Chapter 438, heaven and earth

"Of course I know! " Du Anran laughed.

"then go and get me a cup too. I'll wait for you here. Oh, you have to go to uncle's place to buy one. I'm just like you, I only like to drink from his house, " Jin Shaonan said and added, "don't get lost. "

Du Anran burst into laughter. "It's a place I've been walking for four years. Although I'm lost, I WON'T GET LOST! Wait for me, I'll go and buy one right now. You must wait for me, don't run around. "

"okay. " Jin Shaonan nodded at her.

Du Anran was like a happy little rabbit as she walked away along the road covered with cherry trees. She wore a dark blue coat and slowly disappeared in front of Jin Shaonan's eyes.

He didn't look away for a long time, but this time, he was going to break his promise. He couldn't wait for her to come back... ...

He had never forgotten his promise to her, but this time, he forgave him for being powerless... ...

He stood up, as if he could still see her like this. But everywhere he looked, there were only dead trees and broken branches, all the way down... ...

He remembered a phrase: It's easy to see the other times, but difficult to see the other times. When the water falls, the flowers fall, and the spring dies, the heavens and the human world will cease to exist.

From now on, the heavens and the human world will cease to exist... ...

Du Anran happily went to buy milk tea. Of course, she remembered what Flavor Jin Shaonan liked. She even specially picked a large cup for him. Drinking a cup of milk tea in winter was a very happy thing, and it warmed her body and heart.

She felt warm even when she held two cups of milk tea, especially since the weather was not bad today.

But for some reason, du Anran's heart skipped a beat for no reason. Menglie jumped, and she felt unusually uneasy.

"Miss, yourchange! "

Ignoring the uncle behind her shouting for change, Du Anran suddenly ran into the forest of cherry blossoms.

The uncle's shop was very far from the forest of Cherry blossoms. She had come here because Jin Shaonan insisted on buying the uncle's milk tea. Now that she thought about it, did he deliberately chase her so far away... ...

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She ran quickly into the forest of Cherry Blossoms. She had never felt that she could run so fast. Never before.

She was originally wearing high-heeled shoes. Halfway there, she gritted her teeth, took off her shoes, and held them in her hands. She ran all the way through the soft and wet grass.

Along the way, her heart was beating wildly. She even thought that this was her limit.

But she had exceeded her limit time and time again. On that day, she did not know how fast she ran... ...

Most of life would never follow the path you had imagined. When she saw Jin Shaonan lying quietly on the rock, time instantly stopped.

The whole world spun, lost words, and changed colors.


Xin Zimo was the first to rush to Du Anran's side. He rushed to Germany as fast as he could.

The moment he saw her, he held her in his arms.

Her body was ice-cold. The Moment Xin Zimo held her, the paper in her hand fell to the ground.

She finally burst into tears after enduring alone for a day and a night. Her tears stained Xin zimo's clothes.

Xin Zimo saw the paper on the ground. The paper was as light as a fallen leaf, but it carried countless joys and sorrows.

He saw that Du Anran's name was at the beginning... ...

Xie Chenjin and Jin Haiguo arrived one after another, but they couldn't hear a word Jin Shaonan said in the hospital.

Jin Shaonan left very calmly. He used the quietest method to take a large amount of sleeping pills.

"Zimo... do you think he wouldn't have left if I hadn't left him... " Du Anran leaned on Xin Zimo's shoulder. Her heart had been in pain for a long time, and the pain couldn't be worse ...

"Anran, it has nothing to do with you... he made up his mind to leave, but in the end, he chose the place he loved the most, and he didn't leave any regrets for himself... "

Xin Zimo's brows also furrowed. His heart was also quite uncomfortable. He had never expected such a thing to happen.

"You lied to me, you lied to me... " Du Anran cried loudly. Even though Xin Zimo was hugging her, her body was still cold. "Tell me, am I having a nightmare... tell me... "

Du Anran's emotions were out of control. She grabbed Xin Zimo's collar and cried desperately.

"Anran, this is all true. If you want to cry, then cry. When you're done, you have to pull yourself together. He doesn't want to see you like this. Life and death are things that must be accepted in reality... "

Xin Zimo let her slap him. His heart was in pain as well. However, he still maintained his rationality. He was her reliance. He could not lose his composure too.

In fact, he would rather the person in pain be himself. It was just that there were too many things in the world that he could not bear for her... ...

All he could do was to stand with her forever. No matter if it was sadness, happiness, bitterness, or sweetness, he wanted her to remember that he was always by her side... ...

Du Anran cried for three days and three nights. Until Jin Shaonan was buried in peace, her heart could not calm down.

Jin Shaonan's last words said that he hoped to stay in Germany for a long time. If possible, he wanted to find a place where flowers could bloom in spring. With flowers accompanying him, he would probably not be lonely anymore.

"Zimo... I don't want to leave... "

On the fifth day, Du Anran was still in a trance. She stood at the window of the hotel where she stayed with Jin Shaonan when they came. She looked at the endless fields in the distance and the lush grass.

She still couldn't accept this fact. She always thought that she was dreaming.

"Anran, come back with me. People can't come back from the dead. You have to move on... " Xin Zimo said.

"This world is really unfair. Why Shaonan? Why... "

"You've read his last words to you. He doesn't want to be tortured by illness anymore. Moreover, if he's in a better condition, he'll only be able to live for ten years. There's a saying, 'it's better to have a short-term pain than a long-term pain. ' "

"I understand everything you've said, but I still want to see him again. I even said that I'll come back after a period of time. It'll be Christmas then, and it'll definitely be very lively... " Du Anran said as she cried again.

Xin Zimo put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her in his arms. He also understood everything she said.

"We even agreed to come back next year when the cherry blossoms bloom. Why didn't he wait for me... " Du Anran sobbed.

"Anran... " Xin Zimo knew that it would be futile to say any more comforting words at this time. It was better to let her cry out loud.

Many times, relationships needed to be vented.

During those few days, when Du Anran refused to leave, Xin Zimo stayed by her side. He turned off his phone and did not deal with anything else. He just stayed by her side.

It was not until half a month later that Du Anran finally accepted the truth and agreed to leave Germany and the school.

She knew that there were some places that she would never come back to... ...

"Zimo, is Uncle Jin okay? " Sitting on the plane, although Du Anran was still very dejected, she was at least willing to speak.

Xin Zimo said, "your Uncle Jin is okay. After all, he has been through a lot. And I think that when he learned about Jin Shaonan's illness, he was already prepared for this day. "

Du Anran lowered her head, and her voice was still choked with sobs. "Uncle Jin is already so old. I'm really afraid that he can't take it... "

"He won't. Xie Chenjin is with him. He'll be fine, " Xin Zimo said.

"Anran, take a nap. When you wake up, we'll be in City A. " Xin Zimo held her in his arms.

These days, she had not slept soundly. When he saw her tired eyes, his heart ached.

A few days ago, she often had nightmares. When she woke up, she was drenched in sweat. Xin zimo would prepare tea for her every night, but it was useless.

Du Anran was probably really tired. In addition, Xin Zimo's embrace was very warm. She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep while flying... ...

The Sky was blue. Xin zimo looked at Du Anran in his arms. His finger touched her cheek and he sighed.

When she returned to city a and looked at everything that was familiar, Du Anran felt that everything in Germany was a dream.

Feng Jing had also returned to city A. Those days, du Anran's mood could not help but be depressed. She once again immersed herself in her work.

She had almost returned to that state where she forgot to eat and sleep. Even Feng Jing did not dare to provoke du Anran. He did not dare to say a word to Du Anran.

She began to work overtime and wake up early. Xin Zimo knew that this was her own way to relieve her stress. He did not bother her, nor did he disturb her. He only asked Alu to take good care of her.

Du Anran refused to return to the villa, and Xin Zimo did not force her. He knew that the scars that were etched in her heart would not disappear in a short period of time.

There were some that would last for a lifetime.

And Jin Shaonan was an important person in Du Anran's life.

Du Anran returned to her usual working state, and she became much more taciturn when she went to work on weekdays. Whatever Task Feng Jing gave her, she could basically complete it on the same day. She even went through all the work that she had done when she took leave for so many days.

Seeing her work so hard, Feng Jing did not dare to talk to Du Anran at all.

Initially, he had wanted to ask Du Anran to make a decision about the matter between him and Ouyang Pei. Now that she was in such a low mood, he did not dare to provoke du Anran.

He wanted to know what had happened, but he did not dare to ask rashly, so he could only wait and see.

When du Anran was working, she almost did not speak anymore. Her entire person became unusually silent.

The people who came to her office did not dare to disturb her. They all came and left in a hurry.

However, there were many people discussing in the big office. Everyone had a surprised tone, but their voices were very low, afraid that Du Anran would accidentally find out.

"Hey, hey, hey, you guys said that Du Anran took a leave of absence for more than half a month. I thought she resigned! " Someone said.

"Yeah, I also thought it was strange. Recently, she has been taking leave too frequently. But what's even more abnormal is that she has been working overtime these few days. Why? "

"Is it because President Feng is angry? "

"That's impossible. If CEO Feng was angry, he could have just fired her. Why would he give her so much extra work? " "Besides, it's not like you guys don't know that Du Anran is good friends with CEO Feng and CEO Feng's girlfriend. How could CEO Feng be angry? "

Everyone nodded and felt that her analysis made sense.

The author was the one who was most reluctant to part with a book that was about to end. Therefore, the book would end in May. The pace would be slower recently, and Luo Yi would give the book a happy ending