Chapter 450, the last meeting

Xiao Qingqing walked forward, but Bai Ruyun naturally refused to leave. When the two of them were in a stalemate, Xiao Qingqing pointed the gun at Bai Ruyun's head.

Bai Ruyun froze, and then Xiao Qingqing's cold voice rang in her ear, "If you want to die early, I can help you. "

The blood on Bai Ruyun's neck had not dried yet, but she could already feel the pain and the cold muzzle of the gun.

She could not die, especially not with Xiao Qingqing.

She would finally have to pay the price for her softhearted heart, but as long as there was a glimmer of hope, she would do her best to protect herself.

Their every move fell into Xin Zimo's eyes. Xiao Qingqing quickly dragged Bai Ruyun to the lower part of the railing.

Xiao Qingqing's eyes were already as seductive as a poppy flower. She wanted to push Bai Ruyun down with her own hands and watch her fall from the twenty-fifth floor, shattering into pieces.

This was what she wanted to see the most. This was the last gift for her birthday.

"If it weren't for you, my 25 years of life would have been a completely different scene, " Xiao Qingqing said to Bai Ruyun malevolently.

Bai Ruyun didn't want to speak anymore. Up until now, Xiao Qingqing had experienced so many changes, but she still didn't repent.

Her original kindness was to let Xiao Qingqing live, to let her understand that it was never too late to make amends. But Xiao Qingqing had disappointed her too much... ...

Just like her mother, she had been instilled with an evil obsession, a flower of evil.

The wind and rain mixed together and hit Xiao Qingqing's face. She felt the coldness and coldness. She smiled miserably, her long hair fluttering in the wind.

She did not want to say anything more. She only wanted Bai Ruyun and du Anran to die with her.

Although she could only achieve one, it was still a loss.

She saw the disgust on Bai Ruyun's face, and her heart felt even more uncomfortable. She pushed Bai Ruyun down onto the railing.

She wanted to push Bai Ruyun down and crush her into pieces!

Xiao Qingqing seemed to have used up all her strength. Bai Ruyun was not stupid, and she also struggled hard.

Just as Xiao Qingqing and Bai Ruyun were entangled, Xin zimo quickly snatched the gun from Xiao Qingqing's hand from behind He kicked Xiao Qingqing Away with force.

Xiao Qingqing was caught off guard. She had been too emotional just now and had forgotten that Xin Zimo was following behind her!

"Xiao Qingqing, it was Enan's mother who begged for mercy that I let you live. I didn't expect you to be unrepentant and do such a thing! " Xin zimo's tone was very tough.

Bai Ruyun was already protected by Xin Zimo behind her. She held onto the railing to prevent herself from falling down.

"spare my life? Then should I thank you, CEO Xin? " Xiao Qingqing's eyes were cold. "Do you think I can live a good life just because you let me go? "

The man she had loved in the past had never loved her.

"life is your own business. You have never considered living a good life from the start! " Xin Zimo said mercilessly.

"Then didn't you promise me that you would marry me after I helped you get the information on Shihe? " Xiao Qingqing's tone was full of mockery.

"Xiao Qingqing, I have always separated business interests and personal life. You should know this very well! " Xin Zimo said.

"It's my fault in the end. You, President Xin, just can't let go of that woman named Du Anran! " Xiao Qingqing yelled hysterically.

"You also have a man who loves you. You can also live a good life by your own efforts, but have you ever cherished it? Your own problems are always blamed on others. Is this proof of cowardice? " Xin Zimo said.

Xiao Qingqing had been looking at the man in front of her with the weak light. Perhaps, this was the last time she would see him in her life.

She loved him. No matter how cute he was, she hated him deeply.

At this moment, she saw the elevator behind Xin Zimo Open. Du Anran walked out from it.

Xiao Qingqing's eyes immediately lit up. Since she could not die with Bai Ruyun, it was even better to die with Du Anran!

The moment du Anran walked out of the elevator, Xiao Qingqing took a few steps ahead of Du Anran. The knife in her sleeve was immediately placed on du Anran's neck.

"Xiao Qingqing! Why is it you! " Du Anran's eyes widened.

She thought of many possibilities, but she did not guess that this person was Xiao Qingqing.

She was only worried that something would happen, so she came to the 25th floor. She did not expect that her mother and Xin Zimo would be here.

Only then did she understand why it was the 25th floor. Today was Xiao Qingqing's birthday!

"Very surprised? I've been following you for a few months. " Xiao Qingqing was sarcastic.

Du Anran felt a chill on her neck, and the knife touched her skin.

No wonder she always felt like she was being followed during that period of time. It was Xiao Qingqing... ...

"Why did you come back? " Du Anran asked.

"where else can I go if I don't come back? Miss Du, you're really daydreaming. Do you think everyone is like you? If you can't be the eldest daughter, you'll become the CEO's wife, " Xiao Qingqing mocked.

"Xiao Qingqing, put down the knife! " Xin Zimo said in a low voice.

He took a few steps forward, and Xiao Qingqing immediately said with red eyes, "don't come over. If you come over, I'll kill du Anran right now! "

After saying that, Xiao Qingqing held the knife in one hand and strangled du Anran with the other.

Du Anran was suffocated by her strangulation. Xiao Qingqing knew that if she wanted Du Anran to die, she had to be ruthless. Since she couldn't let her die, then it would be nice for Du Anran to have a taste of being cut by a knife!

"Xiao Qingqing, you let Anran go. Tell me, what do you want? " Bai Ruyun's face was full of anxiety.

"I only want Du Anran to die. Are You satisfied with this answer? " Xiao Qingqing sneered.

"Xiao Qingqing, YOU'RE CRAZY! " Bai Ruyun said angrily.

"I am crazy, so I don't even want to live anymore! " Xiao Qingqing suddenly cried.

The rain was falling, and Xiao Qingqing's cry was especially mournful.

If it was possible, who wouldn't want to live well? But she had no way out... ...

She should never have made an enemy out of Xin Zimo. She couldn't win against him... ...

Suddenly, Xiao Qingqing's cry could be heard from the rooftop, and the surroundings seemed to have quietened down.

Hearing Xiao Qingqing's cry, Du Anran's heart was still very complicated. From when she first met Xiao Qingqing, to when Xiao Qingqing betrayed her, to when they became enemies.

Step by step, there was only hatred and hatred between them.

Thinking back to the time when they first met, there was also a beautiful time, but everything eventually disappeared.

The human heart could not resist desire.

But what she should be concerned about now was the knife that Xiao Qingqing had placed on her neck!

Because Xiao Qingqing lost control of her emotions, Du Anran clearly realized that the knife was trembling, but Xiao Qingqing did not let her guard down.

Xiao Qingqing's other hand was still on the back of her neck. She could not move at all. In other words, as long as she moved, Xiao Qingqing's knife would definitely be faster than her escape.

The lights here were very dim, but du Anran still saw the expression on Xin Zimo's face.

His face was dark, and his thin lips were pursed lightly. At first, he looked at Xiao Qingqing, but a few seconds later, he threw a glance at her.

Du Anran immediately understood because she saw the gun in Xin Zimo's hand.

It was probably because the two of them had lived together for a long time that they had a tacit understanding. Du Anran understood what Xin Zimo wanted to do. And what she wanted to do was to cooperate with him.

Du Anran knew that the first thing she wanted to do was to distract Xiao Qingqing's attention.

She moved slightly, and sure enough, Xiao Qingqing immediately stopped crying and used her hand to strangle her neck.

"Du Anran, don't even think about moving. I'm going to die with you today. If you move, my knife will move. Let's see who's faster, " Xiao Qingqing said coldly.

Sure enough, in the next second, the knife in her hand went deep into Du Anran's skin. Du Anran felt the pain.

A warm current flowed down her neck. Du Anran did not need to look to know that it was blood.

Xin Zimo and Bai Ruyun's hearts also tightened. The blood in Xin Zimo's eyes became thicker. He really wanted to shoot immediately.

"Xiao Qingqing, calm down. If I remember correctly, today is your birthday, right? " Du Anran said.

She remembered because she had once celebrated Xiao Qingqing's birthday with her.

After all, Du Anran was not a fickle and forgetful person. On the contrary, she had a good memory. However, the better she was, the more she sighed when she recalled the past.

"So what if I am? I would rather not have come into this world! " Xiao Qingqing's tone was not the least bit relaxed.

"actually, we should not have come to this point where we have to fight each other. Do you still remember the first birthday I gave you? " Du Anran said lightly.

How could Xiao Qingqing not remember? She knew that in the past, du Anran was very good to her, so good that she trusted her as her best sister. That was why she was able to easily steal all the confidential information of the world peace.

However, she would not be moved, because from the first day she got close to Du Anran, her goal had never been simple.

"I don't want to talk to you about this, I've never treated you as a friend! Du Anran, today, we're still going to die together. Don't you feel wronged? " Xiao Qingqing said.

"No one wants to die, including you. Life has always been cruel. You think that what you've experienced is the limit, but in fact, many people suffer more than you. In fact, you could have found a small city to live a good life, but you just had to return to city A. I know that you're not reconciled,"Du Anran said.

"Du Anran, don't talk to me like you know me very well. It's not that I'm not satisfied, I just don't want to let the people who hurt me live in peace, " Xiao Qingqing said.

Xin Zimo and Du Anran were the same. They had long gnashed their teeth. If they were talking about hurting people, Xiao Qingqing was the one who hurt the most!

"To be honest, I treated you well all those years. I still don't know where I hurt you. If you can, tell me. At least, let me die with a clear mind, " Du Anran said.

Du Anran's expression was very calm, but in fact, her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

There was still warm liquid on her neck. It was sticky, and she was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold on.

"You didn't hurt me? Regardless of what Bai Ruyun did to my mother in the past, just say that after I met you, you often took me to the upper-class circle, but I didn't know anything at that time. You dragged me along just to be a foil to you! "