Chapter 437, what is eternity

"Shaonan, let's go back to London in the afternoon! " Du Anran suggested.

Jin Shaonan glanced at her and said, "I haven't had enough fun yet... "

"The weather has turned cold, and I haven't brought enough clothes. Let's go back. How about next time? "

"Next time... " Jin Shaonan lowered his voice, but after a while, he still said obediently, "when is the next time? "

"It'll be soon. Maybe it'll be next month. Isn't Christmas coming soon? We can come back then and call a few of our old friends. We can have a meal together! " Du Anran said.

Du Anran was in a good mood for this short trip. Although she couldn't avoid feeling sad, the memories were in the past. She still had to look forward to the future.

She hoped that Shaonan would be well and healthy... ...

She also hoped that she would be happy in the future... ...

"okay... then we'll leave tomorrow. We'll walk under the Cherry Blossom Tree tomorrow morning... " Shaonan didn't continue to pester her. He just smiled faintly and said ...

Because it wasn't the Cherry blossom season, Du Anran didn't bring Shaonan along the path that was full of cherry blossoms.

She thought, wouldn't it be better to wait until the Path was full of Cherry blossoms before going?

She especially missed that scene. Petite and pink petals flew down from the treetops one after another, scattering all over the ground.

As she thought about it, it was as if a field of falling flowers appeared in front of her eyes. They were light and graceful, and they were not ordinary flowers.

Looking at Jin Shaonan's expectant gaze, she nodded. "Okay, we'll go together tomorrow morning. "

Only then did Jin Shaonan reveal a satisfied smile on his face. He was like a child who had finally gotten his beloved toy.

That night, Jin Shaonan was more like a child. He pulled Du Anran to look at the stars on the school observatory, tirelessly.

Du Anran was afraid that he would catch a cold, so she kept reminding him to look for a while before going back. However, Jin Shaonan turned a deaf ear to her. He seemed to want to look everywhere.

Du Anran also liked to look at the stars with him in the past. Jin Shaonan was knowledgeable, and he could always point out to her which constellation was the little bear, which constellation was Andromeda, and which constellation was the big dipper... ...

Sometimes, as she looked, du Anran also felt strange. She had done countless romantic things with Jin Shaonan, but why had she never fallen in love with him... ...

Was she not enlightened or stubborn at that time, or had she never had the feeling of her heart palpitating?

In short, fate was really a wonderful thing... ...

Jin Shaonan pointed at the Constellation in the sky for Du Anran to see. Du Anran sat beside him. Although the wind was very cold, they all enjoyed it.

"The night sky is very beautiful today! " Du Anran looked at it intently.

"Yes, I remember drinking with you in London. Why don't we drink some wine together? "

"No! You definitely can't drink, " Du Anran said. "I don't drink either. It's not a good habit to drink. "

"I'm just kidding. " Jin Shaonan smiled.

"I can treat you to other drinks, such as fruit juice, coconut milk, pudding... " Du Anran was almost tempted by her own words.

She was a true foodie. Jin Shaonan knew this very well.

"In the future, you should eat less sweet food at night. Not only will you gain weight, but it's also bad for your body. Eat more nutritious things. You can boil some Red Bean and red date porridge at night and treat yourself better, " Jin Shaonan said.

"I will definitely treat myself very well. You have to treat yourself well too. When I go back, I will also make red bean and Lotus seed Porridge for you. "

"Okay, " Jin Shaonan agreed. "In the future, don't work overtime, and you can't stay up all night. You have to work regularly and have regular meals. Don't forget your next meal after this meal. "

"You're like my mother tonight. My mother likes to Nag me about these things. I remember all of them. I can basically recite them from memory since I was young. "

"It's good that you remember them. I'm just afraid that you'll forget them, " Jin Shaonan said with a smile.

"I won't, I won't. I definitely won't, " Du Anran promised.

"That's good. Are you cold? " Jin Shaonan asked.

"I'm wearing more clothes than you. Should I ask you if you're cold? "

"I'm fine. I'm not very cold. Actually, I want to sit with you more. "

The rooftop was the closest place to the starry sky. Fortunately, the wind was not very strong tonight. Du Anran wrapped her coat tightly, so she did not feel too cold. With Jin Shaonan accompanying her, no matter how cold it was, it disappeared.

Jin Shaonan obviously wanted to sit for a while more, so du Anran did not mention leaving again.

They sat side by side at their favorite spot. Jin Shaonan told her funny stories and pointed at the most beautiful stars in the sky.

Early the next morning, the sky was still covered in a layer of light fog when the sun had just risen.

It was wet everywhere, as if it had rained, but the surroundings were exceptionally fresh.

The leaves of the trees had almost all fallen off. They were so bare that they did not look very good. They could not even tell which were the cherry blossom trees.

However, they remembered the road. Cherry blossom trees were planted on both sides of the road. When spring came, the flowers bloomed, but in this season, everything was a little withered.

However, this did not affect Jin Shaonan's mood at all. His steps were much more relaxed than before.

At this time, there were not many people on the road. In addition, the Cherry Blossom Path was in a more remote place. Therefore, when they reached there, they could hear each other's light footsteps.

The hair on du Anran's forehead was a little misty and wet, sticking to her forehead. This kind of young and pure aura made her lose track of the day and night, as if she had returned to the past.

Flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water.

Stepping on the soft withered grass, du Anran walked in front of Jin Shaonan.

Jin Shaonan followed closely behind. Although everything was withered and the scenery was not as beautiful as spring and summer, he only looked at du Anran's back most of the time.

She was as light as a deer. Although there was nothing beautiful about the scenery, she could still find traces of the past from it.

Her memory was good to begin with, and this path could help her remember a lot.

Similarly, Jin Shaonan was the same.

However, Jin Shaonan mostly looked at Du Anran. The morning mist had dampened her hair, and when the wind blew, it would always evoke countless tender feelings in her heart.

In this life, he would never be able to be with her again.

"Shaonan, look, this small wooden house is still here! " Du Anran suddenly stopped in her tracks in pleasant surprise.

Jin Shaonan was stunned for a moment before he also raised his head.

It was a very large cherry blossom tree. There was a small wooden house built for birds to nest in.

It was made by the two of them for a white pigeon whose wings were injured. Later, when the wind and rain hit, the small wooden house was no longer as bright and new as before.

Du Anran didn't expect that the cabin would still be there after such a long time. She was really surprised.

"It's been a few years... " Jin Shaonan said softly.

"Yes, yes. I wonder if there are any birds living in it! " Du Anran looked up.

She couldn't figure out why, so she had to give up.

"It's winter now. I'm afraid there are no birds living in it. Maybe there really are birds in spring, " Jin Shaonan said.

"Then let's come back in spring. When the flowers bloom, everything will be beautiful, " Du Anran said.

Jin Shaonan just smiled and didn't say anything.

Du Anran didn't know what Jin Shaonan was thinking. He rarely spoke today as if he had a lot on his mind.

"Shaonan, are you cold? It's so cold in the morning, " Du Anran asked with concern.

"No, I'm not that weak. " Jin Shaonan just smiled.

"Then let's go along this road again, but there's still a long way to go... "

"Okay, you go ahead. I'll follow you, " Jin Shaonan said.

Du Anran blinked at Jin Shaonan. Although she did not know why he followed her, as long as he liked it, it was fine.

She was afraid that Shaonan would be tired from walking, so she slowed down her pace. Shaonan did not speak much along the way. Du Anran guessed that he might have something on his mind, or perhaps he was a little tired.

The morning sun slowly rose from the east. The clouds rolled, and the light was boundless.

Although the Winter Sun was not as hot as the summer sun, when it rose from the sky, one could still feel waves of warmth.

The sunlight bathed on du Anran's shoulders. Although there were dead trees and broken branches around her, she had a different state of mind.

Jin Shaonan walked behind her and looked at her. He saw the sunlight shining on her shoulders and the pure smile when she occasionally turned around.

Everything was so beautiful. He could not see enough and thought that time could last forever.

He walked down a road and reached the end. At the end of the road was a stream, gurgling and flowing, playing happy music.

Du Anran used to like sitting by the Stream and reading. It always calmed her heart.

"Shaonan, I used to like sitting here. You like sitting here. Why don't we sit here as before? " Du Anran turned her head and said.

"Okay. " Jin Shaonan nodded.

Du Anran wiped the two small rocks and sat down first.

Jin Shaonan also sat beside her. The stream was flowing under their feet. They looked at the peaceful scenery around them and their hearts slowed down.

However, Jin Shaonan still rarely spoke. It was du Anran who was talking.

Du Anran talked about a bunch of things from the past. Jin Shaonan listened very carefully and occasionally interjected.

For example, she said that she had picked up a pebble with wavy patterns by the Stream one day, and Jin Shaonan would correct her. At that time, she did not pick up a pebble with wavy patterns, but a leaf pattern.

Du Anran would always come to a sudden realization. Oh, it was a leaf pattern.

She always thought that her memory was pretty good, but she did not expect Jin Shaonan to remember it more clearly. He even remembered some minor details.

Du Anran talked for a long time, and Jin Shaonan finally asked her, "are you thirsty? "

Du Anran laughed out loud. "Did I talk for a long time? "

"I like listening to you. " Jin Shaonan also laughed.

"with your reminder, I also realized that I'm thirsty. Why don't we go back and buy milk tea? " Du Anran said.

She actually felt that the environment here was too quiet, and it gave her a bad feeling.

"I still want to sit here for a while. You go and buy one for me. Do you know what flavor I like? " Jin Shaonan looked at her and said.

His voice was very gentle, like the tinkling of the stream water. In this spacious place, it was particularly comfortable.