I'm going to expel you

The nurse was so anxious that she shouted from behind, "Mr. Cui, what about the child? "

"Take Care of it for me! " Cui Hao said.

He was depressed and depressed. In fact, he was not happy at all after he got married. At first, he tried to love Chi Xue, but it turned out that he also fell in love with her.

But now, Chi Xue was more and more disappointing to him. He even doubted if he made the wrong decision to get married... ...

When he was restless, he lit a cigarette. He really wanted to return to the carefree life of the past. He called out to his friends, and a few of his brothers went out to drink and play.

Now, they were still playing well, but he was the only one who seemed to be shackled.

He drove his BMW and left the hospital. He was in a bad mood now, so he planned to go and play with his brothers.

It was not that he was irresponsible, but he was already powerless.

The Sky gradually turned dark, and the whistling autumn wind blew tirelessly, blowing up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Feng Jing's plane flew to city a at five o'clock in the evening. He stayed in city t for half a month.

When he arrived at Zhongye, they had not finished work yet. As a result, he was the first to run into Du Anran's office to ask if there had been any major events recently. Only then did he realize that Du Anran was not in the office at all.

He looked at his watch. It was not time to get off work yet!

Where was Du Anran?

She went to see a client She went to buy something Feng Jing had no choice but to return to his office first.

However, the next day, just like before, Du Anran was still not in the office!

Only then did Feng Jing get angry. In the half a month that he was not in Zhongye, Du Anran had also learned to slack off Then, he had given her so many tasks, could it be that she did not do any of them!

So, he began to call Du Anran desperately. Sorry, the subscriber you have dialed is turned off, please call again later.

Turned off?

Feng Jing called a few more times, but it was still the same mechanical tone.

What's going on? Could it be that something happened?

Feng Jing felt a chill run down his spine, could it be... ...

Actually, Du Anran was still sleeping in the villa on Huxin Island, and her phone had been forcefully turned off by Xin Zimo. She did not go to Zhongye yesterday. Xin Zimo said that he would find her an assistant to finish all the work, so there was no need for her to go at all.

Du Anran thought that since that was the case, she really did not need to go to Zhongye.

However, she did not expect Feng Jing to come back last night. Now, he was still worried that she had gone missing.

Xin Zimo had also become a ruler recently. In the past, he would wake up at five in the morning, but now, he could not wake up at all.

Holding du Anran in his arms, he slept very well every day. He did not suffer from insomnia, but he often did not want to get out of bed.

Feng Jing's phone had been ringing off the hook. He almost called the police, but there was still no news from Du Anran.

It was past nine o'clock when Du Anran rubbed her eyes and was about to get up.

"sleep a little longer... " Xin Zimo noticed her movement and pressed her down again.

"PIG head... It's past nine o'clock! " Du Anran said, "I'm curious, doesn't the Xin Corporation need to have a meeting? Don't you have to make many big and small decisions? ''

"It's good that Sun Ping is here... " Xin Zimo was still in a daze.

"Xin Zimo, if you continue like this, the Xin Corporation will be finished! " Du Anran warned him.

"It's early in the morning, let's not talk about this nonsense. Sleeping is the most important thing. The Xin Corporation is very good... "

"then you can sleep by yourself. I have to go to Zhongye. I haven't been there for a few days, I don't know if I've been discovered. "

"What's the point of sleeping by myself... " Xin zimo mumbled.

Du Anran ignored him. She put on her clothes and planned to leave the villa.

Hence, Xin Zimo also got up. Once she left, it would be boring for him to stay here.

However, when Du Anran rushed to Zhongye, it was already 11 o'clock. When she turned on her phone, she found that Feng Jing had called her countless times.

She thought to herself, it's over, it's over, it looks like Feng Jing is back... ...

Why not stay in city t for a few more days, or just settle the marriage issue At the very least, she could give her a call to inform her before she came back.

When she ran to Zhongye, sure enough, Feng Jing was already back. He happened to be lecturing someone in the office!

It seemed like that person took advantage of the few days when Feng Jing was not in Zhongye to slack off... ...

Du Anran quivered, then she would be scolded like a dog.

Just as she was about to secretly wipe out the office, Feng Jing stopped her. "Du Anran, come over! "

Du Anran couldn't hide anymore, so she had to bite the bullet and go over.

The person who had been reprimanded left Feng Jing's office with a dirty look on his face, and now it was her turn to be reprimanded.

"President Feng... When did you come back? " Du Anran tried to get close to him ...

"I came back the morning before yesterday, " Feng Jing said deliberately.

"That's impossible. I was still in the office the morning before yesterday, and I didn't see you. "

"Oh, then it seems that you didn't come to Zhongye yesterday, and you're late again today. " Feng Jing knocked on the desk.

"President Feng, I went out to meet a client. And I've finished the work you asked me to do. I accidentally overslept this morning. You won't blame me, right... " Du Anran started to lie again.

"blame? I'm going to fire you! "

"Ah? " Du Anran's head suddenly exploded. Feng Jing was going to fire her?

"If Zhongye is lazy, that would be terrible. Look at you, you've been absent-minded recently. I haven't been in the company recently, but I can imagine what kind of state you're in "You're late, you leave early, and you don't come to work from time to time. Am I right? "

"No... I'm really working hard, and the people at Xin Zimo praise me for being serious... "

Du Anran had no choice but to involve Xin Zimo. She had been late, leaving early, and it was all because of Xin Zimo, so it wasn't too much to drag him along with her!

"Is that so? Then I'll make a call and ask. " Feng Jing was serious.

He didn't believe that with Du Anran's work attitude of being late and leaving early, would she be able to complete the work well?

UH... ...

Du Anran remained silent and allowed Feng Jing to make the call. Hopefully, Xin Zimo had already explained everything to Xin group and did not expose her.

Feng Jing directly called a person in charge of the an yuan project. He even put her on speaker and Let du Anran listen to it.

"Hello, I'm Feng Jing, CEO Feng of Zhongye. I want to ask if Xin Group is satisfied with Zhongye's work recently? "

Du Anran was on tenterhooks. She did not know who the call was to. Logically speaking, Sun Ping was in charge of an yuan, so she should be able to escape this disaster!

"Oh, it's President Feng. Hello. Zhongye's work has been pretty good recently, and they were able to make a good transition with an garden. However, Zhongye seems to have been a little slow in the past half a month. "

When du Anran heard this, she was finished... ...

"Is that so? The person in charge of the transition is Zhongye's secretary, Du Anran. Do you have any suggestions? I'd like to hear your opinion. "

"Secretary Du is doing a good job, but efficiency... I don't agree! Especially recently, there has been almost no movement from Zhongye. I think President Feng, do you want to urge them... "

"Okay, I understand. Don't worry, I will urge them. I will give you a satisfactory answer. "

Feng Jing hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

Du Anran bit her lips, but she was cursing in her heart. who was the person in charge of an yuan... ...

"Didn't the people from the Xin Corporation praise you for being serious? " Feng Jing said sarcastically, "why, look at your work attitude recently. Should I fire you? "

"President Feng, I have indeed completed the task you gave me. Maybe... maybe an yuan left a little behind... besides, am I not too busy? " Du Anran was still quibbling.

It was all Xin Zimo's fault. She had to put the blame on Xin Zimo.

"Are you saying that I gave you too many tasks? "

"No, no, no. It's because I'm not capable enough and my efficiency is too low. " Du Anran took the initiative to admit her mistake.

She also admitted that she had been too lax during this period of time. Xin Zimo had hired an assistant to help her with Zhongye's work. When Feng Jing went to city t, she was also free.

"Then there will be a lot of new projects in the next two days. Go and make preparations. Don't let me down. If you can't finish them on time, get ready to pack up. " Feng Jing's eyes darkened and his words were fierce.

Du Anran knew that Feng Jing could joke around, but work must not be sloppy.

She could only nod. "I know, I will finish them seriously. "

Feng Jing pointed at the stack of documents on the table, and Du Anran helplessly carried them back to her office.

The price of being lazy was to rush to work day and night. When she got off work, the people in Zhongye had all left, and the documents on her desk were still piled up like a mountain.

In the past, Feng Jing would work overtime with her, but now, when it was time, Feng Jing was nowhere to be seen.

Winter was approaching. Why did they all seem to be in love?

Those few days of overtime made du Anran's back ache, but Feng Jing kept adding tasks to her.

Finally, Du Anran was angry. She ran to Feng Jing's office.

"President Feng, you are repaying kindness with enmity! " Du Anran threw a pile of reports that she could not finish in front of Feng Jing.

Feng Jing was calm. He leaned on the chair and said calmly, "this is called improving your business level. "

"I will improve myself. I don't need your help! You are repaying kindness with enmity. "

"How am I repaying kindness with enmity? Oh, are you talking about Ouyang Pei? "

Feng Jing's eyes narrowed into a smile. When Ouyang Pei's name was mentioned, his face was different from the previous gentleness.

Du Anran could tell from his expression that he was quite happy in city T. but if she had not informed Ouyang Pei, Ouyang Pei would have gone to the United States long ago!

After the incident, Ouyang Pei even called to thank her. On the contrary, Feng Jing looked as if he owed him money.

"What do you think? " Du Anran said in a bad mood, "I've helped you so much, yet you treat me like this and even gave me an extra job. I also need time to go out and fall in love, okay? "

"Don't you want to buy a house and support yourself? I gave you an extra job so that you can realize your wish as soon as possible. "

"I don't want to buy a house and don't need to support myself now. Just let me live a few days in peace! " Du Anran almost cried. The past few days of work had almost crushed her.