Chapter 449, blood on the ground

"So you came back to look for me? " Bai Ruyun found it unbelievable.

"CUT THE CRAP! My mother passed away a few days ago. Before she died, the person she hated the most was you. Who else would I look for if not you? Oh, right, and that precious daughter of yours, I want to look for them all! "

"Why is your mother so confused in this life? " Bai Ruyun did not expect that Xiao Lanzhen had not come to her senses before she passed away.

"What right do you have to blame my mother! If it weren't for you, my mother would not have lived such a miserable life! " Xiao Qingqing's hands trembled, and she was a little excited.

The knife cut Bai Ruyun's neck, and Bai Ruyun immediately felt a trace of warm blood flowing down.

She knew that Xiao Qingqing had lost her mind, and she couldn't anger her at all.

Xiao Qingqing was still dragging her out, and Bai Ruyun didn't know where she was going. But she knew that the further she went, the harder it would be for Enron to find her.

Xiao Qingqing didn't care about the rain. She stepped on the rain and walked along the dark road.

Xiao Qingqing's shoes were already covered in mud, but she didn't seem to care at all, as if she only had one purpose, to bring Bai Ruyun to a place.

Bai Ruyun didn't dare to move. She was just stalling for time.

She thought that the rain could be heavier, so they would walk slower.

Xiao Qingqing had long been prepared to die. She really had nothing to worry about now. It would be good to take Bai Ruyun with her before she died.

But she felt a little regretful that she couldn't take du Anran with her.

When they were very far from the DU residence, a taxi passed by on the road.

Xiao Qingqing waved her hand to stop it. The driver thought that it was a passerby, so he stopped at the roadside.

Unexpectedly, the driver only saw a knife in Xiao Qingqing's hand when Xiao Qingqing came up.

"Cut the crap, drive wherever I tell you to! " Xiao Qingqing yelled at the driver.

The driver was so scared that he didn't know what to do. This was the first time he had seen such a situation in his life.

"If you dare to call the police or drive somewhere else, you will be the first one to die! " Xiao Qingqing said.

Xiao Qingqing found a pistol from somewhere. She put away the knife and put the pistol against Bai Ruyun's head.

Bai Ruyun didn't dare to move. The driver was scared silly and only knew to drive forward.

The taxi drove quickly on the road, splashing the water on the ground.

Xin Zimo drove to the DU residence and passed by the taxi. He was so focused on the DU residence that he ignored the abnormality in the taxi.

It was raining heavily. Even though the windshield wiper was working, the car window was still blurry.

When he parked the car at the Du residence, he saw that the DU residence was pitch black and the door was still open!

Xin Zimo knew that something must have happened!

Although he did not want such a thing to happen in his heart, the strange situation around him told him that something he was worried about had happened.

Du Anran was still on the way, so she could only call Xin Zimo. "Zimo, are you here yet? "

"I'm here, don't be anxious. I'll call you if there's any news. "

Xin Zimo hung up the phone. He did not want Du Anran to be worried. It was best to wait for du Anran to arrive. He had already settled everything.

The door of the DU residence was open. He parked his car outside the door and walked towards the DU residence with an umbrella in hand.

As he walked, he smelled a faint smell of blood. Xin zimo frowned and a bad premonition crossed his mind.

What exactly happened... ...

After walking for a few steps, he found a pool of blood in a corner of the garden. It was not much, and it had almost been washed away by the rain.

There were obvious traces of chaos in the blood. It looked like intersecting footprints, but it also looked like there had been a slight struggle.

Xin Zimo used the headlights of the car to check his surroundings. He did not find anything unusual, but his heart was already in his chest.

He quickly walked back to the DU residence. He did not expect the door to the DU residence to be open.

He turned on the lights. The floor was littered with broken vases. He understood what Du Anran had said on the phone about hearing the sound of broken vases.

Xin zimo quickly checked the entire residence. He did not see anyone. In other words, it was very likely that du Anran's mother had been taken away!

There was also a broken phone on the ground, and the screen looked as if someone had run over it with the heel of a high-heeled shoe.

It seemed to be a woman... ...

It had only been half an hour since Du Anran received the call and he arrived at the DU residence. Where would they have gone in half an hour?

The rain was so heavy, and the Aunty would definitely struggle, which meant that they had not gone far at all.

Suddenly, Xin Zimo thought of the taxi just now.

At that time, the taxi was driving unsteadily, and he thought that it was a drunk driver. Could it be... ...

Thinking of this, Xin Zimo ran out of the DU residence. He started the car and immediately chased after it.

Regardless of whether his guess was right or not, it was still a clue.

Xin Zimo did not care about the storm. He stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to the maximum speed.

Soon, he saw the taxi from behind. Sure enough, the taxi was not driving steadily and had changed lanes several times.

No matter how heavy the rain was, Xiao Qingqing noticed a mercedes-benz following behind the taxi.

Xiao Qingqing was very familiar with the license plate number. At that moment, her heart was in turmoil.

Xin Zimo... ... She had not seen Xin Zimo for a long time ...

The man that she had fallen madly in love with back then was an extremely ruthless person.

She knew that Xin Zimo was going to exterminate her after that arson.

Xiao Qingqing gritted her teeth. This man that she loved and hated at the same time. She knew that if Xin Zimo found out that it was her this time, she would not be able to live.

Of course, she did not want to live either. However, she was determined to bring Bai Ruyun with her.

Since she was going to die, Xin Zimo and DU anran would hate her for the rest of their lives.

She had been following Du Anran during this period of time. She wanted to find an opportunity to make a move on Du Anran, but Xin Zimo was really too good to Du Anran, so she could not find an opportunity to do so.

Whatever, it was not too bad to take Bai Ruyun with her.

Bai Ruyun also saw the car behind in the rearview mirror of the taxi. She also recognized Xin Zimo's car.

"drive faster! " Xiao Qingqing suddenly shouted at the driver.

The driver was so scared that he didn't dare to speak. He kept shivering.

He still stepped on the accelerator and sped up.

Xin Zimo saw that the car in front had sped up. He already guessed that Du Anran's mother was probably in this car.

Bai Ruyun also didn't dare to move. Xiao Qingqing had a gun in her hand. If she moved, Xiao Qingqing would definitely shoot her.

But she was also prepared to fight Xiao Qingqing to the death... ...

Xiao Qingqing wanted to take her and jump off the 25th floor of the observation tower in city a because today was her 25th birthday... ...

It was probably fate to end it on her birthday.

Soon, the Observation Tower was almost here, and Xin Zimo was about to catch up.

"Stop the car! " Xiao Qingqing suddenly shouted.

The driver was so scared that he quickly stopped the car. Due to inertia, the car was thrown a few meters away.

As soon as the car stopped, Xiao Qingqing held Bai Ruyun and walked into the elevator.

Because it was raining heavily and the guns were hidden, the passers-by did not pay much attention to them.

Xiao Qingqing naturally did not dare to point the gun at Bai Ruyun openly. She held the gun in her left hand, and most of the guns were hidden in the sleeve of her coat.

The taxi driver was so scared that he rolled and crawled away. Just as the taxi left, Xin Zimo's car caught up with him.

However, he was still a step too late. When he got out of the car, Xiao Qingqing had already brought Bai Ruyun into the elevator of the observation tower.

Xin zimo cursed in a low voice, got out of the car, and chased after her.

At night, the people in the observation tower were already very few. In addition to the heavy rain today, the more people went up, the fewer people there were.

When Xiao Qingqing brought Bai Ruyun into the elevator, Xin Zimo had already caught up.

However, Xiao Qingqing and Bai Ruyun took the same elevator. Xin Zimo could only take the other one because he was a little late.

However, when Xin Zimo entered the elevator, he realized that he was faced with a big problem. which number should he press... ...

There were so many floors in the observation tower. If he pressed the wrong number, he might be a step late.

When Xiao Qingqing and Bai Ruyun got out of the car, Xin Zimo realized that the person who kidnapped Anran's mother was Xiao Qingqing.

He was too familiar with Xiao Qingqing. He did not expect to see her again after such a long time. Moreover, in this way.

Just then, Du Anran called. "Zimo, where are you now? "

The signal in the elevator was weak, but Xin Zimo could still hear du Anran's words clearly.

"where are you now? " Xin Zimo asked.

"I'm on the way to the DU residence. I'M ALMOST THERE! "

"Have you passed by the sightseeing tower? "

"Sightseeing Tower? I can see it, but I haven't arrived yet. "

"Help me see which floor the sightseeing elevator on the right of the sightseeing tower has reached. "

"Ah? " Du Anran did not understand. Her brain was slow, so she followed Xin Zimo's rhythm.

If she asked her to look, she would look.

As the taxi moved forward, she could clearly see the sightseeing tower.

There was a wedding photography studio on the tenth floor, and a Western restaurant on the twentieth floor. So, the elevator on the right... ...

Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five!

Du anran quickly replied to Xin Zimo, "it stopped at the twenty-fifth floor! "

Xin Zimo immediately pressed twenty-five. Not long after, he walked out of the elevator.

"Zimo, what happened? Where should I go now? " Du Anran asked.

"You don't have to go anywhere. Wait for me in the car, " Xin Zimo said.

His firm tone gave du Anran some calmness, but du Anran was still worried. Just as she was about to say something, Xin Zimo had already hung up the phone.

Xin zimo strode toward the elevator on the right. It was dark here, but he still keenly caught two figures standing beside the railing.

They were Xiao Qingqing and Bai Ruyun.

The rain outside the railing was falling. The place they walked past was wet, and the rain and blood were mixed together.

Xiao Qingqing tried to bring Bai Ruyun over the railing, because everything ended after they climbed over the railing... ...

On her birthday, everything turned into dust... ...

Outside the Observation Tower was the dark sky. Only the twinkling lights in the distance could be seen. When the strong wind blew, the rain fell on their faces, cold and cold.