Chapter 443, you've seen it before

"What about Ouyang Pei? What did Ouyang Pei say? " Du Anran asked.

Ouyang Pei was the most crucial link in the middle, and Ouyang Pei's opinion was the most important.

"Don't look at how domineering and swift she is outside. When she gets home, she's like a mouse seeing a cat. She doesn't dare to say a word. Whatever her father says, it's already good enough that she can persuade him, let alone speak for me."Feng Jing was even more helpless.

"Ah? " Du Anran didn't expect Ouyang Pei, who looked so powerful outside, to not be able to say a word. She thought that Ouyang Pei was the kind of lady who wasn't afraid of anything. She didn't expect that no matter how powerful a person was, there would always be someone more powerful.

"Then does she have any opinion? " Du Anran asked.

"Her opinion is that my father is right! " Feng Jing was quite helpless.

" ... " Du Anran's face was full of black lines. "Then what do you plan to do? "

"Do you have a better idea? " Feng Jing asked.

Du Anran shook her head. "I still think that's the best idea! "

"It seems that Ouyang Pei and I still have to make a long-term plan. " Feng Jing also shook his head.

Du Anran hurriedly advised, "it's just a small setback. Don't think too much about it. If it really doesn't work, you can sell Zhongye and go to city T... "

"You said that too. I thought you wouldn't say that! " Feng Jing was a little angry.

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't say it... "

Du Anran knew that Zhongye was Feng Jing's hard work. Hard work was a priceless treasure.

"I still hope to persuade her father. Tell me, how can a father safely hand over the daughter he raised to a man? " Feng Jing asked.

Du Anran felt that Feng Jing's question was good, but how should she answer it... ...

She thought for a while, trying to find some answers from herself.

After thinking for a while, she said, "maybe you can make her father think that you are really good to his daughter. "

"But I have no way to prove it. I can't cut open my heart and show it to him. " Feng Jing had a worried look on his face.

"Didn't you save Ouyang Pei before? I can help you prove it and persuade her father. " This was the only solution that Du Anran could think of.

It was indeed difficult to prove one's love and kindness to a person. One had to experience it with one's heart.

However, experiencing it was a long process. Obviously, Feng Jing could not wait for this process.

"Forget it. I won't trouble you with the matter between me and Ouyang Pei, " Feng Jing said.

Du Anran's mind suddenly lit up. Xin Zimo was also involved. Perhaps Xin zimo could persuade Ouyang Pei's father.

She still trusted Xin Zimo's eloquence. Although he did not say much, as long as he opened his mouth, he was very convincing.

"How about this, I'll try. Give Me Ouyang Pei's father's number and I'll persuade him, " Du Anran said.

Feng Jing was skeptical. He felt that it would be too troublesome for du Anran, and he also felt that Du Anran might not be able to persuade Ouyang Pei's father.

Ouyang Pei's father was really a stubborn person. He had talked about many geniuses and finally did not let him become a son-in-law.

When du Anran saw his disbelief, she smiled and said, "have you forgotten that I know Ouyang Pei? Maybe I can really persuade her father! "

Du Anran only said so. Of course, she could not persuade him, but Xin Zimo could.

Between a businessman and a businessman, they would definitely be able to find each other's weaknesses.

So, Du Anran took care of Xin Zimo again.

After hearing what Du Anran said, Feng Jing generously gave Ouyang Pei's father's cell phone number to her. It was good to give it a try, maybe du Anran really had some ability!

"Then I'll say thank you first, but her father is stubborn. If you can't persuade him, don't persuade him, lest you get scolded! " Feng Jing kindly reminded her.

"I won't. " Du Anran was very confident.

She didn't believe that Ouyang Pei's father wouldn't give Xin Zimo face. Moreover, she had enough confidence in Xin Zimo.

After du Anran saved her number, Feng Jing brought a few plates of dishes to her. "Try these new styles. I heard they're not bad. "


Du Anran had always liked delicious food. When Feng Jing said that, she naturally wanted to try it.

Feng Jing cut the steak in front of him and looked at Du Anran's finger.

The diamond ring was dazzling. The soft light couldn't hide its sparkling luster.

"Anran, it's time to talk about you. This diamond ring is quite beautiful. The color and brightness are all top-notch, and the diamond is not small either. It must be very expensive! " Feng Jing said.

Du Anran took a few bites but did not speak. She just smiled.

Feng Jing saw that she smiled so sweetly and could not help but smile. "Aren't you going to tell me a little bit about your boyfriend? I keep feeling that your progress is a little too fast. It's only been three or four months, and you already proposed? "

"I've known him for a long time, " Du Anran said, "so it's probably destined that you'll agree to the proposal a long time ago. "

"So you already have someone in your heart. To think that I always told you to ask me for reference when you found a boyfriend. It seems that I was worrying too much. "

"You can't say that. He and I are on and off. There was a time when I thought that I would never want to see him again in my life, " Du Anran said.

"It's inevitable. Young couples always make so much noise. I don't want to talk to Ouyang Pei Right Now! "

"We're different from other young couples. If we really make a little noise, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know how to behave. How can I not want to see someone in my life? " Du Anran said, "but it's complicated. It's fine if I don't say it. It's all in the past. "

Feng Jing did not want to probe into Du Anran's past. He was more concerned about the current situation.

"Is he treating you well now? If he treats you badly, I'll be the first to stand up for you! "

"If he really treats me badly, none of you can help me. But, he won't. " Du Anran believed him.

After experiencing so many setbacks, they had grown up. They were no longer immature children in the face of love. They knew how to cherish each other.

"Then I'm curious. Who is he? Have I met him? ''FenggJingg asked.

"You... have seen him before. " Du Anran smiled ...

Feng Jing immediately searched his mind, but he had seen too many people. Who knew which passerby was du Anran's boyfriend.

"I can't guess. " Feng Jing shook his head.

"Then don't guess. You will know soon. " Du Anran smiled mysteriously.

Du Anran looked at him and knew that Ouyang Pei was still helping her and Xin Zimo keep this secret!

However, after the an garden project was successfully completed and she left Zhongye, all the secrets would no longer be secrets.

"Then, should we wait until your wedding? " Feng Jing asked.

"HMM... more or less! " Du Anran could not give an answer either ...

She still did not KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER WEDDING Perhaps Xin Zimo would give her a surprise?

"Then, I wish you all the best. I wish you both a long and happy life together. "

"same. I also wish you and Ouyang Pei the best. " Du Anran smiled.

Feng Jing smiled as well. The Sun just happened to shine into the private room. It was a peaceful time.

During those nights, Xin Zimo had always come to pick up DU anran personally. However, Xin Zimo's car was parked far away, so the people from Zhongye did not notice it.

However, ever since Xin Zimo proposed to her, Du Anran did not care. If she found out, then she would find out. It would save her from having to explain too much.

They were a legal couple... ...

"Anran, what are you thinking about? " Xin Zimo asked.

Du Anran came back to her senses. She had already sat in Xin Zimo's car. "I'm thinking, I avoid my colleagues every day. I feel like we're a wild couple! "

"That's easy. Now, I can take you a few steps in front of them. They won't know immediately. " Xin zimo smiled. He thought it was a big deal!

"No, no, it's better to go home! " Du Anran became timid again.

"Once the an yuan project is over, we agreed to resign, so you don't have to care too much about their opinions. " Xin Zimo was indifferent.

In fact, he was quite troubled in the Xin Corporation. There were always people who thought he was single, and there were people who introduced themselves. He was really troubled.

"Well, I don't care. Let's go! " Du Anran said.

Recently, Xin Zimo had come to pick her up, but she still felt that someone was following her. Her mood was no longer as bad as before. Could it be that she was hallucinating?

As she sat in the car, she looked back and around from time to time, but she did not find anything unusual.

"What's wrong? " Xin Zimo could not help but ask when he saw her looking around.

Du Anran felt that it was better to tell Xin Zimo. "I don't know why, but every time I get off work, I feel that someone is following me. "

"following? " Xin zimo frowned.

"Do you think I'm too tired, so I'm hallucinating? " Du Anran held her head.

She was much better these days and wouldn't work overtime. She shouldn't be hallucinating!

Xin Zimo, on the other hand, was more vigilant. His mind spun quickly.

"Zimo, logically speaking, if I follow you, I'll find an opportunity to make a move. It's been so long, but I haven't seen anyone harm me, " Du Anran said.

"That's because even though you don't go home anymore, I still protect you every day. " Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines. He didn't know whether it was because he hid it too well or because the Empress Dowager du Anran was too late.

"really? I really don't know. Sometimes, I only return from the company at nine or ten o'clock at night, and you're also silently protecting me? Then I'm really touched. " Du Anran smiled.

"If you're not touched, then you're heartless. " Xin Zimo said.

"Hubby, when did you become so considerate? And you're even a flower protector. I'm really touched... " Du Anran expressed her gratitude again.

"I don't care who you care about? "

"Then help me think. Am I hallucinating? "

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll observe this matter for a few more days. Don't alert the enemy. "

Du Anran panicked when he said this, even though she had no grudges with anyone.

She could only nod and say, "I'll listen to you. "

"Don't be afraid, it's fine. Don't worry. Leave it to me, " Xin Zimo said.

Du Anran naturally trusted Xin Zimo. Moreover, with him by her side, she was even less afraid. Therefore, after worrying for a while, she felt relieved.