Chapter 418, mysterious boyfriend

"UNAMBITIOUS, " Feng Jing said disdainfully.

"Yes, yes, I am UNAMBITIOUS and see through the mortal world. "

"Alright, I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Bring your boyfriend over too. Ouyang Pei will be here too. "

As soon as Feng Jing finished speaking, du Anran's eyes widened. "Ouyang Pei is in city a? "

Feng Jing acted as if nothing had happened. He nodded. "Yes, she just arrived. She just wanted to express her gratitude to you for this lucky break. She plans to treat you to dinner together and meet your mysterious boyfriend at the same time. "

Du Anran quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no. You can just lighten my workload a little. As for the meal, I really don't need it. "

Du Anran was trying to avoid the matter regarding Xin Zimo. She wanted to wait until the day the an yuan project was completed before telling Feng Jing!

Moreover, seeing that there was no news about Xin Zimo preparing for the wedding, she might as well wait for a while.

"You're not even going to go if someone is treating you to a meal? " Feng Jing smiled and said, "don't stand on ceremony with me. "

"President Feng, I'm not standing on ceremony with you. I really don't want to go. Oh, I remember now. My friend said that she wanted to go shopping with me tonight... "

"Look at how hypocritical you are when you lie. I'm not the kind of person who is full of curiosity. Since you want to hide it from your mysterious boyfriend, I won't ask. "

Du Anran smiled embarrassedly. In fact, Feng Jing had said so many heartfelt words to her and treated her as a close friend. It was indeed a little too unscrupulous of her to hide it from him now.

After saying that, Feng Jing left. Du Anran also dawdled back to her office.

"Sister Anran, someone just sent you a gift! " A female colleague jumped in front of Du Anran.

"A present? " Du Anran was slightly surprised for a few seconds before she immediately reacted.

It was probably Xin Zimo again.

By now, everyone was already used to looking at Du Anran's present. When they heard that someone had sent a present, a few gossipy female colleagues immediately surrounded them.

"quickly look, quickly look. If there's anything delicious, Anran, you can share it with us! " Everyone's eyes sparkled.

They had also forgotten that when Chi Xue came to cause trouble last time, they had also said bad things about Du Anran behind her back. However, as time passed, they had also forgotten about that matter. They had only privately defined du Anran as a woman who had stolen someone else's husband.

This time, the box given was not big. It was about the size of half a cake box. Du Anran could not guess what it was.

However, she knew that Xin zimo would not write his name on the box, so she could be at ease and open it boldly.

"Anran, hurry up and open it! " Everyone was even more impatient than Du Anran.

Du anran smiled and used scissors to cut open the satin outside. What entered her eyes was a smaller red satin box. Beside the box lay a bunch of quiet forget-me-nots.

Du Anran smiled when she saw the flowers. However, she had not seen him for a few days, so he gave her forget-me-nots.

"Anran, quickly open this small box and take a look. Such an exquisite box, could it be jewelry? "

"Yes, yes, quickly take a look. "

The box was small and exquisite. Du Anran picked it up and examined it, but she could not guess what it was. He had given her many things, but each time was different. She did not know what it was this time.

She was also quite curious, so she took the small box out of the big box.

As soon as she opened it, everyone was stunned.

Inside, there were nine gemstones lying quietly on the yellow brocade satin, three rubies, three sapphires, and three emeralds. Each gemstone was evenly sized and carefully polished.

The nine gemstones were in the shape of a heart, shining with a dazzling luster under the light. It was like a shining star in the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, it blinds my titanium alloy eyes! " A female colleague adjusted her glasses and was the first to call out.

Under the light, the gemstones kept flashing with a beautiful luster, and each of them was as dazzling as the rays of the summer sun.

"There's no flaw at all... is it true? " A female colleague took a closer look ...

Du Anran was also quite shocked. It was one thing to send flowers and chocolates, but why did they send such an expensive thing. Of course, no matter how expensive the thing was, it was just a drop in the bucket in Xin Zimo's eyes.

"Anran, who sent it? Don't tell me you still don't know? " A female colleague deliberately asked.

Previously, when gifts were sent to her, Du Anran couldn't explain it clearly. Now, someone had given her such a valuable gift. If du Anran still couldn't explain it clearly, she would be playing dumb.

"My... boyfriend gave it to me. " Du Anran finally relented ...

"Boyfriend? Is that the husband of the pregnant woman who came to Zhongye last time? " A girl who was straightforward said.

"What nonsense are you talking about! " Someone immediately poked her arm.

Du Anran wasn't angry. She only smiled and said, "her husband has nothing to do with me. The last time she came to Zhongye, it was purely to smear my reputation. I have some grudges with her before. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. "

Du Anran's expression was very calm. She always gave people a very reliable feeling.

Hence, someone echoed, "right, one look and you can tell that it was that woman who came to cause trouble. "

The others did not speak. Only someone mumbled, "who would come to cause trouble when they are pregnant? Could it be that they have nothing better to do? "

Du Anran's expression was slightly unhappy, but since they were all colleagues, she did not say anything.

Someone saw that Du Anran's expression was not very good, so he hugged them and said, "Anran, we still have work to do. We'll go back first. Next time you receive a gift, remember to call us to come and see it! "

Du Anran didn't say anything and nodded slightly.

The crowd immediately dispersed, and the office that was lively just now suddenly became deserted.

A colleague casually closed the door, and the moment the door closed, everyone seemed to heave a sigh of relief.

"Am I not right If the pregnant woman didn't really have something bad happen, why would she take advantage of this time to make trouble "Moreover, I saw that the pregnant woman looked very rich, and she also had bodyguards. "Du Anran, you saw it. She rented a house and worked overtime day and night, so it's really hard to say if she stole her husband. "

"speaking of which, it's not wrong. Judging from the diamonds just now, Du Anran must have met a rich man. Maybe it's that pregnant woman's husband! "

"No way, sister Anran doesn't seem like a scheming person. "

"You can't judge a book by its cover. Some people just pretend to be innocent on the surface. "

"Yeah, we've seen it too. How can ordinary people afford these diamonds? "

"I don't know about other things. Anyway, I just feel that pregnant women are a disadvantaged group. It's impossible for them to come here for no reason. ". "If it's really as du Anran said, it's just a small dispute. I don't think they would take the child lightly and come here when they're pregnant. "

"You're right. "

The crowd gossiped, one after the other.

Their voices were not soft. When they closed the door, du Anran could still hear them clearly.

She looked helplessly at the diamonds in the box, resting her chin on her hand as she muttered to herself, "Xin Zimo, you've caused me trouble again... "

However, these diamonds were really beautiful. She had to say that she liked them very much.

Different colors sparkled with different luster. After looking at them for a long time, she would not feel tired from appreciating their beauty. Each of these diamonds was not particularly big. They were small and exquisite, just like jasmine flowers.

Although they could not be compared to the "heart of an angel, " they still had their own unique beauty.

Du Anran pinched her nails. Why did she think of the "heart of an angel" ... ...

Ever since that time when he forced her to take off that ring, she had never seen it again. Recently, she had lived in the villa on lake heart island for a long time, but she had never seen that ring again.

Had Xin Zimo thrown it away?

Who Knew? He was such a stingy person. Maybe he had thrown it away after the fight that day. Although that ring was very expensive, it was not like she did not know Xin Zimo's temper... ...

With a "PA" sound, she closed the box and did not think about anything else.

In short, Xin Zimo was now only devoted to her, and she only loved him. That was enough.

When she got off work, Du Anran decided to bring the diamond back. She did not dare to leave such an expensive thing in the office.

Ever since Xiao Mei left her job, director Yu had removed the surveillance cameras. Du Anran also felt that it was better to remove the surveillance cameras. Otherwise, there would always be a camera pointing at her and she would be restricted everywhere.

Therefore, she still had to take away such a valuable item.

After all, it was a gift from Xin Zimo. She had to treasure it well.

However, she felt that someone was following her on the way back. Du Anran looked at the sky. It was not completely dark yet. Who was so bold to follow her openly.

She did not look back. Instead, she quickened her pace and walked forward.

In fact, she was a timid person. She was afraid that the previous robbery would happen. However, she had no choice but to quickly walk home.

However, the faster she walked, the faster the people behind her also became.

Who was following her? Could it be that someone was coveting her diamonds?

Fortunately, there were still more people on the road. Du Anran comforted herself to be at ease and not be afraid.

Her place was not far from Zhongye. Soon, she arrived at the community building.

After arriving there, du Anran did not go back immediately. Instead, she ordered a bowl of hot rice noodles from a rice noodle shop downstairs.

While she was eating the rice noodles, she looked around but did not see anything. Strange, the person who was following her seemed to have suddenly disappeared... ...

Not Far Away, a black mercedes-benz was parked under a maple tree. Xin Zimo, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, looked at every move outside the residential area. His deep eyes suddenly became slightly cold, emitting a cold light.

"Old Zhan, go and deal with the few women who followed Du Anran. " Xin Zimo was quite displeased.

The few of them had been following Du Anran since she got off work. They were still unwilling to give up and had been hiding in the corner, as if they were looking at something.

Xin Zimo had long noticed that Du Anran was panicking. He guessed that she was very frightened.

Xin Zimo was displeased. Who would dare to scare Du Anran.

"Yes, Mr. Xin, " old Zhan said.

Old Zhan nimbly jumped out of the car. His footsteps were steady as he walked directly to the few women. His tall figure blocked in front of them, and they were indeed frightened.

"Uh... " the women looked at each other, turned around, and ran.