Chapter 448, restless mind

Du Anran and her mother washed the dishes together. It had been a long time since they had such a happy chat.

Du Anran admitted that Xin Zimo was good at coaxing people. At least her mother seemed to be in a good mood.

"Mom, are you satisfied with him now? " Du Anran asked.

"Can I say that I'm not satisfied? " Bai Ruyun said deliberately.

"Mom, are you teasing me again... " Du Anran winked. "What are you dissatisfied with him? Tell me quickly. I'll make sure he performs well when I go back. I'll make sure you're satisfied next time. "

"No, at least he has satisfied me today. "

"Don't be angry with him, mother. He was a little too much, but for a time I hurt his feelings. "

Speaking of the past, no matter how complicated feelings there is not much, it is not clear who owes who. If it's a write-off, let's turn the page... ...

It's not good to wallow in your memories.

After lunch, Du Anran accompanied her mother in the garden and chatted while basking in the sun. In the evening, Xin Zimo could not come to the DU residence, so Du Anran brought some dumplings back. She would give them to him for dinner after they went to the villa on Huxin island.

Du Anran took a taxi back to the villa. By then, it was already very late, and it was pitch black everywhere.

Du Anran took a look at the Du residence in the night. She felt that it was too quiet and lonely. Her mother would definitely be lonely by herself.

She decided to find a housekeeper for the DU residence in the next few days. Firstly, she could help her mother with the housework. Secondly, she could also accompany her mother to chat.

However, when the taxi drove away from the Du residence, the uneasy feeling returned.

She still felt that someone was following her, but she suspected that it was her own illusion. How could she have such a feeling when she was in Zhongye? When she was near the DU residence, she still had such a feeling... ...

She decided to think of some happy things. At least this would distract her attention.

Not long after she returned to the villa, the sky sank, and raindrops fell on the windows.

"It's raining again. " Du Anran sighed softly and drew the curtains of the villa.

The day was still sunny, but at night, there was a cold wind and rain.

Xin Zimo had not returned yet, so Du Anran sat on the Sofa and waited for him. She held her head and fell asleep not long after.

When Xin Zimo came back, it was already close to ten o'clock. Today, he was discussing a business deal with a company, and it had been delayed until now. Even though he had a good weekend, he was not able to accompany Du Anran.

It was still raining outside. It was not heavy, but it was very cold.

The Moment Xin Zimo entered the villa, he saw Du Anran leaning on the SOFA. She was asleep and very quiet, but she looked a little cold. She crossed her arms and curled up slightly.

Xin Zimo did not have time to take off his coat before he walked forward and picked her up.

Du Anran slept quite soundly, and Xin zimo's movements were also very light.

He carried her into the bedroom and covered her with the quilt.

Seeing that she had fallen asleep peacefully, he went downstairs to eat some snacks.

He hadn't finished his work during the day, so he sat on the Sofa downstairs and looked at his laptop.

Sun Ping didn't sleep either and kept sending him emails.

Du Anran only woke up in the middle of the night. In a daze, she touched the pillow. No, she was clearly sleeping on the sofa.

Only then did she open her eyes. She was actually sleeping on the bed in the bedroom.

Xin Zimo was back?

She put on a coat and went out. As expected, she saw Xin Zimo who was still working when she stood at the stairs.

"Hubby, why aren't you sleeping at this time of night? " Du Anran rubbed her eyes. Her voice was still in a daze.

Only then did Xin Zimo turn his head. When he saw that Du Anran could not open her eyes, he could not help but laugh. "You should go to sleep. I still have some work to deal with. "

"I'll do it tomorrow. My health is more important, " Du Anran said.

She slept late in the morning, and he even knew to wake her up early for breakfast. Why was he staying up all night now.

"soon. You go to sleep first. I'll go right away. "

"Have you eaten dinner? " Du Anran leaned on the stairs and looked down.

"Yes, I have. Don't worry about me. I'm not a child. "

"You're more worrying than a child, " Du Anran said angrily.

Xin Zimo was amused by her words. He smiled, and DU anran turned to go back to the bedroom.

Xin zimo looked at her back view as she left, and his heart was filled with happiness.

It was probably because Xin Zimo had been quite busy for the past few days. In order not to disturb his work, Du Anran did not go back to the villa after she went to work on Monday.

She did not see Feng Jing for the past few days. She heard that he had flown to city t again.

Therefore, everyone in Zhongye had become disorganized, and Du Anran was no exception.

But now that she had arrived at Zhongye, everyone stopped talking and looked at her with strange eyes.

Du Anran did not care and did what she should do.

"What should we do? I've said bad things about Du Anran in the past. will she take revenge on me? " A female colleague saw Du Anran enter the office and said worriedly.

"You're thinking too much. Anran is not that kind of person. "

"But I still don't understand. Du Anran is very ordinary. I've never heard of her family background. How did President Xin Fall in love with her? "

"Who knows! Maybe it's like the rumors. She's good-looking and has many tricks. Maybe it's because of other reasons. How would we know? "

"How come I don't have that kind of luck... "

Du Anran returned to the office, naturally unable to hear what they were saying. It was best not to listen to what they were saying. She looked at the flowers in the vase on the table by herself. It was good to be quiet.

The light rain fell intermittently. The Sky was sunny for a few days from time to time, and cloudy for a few days. It kept repeating itself, like a child throwing a Tantrum.

Du Anran had already completed her duties for the project at an garden. The rest of the work would be handed over to the other departments of Zhongye and the people from the Xin Group. She wrote everything she could think of in the plan.

Du Anran was still looking forward to this project.

Because she knew that that place was the most beautiful place in City A. There, she could see the sea and touch the purest sky.

Du Anran left a place closest to the sea. She told Xin Zimo that she wanted to open a teahouse there. When she was free, she would sit by the railing and drink tea to enjoy the scenery. When she was busy, she would let more people enjoy the beautiful scenery.

She had already written her resignation letter. When Feng Jing came back, she should leave.

When she got off work at night, she went back to her rented house to rest. Just as she was about to call Xin Zimo while reading a book, her cell phone rang.

Du Anran looked at it and saw that it was her mother calling. She picked it up.

However, there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Du Anran thought that her mother had pressed the wrong button. Just as she was a little confused, there was a sudden sound from the other end.

It was the sound of a vase breaking!

Du Anran was shocked and hurriedly asked, "mom, what's wrong? "?

There was still no response. The phone on the other end seemed to have fallen to the ground, and suddenly there was no sound.

Only then did DU anran panic. What happened at home?

Du Anran casually put on a coat and walked out. She did not expect that it was still raining outside, so she did not bother to go upstairs to get an umbrella. She hailed a taxi on the way to the DU residence.

Please don't let anything happen... ...

Du Anran prayed all the way. Nothing would happen.

"Master, please drive faster! " Du Anran said.

After all, this place was still far from the DU residence. In fact, the worst thing was that Du Anran was not sure if the voice just now came from the house.

But according to the usual time, at this time, her mother should be at home.

She made a few more calls on the way, and as expected, all of them indicated that her phone was turned off.

Du Anran was already feeling uneasy, so she still called Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo, who was still at the Xin family, was also a little surprised when he received the call, but he was much calmer than du Anran.

"Don't worry, I'll go over from the Xin Corporation now, " Xin zimo said.

"Yes, yes. I'm really afraid that something has happened. " Du Anran's voice was a little shaky.

The person she was most worried about was her mother. If something really happened to her mother, what would she do... ...

"Miss, look at the heavy rain. The place you're going to is far away. Please be patient. " The chauffeur was a little impatient after being urged by Du Anran many times.

Du Anran knew that there was no use in being anxious. She could only hope that Xin Zimo could rush over as soon as possible.

Xin Zimo put down his work after receiving a call from Du Anran and immediately rushed to the DU residence. He did not want anything to happen to his aunt.

It was currently 9:30 pm, and everything was pitch black. The strong wind mixed with the rain attacked the land.

The Du residence was so dark that it was impossible to see one's fingers. The wind made the trees shake non-stop. The branches and leaves interweaved, making a swishing sound.

In the hidden garden of the DU residence, there was a soft "Wu Wu" sound. It was drowned out by the sound of the rain.

In a dark corner, the rain washed over everything. Bai Ruyun was being dragged by a woman. She was completely powerless to resist.

"Xiao Qingqing... where are you taking me? " Bai Ruyun used all her strength ...

The rain poured on her body. It was wet and cold. Her hair stuck to her face, and water dripped down her hair.

Xiao Qingqing held a knife against her neck. She did not dare to move.

Xiao Qingqing was also drenched, but she did not feel it at all, as if nothing had happened.

She just mechanically held the knife against Bai Ruyun's neck, and with her other hand, she grabbed Bai Ruyun's arm and walked out.

"Of course, it's the closest place to heaven! " Xiao Qingqing sneered.

Bai Ruyun's body trembled. She had let Xiao Qingqing live, but she did not expect that after so long, Xiao Qingqing would become even worse.

At that time, she had pleaded for Xiao Qingqing on behalf of Uncle Du Yuantong, but she did not expect Xiao Qingqing not only did not go abroad, but would come back again.

"Why didn't you go to Canada? " Bai Ruyun asked.

Xin Zimo did not let anyone pursue her back then. Logically speaking, Xiao Qingqing should have left the country a long time ago.

Xiao Qingqing sneered again. "Go to Canada? Can I go? I live a life of being chased every day. I don't want to live anymore! "

Xiao Qingqing's face was a little malevolent. She stared at Bai Ruyun with her empty eyes. One of her hands was still pinching Bai Ruyun's arm. She was practically dragging her out of the country.