Chapter 444, choosing a wedding dress

Du Anran told Xin Zimo about Feng Jing again. Xin Zimo rolled his eyes at her. "You're such a busybody. "

"Hubby, don't be like this. I only helped you because I know that you're powerful and can definitely handle it, " Du Anran said. "Besides, Feng Jing is my friend. He's the one who took me in. I only helped him a little... "

"You're quite confident in your hubby. "

"That's a must. "

"Then how do you plan to reward me if I handle it? "

"Why do you always want a reward for everything you do? I'm married to you, shouldn't you treat me well? " Du Anran said angrily.

"This is not the same as treating you well. If you don't give me a reward, I'm 80% sure that I won't be able to complete this task. " Xin zimo shrugged.

"What if I give you a reward? "

"Then it's 100% ! " Xin zimo glanced at Du Anran shamelessly.

" ... " Du Anran glared at him. "Why are you so shameless! "

"I'm just explaining the principle of a reward mechanism. " Xin Zimo was serious.

"..."Du Anran was speechless.

However, Du Anran had been teased by Xin Zimo every day for the sake of solving Feng Jing's problem. The wheel of fortune was turning. When would she be able to tease him back. ...

Xin Zimo did not disappoint her expectations. As expected, the problem was solved smoothly.

She did not know when Feng Jing called her, but after listening to Feng Jing, du Anran went up and rewarded Xin Zimo with a kiss.

"Hubby, Feng Jing said that you helped him solve the problem? "

"Of course. How can I not do what my wife told me to do well? Aren't you going to reward me with something? " Xin zimo smiled.

"It's broad daylight now, what are you thinking about! " Du Anran said.

"What are you thinking about? " Xin zimo approached her, lowered his head, and a hot breath brushed her face.

Du Anran quickly jumped away and stayed far away from him. This was a dangerous animal, regardless of day or night.

"I'm not thinking about anything... " Du Anran blushed.

Xin Zimo took her hand. "Let's go and pick out a wedding dress. "

"Ah? " Du Anran didn't react. "Now? "

"Or what? " Xin Zimo pulled her out without any explanation.

Du Anran smiled, feeling happy in her heart. He still had some conscience. She thought that he didn't plan to hold a wedding... ...

"Do you want to customize a set or pick one? " Xin Zimo asked her.

"It's too slow to customize. Let's pick one! " Du Anran smiled.

Xin Zimo came over again and planted a kiss on her cheek. He smiled evilly. "Do you really want to marry me so quickly? "

"Then it's custom-made. " Du Anran shrugged.

" ... " it was Xin Zimo's turn to be displeased. "You're not allowed to change it. "

"See, you're the one who wants to marry me so badly. " Du Anran smiled.

The two of them went to a few wedding dress shops to pick out a wedding dress. Du Anran had accompanied Liu Wanwan to pick out a wedding dress before, but this time it was her turn to pick out a wedding dress. It was dazzling again.

Every time she changed into a wedding dress, Xin zimo's eyes narrowed. His bride was too beautiful... ...

In the end, he was only focused on staring at her. Du Anran patted him. "Tell me, which one is prettier? "

"They all look good, " Xin Zimo could only say.

But he was telling the truth. Du Anran looked good in whatever she wore. In his heart, she was the most beautiful.

"Can you be more careful! " Du Anran patted him again. "I just tried on more than ten pieces. What if they all look good? "

"Then I'll buy them all. " Xin Zimo was rich and generous.

"I said, what are you thinking about? You didn't even pay attention to choosing a wedding dress with me. I really don't want to talk to you anymore. " Du Anran was angry.

"honey, don't be angry. You look so beautiful in every piece. It's really hard for me to choose... " Xin Zimo said helplessly.

"I don't believe you! You're just not paying attention! "

"okay, okay, okay. It's my fault. Try a few more dresses and I'll pick them out for you. " Xin Zimo was even more helpless.

In the end, every time du Anran changed into a wedding dress, Xin Zimo's eyes were wide open. How could she be so beautiful... ...

"Xin, Zi, Mo! Are you really here to help me pick out a wedding dress? ! " Du Anran shouted hysterically.

"You're much more beautiful than a wedding dress. If I'm not careful, I'll be looking at you, " Xin Zimo said.

"I look at you every day and I still can't get enough of you! "

"I'll never get enough of you! "

That day, du Anran really didn't have the energy to try on the wedding dress anymore. Xin Zimo was just there to be a bystander. She had no choice but to pick out a few clothes that she especially liked and bring them home. Of course, she didn't forget to pick out a few suits for Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo was just a clothes rack. Anything he wore would look good on him. Du Anran didn't spend much effort and just picked out a few for him.

He didn't mind it, as long as they matched well with du Anran's wedding dress.

Just as they walked out of the wedding dress shop hand in hand, a woman happened to walk in holding her husband's hand.

Du Anran ran ran into her face and did not even have time to cover her face. She could only shout in her heart, "it's over, it's over. ".

It turned out to be a female colleague from Zhongye. She had just sent an invitation to the company a few days ago, saying that she was going to get married.

Du Anran thought, what a coincidence... ...

Sure enough, the female colleague stared at Du Anran for a long time, thinking that her eyes were playing tricks on her!

"ANRAN? " She called out first.

Du Anran could not avoid it, so she could only force a smile. "Ah Lan, it's me. "

The female colleague quickly scanned the scene in front of her. When she saw Xin Zimo, she was already stunned.

Everyone in Zhongye knew Xin Zimo. The last time he came to Zhongye, many female colleagues had squeezed their heads to look at the handsome man, and she was no exception.

When she looked down again, du Anran and Xin Zimo's fingers were interlocked. Both of them were carrying a bag of clothes.

And this was a wedding dress shop. Even a fool could imagine what was going on.

The female colleague's eyes widened. She could not believe that what she saw was real. Although she had participated in the gossips in the office, Du Anran and Xin Zimo?

No one had guessed it... ...

"ANRAN... you're here to pick out a wedding dress? Is this your boyfriend? " The female colleague pretended not to recognize Xin Zimo ...

Du Anran knew that she could not hide it anymore. The news about her and Xin zimo would definitely spread throughout Zhongye tomorrow.

Before she could speak, Xin Zimo seemed very happy. He said to the two people in front of him, "Hello, I'm anran's husband. "

The female colleague's Boyfriend, of course, did not recognize anyone. He nodded and said, "hello, hello. "

Husband... ... This word shocked the female colleague even more. What kind of rhythm was this? She was flustered ...

Du Anran smiled at her. Her smile was a little ugly. However, Xin Zimo generously put his arm around her waist and said to the two people, "you guys go ahead. Anran and I will go back first. "

The female colleague still did not react. However, her boyfriend smiled and said, "okay. "

Du Anran and Xin Zimo's figures were gone. The female colleague pinched her arm and said, "Ouch, it hurts. "

"Why did you Pinch Yourself? " Her boyfriend was very confused.

"You don't understand! " The female colleague said.

Du Anran got into Xin Zimo's car and stared at Xin Zimo.

"Why didn't you say you were my brother just now? " Du Anran didn't know what to say.

"You went shopping with your brother at the wedding dress shop? "

Xin Zimo's words stopped Du Anran, but she paused and tried to argue. "It's not impossible for a brother to pick a wedding dress for his sister. "

"Then how do you think I look like your brother? " Xin Zimo didn't give up.

"..."Du Anran could not refute.

In fact, the most important thing was that the two of them held hands... ...

"What should we do, what should we do? The whole Zhongye will probably know tomorrow! " Du Anran was very distressed.

"Oh, so it's your colleague. No wonder you're so nervous. But it's just right. When your colleagues know, I should announce the wedding to my employees. " Xin zimo looked happy.

"But the an yuan project hasn't been completed yet... "

"Isn't Ouyang Pei's father done with it? Maybe Feng Jing will go to city t soon. As for the an yuan project, you can complete it wherever you want. "

In Xin Zimo's eyes, nothing mattered.

"That's easy for you to say. I insisted on not telling Feng Jing because I was afraid that he would think that it was because I was in Zhongye that you thought of giving the business to Zhongye, " Du Anran said.

"Isn't that so? "

He had thought of her until he couldn't sleep. He had come up with this idea because he had no other way.

" ... " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him. "So, Feng Jing will have a psychological burden! "

"Now that the Ouyang family group in city t is his, why would he have a psychological burden! " Xin zimo smiled bitterly. So that was why.

Du Anran's eyes lit up. Xin zimo seemed to be right... ...

After returning home, Du Anran hung up the wedding dress and Xin zimo's suit. Looking at the clothes in the closet, she was elated.

"I'll go back to the DU residence next weekend. I haven't told my mother about our marriage yet! " Du Anran said.

"Okay, do you want me to go with you? "

"If you're not busy, then come with me. " Du Anran looked at him.

"actually, I can tell that your mother likes me. Of course, other than those old things, " Xin Zimo said.

"My mother only has one principle. If you treat me well, she likes you; if you treat me badly, she doesn't like you. Do you understand? "

"Yes. "

Du Anran was immediately happy. Xin Zimo taught her well.

The next day, du Anran felt that there was nothing to hide anymore. She asked Xin Zimo to drive her to Zhongye's office.

When she went upstairs, all her colleagues looked at her in surprise.

Du Anran immediately understood that Ah Lan must have told her everything.

"Good Morning, " someone greeted Du Anran.

"Good morning, " Du Anran replied.

The surroundings were still strange. Du Anran did not bother about it and walked straight past the large office.

Before she had gone far, a female colleague probably did not see her. She rushed to the office after getting off the elevator and shouted, "I just saw CEO Xin from the Xin Corporation sending Du Anran to work! "

Du Anran stopped in her tracks and did not turn around. She had better think of how to explain it to Feng Jing!

As soon as the female colleague finished speaking, the other people in the office sighed. "We already know... "